DerianX: hmmm
CoMpUdOc: Well, plenty of Misalignments.
DerianX: A lot of the walls seemed a bit too...clean/smooth
slicer: yup
CoMpUdOc: Yeah.
Trystero: I don't know....some of the textures just didn't seem to fit.
DerianX: yeah
slicer: not at all
CoMpUdOc: Indeed.
slicer: Textures were overused...Didn't seem to blend
slicer: ..
DerianX: Some were...What's the word...hmmm...ah, lacking.
slicer: ja
CoMpUdOc: Yep.
DerianX: The textures were lacking
slicer: I'll give it 1.5
DerianX: well
Trystero: Most benevolent of you.
DerianX: I'll say 4
CoMpUdOc: I'll give it 4.5
Trystero: I'll throw a 3 at it.
slicer: 3.25 average.
Trystero: I win.
slicer: Bah...It is rather plain
DerianX: yay
* DerianX hugs Mr. Calculator
slicer: o_O
* CoMpUdOc kisses slicer
DerianX: :P
slicer: eek
Trystero: !!!!!!
CoMpUdOc: ;p
* DerianX puts on the swank music
slicer: ib!
CoMpUdOc: Erm...Copy>Paste! WHAT STYLE!
slicer: The bridge was kinda creative...I can't say much about the rest
DerianX: Yeah. The tower in the middle was neat on the top
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, cept' for that semi-solid brush on the bridge
DerianX: Yeah...there is a beam that you fall through
CoMpUdOc: Though, the ladders were a Copy-Paste deal, didn't function well.
DerianX: not good
slicer: yup
DerianX: looked that way
slicer: I can't say much effort was made
Trystero: The map was rather....bleak. Not too many curves....the bridge was interesting, but that's the only bit of REAL architecture I saw.
slicer: everything was random
Trystero: Are you drunk, slicer?
slicer: nope
Trystero: Good.
CoMpUdOc: Looks it..
Trystero: I am.
DerianX: hmmm...There were some interesting bits...but overall it wasn't very creative
CoMpUdOc: Yeah.
Trystero: The concept was creative.
DerianX: I'll say 4.5
CoMpUdOc: 4 - Copy>Paste is a nono.
slicer: 4.5
Trystero: And I love the name of the map, by the way. 4.5
DerianX: Copy/paste is ok if you do it right...if it's your own work that you're copy/pasting
slicer: 4.375 average.
Trystero: Slicer copy-pasted my score. :P
CoMpUdOc: Perhaps.
slicer: no, it was Derian's.
DerianX: :P
Trystero: Oh, sorry. :)
slicer: shut up! =)
DerianX: me too
Trystero: Yes master.
DerianX: erm
slicer: hah
CoMpUdOc: Heh
slicer: light and dark
DerianX: Too much pink
slicer: ...
Trystero: It looked like a dump truck drove through a track lighting store....
DerianX: There was pink lighting all over the tunnels
slicer: ib!
CoMpUdOc: Hmmmmm
DerianX: and there were areas that were too dark
Trystero: Pink seems ( to me at least ) to be slightly inappropriate for such an imposing structure.
DerianX: hehe
CoMpUdOc: Well, I didn't quite know where the light was coming from...no skybox and all
DerianX: I didn't like the lighting
CoMpUdOc: Very few light fixtures.
DerianX: 2.5
slicer: 2
Trystero: Toxic Pink ATE MY EEEEEEYEEES! 1.5
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, the lighting wasn't all that great - 3
slicer: 2.25 average
Sounds & music
DerianX: Hmmm
slicer: What music? Oh...
Trystero: Well...there was SOME sound.
slicer: sorry, UT Music.
* Trystero slaps slicer.
DerianX: The music was from UT if I'm not mistaken
CoMpUdOc: Well...the music wasn't good for this map.
slicer: it is
Trystero: Can I hear it ONE MORE TIME!
DerianX: I didn't notice any SoundFX
CoMpUdOc: At least there was a Wee of wind on the SoundFX side.
Trystero: I did.
slicer: I heard Wind
DerianX: oh yeah, at the top of the tower.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah
Trystero: Could have been more FX on the bridge....maybe a radio in the booth or more sloshing water FX.
DerianX: yeah
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I agree.
DerianX: not much more to say...ANOTHER map void of sounds
slicer: 1
CoMpUdOc: 4.5
Trystero: 4
DerianX: 3.5
slicer: 3.25 average.
Layout & design
slicer: Everything is thrown together...
DerianX: I can't say I'm a fan of the death drop from some of the the spawn rooms
Trystero: The trap-door spawnpoints were a neat little surprise, yeah.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I HATED falling from those spawns. Hmmm, otherwise...I used speed a LOT to get around...
Trystero: Grabbed my gun....selected my skills. Turned on my augs......I WAS READY TO ROLL! I fling open the door...take aim....and fall 50 feet into shallow water.
slicer: lol
CoMpUdOc: lol
DerianX: Indeed
CoMpUdOc: Overall design, from afar this map looks good...however it starts to lack when you get up-close.
DerianX: There was too much open space
slicer: yeah
CoMpUdOc: Yeah.
slicer: 3
CoMpUdOc: 3.5
DerianX: It doesn't look open until you try to move through it...Too big. 3
Trystero: 4. Travel was a power drain....I agree with Derian. Too large.
slicer: 3.375 average.
* slicer slaps CoMpUdOc around a bit with a large hairy & slimy trout
DerianX: mmmh, seafood
* slicer gives DerianX a big warm hug!
