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Date Created: 5/31/2002

Filename: DXMP_DamnationAlley
Author: JohnnyBravo[TCN] RoadRunner[TCN]
Reviewers: DerianX CoMpUdOc Trystero Monoxide

CoMpUdOc: I have a ton of junk food ready for the review
DerianX: lol
CoMpUdOc: Cheesies, Assorted bakery items
DerianX: pass me a cookie
* CoMpUdOc passes one of his mother's home made cookies
* DerianX eats it
DerianX: Got milk? ;)

CoMpUdOc: Lots of brick...bad grammar on custom signs
Trystero: Perhaps it's a tribute to the educational level of government workers? :)
DerianX: I find they were fairly suited, though underground was a bit blah
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, the textures did match the scene well.
Monoxide: i noticed one spot in one of the stores where the textures were poorly aligned, but it was on top of a counter
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I saw that too
DerianX: I saw a few bad alignments like the fence at the top where it hangs over
CoMpUdOc: Oh yeah...
Trystero: I don't like that fence texture. It looks so-so in 32-bit and like $#!7 in 16.
DerianX: It has an outline
CoMpUdOc: Also...those masking holes
DerianX: Oh yeah
Monoxide: Hmmm
DerianX: the textures for the manholes didn't look right
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, would have been better with that manhole texture
DerianX: other than that though
DerianX: oh, skybox
Monoxide: or lack of
CoMpUdOc: Indeed, I'd like to know if it was an oversight, or a error
DerianX: 6
CoMpUdOc: 6.5 here.
Trystero: The textures seemed pretty well suited. Grunge/Post-Apocalyptic Urban sprawl type stuff... 6
Monoxide: I have to say 6, i liked the look
Trystero: Subtractions for the errors.
DerianX: That's how I do it
Monoxide: exactly
DerianX: I start at 10 and subtract
Trystero: Tell me more about your maths, Derian.
* Trystero drools.
* Mono slaps trystero
Trystero: Thank you, ma'am.
DerianX: I was waiting for slicer's average
Trystero: We don't have Slicer and Mr. Calculator...
DerianX: ...

DerianX: There were a few prefabs
Trystero: Some areas looked way too plain and blocky to be credible.
Monoxide: the whole map was blocky
CoMpUdOc: The whole map was blocks
DerianX: bricks
Monoxide: just like a city
DerianX: I saw ONE cabinet that was angled 45 degrees, but other than that
CoMpUdOc: WOW!
Monoxide: i liked that one
Trystero: Better scaling on some of the counters and shelves might have been helpful.
DerianX: although there were some interesting uses
Monoxide: the outdoor environment looked like a city. Many low class neighborhoods are blocky in general
CoMpUdOc: Those mini-stairs in the middle of the alley...I don't get it
Trystero: Well...I went to a Rite-Aid once that reminded me EXACTLY of Damnation Alley...
DerianX: lol
Monoxide: I'd like to point out how the architecture added to the playability though
Trystero: I'd agree with Mono there.
CoMpUdOc: Hrm..
DerianX: 5
CoMpUdOc: 5
Trystero: 6.5
Monoxide: 6

CoMpUdOc: Little dark, some weird colors in places...
Trystero: Too dark.
Monoxide: very much so
DerianX: Yes, but on the other hand it was realistic
Trystero: Derian...realism is NOT a dark alley with White Phosphorous Rockets lying around for anyone to grab...
CoMpUdOc: Heh...good point Tryst
CoMpUdOc: there were quite a few colored lights.
Monoxide: yeah
DerianX: reddish near the turrets
CoMpUdOc: Greenish in some of the side-alleys
DerianX: On the plus side, there WAS variance, not just equal lighting EVERYWHERE
CoMpUdOc: Lighting's gonna get a 7 from me.
DerianX: 7 here too
Trystero: 8. I like the PRETTY COLORS!!
Monoxide: im gonna say 7.5...i liked the way it varied throughout the map

