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Date Created: 5/26/2002

Filename: DXMP_Smuggles
Author: JohnnyBravo[TCN]
Reviewers: CoMpUdOc DerianX slicer Trystero

CoMpUdOc: ok, for the VERY LAST TIME... Is everyone ready?
slicer: hurry up before I go and get another double of vodka. :P
DerianX: hmmmm
slicer: ...or before I drop down drunk
Trystero: I'll grab my usual rum and coke.
slicer: TRYSTERO! let's go. wwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Trystero: Be right back. :)
slicer: ...
CoMpUdOc: .
slicer: start j00 *censored* *censored*
CoMpUdOc: I'm not very happy.
Trystero: Take some anti-depressants.
DerianX: We're all here
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, yeah. ok, here goes...

Trystero: The VARIETY of textures was a bit...under whelming.
CoMpUdOc: A bit?!
slicer: Hmm
DerianX: All three of them were VERY nice
slicer: Many places misaligned
CoMpUdOc: Indeed.
slicer: the texture usage is nice
CoMpUdOc: I suppose...
DerianX: I quite liked the pictures of the clanners
Trystero: The custom stuff was fun...but the rest of the level was a homogenous mass of stone and gray.
slicer: yup. my score is 4. :o
DerianX: hmmm...3.5
Trystero: 4
CoMpUdOc: I don't think there is much more to say here, 3.
DerianX: too dull
slicer: 3.625 average
DerianX: dull like slicer's wit!
slicer: ...
DerianX: :P
Trystero: Low blow.
DerianX: ;)
CoMpUdOc: good to hear slicer's voice again.
Trystero: I don't hear anything 'cept my radio.
DerianX: hmmm
CoMpUdOc: Good.
DerianX: Good idea...

* DerianX cracks open WinAmp
slicer: hmm, blocky
CoMpUdOc: Very
slicer: I don't recall seeing any rounded shapes :rolleyes:
DerianX: the columns were rounded
CoMpUdOc: Well, there were some octagons I think
slicer: ib!
Trystero: It had all the romance and furtive mystery of a dank warehouse. It was functional....but not eye-catching.
DerianX: Very cubic indeed. And some of the halls, etc. were overly boxy
CoMpUdOc: Yeah.
DerianX: the stairwells
CoMpUdOc: Hmmmmmmmmmm
DerianX: a few of the doorways had frames
CoMpUdOc: That's a plus.
DerianX: that's about as creative as it got from what I could see
CoMpUdOc: Yep.
DerianX: 3.5
CoMpUdOc: 3.5
Trystero: 3.
slicer: 3.5
DerianX: 3.375?
slicer: average 3.375
DerianX: :P

slicer: poorly done
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, sadly.
slicer: too bright or too dark
DerianX: hmmm
Trystero: Very dim.
DerianX: It was better than some
CoMpUdOc: There were a few colors, but otherwise...bleh
DerianX: I liked the use of the red lighting. Where all the light was coming from I have no clue
CoMpUdOc: Those tiny fixtures maybe?
Trystero: Phosphorescent Fungi?
CoMpUdOc: Most likely.
slicer: eh
DerianX: I'll go with Trystero's theory
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, it has the best logic.
DerianX: 4
Trystero: 4.5
CoMpUdOc: 4.5 - Color is nice
slicer: 4
slicer: 4.25 average. :p
DerianX: LIES!
slicer: !
DerianX: :P
slicer: ERK!
slicer: EEP!
DerianX: o_O

