Date Created: 5/26/2002
Filename: DXMP_Battlefield
Author: DerianX
Reviewers: CoMpUdOc Trystero Killer Monoxide
CoMpUdOc: Is everyone...READY?
Monoxide: yes
Killer: Sure. Ready.
Monoxide: oi
Killer: Trystero you ready?
Trystero: I'M READY!
CoMpUdOc: YAY!
Killer: cool
Monoxide: o_0
Monoxide: oops
Killer: lol
Killer: Some miss aligned textures
CoMpUdOc: Was fine for the most part...noticed a few misalignments in those underwater tunnels.
Monoxide: yeah a couple, they made it look pretty high tech
Trystero: Hmmmm. The textures for grass and trees are terrible...
CoMpUdOc: I agree Tryst, those built in textures for grass suck.
Monoxide: I think for the design of the map, the textures were fitting
CoMpUdOc: And there was a lot of grass....lots and lots and lots
Monoxide: I didn't see all that much ;)
CoMpUdOc: Yes, the textures were quite well suited for the map.
Killer: No grass... maybe a patch or two. lol
Trystero:'s OUTDOORS. Deus Ex's 100% paved world isn't totally accurate. :)
CoMpUdOc: True. :P
Monoxide: it looked fake though....the colors were too "solid" throughout the map... if you know what I mean
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I think I do.
Monoxide: for instance, the walls were pretty much one color...everywhere
Trystero: The whole damn thing looks fake....but I'll agree with that.
CoMpUdOc: Yep. On the plus side, I didn't notice any masking holes.
Trystero: Thank God.
Monoxide: I didn't either
Killer: me neither
Monoxide: I didn't see any bsp errors jump out at me
CoMpUdOc: Nope.
Trystero: Mo' money.
CoMpUdOc: I'll give textures 7/10
Monoxide: 6
Trystero: 7.5
Killer: 5.5
CoMpUdOc: Hmmm...I miss slicer :'(
Killer: where's slicer when you need him lol
CoMpUdOc: oh well...
Killer:'s creative
CoMpUdOc: I have to say...those small doors
Killer: yea...Doors were wack
CoMpUdOc: I hate doors that you can just barely fit through.
Monoxide: made me feel like a B-Ball player
CoMpUdOc: Like by one inch.
Monoxide: I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't ride in an elevator that was shorter than me
Killer: lol
Trystero: It was like military complex for kids.
CoMpUdOc: lol
Killer: LOL
Monoxide: on the other hand, the building design was very unique
CoMpUdOc: Overall, there was some nice brushwork.
Monoxide: yup
CoMpUdOc: The buildings were a wee boxy, but were put together well.
Trystero: Ronald McDonald presents "COMBAT AND DEATH on a pastoral lawn."
Monoxide: lol
CoMpUdOc: lol. Hmmm....The lawn area...
Trystero: The terrain was interesting.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah
Trystero: Presented some challenges.
Monoxide: the death pool
Trystero: heh...yes
CoMpUdOc: I'm not sure if the floor lofter was used, or lots of brushes. That death pool... I think it was intended as such.
Monoxide: I liked the creativity of the lawn area though
Trystero: Indeed.
Monoxide: I'm going to assume it was intended as such
Trystero: I just miss those animal-shaped shrubs and bushes that are the trademark of expensive landscape design.
Monoxide: lol
CoMpUdOc: Yeah :(
Killer: LOL
Monoxide: overall I was impressed by the architecture....I found two problems with I say 8
CoMpUdOc: 7.5 here...nice brushwork.
Trystero: 8. Very creative outdoor environment.
CoMpUdOc: Killer?
Killer: 8.5
Killer: ummmmmm
CoMpUdOc: Hrm..
Monoxide: I liked the spotlights on the buildings
CoMpUdOc: Yeah. Those were nice. I think they had coronas also?
Monoxide: I think so
Trystero: Good use of shadows in the outdoor areas. I could conceal myself pretty well. Makes for more interesting game play.
Monoxide: yeah I liked that too
CoMpUdOc: Indeed.
Monoxide: the insides were pretty bright for a night setting
Trystero: True.
Monoxide: but not so much that it was unrealistic
CoMpUdOc: Outdoor lighting was a little bright in spots... More than it should have been. IMHO
Trystero: A few of the ravines were too dark. I couldn't see where I was going... But maybe I shouldn't play DX on my monitor's darkest setting. :P
Monoxide: lol Maybe you shouldn't swim underground late at night!
CoMpUdOc: There was some nice use of coolored lighting in a few spots
Monoxide: yes there was
Trystero: *Another Prolonged Pause* (Put Commercials Here).
Monoxide: lol
Killer: lol
CoMpUdOc: *Mr clean! Mr clean!*
Monoxide: I actually got sidetracked by those spotlights in game cause I liked them so much
CoMpUdOc: They were quite noticeable.