Sounds & Music
Trystero: wind
* Trystero drunkenly stabs at his keys.
CoMpUdOc: The music... It was ok.
CoMpUdOc: It suited the map I thought
Trystero: Music was fine.
DerianX: It was very subtle, non-invasive
CoMpUdOc: I didn't notice much sound
Trystero: There could have been more "city" sound effects near the borders.
DerianX: I heard a few
DerianX: yeah
* CoMpUdOc frobs Mono
DerianX: oooh, kinkeh!
CoMpUdOc: ;)
Trystero: Any thoughts, Mono?
CoMpUdOc: Mono?!
Trystero: He's dead, Jim.
* CoMpUdOc gets the crash cart
DerianX: OMG!
CoMpUdOc: Charge to 300... CLEAR
*** Mono has quit (Ping timeout)
CoMpUdOc: Argh.
Trystero: A 35 year old man can get a quarter of a million dollars worth of life insurance for pennies a day!
DerianX: heh
* CoMpUdOc has a beer from the "Bulgarian Sadist Mini-bar"
Trystero: Thanks... Raid my fridge... See if I care.
* Trystero pours wine on Derian's head.
CoMpUdOc: prolly forgot to pay the bill
DerianX: lol
*** Mono has joined
DerianX: What in the blue hell happened to you?
Trystero: Did you trip over the power cord, Mono?
Monoxide: "cannot connect to server"
DerianX: oh
DerianX: Ready to continue?
Trystero: We have to play the map over again.
CoMpUdOc: Yep, start from the begining
Monoxide: lol
Trystero: Hi CoMp.
CoMpUdOc: hey Tryst
DerianX: Hi Frank
DerianX: you able to stay connected?
Monoxide: yeah it should be good now
DerianX: yay!
Trystero: Which map were we doing?
CoMpUdOc: DamnationAlley
Trystero: I forgot what I said about it.
DerianX: you said it was windy, but lacking city noise
Trystero: Oh yeah...I remember.
Monoxide: only sounds where the wind and the doors and the turrets
Trystero:'s no worse than other maps...really, it could just use MORE.
DerianX: yeah
DerianX: an average 5 from me
CoMpUdOc: I'll give it 5
Trystero: 7 - Nothing majorly wrong.
CoMpUdOc: At least there was wind
CoMpUdOc: Mono?
Trystero: Mono?!?
Monoxide: 5
CoMpUdOc: had us worried there
DerianX: lol, big panic

Layout & Design
CoMpUdOc: er, what I MEANT ot say was....the map is a good map for sniping/geping
Monoxide: players arent forced to play the whole map for domination
DerianX: good use of the z axis
Trystero: Yes. What they said.
DerianX: hehe
Trystero: The sewers could have been a bit more intricate.
CoMpUdOc: Yep.
Trystero: It wasn't really a sewer. It was an ammo dump under a slum. :P
CoMpUdOc: True.
Monoxide: if the turrets were more wide spread i think the whole map would have been better. I think a lot of it was well thought out though.
DerianX: I don't know how to describe it, there were some good camping spots which is rare for DXMP maps
Trystero: Some camping spots were TOO good... but more on that later. :)
Monoxide: the design was kept so players could be mobile, easy to move around
DerianX: I didn't find it so easy
CoMpUdOc: Mr. Power-Resirc
Trystero: The map was easy to navigate for me.
DerianX: 6.5
CoMpUdOc: 7
Trystero: 8
Monoxide: 8
DerianX: 6.5
Trystero: ...