Trystero: Why don't we just post the log of the DXEREVIEW team having cybersex instead of the Devil's backbone review? :P
slicer: lol
CoMpUdOc: Good point ;) Anyhoo.
Item placement
slicer: LOL, where are the weapons?
Trystero: hahahaha
CoMpUdOc: Well...there is no option to change weapons after leaving the spawn
slicer: Once I step out of the spawn room, I see nothing. hardly any ammo crates
Trystero: I saw an ammo crate.
DerianX: oi
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I didn't see many.
DerianX: I saw one, It seemed out of place... so I tried to DESTROY it
CoMpUdOc: Also, I only found about 2 medkits.
slicer: Yup. Plenty of lockpicks
CoMpUdOc: For a map that size.
slicer: biocells
CoMpUdOc: oi
slicer: free WP rockets
DerianX: ugh
Trystero: Free WPs are a big no-no.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, Free WP..ack
DerianX: Well, in a map this big and open...
Trystero: Damnation Alley had the same problem.
slicer: yeb
CoMpUdOc: Well, Damnation Alley had larger roof camping problems..
DerianX: but in this map you can't get around without exposing yourself
CoMpUdOc: the WP is more balanced on this map
Trystero: I disagree. It should not be a handout.
CoMpUdOc: I agree. But still, it isn't that bad...
slicer: Hmm...People using speed has a great advantage on this map
Trystero: Yep.
slicer: Look at DerianX
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I can't get nowhere without speed here
DerianX: I looked hard for a LAW but didn't find one
CoMpUdOc: Some free bio at least...not exactly easy to get at..But still.
DerianX: That one turret seemed kinda pointless too, in the back.
CoMpUdOc: Heh, I got stuck in a corner and killed by a turret...
DerianX: RAR#@!
CoMpUdOc: Anyhoo...
Trystero: Normally when I played DB I was always cut to shreds by the turrets.
DerianX: I say 2
CoMpUdOc: Well, again..this is bigger...Hmmm...2.5
Trystero: 3. Too sparse.
CoMpUdOc: slic0r?
Trystero: WAKE UP!
CoMpUdOc: slicer?
slicer: 2.5
slicer: average 2.5 :P
DerianX: FPS != good
CoMpUdOc: Hmmmm
Trystero: FPS was like swimming through molasses.
slicer: Hmmm
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, the FPS sucked...
DerianX: the bridge lags a lot
slicer: The FPS is damn poor
Trystero: The clutter on the bridge made movement across it almost unjustifiably difficult.
DerianX: I found it hard to do anything
slicer: ya
CoMpUdOc: I agree. I was just about to say that, Tryst.
slicer: LIES!
Trystero: Sorry, CoMp. :)
slicer: :p
CoMpUdOc: *sniff* must...move...on
DerianX: fall out of the spawn room and dodge WP rockets only to get LAMMed
slicer: and sniped
CoMpUdOc: Wooo! fun!
DerianX: Yeah
slicer: Definitely a speed aug user's dream
CoMpUdOc: This map is hard to play without Speed.
DerianX: there were some weird little bumps and holes that I kept getting stuck on/in
slicer: yup
Trystero: Biased to tacticians and snipers.
CoMpUdOc: Yep.
DerianX: hmmm'
slicer: 2
CoMpUdOc: 3
slicer: ib!
DerianX: 2.5
Trystero: 3
slicer: 2.6 average.
slicer: err
Trystero: !?!?!?!
slicer: 2.625 average.
* slicer slaps CoMpUdOc around a bit with a large hairy & slimy trout
CoMpUdOc: Heh...sorry
* DerianX slaps slicer with a smelly herring
Fun factor
slicer: Hmm
CoMpUdOc: I didn't have much fun.
slicer: It looks fun
DerianX: Yes, Exactly it...
slicer: In theory, its fun, in practice, no fun
DerianX: It LOOKS fun
slicer: :p
CoMpUdOc: Looks, yes...but after I lost my legs the first 6 times from 50-foot drops from spawn rooms...
DerianX: but once inside it is too tedious
Trystero: Dragging my broken body from the Suicide spawn room...only to be lammed or WPed to death....
slicer: lol
DerianX: I just couldn't get started
Trystero: And If I try to cross the bridge I get deep-fried or sniped.
slicer: weeeeee
CoMpUdOc: Yep
DerianX: Trystero
Trystero: Yes?
DerianX: What are you talking about? You never left the spawn point :P
Trystero: That's a lie.
DerianX: okay...once
slicer: lol. Heh. 2
CoMpUdOc: 3.5
DerianX: I just couldn't get into it
Trystero: I shanked CoMp on the bridge. That at least deserves a 4 for FUN FACTOR.
DerianX: 3
slicer: :o 3.125 average
Final Thoughts
slicer: :p
Trystero: This map needs serious revisions.
slicer: Damn right there
CoMpUdOc: I agree.
DerianX: It seems unfinished.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, it needs a lot of work. Well, Not a lot, about 2 hours worth to just debug it
Trystero: With some changes in architecture, lighting, and item placement...it might work.
DerianX: It's a nice map, it's just not that playable
CoMpUdOc: Yep.
slicer: hmmmchi
CoMpUdOc: Zhang.
slicer: chi! Wing! Wong!
DerianX: You can tell there was effort, but it fails
Trystero: The scores may seem cruel...but then so do my therapists bills after I play this map. :)
slicer: ...!
* Trystero foams at the mouth.
slicer: hehe
* CoMpUdOc licks it
DerianX: ... :C~~ ~
CoMpUdOc: On that wonderful note...
Trystero: !
slicer: :)
Sounds & Music
Layout & Design
Item Placement
Fun Factor
Final Score: 31%