Sounds & Music
CoMpUdOc: Sound?
DerianX: UNATCOHQ theme
Trystero: I heard no sound.
CoMpUdOc: I heard Mr. Camera, and the bots..
DerianX: Mr. Camera! :D
Trystero: Except my horrible, screaming death when slicer teamkilled me.
CoMpUdOc: *Mr. Camera! Bring me a treat!*
slicer: hmm
DerianX: I heard you scream a lot Tryst ;)
CoMpUdOc: Yes,'s his way
DerianX: hehe
slicer: Music isn't the best for the map. UNATCO HQ is used as an ambient theme, mixing it with blood, erp... nope
DerianX: The music was... welll
CoMpUdOc: The music...hmmm. The main theme was ok for the map, but I liked the death score better.
slicer: death is kinda nice :)
DerianX: lol
slicer: Thumbs up to van den Bos :o
Trystero: Music was ambient. Nothing that you can really sing along to though....
DerianX: I'll say 2
slicer: heh. 2
CoMpUdOc: Hmm...3
Trystero: 1
* DerianX eyeballs slicer
slicer: 2 average
DerianX: Yes...I know... I was just waiting for you to admit it
slicer: .............................
CoMpUdOc: Right....

Layout & Design
slicer: thrown together... Dunno about the balance
DerianX: The layout is... ok
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I'd have to agree there.
slicer: Too many lams for such a small place
DerianX: Lopsided though
CoMpUdOc: The layout makes this a good assault map.
slicer: yup
Trystero: It's more open and better planned out than Smuggler...but that's not the greatest compliment in the world.
slicer: tanker's dream
* slicer thumbs DerianX
DerianX: :P
* DerianX kills slicer
CoMpUdOc: I liked that hidden overlook of the main gallery...
* slicer moons DerianX pimply
DerianX: Yeah!
slicer: hmm
Trystero: Shhhhh.
DerianX: How is the name of St. Joseph is a person supposed to get up there? I mean... It took all FOUR of us a good 10 min
Trystero: The VIP admin lounge.
CoMpUdOc: Well, then we found the EASY way.
DerianX: Imagine under game conditions; You would get killed before you get up there... Unless you're alone on the server
slicer: yup
CoMpUdOc: Not if you had a bunch of augs
slicer: unless everyone co-operated
DerianX: and if you're a TANK? bah, forget about it
slicer: hmm...that VIP area...not good
DerianX: no
slicer: with a LAW, you can camp in there are shoot away like crazy
Trystero: I liked it.
DerianX: Too hard to access
CoMpUdOc: That really messes up the balance...More than the map alone. Plus, WP, LAM, Bio...ect... But that's for Item Placement
DerianX: That is the VIP spawncamping room
Trystero: Indeed.
DerianX: Overall it's not balanced well
slicer: 3
CoMpUdOc: 3.5
DerianX: I say 4
slicer: TRYSTERO!
DerianX: Trysterooooooooooooooooo
DerianX: *** Quits: Trystero (Ping timeout)
Trystero: Hmmmmm... So tough to actually DECIDE... I mean...I may need some time to think about it...
* Trystero sits back.
* Trystero ponders.
* CoMpUdOc waits
* 10 minutes pass (sorta) *
CoMpUdOc: Ready yet?
Trystero: I HAVE IT! 5!
DerianX: hehe
slicer: 3.875 average
CoMpUdOc: What took you? :P
DerianX: :D
Trystero: I was monitoring slicer's spamming.
slicer: lol
Trystero: When he SHOULD be reviewing.
slicer: I can do 4 things at once at this time :p
Trystero: Sure. :P
CoMpUdOc: Bleh. ONWARD!@

Item Placement
slicer: fjwepjfoiwk
CoMpUdOc: Hmmm
slicer: Badly placed. Spawn rooms, not cool
CoMpUdOc: Well, it get perks for at least having Medkits and Picks and Multi's...even some bots.
slicer: two spawn rooms very close to each other
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, those spawn points...
slicer: Items like LAMs are overdone
DerianX: Old Claymore Nation made a map, e i e i o...Here a LAM, there a LAM, everywhere a LAM, LAM
Trystero: It was ALMOST overstocked for the size of the level.
CoMpUdOc: Well, it goes along with the Assault strat
Trystero: Too many LAWs.
DerianX: lol. That one is in a bad spot
Trystero: One is enough for a large sized map.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah. One's enough, Two is Nuclear war.
Trystero: Two for a smuggler-sized map is just crazy.
DerianX: ooooh, and the crates...
slicer: oh
CoMpUdOc: Oh yeah, that...
slicer: TWO LAWs on a small map, heck, that is crazeh
DerianX: the ones with stuff on 'em; "Too heavy to lift"
CoMpUdOc: Yeah.
DerianX: Then the stuff respawns in midair
slicer: yup
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, badly done.
Trystero: That is whack, homie.
DerianX: hmmmm
slicer: 2
CoMpUdOc: 3
DerianX: 3
Trystero: 4/10
DerianX: Avg 3
DerianX: Average = 3
DerianX: The average of our scores is 3
slicer: 3 average
Trystero: 3 is the average of our scores.
DerianX: really?
Trystero: I'd give it a 1 in 3 chance.
CoMpUdOc: Nah, it's all a dream.
* DerianX is tired of listening to Conspiracy3D
slicer: lol

