Date Created: 5/29/2002
Filename: DXMP_HouseArrest
Author: OldGrandad
Reviewers: DerianX slicer Face OldGrandad
* CoMpUdOc cracks his reviewing knuckles
slicer: dum dee dum
DerianX: Everyone ready?
Face: Yea
CoMpUdOc: Indeed
DerianX: Anyone need a drink or anything?
Face: No just start! :)
DerianX: ok, ok
CoMpUdOc: Hmm... textures...
slicer: Rather plain
DerianX: Green, green grass
CoMpUdOc: For the most part, I think they were done.. ok
DerianX: That is the greenest grass you'll ever see
slicer: Appropriate, I guess most of it is, but it's the same everywhere, too plain.
DerianX: It's funny though, the store must have had a HUGE sale on that one wallpaper, every house has it.
CoMpUdOc: Some movers were poorly textured (as face pointed out to me)
DerianX: I could never figure out which house I was in because they were all the same
CoMpUdOc: Indeed.
Face: Although most of the textures were appropriately selected and varied, such as the different type of brick on the houses, buildings (gas station, church, etc), I cannot ignore the fact that there were many places in which the textures were badly aligned or applied - such as the glass in buildings, showing an apparent lack of care when creating the windows - you could see "see through" areas on the edges of glass (poor architecture).
CoMpUdOc: Not many custom textures either...
DerianX: Despite the monotony of them, they were well suited for the most part in my opinion.
slicer: true
DerianX: Too much grass though
slicer: I give it a 6.5
DerianX: hmmm... 6
CoMpUdOc: 5.5 here.
Face: I agree with the note about the textures being repeated too much.
Face: 5.25
CoMpUdOc: ...
DerianX: um...
slicer: lol
* DerianX rounds Face to the nearest half
Face: oh, 5.5 then
slicer: 5.875 is average
Face: Lots of effort to copy & paste.
DerianX: Way too boxy
Face: Some of the architecture showed distinct lines and gaps in them, evidence of poor build?
CoMpUdOc: yeah
DerianX: BSP errors afoot as well
slicer: yes, too many BSP errors, I can see them whilst walking in the open.
DerianX: And too much empty space
slicer: yes
Face: Lots of BSP errors. I can't help feeling that this map was built with the grid size set to 1.
CoMpUdOc: Indeed.
DerianX: I used to use a grid size of 1, now I use 4
Face: I use 16 mostly, then 8 then 4 then 2 then 1 when necessary
slicer: The map size is too big, hence causing too much open space
DerianX: The geometry was not impressive to me
Face: Me either.
CoMpUdOc: Nor me... 4.5
DerianX: Much of the detailed geometry looked to be prefab
CoMpUdOc: Copied from the game.
slicer: 5 from me
DerianX: 4
Face: Yeah, such as the trucks, the petrol pumps, the church (parts), the "office", the gas station.
CoMpUdOc: Most altered but still very noticeable
* slicer waits for the score from Face
* DerianX stairs(tm) at Face
Face: From a mapper with an experience point of view, there were a lot of silly little mistakes, such as bits not correctly aligned (brushes that is, not textures), and also that "invisible brush" thing with the desk, what was all that about?
DerianX: the "Invisible brush" is a rebuild error
Face: I know.
DerianX: oh
CoMpUdOc: I could walk through this one area in the crypt going down, but not up.
Face: Which again shows errors in building methods.
DerianX: looks like there may have been overlapped brushes, maybe not though
Face: A minefield of small problems which make it worse than a big major problem... 4.5
slicer: 4.5 average
slicer: Lighting is ok in some parts, but some parts are over done
CoMpUdOc: ..Throw together
slicer: Agreed
CoMpUdOc: It's too light outside...
* DerianX notes the lack of special sighting
Face: Some areas of the lighting were ok, but other areas were really bad - as if the default properties for a light were used.
