Date Created: 5/29/2002
Filename: DXMP_Wild_West
Author: Beast
Reviewers: DerianX slicer CoMpUdOc Killer
slicer: starting review?
DerianX: maybe
* DerianX stairs(tm) at Killer
Killer: I'm here
* DerianX stairs(tm) at CoMpUdOc
* DerianX stairs(tm) at slicer
* DerianX stairs(tm) at DerianX
* slicer slaps DerianX around a bit with a large hairy & slimy trout
DerianX: :D
DerianX: There were alignment problems all over the place
slicer: Yes, a lot
CoMpUdOc: Plus it was quite bland
Killer: si
slicer: The textures were not imaginative
Killer: very plain
slicer: It suits the map, but it seems very plain
DerianX: I found it a bit cartoonish
CoMpUdOc: ...maybe
DerianX: the colors contrasted too much
CoMpUdOc: hmmm
DerianX: BSP holes make it look bad too
CoMpUdOc: There were a lot
Killer: many bsp holes
CoMpUdOc: Way too many
Killer: like 6000
DerianX: but they didn't affect anything
Killer: no they didnt, but it made level look bad
CoMpUdOc: More than I have ever seen in a map
slicer: I'll give it 3
CoMpUdOc: 3
DerianX: None of them were overly out of place though
Killer: 2.5
DerianX: 3.5
slicer: I have to work out the average
slicer: average = 3
slicer: Nice bank
CoMpUdOc: Yeah
slicer: A few nice ideas
Killer: its creative
DerianX: the terrain is pretty good
CoMpUdOc: In spots
DerianX: the rooftops weren't just flat
* CoMpUdOc maims slicer
slicer: Hmm, effort was used, but buildings are rather blocky
CoMpUdOc: The whole map just stopped into nothingness, No fence or anything
DerianX: that's not good
DerianX: lol
Killer: LOL
CoMpUdOc: The place where you could hang yourself was cool
slicer: LOL, yep
DerianX: gallows
CoMpUdOc: gallows, thats the word...duh
DerianX: hmmm
CoMpUdOc: I was drawing a blank
DerianX: So there are some good and some bad
Killer: would be nice if there was a old style texas jail
DerianX: Yeah, for slicer
CoMpUdOc: The rest of the buildings were too small...not anough headroom
slicer: yep
slicer: Hmm, I'll give it 4, some creativity, but I'm rather disappointed with some of the implementations.
DerianX: the bar was ok
Killer: I give it a 4.5
CoMpUdOc: 5
DerianX: 5
slicer: grr, damn maths
CoMpUdOc: muwhahahahaha
slicer: 4.625 Average
DerianX: ah
* CoMpUdOc gives slicer new batteries for his calculator
slicer: Hmm, lighting wasn't good either
Killer: ya very bad in the above rooms
DerianX: Lighting was... bland
CoMpUdOc: The lighting was poor
slicer: Too bright in areas that shows no signs of where it is sourced
Killer: some corners were completely dark
slicer: Looks thrown together
DerianX: It was awfully bright indide the cave for no apparent reason
Killer: it should have been dark in the cave
slicer: Yep, heh
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I would have liked to have seen some torches in there
DerianX: yeah
DerianX: lighting = 2
CoMpUdOc: 2 also
slicer: 1.5
Killer: I give it a 2.5
slicer: Average umm... 2
Sounds & Music
DerianX: Sounds? Music?
CoMpUdOc: ...I think we can skip this one
slicer: What sound?
CoMpUdOc: Huh!?
Killer: LOL
CoMpUdOc: Music?
slicer: I heard one or two ambient sound, that was it
Killer: where?
slicer: Might be the aug switching...
DerianX: It was the bots
slicer: foot steps
CoMpUdOc: 1
slicer: Can we give 0?
DerianX: up to you
Killer: LOL
DerianX: 0.5 because the bots hum
slicer: LMAO
CoMpUdOc: 0.5
slicer: 0.5
Killer: 0
CoMpUdOc: uh oh, slicer might try to devide by zero...
CoMpUdOc: He may crash...
slicer: 0.375 average
Killer: lol
slicer: LOL
Layout & Design
CoMpUdOc: The layout was poor
DerianX: It still is
slicer: very poor
DerianX: It has a bad balance
Killer: yea
DerianX: Spawning in the cave is a big disadvantage
CoMpUdOc: Well, not if you snipe
slicer: Hmmm
DerianX: and this map is completely biased towards speed aug users
slicer: yes, very
DerianX: tanks can't get on the roof or in the water tower
CoMpUdOc: Tanks can get to the water tower
Killer: no into it
CoMpUdOc: ohhhhh
* slicer slaps CoMpUdOc around a bit with a large hairy & slimy trout
* Killer helps
DerianX: lol
Killer: lol
CoMpUdOc: anyhoo...way off topic
DerianX: as usual
slicer: I'll give it 3.5
Killer: 3
DerianX: 3
CoMpUdOc: 3
Killer: lol
slicer: 3.125 average
Item Placement
slicer: LOL
CoMpUdOc: Weeee
slicer: *cough*
DerianX: Hmmm, what's this multitool thing for again?
CoMpUdOc: Lockpicks... Lockpicks... Lockpicks.....
slicer: LOL
Killer: LOL
[slicer: Multitool... Muwahahahhahahahha
Killer: is for nothing...
CoMpUdOc: Hey, it's the old west!
* slicer excuses self
CoMpUdOc: all we had was nano-tech lockpicks and medbots back then!
slicer: The weapon placement was rather poor
Killer: there were weapons in the walls...
CoMpUdOc: I didn't see many medkits
DerianX: What was with the WP LAMs?
CoMpUdOc: Oh yeah...those custom weapons
DerianX: You couldn't see them when you threw them
slicer: lol
Killer: yes that was strange...
DerianX: 3
Killer: 2.5
CoMpUdOc: 2.5
slicer: 3
slicer: 2.75 average
DerianX: There are a lot of people who get version mismatches because of Minty's mod
slicer: Have you tried to jump off the edge?
Killer: you fall and die
DerianX: gravity is like 100x
slicer: heh
DerianX: It doesn't lag a whole lot
Killer: a bit
slicer: 'nuff said
DerianX: I'll say 3.5 for playability
Killer: 3
CoMpUdOc: 3.5
Killer: slicer?
slicer: hmm... 2
slicer: 3 average
slicer: that doesn't sound right
DerianX: it is
slicer: hmm
CoMpUdOc: Get out your slide-rules boys and girls!
DerianX: lol
Fun Factor
slicer: 2.5
CoMpUdOc: That was boring
slicer: Got bored very quickly
Killer: yup
CoMpUdOc: 2.5
Killer: 3
CoMpUdOc: DerianX?
DerianX: I've definately had more fun on other maps
slicer: I had to take on two [N/A] players, that was unfair :P
DerianX: 2.5
CoMpUdOc: :P
slicer: 2.625 average
Final Thoughts
slicer: ...
CoMpUdOc: It was a good attempt.
DerianX: A decent map but nothing spectacular and it's full of bugs
slicer: DERIAN?
CoMpUdOc: I like the idea of an old west map...
DerianX: Yeah
* slicer slaps DerianX around a bit with a large hairy & slimy trout
CoMpUdOc: but meshing the old west with futuristic tech...
* slicer slaps CoMpUdOc around a bit with a large hairy & slimy trout
*** slicer has quit (Network split)
*** Killer has quit (Network split)
DerianX: good timing
CoMpUdOc: hah, I love it.
DerianX: ;)
Sounds & Music
Layout & Design
Item Placement
Fun Factor
Final Score: 27%