slicer: hmm
CoMpUdOc: Well,
DerianX: FPS = good
slicer: yup
DerianX: lag = little
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, good FPS
slicer: balance of style, nope
Trystero: I got my ass handed to I can't say I liked it.
DerianX: Yes
Trystero: Good for wimps...ER....tanks.
CoMpUdOc: I like this map for playing, then again...I love Smuggler...
DerianX: But so did slicer
Trystero: I like Smuggler better for pure carnage.
CoMpUdOc: True.
slicer: Smuggler has a balance
DerianX: some
CoMpUdOc: !HA ok, well...true. In smuggler, speed isn't good for Jumping
DerianX: anyhoo, this isn't the Smuggler review
slicer: :p
CoMpUdOc: Yeah. Back to topic.
slicer: 4
DerianX: 6.5
CoMpUdOc: 6
Trystero: 5.5
slicer: 5.5 average

Fun Factor
DerianX: Well...I don't get bored
Trystero: I had a blast trying to get into the VIP area.
DerianX: hehe...yeah
CoMpUdOc: I had fun trying to figure out how to get to the scenic overlook also.
slicer: hmm... it was fun for a while... i.e. crate stacking
DerianX: hehe
CoMpUdOc: Otherwise, I had fun on this map...despite it's little problems
DerianX: Yeah, I had fun the whole time
CoMpUdOc: It's a good all-on assault map.
DerianX: Although... I find that if I come in mid-game... I get spawnkilled for ~5 straight minutes... Until I FINALLY get away from the spawnroom
CoMpUdOc: True.
slicer: 5
DerianX: 6
CoMpUdOc: 7 - I like eet.
Trystero: On the sole basis of the "Mystery of the VIP Tomb of TCN"....I award it the full 10 point score. Congrats.
slicer: 7 average
DerianX: !

Final Thoughts
Trystero: Crate stacking takes time and teamwork.
CoMpUdOc: Yes, it does.
DerianX: hehe. It was fun to watch slicer crawl for his life while stalking him with my trusty sawed-off
slicer: lol
DerianX: Something I couldn't even imagine a year ago
CoMpUdOc: Final thought: Kindof a thrown-together map, but fun if you like assaults like Smuggler
DerianX: Yes. More fun than it looks
Trystero: Very succinct of you, CoMp.
CoMpUdOc: Thanks.
* CoMpUdOc gives slicer a big warm hug!
CoMpUdOc: Good to have you back!
DerianX: All I can say is: FINALLY I got into the VIP room
* Trystero gives slicer the icy cold hug of DEATH!
CoMpUdOc: Yes, and that was worth the whole thing.
DerianX: After MONTHS of wondering
CoMpUdOc: Does Sir. Slicer have a thought?
DerianX: I was disappointed... I expected to find the Holy Grail up there
slicer: hmm...chi...ib... good job for a first map. :)
DerianX: wong?
CoMpUdOc: Well, we found a picture of KingLouie[TCN]. ;)
DerianX: yes... but not his Golden Bananas...One day...
CoMpUdOc: Bah. Indeed, one day!

CoMpUdOc DerianX slicer Trystero
Sounds & Music
Layout & Design
Item Placement
Fun Factor
Total 47.5 44.5 37.5 57

Final Score: 46.5%

Copyright 2001 | Design by AsylumX | Coded by Jim