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Date Created: 5/30/2002

Filename: DXMP_BigSteel
Author: El Kabong
Reviewers: DerianX slicer CoMpUdOc Trystero

* CoMpUdOc rummages for a snack
slicer: k, got my food, lets start :p
Trystero: I have already eaten.
DerianX: Ok then, am I ready?
CoMpUdOc: no
Trystero: no
DerianX: damn..
* DerianX gets ready
DerianX: slicer!?!?!
slicer: yes
DerianX: ok

Appropriate, but lacking. Badly aligned.
DerianX: There was a lot of proper alignment too
CoMpUdOc: yeah
Trystero: On the whole the textures looked good, just a few nit-pick details.
slicer: too plain
DerianX: The textures were quite blah in areas though
CoMpUdOc: yeah
DerianX: everything looked gray
CoMpUdOc: The custom ones were quite nice.
DerianX: I agree, the custom textures are quite well done
Trystero: None of them were too garish or out of place
* Trystero keels over.
* DerianX picks Trystero up
Trystero: Thanks
DerianX: sure thing
slicer: 4
CoMpUdOc: 5
Trystero: 6
DerianX: 6.5
DerianX: Mr. Average?
slicer: damn lame number... 5.375
* slicer slaps DerianX around a bit with a large hairy & slimy trout

CoMpUdOc: It's kinda boxy
DerianX: In places
slicer: From what I can see, its boxy, but it does have creativity for constuction site.
DerianX: The overall structure was indeed boxy, but there ware a lot of good details here and there.
Trystero: It looks like a childs playset. Everything is rather sprayed-on.
CoMpUdOc: I would agree with that statement.
slicer: yup
DerianX: I noticed a distinct lack of round things.
CoMpUdOc: (that's what boxy means)
Trystero: Needs more depth.
DerianX: there was a lot of empty space
slicer: definity
CoMpUdOc: ...lots and lots..and lots
DerianX: but for its size it was filled relatively well, maybe it is just too big
CoMpUdOc: It may be
Trystero: Kind of like "Mr. Bob Builds a New Skyscraper" meets "Urban Wasteland".
DerianX: I'll say 6
CoMpUdOc: 6 here
Trystero: 5.5 here
slicer: 5.5
slicer: 5.75 average

Trystero: It was a dimly-lit funhouse kind of way...
slicer: The brightness is not controlled well
DerianX: There were some good spots
CoMpUdOc: The lighting was done... ok in spots
slicer: Some areas are TOO bright
CoMpUdOc: yeah
slicer: overload
DerianX: Yeah, there were too many coronas
CoMpUdOc: Plus, the poorly aligned coronas on the light poles.
Trystero: Some of the lighting made no sense. No apparent light source.
DerianX: There were some spots inside which were pitch black too
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I noticed that also.
DerianX: Maybe by design, but there should be at least a slight hint of light
slicer: I wonder what it's like to fight in pitch black with the light aug...
DerianX: confusing
CoMpUdOc: yep
* Trystero begins to mumble incoherently.
slicer: 3.5
CoMpUdOc: 3
DerianX: lighting = 3.5
Trystero: 4
slicer: 3.5 average

Sounds & Music
CoMpUdOc: oy
slicer: 2
DerianX: Hmmm
Trystero: It made me want to get down on the dance floor and boogie.
slicer: No ambient sound
slicer: The music just does not blend
DerianX: I liked the music, though it is better suited for a smaller, more UT-style map
CoMpUdOc: I heard no ambant sounds...I heard several badly sound'ed doors...
Trystero: The music clashes with the stark, grey surroundings.
CoMpUdOc: The music just didn't fit.
DerianX: As I said, the music would suit a UT style map.
CoMpUdOc: yeah
Trystero: The lack of ambient sounds is not good. There should be all sorts of machinery noise.
* slicer slaps DerianX around a bit with a large hairy & slimy trout
* DerianX smells like fish
DerianX: 2.5
slicer: 2
CoMpUdOc: 2
DerianX: I like the song, but not in this map
Trystero: 1.5
slicer: 2 = average

Layout & Design
DerianX: Good and bad
Trystero: It's depressing.
CoMpUdOc: Snipers paradise.
DerianX: The walls in the spawn points are movers to prevent LAM placement
CoMpUdOc: Good feature.
DerianX: yeah
CoMpUdOc: Hmm...that elevator turret
DerianX: hehe
slicer: lol
CoMpUdOc: Overpowered/badly placed
slicer: You're too slow
CoMpUdOc: :P
CoMpUdOc: Also, the spawns points are too spread out.
Trystero: Yeah, makes spawnkilling difficult. :P
DerianX: There is too much empty space here though, and I find that 9/10 of kills are either snipe/GEP or from a battle in the streets.
CoMpUdOc: yep
slicer: 4
DerianX: not too many rooftop fights
CoMpUdOc: 4.5
DerianX: or indoor fights
Trystero: 5
DerianX: 6
slicer: 4.875 avg

