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Rydberg Field
Date Created: 6/9/2002

Filename: Rydberg Field
Author: Krypt
Reviewers: DerianX CoMpUdOc Monoxide Mirage

* DerianX nudges Mirage
*** Mirage has quit (Ping timeout)
Monoxide: lol
DerianX: I nudged him too hard.
Monoxide: lol
DerianX: hmmm
* DerianX nudges CoMp ;)
*** Mirage has joined

Monoxide: I like how everything looked a lot like the tech maps from the original game.
DerianX: Nice balance of style and realism.
CoMpUdOc: Indeed, the textures were well used for a MJ12-U.N.A.T.C.O. Hybrid.
DerianX: I noticed they make CoMp's red shirt stand out.
Monoxide: I didnt notice any major issues with the textures - other than CoMp's red shirt.
CoMpUdOc: Yes
Mirage: Textures seemed fine, none really seemed out of place.
DerianX: I didn't notice any misalignments.
CoMpUdOc: No misalignments noticed by me.
DerianX: The skybox could have been more interesting perhaps.
CoMpUdOc: I thought it was fine.
DerianX: It was, but it was just a bit dull.
CoMpUdOc: The New York skyline in Chicago...
DerianX: hehe
Monoxide: lmao
CoMpUdOc: A little strange, but oh well.
Mirage: Close enough.
DerianX: ;)
Monoxide: 9
DerianX: 9
Mirage: 9
CoMpUdOc: 8.5
DerianX: You just HAVE to be different. :P

DerianX: I liked it.
CoMpUdOc: Damn fine if you ask me.
Monoxide: Everything reminded me of the original game.
Mirage: it was simple but it worked very well.
CoMpUdOc: Simple outside, perhaps.
DerianX: The outside of the underground base was sweet.
Monoxide: yes
DerianX: There were nice use of non-actor crates.
CoMpUdOc: The inside was good also.
CoMpUdOc: That roof door that you get stuck on though...
DerianX: that's because it's angled, movers are funny that way.
CoMpUdOc: ah
DerianX: I'll say 8.0 as it could have been more complex in areas.
Mirage: 8 as well.
Monoxide: 8.5
CoMpUdOc: 9.0

CoMpUdOc: Good outdoor lighting, plenty of nice coronas.
Monoxide: It looked beautiful i thought.
DerianX: Could have been better sourced indoors. Not the barracks, but the other buildings.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I'd have to agree.
Monoxide: I love the way the main room downstairs looked.
Mirage: The colored lighting near the computer consoles was a nice touch.
Monoxide: yeah
DerianX: The shadows in the alleys was a nice touch as well.
CoMpUdOc: Yep
DerianX: Therefore...
* DerianX gets out his "8.0" stamp
Monoxide: I'm gonna' say 8 as well.
CoMpUdOc: 8.5
Mirage: 8.5

Sounds & Music
DerianX: Music was suitable.
CoMpUdOc: Hmmm, lack of music in the intro kinda sucked.
Monoxide: I was just thinking that.
Mirage: In the intro when talking with Everett there was a loud background humm that got annoying.
DerianX: The ending had music, but it was very subtle.
Monoxide: yeah
DerianX: There was a lack of sound effects though.
CoMpUdOc: I heard some here and there, mostly from computers.
DerianX: The lack of voice acting (albeit hard to get) doesn't help either.
Mirage: You can't really hold that against them.
CoMpUdOc: Most SP maps don't have Voice Acting.
DerianX: Yes, but they SHOULD.
CoMpUdOc: Well, you try and hire a good voice actor. :P
DerianX: If you can take the time to build a map you can take the time to say your own lines and alter the samples.
Monoxide: hehe
DerianX: Heck, I could do it easily.
CoMpUdOc: :P
DerianX: Other than the music for the main part of the game I find it lacked.
Mirage: 5
DerianX: 3.5
CoMpUdOc: 5
Monoxide: 4.5

Design & Playability
CoMpUdOc: ok, I have a wee of a beef here...
Monoxide: lol
CoMpUdOc: Those damn doors.
DerianX: Damn doors!
Monoxide: Damn thsoe doors!
Mirage: Peer pressure... DAMN DOORS!
DerianX: hehe
Monoxide: How many guards does it take for an area of that size? I could have made a bonfire with all those corpses.
DerianX: 147
CoMpUdOc: What pissed me off the most was that some of the NPC's couldn't go through doorways.
DerianX: They were dumb yet their aim was good.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I hate that, but after a few rounds with Apoc on DXMP these guys were no challenge.
DerianX: Yeah, they are quite easy to kill.
CoMpUdOc: Run up behind... shoot.
DerianX: I found myself grinning evily when I picked up that sawed-off shotgun from the one guard. It was stealth up until that point, then it became Rambo style.
CoMpUdOc: I knew you would.
Mirage: lol
Monoxide: i played the whole map with the sword.
DerianX: >:D
Monoxide: hehe
CoMpUdOc: I kinda wish I had a speed aug option for this map, but it would have ruined the gates and fences.
Mirage: It was supposed to be part of an airfield right? Where were the airplanes and runways and control towers?
Monoxide: oversights i guess.
CoMpUdOc: Perhaps
Mirage: it didnt seem like part of an airfield to me. If at least one building looked like a hangar then maybe i'd buy into it.
DerianX: It felt more like an army base.
CoMpUdOc: Most DXSP maps send the player in a direction to get to a goal, here (at least for the first half of the mission) You tend to jump into a jumble of buildings and soliders. Thus resulting in confusion for the player... "Go forward, kill gaurds, etc."
DerianX: The illuminati isn't as organized as UNATCO. ;)
CoMpUdOc: But that one area just seems kinda jumbled, and this is a UNATCO/MJ12 base.
DerianX: I'm referring to Everett's planning.
Monoxide: lol
DerianX: Everett: "I need you to do this job, this guy in a building can help a bit. Now go get 'em tiger!"
Mirage: lol
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, thats about right.
DerianX: Alex Jacobsen was much better at giving directions. ;)
CoMpUdOc: Indeed.
DerianX: Having to use the modloader is both good and bad I guess.
CoMpUdOc: Good, because you don't have to overwrite anything.
DerianX: Bad because the modloader isn't easy to get a hold of... unless you have on disc.
CoMpUdOc: Or JP9000 in your back yard.
DerianX: The datacubes only work if you use the modloader.
Monoxide: The only downsides were the couple of things that were mentioned.
DerianX: Not enough "side-tracked" areas either.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, no backwater dealings of Zyme or anything.
Monoxide: Yeah it was pretty straight forward.
Mirage: Layout worked well.
CoMpUdOc: When I first played the map, I spent an hour trying to find the computer lab.
Monoxide: I give it a 6.5 because of those damn doors and the millions of guards.
CoMpUdOc: 6
DerianX: 5.5
Mirage: 6.5 becuase it didnt look like part of an airfield.

