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Date Created: 6/6/2002

Filename: DXMP_Carpark
Author: Face
Reviewers: DerianX Trystero Monoxide Mirage

* Trystero brandishes a broken bottle at DerianX.
DerianX: Thanks ma'am.
DerianX: Everyone ready?
Trystero: I'll never be ready.
DerianX: oh
Monoxide: o_O

Monoxide: It looked like a parking garage.
Trystero: Not like any parking garage I've ever seen.
Mirage: I didn't like the textures in the elevator, made it look like a concrete box.
Monoxide: yeah
DerianX: There wasn't a lot of variety, but the alignments all looked to be very well done.
Trystero: Each level could have had a varied color to indicate the floor.
Mirage: Maybe a specific color stripe, like some parking garages do. But perking garages are still confusing and so was this one.
Trystero: I am not daunted by the complexity of parking garages. :P
DerianX: I got lost a few times.
Mirage: I think the textures in some of the comm rooms for the ceilings were off, but just slightly, no big deal.
DerianX: Overall it was plain, but I liked it.
Monoxide: 8.5
DerianX: 7
Trystero: 7. Few errors. Limited Variety.
Mirage: 7.5
DerianX: ...
DerianX: Oh yeah, no slicer, so no averages.

DerianX: It was repetive but very well done.
Monoxide: It looks like a parking garage.
Trystero: The architecture reminded me of.....A PARKING GARAGE!
Mirage: Definatly looked like a parking garage.
DerianX: There were curved walls, exit signs, computer desks.
Trystero: OOOOOoOoOOH!
Mirage: I like the breakable floors.
DerianX: That was tre-cool.
Trystero: Breakable stuff scores high points with me.
Monoxide: I was impressed overall.
DerianX: Speed bumps, that was neat to see.
Monoxide: I liked that.
Mirage: Should have been able to walk on the ground outside though since you can jump to other roofs.
Monoxide: I fell to the ground.
DerianX: There's nothing out there though.
Mirage: so? :P
DerianX: I'm gonna' give it an 8.
Monoxide: 8
Mirage: 8
Trystero: 8.5 The derelict garage!
DerianX: hehe
Monoxide: lol

DerianX: It was decent.
Monoxide: I liked the shawdows on some ends of the different levels.
DerianX: It could have used a flickering light or two.
Trystero: The lighting did not remind me of a parking garage. Should have depended on more "real" light sources.
Monoxide: I think the lights in the stairways should have been different colored from the rest of the map, maybe yellow.
DerianX: Indeed, some variety would have been nice.
Mirage: yes
DerianX: The lighting was adequate, but nothing special. 5.5
Monoxide: 6.5
Trystero: It was convincingly ominous. I would be stricken with fear upon encountering any meter maid or valet in that parking lot of FEAR. 6.
Mirage: 6

Sounds & Music
DerianX: I actually noticed a sound or two.
Trystero: I heard a few.
DerianX: The music was more ambient.
Trystero: More music from the game.
Monoxide: I liked it the way it was, reminded me of a parking garage.
DerianX: hehe
Trystero: There should have been a hollow rushing noise or something.
Monoxide: The echo was spooky.
Mirage: yeah
DerianX: The echo was nice.
Mirage: Yeah, the echo really added to the abandonded feeling.
Monoxide: Of course when on the top level there was no echo.
DerianX: I heard one or two mechanical noises, I think there was a subtle wind outside too.
Trystero: I noticed that as well.
DerianX: Better use of sound than a lot of maps.
Monoxide: 8.5
DerianX: I'll say 7.
Trystero: 6.5
Mirage: 7

Layout & Design
Monoxide: The design reminded me of... a parking garage!
DerianX: Five floors of the same thing.
Trystero: I love redundancy.
Trystero: I love redundancy.
Trystero: I love redundancy.
Trystero: I love redundancy.
Trystero: I love redundancy.
Mirage: lol
Monoxide: It got real old, real quick.
DerianX: I feel that there should have only been three floors.
Monoxide: I agree.
Trystero: Three floors and an outside area would have been great.
Mirage: yeah
DerianX: The vents, roof, and comm rooms were cool, but too much redundancy. Better suited as a SP map
Monoxide: yeah
Mirage: like Trystero said, with 2 less floors it would have been better.
DerianX: 4
Trystero: 5
Mirage: 6
Monoxide: 4