CoMpUdOc: God...defaults
DerianX: no colors, no flickers
Face: The lighting was good in the office by the trailers.
slicer: ya
CoMpUdOc: The inside of the buildings...blah
DerianX: I think I noticed a torchwaver effect in the Crypt, but that's about it
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, the crypt was a tad better
slicer: 6 here
CoMpUdOc: 5.5
Face: 5.5
DerianX: no coronas on the street lights either... I don't think...5
slicer: 5.5 AVERAGE
Sounds & Music
Face: The music is horrid. ;)
* slicer hides
DerianX: I like the music, but it didn't quite feel right
CoMpUdOc: I didn't like the music much...for that map.
* slicer thinks it did, but does not fit the atmosphere for the game
DerianX: It repeated a little much too
CoMpUdOc: yeah
Face: The music did not suit this map at all, it sounded too light and "happy" for DXMP, perhaps if the map was a picnic on the grass areas it would have been suitable, but not for what the map was designed for.
DerianX: It felt like "La dee da... I'm killing you with a gun... la dee da"
CoMpUdOc: Exactly.
Face: Yeah, that's it!
CoMpUdOc: I heard little sounds, as in... hardly any
Face: Where exactly were the sounds?
CoMpUdOc: I didn't hear any actually
DerianX: I think the sounds were part of the song
slicer: In the crypt area
Face: I heard some in the office by the trailers......
slicer: and in the house...
Face: The music repetitive, boring, too happy, sounded ugh.
slicer: I believe most DX music is repeated
slicer: I give sound 1.5/5
DerianX: ok, so slicer votes 6.5 total
CoMpUdOc: I'll give 4
DerianX: I say 3.5
DerianX: no, 4
Face: 4
slicer: 4.875 average
Layout & Design
DerianX: I spent half my time lost
Face: It doesn't appear like there was much design thought in this map; a bit of this and a bit of that, with some tunnels thrown in. The map is extremely large with massive open areas, lacking any real content or architectural excellence in the form of something original and new.
Face: Am I still here?
DerianX: yes
slicer: yes
Face: hello?
DerianX: hi
slicer: Can anyone see Face?
DerianX: I can
slicer: me too
DerianX: heh
Face: what's happening? anyone going to say anything?
slicer: !
DerianX: [Face PING reply]: 0secs
Face: stop pinging me derina
DerianX: :P
Face: Fooled you all!!!
DerianX: not me
Face: Yes, you too... lol
CoMpUdOc: Massive, laggy, big.
slicer: Design suits what the map is intended for, but its huge size is beyond question...
CoMpUdOc: Did I mention huge?
DerianX: Big + empty + confusing = ungood
slicer: yep
Face: It seemed like many of the buildings and objects in the game were direct copies or very similar to those found in the original game without consideration given to the nature of DXMP.
CoMpUdOc: This map is laggy beyond play, caused by the layout.
DerianX: Then again, the original intent was a laid back and relaxed environment
Face: But DXMP isn't about being laid back and relaxed.
CoMpUdOc: yeah...and you need speed aug to do anything really
DerianX: true
Face: It takes 20 minutes to walk from one side to the other!
CoMpUdOc: If you walk, maybe
DerianX: Tankers are forced to run half way around the map to enter an area.
slicer: The map is biased to speed!!! Definitely
CoMpUdOc: Very.
slicer: 5
CoMpUdOc: 4
DerianX: 2.5
Face: 3
CoMpUdOc: wait, 3 is all this deserves
Face: copying me?
CoMpUdOc: no
Face: yeah, yeah
slicer: 3.625 Average
slicer: 3.375, DOH!
* DerianX gives slicer a new calculator
Item Placement
slicer: Items are not evenly spread everywhere
Face: There appeared to be quite a few items spread out throughout the map, possibly a bit too easy to locate and access.
CoMpUdOc: There were lots of lockpicks...
Face: Yeah.
DerianX: LAW was in a spawn point... big no no
Face: There's more than one LAW
CoMpUdOc: Medkits...nope, Multitools...nope
slicer: Then again, considering things on the TANKING side, its hard for them to get items
CoMpUdOc: That's bad
DerianX: I could barely find any items
CoMpUdOc: I could find lots and lots and lots... of lockpicks
DerianX: and almost all of the security computers for the turrets were in spawn points too
Face: lockpicks yeah.
