Date Created: 5/26/2002
Filename: DXMP_Towers
Author: Face
Reviewers: DerianX slicer OldGrandad CoMpUdOc
* DerianX wakes OldGrandad up
*** OldGrandad[asleep] is now known as OldGrandad
DerianX: Shall we begin?
CoMpUdOc: Indeed.
OldGrandad: carry on sir
slicer: Aligned, yes; appropriate yes; atmosphere, hmmm... spooky, yes... I say 10 (the lift textures look cool).
DerianX: I noticed one or two that don't quite fit, like the red carpet inside the middle tower.
slicer: Hmm, I never saw that...*cough*
OldGrandad: The textures are fine, with nothing untowardly out of place. As befitting the city theme the textures do it justice.
CoMpUdOc: Most of the textures are aligned, however there were some that weren't.
DerianX: A few of the inside textures were a tiny bit out of place
CoMpUdOc: Yeah... and I think brick/stone was a tad overused in spots.
DerianX: maybe a bit
slicer: I'll stick with 10 for now... I never saw those bits
DerianX: The skybox was well done. I'll say 8.5
OldGrandad: The textures were better aligned then the original Cathedral map!!
slicer: LOL
CoMpUdOc: I'm going for 8
OldGrandad: 9
slicer: 8.875 is the average
slicer: Hmmm... can we consider that this map was built in a week and finalized after two?
DerianX: Up to you
slicer: :P
DerianX: I think the overall geometry was well done
CoMpUdOc: For that amount of time, the Architecture was astounding. I've seen better, but not in a weeks work.
DerianX: Not too flashy, not too cubic
slicer: CoMp, it is a weeks work
CoMpUdOc: Didn't I say that?
slicer: oops
* slicer scratches his head
OldGrandad: Well Face has stuck to mostly basic structures but has attempted to do something different by building the crescent shaped building and also using a "glass" elevator.
DerianX: too bad the elevator doors are such a pain in the arse
CoMpUdOc: Ugh, Indeed
slicer: Elevator problem
OldGrandad: yes, a failing there
slicer: hmm... there are some bits that can be improved.
DerianX: yeah
slicer: Open space problem. 8 is my score.
CoMpUdOc: It's big. Put it that way.
slicer: yep
CoMpUdOc: 8 also.
DerianX: The rooftops (except the crescent one) seem quite thrown together
CoMpUdOc: Very
DerianX: I'll say 8 though
OldGrandad: 7
slicer: 7.75 average
* DerianX steals slicer's calculator
* slicer cries
CoMpUdOc: Dammit...I was about to do that
DerianX: hehe
slicer: :p
slicer: Lighting is done well in many places, but some parts are too dark
DerianX: Yeah, some spots are a tad dark
slicer: Hmm, some parts are really poorly lit, e.g. the entrance to the side elevator
CoMpUdOc: The lighting was well done...for the most part
DerianX: The only real spot that was too dark for my liking is the ledge on the warehouse
OldGrandad: The lighting was done well with the alleys behind the buildings suitably dark
slicer: The alleys are well done, yes
OldGrandad: wouldn't want to meet you down one :P
slicer: lol
OldGrandad: nice coronas too
DerianX: Yes, the street lights were done well
CoMpUdOc: I like those lens flares
DerianX: And they weren't overused
CoMpUdOc: Darkness can be good in DX
slicer: It sets the atmosphere nicely
OldGrandad: 9 for lighting
slicer: 9
CoMpUdOc: 9
DerianX: 9.5 here
slicer: 9.125 average
DerianX: how?!?
slicer: ?
DerianX: I thought I took your calculator
slicer: lol, I used my brain
* slicer nudges OldGrandad
* OldGrandad slaps slicer around a bit with a large trout
slicer: !
Sounds & Music
slicer: Music suits the dark atmosphere nicely
CoMpUdOc: Very
DerianX: The music was damn near perfect
slicer: However, a more spooky one should have been used :)
DerianX: The wind sounds on the roofs were too subtle
slicer: There are sound effects placed around the map, nicely done
OldGrandad: Not too bad at all
DerianX: hmmm
* slicer jumps up and down on DerianX's head.
* OldGrandad slaps DerianX around a bit with a large trout
DerianX: :P
* OldGrandad slaps OldGrandad around a bit with a large trout
slicer: lol
DerianX: ...
DerianX: ok then
* slicer fries the trout and eat it
OldGrandad: okay then
CoMpUdOc: Poor old man...
OldGrandad: lol
slicer: I give it 8.5
DerianX: 7.5
CoMpUdOc: 7.5 also
OldGrandad: 7.9876543
OldGrandad: 7.5
DerianX: :P
slicer: 7.75 average
Layout & Design
slicer: Game play is rather moved into one side, not balanced, some areas are just very rarely used. The map is more biased to long range fights, sniping and gepping.