Item Placement
Trystero: Loads of TNT crates.
Monoxide: !
DerianX: Hmmm, I had to let Mono out of a closet.
Monoxide: The damned door wouldn't open.
Mirage: I think I really only noticed one repair bot... there were probably more but becuase everything looked the same I'm not sure.
Trystero: Sparse item placement in the open areas and concentrated caches of stuff in specific areas.
DerianX: I found 3 repair bots.
Monoxide: A lock with 30 strength for a LAM, a biocell, an EMP, WP rockets, and 20mmHE...
Trystero: That kind of placement makes me want to pitch a tent and camp.
Mirage: Those cabinets that wouldn't open...
Monoxide: I wasted four picks on one.
Trystero: That cabinet tease was pure torture, we nearly lost our minds!
DerianX: I noticed stuff scattered about like tools and picks.
Monoxide: Between my getting stuck in a closet, and being screwed out of four picks I was not happy.
Mirage: Plenty of picks and tools as well as medkits once you knew where to look.
Monoxide: Well if you think about it, lockpicks are common in parking garages.
DerianX: hehe
Trystero: The munitions should have been more spread out.
DerianX: The security terminals are bunched together and far out of the way.
Trystero: That makes sense in a "real world" sort of way.
DerianX: Again, more suited to SP.
Mirage: Pepper spray and riot prods are a plus though.
DerianX: hehe
Monoxide: lol
Mirage: 5.5
Monoxide: 4
DerianX: 4.5
Trystero: 4.5

Monoxide: My fps was great.
DerianX: Fps was good, too bad it took 5 min to find anyone, and once you did if they ran it was easy to lose them.
Monoxide: yup
Mirage: yeah
Trystero: Gameplay dymanics were not balanced. Tacticians rule the map.
Monoxide: yes
Trystero: Too much space on each given floor is a bio drain.
Monoxide: Big time.
DerianX: hmmm
Monoxide: I do like the way you can go up and down in several locations.
DerianX: I think I surprised Mono when I used the speed aug.
Monoxide: I should have killed you when I was stalking you in the vent, but I thought you had ads for sure.
DerianX: !
DerianX: The turrets are overpowered too, but luckily EMPs aren't too hard to find.
Monoxide: Yes, really no way to hide from them and make your way in.
Trystero: Loads of TNT crates.
Monoxide: I've never found a TNT crate in a parking garage, don't know about you guys.
Trystero: I did once.
DerianX: All the time.
Mirage: Being able to block off ramps leading up and down was a pretty good idea and makes it harder.
DerianX: Neat concept, but the controls are out of the way.
Mirage: Good snipers might have a good time there since most the sniping will be level.
DerianX: It's hard to play when you're locked in a closet ;)
Mirage: 7
DerianX: 5
Trystero: 6
Monoxide: 5.5

Fun Factor
Mirage: It did get a lil' annoying since everything looked the same, but I do like the map.
Monoxide: I had fun at first, but it could easily get boring after five minutes or so.
DerianX: It COULD be fun if I didn't spend the whole game running around trying to figure out what floor I'm on.
Monoxide: Same here, so I can tell people what closet I was stuck in.
Trystero: The "B" factor was DEEPLY woven into this map. Yes...I'm talking about BOREDOM.
Monoxide: Being stuck in a closet was not fun.
DerianX: hehe
Mirage: lol
Trystero: I had to prop my eyelids open with dinner toothpicks.
Monoxide: lol
DerianX: You do that anyways.
Trystero: True
Monoxide: :P
Mirage: 6
Monoxide: 5
DerianX: I'm gonna' have to slap a 4 on the ol' fun factor.
Trystero: 3

Final Thoughts
Trystero: I spawned. I yawned. I died.
DerianX: I think it's a very well designed level, but would make a better SP mission then a MP map.
Monoxide: Yes, better suited as an SP mission. Perhaps cutting it down to three levels and adding an outside area would have improved it.
Mirage: Being able to jump to other roofs was nice. Breakable floors are cool, lets you surprise people under you. If you could go outside it would be better.
DerianX: Worth a sequel.
Trystero: Carpark 2: The Toll Booth.

DerianX Trystero Monoxide Mirage
Sounds & Music
Layout & Design
Item Placement
Fun Factor
Total 53 52.5 60 65

Final Score: 57.5%

Copyright 2001 | Design by AsylumX | Coded by Jim