Item Placement
Trystero: Boo!
DerianX: EEP!
Trystero: Bad bad!
CoMpUdOc: Hrm...
Trystero: NAUGHTY!
DerianX: yeah
Trystero: Too many free lams; Free WP.
DerianX: Too many freebies
CoMpUdOc: Lots of TNT Crates above
Trystero: Hey! TNT crates are FUN!
DerianX: That free WP + LAM combo in the camping spot is lethal
Trystero: I didn't know Wal Mart sold heavy explosives.
Monoxide: yeah
CoMpUdOc: Yeah....I die by a campers hand quite a lot due to that
DerianX: The LAW is too out of the way
Trystero: I thought the LAW was fine. It shouldn't be easy to get at.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, me too
Monoxide: out of the way from the camping roof yes
DerianX: I can understand the need to keep it dificult to reach, but there is such a thing as overkill
Trystero: No there isn't.
DerianX: it's more out-of-the-way than the one in Towers
Trystero: Not really.
CoMpUdOc: No, for the one on towers you have to hike a mile
DerianX: It has a turret PLUS you have to swim to it
Trystero: You had to cover more ground in Towers.
DerianX: Hmmm
CoMpUdOc: There was also a free LAM and Biocell in an underwater sewer passage. Other than that, there was a small shortage of Medkits
Monoxide: on the other hand....if you look at more of the little things like picks and tools I think they were well placed
DerianX: except one pick in a spawnpoint, there are 2 for 1
Trystero: Get rid of all the damn free stuff and you'd have good item placement in this map.
CoMpUdOc: The spawnpoints....well placed mostly...thought there's one where you run for 10 seconds to get to the outside.
DerianX: I didn't like the abundance of turrets
CoMpUdOc: Yeah
Trystero: The turrets never got me.
Monoxide: the turrets were about the only thing I didn't like
Trystero: You just have to know where to run.
CoMpUdOc: those turrets can get in the way of hand-to-hands fights
DerianX: every time I turned around I was being ground into confetti
Trystero: That's because you threw yourself on the turrets... SCREAMING for more...
DerianX: I run to get out of range of one and I'm faced with another
CoMpUdOc: Also with the turrets, I noticed the gun model would go into the wall at standby
Trystero: I noticed that too. :P
Monoxide: there was one where i was pretty sure the turret could get me while hacking
Trystero: I still don't know where the terminals are.
DerianX: look behind the wall the turrets are on
CoMpUdOc: anyway... 5.5
DerianX: 4
Trystero: 5
Monoxide: 7

Trystero: For some reason.....despite all the was really playable.
Monoxide: it flowed nicely for me
CoMpUdOc: Yeah...It's kinda strange, though it has quirks....the map is good to play
Monoxide: i was always able to get what i needed, and get to places i wanted to be. Lots of hiding spots
CoMpUdOc: Yep.
Monoxide: good shooting angles
Trystero: Keeps you on your toes.
DerianX: The action never really stops, especially if the turrests are active
Monoxide: nope
DerianX: Although the walk from the spawn rooms is a bit dull
CoMpUdOc: True
Monoxide: good FPS, no lag really. A strong 8 from me
Trystero: 9, I like it like that.
CoMpUdOc: 8 here
DerianX: 8

Fun Factor
Monoxide: i enjoyed the map
CoMpUdOc: I had fun on this map
Monoxide: one of the most fun user made maps I've played
Trystero: Yah.
DerianX: Other than being the target of multiple turrets all at once
CoMpUdOc: Bah, you need to use speed Derian
Monoxide: lol
CoMpUdOc: Again, the map has quirks...but I'll come back for more
Trystero: Close-quarters sniping.
Monoxide: 8.5
CoMpUdOc: 9 here
DerianX: 7.5
Trystero: Another "Silence of the Tanks" level. 10. Grande!
DerianX: :P

Final Thoughts
DerianX: NINJAS SUCK!... Tacticians are pretty cool though ;)
CoMpUdOc: :P
Trystero: If they just revise some small will be a truly excellent map.
CoMpUdOc: My thought...SLICER IS A FUBAR
Trystero: It's GOOD. With a few corrections it could be GREAT.
Monoxide: the only mistakes for those of an learning mapper... the design was excellent
* Trystero offers Derian a bowl of sawdust.
* DerianX drowns in the sawdust
DerianX: This map is quite decent a few more curves and a few less turrets would have been nice, but "bravo" nonetheless ;)
Monoxide: I'm impressed

DerianX CoMpUdOc Trystero Monoxide
Sounds & Music
Layout & Design
Item Placement
Fun Factor
Total 64 71 79.5 73

Final Score: 72%

Copyright 2001 | Design by AsylumX | Coded by Jim