Face: Yeah, that's bad.
Face: (re: computers)
slicer: very bad
DerianX: Oh yeah, lockpicks all over the place, here a lockpick, there a lockpick, everywhere a lockpick (re: lockpicks)
slicer: Lockpick promotion
DerianX: hehe
Face: You sure you're not talking about multitools derina?
DerianX: hmmm, lem'me think...
Face: lol
slicer: The repair bot situation is rather bad
CoMpUdOc: I saw 2 total.
Face: The repair bot in the office was behind a door that could be blown up!
slicer: In the middle complex, the repair bot could be either lockpicked or multitooled
DerianX: ah yeah, that one repair bot was in the open
Face: Free repair bot in the gas station.
slicer: yup
CoMpUdOc: I hate freebies
DerianX: unless they're really hard or unsafe to get
* Face charges CoMpUdOc for his time.
CoMpUdOc: ...
Face: :P
slicer: lol
DerianX: 3 from me
slicer: 4
CoMpUdOc: 3
Face: 3
slicer: 3.25 average
slicer: 2
Face: 1
CoMpUdOc: 1, next
slicer: Derian, what is your score?
Face: The map seemed pointless; spread over an enormous area with many of the buildings not having much reason.
CoMpUdOc: I can't play this map.
DerianX: Well, usually I don't really like an avg fps of 5
slicer: Derian, what is your score?
DerianX: I really just plain couldn't play, 1.5
slicer: 1.375 average
* slicer slaps CoMpUdOc around a bit with a large hairy & slimy trout
* slicer thumps CoMpUdOc with a sledge hammer
* slicer chases after CoMpUdOc with a leaf rake.
CoMpUdOc: uhhh
Fun Factor
Face: I dread it.
CoMpUdOc: ...
DerianX: heh
slicer: Fun, I think its fun
DerianX: It's fun if you're not playing to kill and win
slicer: I agree with DerianX
Face: I agree with Derina.
CoMpUdOc: yeah... sigh
slicer: I give it 9.5 for non-DXMP style fun
CoMpUdOc: ok, 1.5
CoMpUdOc: ...9.5?!
Face: Slicer wake up you fool!
DerianX: As far as actual DXMP goes though.. um... no
slicer: For DXMP, that drops to 3
slicer: Average for me is 6
DerianX: I spend more time lost than actually playing
CoMpUdOc: yeah, hardly any fragging.
Face: I think 2 is generous
DerianX: I'm afraid I have to say 1.5
slicer: Average 2.75
CoMpUdOc: ...Sadly, yes :(
CoMpUdOc: slicer...6?!
slicer: I averaged mine
Face: lol
slicer: I consider the map to be played in different methods
Face: it's for DXMP!
CoMpUdOc: Not for DXPA
slicer: Damn DXPA
Face: o_O
slicer: O_o
CoMpUdOc: DeusExPlayingAround
Face: Slicer would prefer it DXFAWC
slicer: ?
Face: Deus Ex Fooling Around with CoMpUdOc
slicer: o_O
CoMpUdOc: ;) @ slicer
slicer: !
Final Thoughts
DerianX: It's quite above most people's first effort
CoMpUdOc: Yes...
slicer: A lot of time and effort put into it
CoMpUdOc: That I know for sure
Face: Although I've been pretty harsh on this map review, I do appreciate what OldGrandad was attempting to achieve. I can't help but feel that perhaps it was a little bit too ambitious for a first map and although he did spend a lot of time and effort (I know that from speaking with him) his inexperience with the SDK showed and as a result the map unfortunately suffered.
CoMpUdOc: I just have to be blunt....I do not like this map
DerianX: It was an excellent effort, but isn't suitable for DXMP
* slicer likes the music... (I am so biased)
CoMpUdOc: Indeed.
* DerianX notes: slicer is biased
Face: The overuse of (seemingly) copying and pasting was disappointing.
CoMpUdOc: If it were smaller, I think it would have turned out better.
DerianX: yeah
slicer: yeah
DerianX: yeah
Sounds & Music
Layout & Design
Item Placement
Fun Factor
Final Score: 37%