DerianX: This map promotes sniping better than any other I have seen though
slicer: Sir, I just said that :P
DerianX: I was still typing when you pressed enter
CoMpUdOc: Snipers/GEPers rule the map to a point.
OldGrandad: I have to agree there, once players were situated on rooftops they hardly left them
DerianX: There were too many empty rooms inside the buildings too, especially the main tower
slicer: Hmmm, yep
OldGrandad: and the main tower became the focus of most of the fighting
CoMpUdOc: Indeed.
slicer: Hmmm...
slicer: *cough*
DerianX: I love sniping, but this goes too far
slicer: 5
DerianX: 7
CoMpUdOc: 6
OldGrandad: I think the security terminal for Faces Turret could have been situated better. 6.5
slicer: 6.25 average
Item Placement
slicer: Weapons... only in spawn rooms
DerianX: and the bottom floor of the crescent building
slicer: HOWEVER, you have to note that the map was initially made to prevent spawn killing
DerianX: yeah
slicer: Item placements are situated mainly in the middle
DerianX: yeah
slicer: Rather empty on the sides
OldGrandad: It became awful to play when it was deathmatch
CoMpUdOc: I HATE only 1 place to get 20mm HE.
slicer: LOL @ CoMp
DerianX: too much stuff in the main building
* slicer banjos away at CoMpUdOc.
* CoMpUdOc dances
DerianX: and the LAW....
slicer: The LAW is protected by a turret...
OldGrandad: blame me for that
slicer: ...?
OldGrandad: When testing I suggested he move the LAW out of the Tower to somewhere else
DerianX: the LAW is successfully negated
slicer: heh
DerianX: Turret + 60% pick strength + too far out of way = no point
CoMpUdOc: There are plenty of EMP's/Gas around...
DerianX: yeah, gas grenades and EMPs were fine
CoMpUdOc: and medkits...and lockpicks...
slicer: Lacking in a bit of everything, HE20s for CoMpUdOc
CoMpUdOc: I don't understand the medbots in spawn rooms...
slicer: heh, I agree
OldGrandad: but he added some fun weapons, pepper spray, weeeeee
CoMpUdOc: I've had many fun battles with a baton there, mostly back in the old DU days... *sniff*
slicer: Pepper Spray roolz ya azz :p
* slicer locks CoMpUdOc in a chamber and starves him for 2 weeks
* CoMpUdOc breaks out
slicer: 8 for item placement, considering the fact that the anti-spawn killing method was in use... fun. Marks lost for lack of outside stuff!
CoMpUdOc: I agree. 8
* OldGrandad breaks wind
slicer: lol
* CoMpUdOc puts on a gas mask
OldGrandad: 7.5
slicer: DerianX?
slicer: DERIANX!!!
* slicer gives DerianX an evil look from Mount ChanServ
* CoMpUdOc glares up at DerianX in a disapproving manner
* slicer thumps DerianX with a sledge hammer
* CoMpUdOc takes spork out of sheath and sporks DerianX in the eye
* slicer flattens DerianX with a boulder
*** DerianX has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
slicer: LOL!
CoMpUdOc: !!!!
*** DerianX has joined
CoMpUdOc: Dude....
DerianX: yikes
slicer: WOOT
DerianX: Power failure
slicer: LOL
CoMpUdOc: rofl
DerianX: and a parade with bagpipes is going on outside!?!
DerianX: hmmm 5.5
CoMpUdOc: I can respect that.
* slicer thumps DerianX with a sledge hammer
DerianX: thanks
slicer: :)
slicer: Playability = 7
CoMpUdOc: 7 here as well.
slicer: Good and bad bits
DerianX: The design is low poly yet stylish
CoMpUdOc: I like the low poly part
OldGrandad: 7 here too
* slicer thinks DerianX plans to give it 9.9999999999999999999999999
DerianX: No server packages except for a few textures
slicer: yep
CoMpUdOc: Yep
DerianX: 7
OldGrandad: pudding
Fun Factor
slicer: Fun.. hmmm... I give it 9.5
DerianX: If there are a lot of players it is really fun, but with only 2 - 4 it's too slow
CoMpUdOc: At first, I loved this map. Now, I sometimes get annoyed when it comes by
DerianX: 8
CoMpUdOc: 8 here.
slicer: OldGrandad?
* slicer nudges OldGrandad
OldGrandad: pepper spray gives it 9.5 for me, but other then that I soon get bored with just fighting around the tower so a realistic total would be 7.5
slicer: Average is 8.25
Final Thoughts
slicer: Ummm...
* OldGrandad fall of the stool
OldGrandad: I just had cheese
* slicer eats a cheese sandwich
DerianX: I really love this map when there are a good number of players
DerianX: ok, quit sucking up guys :P
OldGrandad: A very good map for a first original attempt
DerianX: yeah
slicer: I agree
DerianX: and it is undisputedly the most popular user map ever
slicer: Yes
OldGrandad: :)
Sounds & Music
Layout & Design
Item Placement
Fun Factor
Final Score: 78.5%