Item Placement
DerianX: Too much concentration at the start and in that shed.
CoMpUdOc: Yep, a lot of stuff in the shed, and those 3 aug canisters...
Monoxide: lol
Mirage: A bunch of locked lockers but not enough picks for all of them.
Monoxide: yeah that drove me crazy.
DerianX: Yet only two keypads that I remember.
Monoxide: For as much ammo as i got from the guards, it sure didn't last very long.
CoMpUdOc: :P
DerianX: LAMs are fun. >:)
Monoxide: lol
CoMpUdOc: Yeah
Monoxide: i tried blowing up that monster of a bot but it didnt work.
Mirage: There were 2 right?
DerianX: I found 2.
CoMpUdOc: There was one in the shed and one a a crate.
Mirage: right
DerianX: I score it 3.5 - not balanced.
Monoxide: i was dissapointed overall in the placement. 3
Mirage: 5
CoMpUdOc: The NPC placement was ok for the most part though, 4.5 here.

Mirage: Conecpt=Good Delivery=eh...
DerianX: The intro was weak. No cutscenes between maps. The ending was terrible.
CoMpUdOc: Well, I think the whole story was FPS style, not RPG style.
DerianX: It was too linear and too short. There was no real buildup to the final battle either.
Mirage: I like the idea behind it, but it could have been a little longer. On the other hand it's just a single mission so you can't really do all that much.
DerianX: You enter the last area and the last boss runs up "Hey, lets kill each other!"
Monoxide: lol
DerianX: ...and the way JC calmly walked out at the end.
Monoxide: I got a good laugh out of that.
DerianX: Too Terminator-ish.
Monoxide: I give the story a 3, it drove me crazy.
DerianX: 5.5
Mirage: 6
CoMpUdOc: I felt the story was set in a FPS style. You are basically given all your info at the start then sent out to do what you are told. There is no evolution of the story in any way, you just go and kill the guy. And as far as completing the mission - "Go kill the dude then press the big red button" and you've saved the world!
DerianX: heh
CoMpUdOc: Not at all in the spirit of Deus Ex. 5

Fun Factor
CoMpUdOc: I had fun but there were too many gaurds.
Mirage: I had fun too, i got pretty into it.
CoMpUdOc: The storyline was kinda, er...
Monoxide: Like a dull sequel to a kung fu movie.
CoMpUdOc: Frankly, the way you are setup with the story is kinda weird. It was setup more like a FPS than a RPG.
Mirage: Still fun to play in my opinion.
Monoxide: It reminds me of a sequel, everything is quick and just thrown out there.
CoMpUdOc: I don't think it was fully in the Deus Ex spirt.
DerianX: The ending was worse then Soldier of Fortune's.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I damn well agree.
Monoxide: The ending was just silly.
CoMpUdOc: Who has a nice big switch in plain sight to destroy your work?
Monoxide: true
DerianX: Everett: "Looks like you did it." JC: "That's what I do." THE END
Monoxide: Congratulations JC you did it! Now lets give you a pat on the back.
DerianX: The fun of watching the ending was non-existant.
Monoxide: the story just ruined it for me, that's all i can say.
DerianX: 6
Mirage: I give it a 7.
Monoxide: 7
CoMpUdOc: Fun=7.5

Final Thoughts
DerianX: I had fun, but too many guards.
Monoxide: i had fun with the mass amounts of guards.
DerianX: and those damn doors were a pain.
Mirage: There were too many guards but it was even more fun takin' them all down. :D
DerianX: I could take that giant mech... BRING IT ON! ;)
CoMpUdOc: No chance without ADS.
DerianX: If you get REALLY close it can't hit you.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah
Mirage: Final Thought - wasn't it supposed to be an airfield?
Monoxide: Final thought: Great mapping, but the story could use some improvement. An overall fun SP map to play.

DerianX CoMpUdOc Monoxide Mirage
Sounds & Music
Design & Playability
Item Placement
Fun Factor
Total 61 69 63.5 69

Final Score: 65.5%

Copyright 2001 | Design by AsylumX | Coded by Jim