Item Placement
CoMpUdOc: Who's got a lockpick?
Trystero: Bad! NAUGHTY! Bad!
DerianX: Very few lockpicks
CoMpUdOc: I came accross a medkit here and there...
Trystero: Lockpicks and multitools were placed in strange places.
DerianX: yeah
slicer: badly placed
Trystero: Not enough ammo crates and Repairbots were hard to find.
slicer: changing weapons is a nightmare.
Trystero: Did anyone see a medbot?
CoMpUdOc: yeah
DerianX: I like the fact that throwing knives are placed with ammocrates though.
CoMpUdOc: Did anyone see a repairbot?
DerianX: I think I saw about 4
Trystero: With a huge map like run out of ammo in a big street brawl and you're left high and dry.
DerianX: Very true
DerianX: Yeah, this map has the same problem as towers.
Trystero: Pack a combat knife and grab a sketchpad/magic marker to highlight ammo crates. :P
DerianX: If you leave the spawn point with the wrong weapons you're screwed
slicer: yep
CoMpUdOc: 3
Trystero: Did anyone see a LAW?
CoMpUdOc: nope
DerianX: At least it isn't overstuffed with LAMs
slicer: I think there was one law
Trystero: A map that large NEEDS a LAW!
slicer: It needs 3
Trystero: Or 10.
Trystero: Slicer reminded me that there was some 20mm available...
slicer: hehe
DerianX: I score item placement a big fat 4.5
CoMpUdOc: Delete my 3 up there..I wasn't paying attention.
slicer: 3
Trystero: 2
CoMpUdOc: 3 here
Trystero: So whick 3 should we use CoMp?
DerianX: lol
CoMpUdOc: Just kidding :P

Trystero: My FPS was okay.
slicer: Hard to play overall
DerianX: Surprisingly, it doesn't lag much for its size
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, my FPS was good for a map this size
slicer: the FPS is not too good for snipers, if you snipe from one side to the other the FPS plummets pretty hard.
Trystero: Bio energy nightmare.
CoMpUdOc: Unless you're Derian :P
slicer: lol
DerianX: :P
DerianX: I find the main problem is the same as skyline's, too damn big.
DerianX: unless you have a lot of players, you get lonely
Trystero: You need a lot of players for this map....otherwise it's practically like playing solitare.
DerianX: on a full server though, it makes for a good team contest.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, with 20 people.
slicer: DXMP can't even manage 14
DerianX: This map is good with 12 actually, but it's better played with CTF.
Trystero: Never played BigSteel in CTF mode.
DerianX: It's pretty cool
CoMpUdOc: The CTF version favors the large tower.
DerianX: well, I'll say 5
CoMpUdOc: 5 here
Trystero: I'll toss a 6
slicer: 6
slicer: average 5.5

Fun Factor
slicer: CoMp was sleeping
CoMpUdOc: Basicly.
DerianX: Two possibilities
DerianX: 1) Server is full, action is fast, fun is there.
Trystero: 2) Server is empty...and it's just you and your memories.
slicer: 2.5 for sniper fun and suicide fun
Trystero: Suicide can be quite fun in high altitude maps.
DerianX: Only a popular server could manage this map successfully
CoMpUdOc: 3 I had fun in the old PTCTF days.
DerianX: I'll say 4.5
Trystero: I'll give it 5 because of the respawning TNT crates... endless suicide distraction!
CoMpUdOc: FUN!
DerianX: It really depends on how many people are on the server
CoMpUdOc: True
slicer: umm
slicer: hang on
slicer: 3.75 avg

Final Thoughts
DerianX: :P
CoMpUdOc: :P
slicer: :P
Trystero: :P
DerianX: This map actually looks very well done, but when you look close you can see a lot of flaws
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I think it was rushed.
DerianX: hard to say
CoMpUdOc: From the look of it, that is
Trystero: It's a good map to play if you're using a sniper strategy.
DerianX: Despite it's flaws, it is one of the best user maps I have seen.
Trystero: True, it is very impressive to look at.
DerianX: Well then, I guess there's only one thing left to say
Trystero: LLAMA?
DerianX: yes, llama
Trystero: LLAMA!
DerianX: speaking of slicer ;)
slicer: ...

DerianX slicer CoMpUdOc Trystero
Sounds & Music
Layout & Design
Item Placement
Fun Factor
Total 47.5 35.5 37.5 45

Final Score: 41.5%

Copyright 2001 | Design by AsylumX | Coded by Jim