Monoxide: 8 for me again
Killer: 8.5
Trystero: 7.
CoMpUdOc: 7.5 here
CoMpUdOc: So dull around this part without slicer...oh well.
Monoxide: lol
Sounds & Music
Trystero: Great use of sound FX... All over the map.
Monoxide: excellent use
CoMpUdOc: Yes, lots of SoundFX use
Monoxide: although the power lines were a bit overpowered
Monoxide: so much that they rattled my speakers
Killer: Yes...I got fuzz
CoMpUdOc: Yes, quite true
Trystero: Yeah....I could feel my fillings throb.
Monoxide: lol
CoMpUdOc: Heck, my subwoofer sounded weird... Sounds I have never heard from it...
CoMpUdOc: Very strange.
Killer: nice sound effects
Monoxide: all that power, I didn't get electrocuted
Trystero: Music...erm.....
Monoxide: I don't recall any music..........doh!
CoMpUdOc: Was there music?
***The reviews staff, in their infinite dumbness, completely forgot if there was music or not. We all can mess up at times. The editor apologizes for this, and will make sure it does not happen in the future. At this point, the review team went back to the map to listen to the music.
CoMpUdOc: Music was kinda odd for this map, I think...not quite sure if it fit.
Monoxide: I think it's a good thing the music wasn't noticed, it doesn't distract from play
CoMpUdOc: Yeah...perhaps... or, perhaps we're all stoned/drunk, You never can tell.
* Trystero laughs wildly.
Monoxide: hmmm
CoMpUdOc: Anyhoo...I'll give this section an 8...I likes SoundFX...just not when it breaks my ears
Monoxide: 8
Trystero: 7.5.
CoMpUdOc: And the music was mostly suited.
Killer: 8.5...I really liked it for some reason. I would have gave higher... except I got static
Trystero: Buy better speakers.
Killer: hehe. I have good speakers. :)
CoMpUdOc: Are they THX certified?
Killer: I don't know. lol
Monoxide: next!
CoMpUdOc: Then, they suck.
Killer: :(
CoMpUdOc: George Lucas thinks these rule, and so do I...anyhoo
Layout & Design
CoMpUdOc: Hmmm...
Killer: Hmmm
Trystero: The HUGE, TOWERING FENCE kind of bothered me.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, almost like it was a PRISON
Monoxide: basically a big standoff between prison wards
Killer: lol prison wars
Monoxide: wards...buildings...confines...quarters
CoMpUdOc: Yeah...those things...wait, THIS ISN'T JAILBREAK!
* CoMpUdOc changes notes
Trystero: My FPS was suffering a little.
CoMpUdOc: Mine also.
Monoxide: mine was really, really good I thought.
CoMpUdOc: I think it was all that grass... wait...sorry, that was OT. ;)
Monoxide: especially for how open the map was
Trystero: heh
CoMpUdOc: I liked how the "mote" went underground
Monoxide: yeah
CoMpUdOc: It was a nice tunnel system
Trystero: The open portion of the map is it's strong and weak point. On one hand...really creative layout. On the other is a bit too large.
CoMpUdOc: Indeed.
Monoxide: it would have been nice to have bio and med somewhere near the center of the map...perhaps a central turret
Trystero: I find myself longing for a lemonade stand or someone selling star maps as I trudge over the endless hills.
CoMpUdOc: Indeed.
Trystero: Kinda tough for tankers I'll bet...but no one cares about THEM.
Monoxide: they would just snipe the whole time
Trystero: Well...that's in Playability. Anyhow...due to the stunted nature of the buildings and the overly large park-like outdoors...I was a little bit annoyed.
Monoxide: 7
Trystero: Have you ever seen living grass or trees in a military battlezone? 6
CoMpUdOc: Yeah...though the layout was nice with all the hills between the buildings...6 here also.
Killer: 6.5
Item Placement
Killer: Umm...lots of items...inside the building...not many outside
Monoxide: again, something needed in the middle of the map
Killer: None if I may say except a medkit or two
Trystero: Item placement was....not good.
Monoxide: 3 lams and what, two biocells in one box?
Trystero: Too many goodies per box/cabinet/weird...pinball-like THING....
CoMpUdOc: Indeed. Two HE 20 and 2 WP in one chest...Not allowed.
Trystero: The outdoor were bereft of ammo crates.
Monoxide: Yes...the middle of the map had nothing
Trystero: Not even a useless gas grenade to throw.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, you were mostly outta luck out there.
Monoxide: 5
CoMpUdOc: I didn't see that many Medbots around.
Trystero: I did not see a single Reparbot.
CoMpUdOc: I did...Actually, I saw about 5
Trystero: Where?
Killer: I saw a Medbot
Monoxide: plenty of repair bots
Killer: inside some little rooms
Monoxide: I saw two Medbots
Trystero: to say I'm trippin'....
Monoxide: again, nothing in the middle though
CoMpUdOc: Your not alone, my friend
Trystero: 4. Needs BALANCE. Less can be more. More can be less.
CoMpUdOc: 4 here also.
Killer: 4.5
Monoxide: 5 for those that didn't see mine the first time
CoMpUdOc: After tonight I think that was most of us...
* Trystero shakes his head.
Killer: ummm
Monoxide: I thought I had excellent fps
Killer: I got 79
Monoxide: especially compared to other maps
Killer: but I have a GF4 TI 4600
CoMpUdOc: I got good FPS, other than in the middle.
Trystero: Like I said in the wrong FPS was suffering. The indoors were fine.
Monoxide: this map doesn't suit all styles of play
Trystero: No.
Monoxide: you are forced to pull out the heavies I think
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, I don't thinks tanks would fair well here.
Trystero: I LOVE IT, THEN!~
Monoxide: lol
CoMpUdOc: er..right. :P
Monoxide: if it had something in the middle, I think it would be a lot more playable
Killer: yeah...Like a sniping tower
Trystero: Yeah...scrap one of those heavily armed woodsheds and stick it in the center.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, though putting something there would have killed FPS even more
Monoxide: True...but it could be something underground where the law was hidden
CoMpUdOc: Well, there were the tunnels... I never got around to the law, damn.
Monoxide: it was underground in a corner...well hidden
CoMpUdOc: Ah....Oh well, my bad.
Trystero: Even as a tactician...I found the playability was clumsy. I used up all my bio just trying to get around with the speed aug.
Monoxide: Same here. Unless you were in one of the big corner buildings, there's no way you could take on more than one person at a time
CoMpUdOc: Yep, same...and I agree mono.
Trystero: 5. It cramped my style, homie.
CoMpUdOc: Anyhoo...I'll give this map 5...Good GEPing, lots of running.
Monoxide: 5
Killer: 5
Trystero: Wow.
CoMpUdOc: AVERAGE: 5! YAY! I filled slicer's spot!
CoMpUdOc: er..
Killer: lol not English
Monoxide: lol
Killer: hehe
Fun Factor
Monoxide: well I'll admit, I do like big open sniping maps, it's a nice change in pace from what we're used to
CoMpUdOc: I'd have to agree there.
Trystero: I felt the redness and irritation spreading. Rashes and welts broke out. Oozing pus....constant vomiting........I LOVED IT!
CoMpUdOc: When I'm in a sniping mood, I do love it. I had fun...mostly.
Monoxide: if I were on a hot streak and this map came up in server rotation, I would leave the server I think
CoMpUdOc: Though long treks in the park got old
Trystero: The terrain is a good redemption. Most of the DXMP maps are as flat as a pancake.
Monoxide: yes
CoMpUdOc: Yep.
Trystero: But I'd have to agree with Mono. Pass on it fur mich.
CoMpUdOc: Yep, just gets a little old.
Monoxide: it reminds me of towers 2, its fun when you want to slow the pace down... but not when you have something intense going on
CoMpUdOc: Yes.
Trystero: Doesn't allow for enough styles.
Monoxide: nope
CoMpUdOc: Yep.
* Trystero arches an eyebrow.
Monoxide: damn this is tricky, cause it was still fun
CoMpUdOc: Yeah...hmm
Trystero: I killed I had fun. :)
Monoxide: lol
Monoxide: 7.5 for meh
CoMpUdOc: I'll have to give this map a 7
Trystero: 6.
CoMpUdOc: :P
Trystero: I just noticed Killer hasn't said anything in quite a while.
CoMpUdOc: Killer?
CoMpUdOc: Killer?
Trystero: Don't tell me we've come this far....
Killer: lol I'm here
CoMpUdOc: .,.,.,.,,.
Killer: 4/10
CoMpUdOc: Fine then.
Final Thoughts
Trystero: Don't review whilst under the influence.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah. That's a bad thing... We leared that well tonight...
Monoxide: lol. never leave home without Derian
Trystero: I never do. :)
CoMpUdOc: I always take my DerianX blow up doll---er, Did I say that..
Monoxide: Great map for a change of pace... reminds me of some UT maps
CoMpUdOc: Yep. My final thought...Good map, but a few minor quirks
Monoxide: I think if TonyMontana and I played this map, we'd end up pigeon sniping 99% of the time
*** Trystero changes topic to 'The DerianX blow-up doll is ON SALE! Must be 18 or older in Europe or Canada. 72+ in the US. Coupons accepted. Rubles rejected. '
CoMpUdOc: Indeed.
Sounds & Music
Layout & Design
Item Placement
Fun Factor
Final Score: 64.5%