Date Created: 5/26/2002
Filename: DXMP_Hydro
Author: SirSmokes[420] MrNiceGuy[420]
Reviewers: DerianX Face CoMpUdOc Trystero
DerianX: Is everyone here and accounted for?
Trystero: Yes
Face: no
CoMpUdOc: no!
DerianX: everyone put your seatbelts on
Face: mine doesn't work
DerianX: well, try to hold yourself in place
CoMpUdOc: The textures were quite plain
DerianX: The brick texture outside looked HUGE
Face: Textures ugly, boring, repetitive and monotonous.
Trystero: Textures looked appropriately dreary...but I still don't like them.
CoMpUdOc: And I didn't like the fact that some of the water was not animated!
DerianX: hehe
Face: and some of the animated water went the wrong way.
CoMpUdOc: Yes
Trystero: Alignment problems with some textures.
CoMpUdOc: Oh yes...
DerianX: misalignments all over the place
CoMpUdOc: Yep
Face: and badly sized
CoMpUdOc: Indeed
DerianX: I noticed a lot of prefabs
Trystero: The 12,000mph bothered me a little....
Trystero: Clouds, that is.
DerianX: hehe
CoMpUdOc: Overall, the textures were ..somewhat.. well placed for the map... as far as the types
Face: I would agree
DerianX: but badly aligned and overused
Trystero: I thought it wasn't as creative as it could have been.
DerianX: 4/10
CoMpUdOc: 3/10
Face: 3.5
Trystero: 3/10
Trystero: Where's slicer when you need him? :P
Face: 3.375
CoMpUdOc: Face has a calculater!
Face: no
DerianX: OMG!
Trystero: Cheater.
DerianX: lol
Face: It's simple math.
DerianX: No, you're cheating
Face: :P
CoMpUdOc: I felt...boxed in
Trystero: What architecture? It's a bombed-out waste treatment plant......
Face: Although you could kind of see what the author was trying to achieve with the architecture, it didn't quite work. There were a lot of boxy areas and badly made areas.
CoMpUdOc: It was just a bunch of tubes and boxes
DerianX: and prefabs
Trystero: Yep
DerianX: and prefabs
Face: True
DerianX: and prefabs
CoMpUdOc: Cut+Paste
Face: I like the stolen desk in the office
DerianX: there were a number of minor bsp errors too
Face: There was a major BSP error in the sky.
CoMpUdOc: yeah
Face: Paper thin ladders
CoMpUdOc: Yep
Face: The fencing could have been done better too
DerianX: the fencing was a cool idea
Face: But because of the way it was implemented.. it was bad
CoMpUdOc: I also didn't like how I couldn't jump on half the buildings...
DerianX: plus, a common problem with maps... symmetry
Face: It should have been done using invisible collision hulls and sheets applied as masked textures.
* Trystero boggles at Face's deft use of technical jargon.
* CoMpUdOc explodes at the big words
* Face apologises
* DerianX understood
[17:20] Face: ooh, aren't you the clever one!
* Face gives Derina a gold star.
DerianX: woohoo!
* CoMpUdOc licks it
Trystero: What were we talking about?
DerianX: architecture = 3.49999999999
Face: 3
CoMpUdOc: 3.5
Trystero: 4
Face: next
Face: What lighting?
Trystero: STROBE!
CoMpUdOc: ack! strobe! die!
Trystero: STROBE!
DerianX: Waaaaaaaaaay too many flickering lights
Face: I had to use my "head" light most of the time.
Face: The flickering effect made me lose consciousness.
CoMpUdOc: Me too face
DerianX: yes, this map is quite dark
Face: excessively dark.
Trystero: The water areas could have been illuminated in a more interesting way.
DerianX: I must admit though, it was somewhat neat fighting CoMp and Trystero in the flickering room
Face: add light here -->
Face: 2.5
CoMpUdOc: 2
DerianX: 2.5
Trystero: Major seizures induced... 1
DerianX: lol, not good for epileptics
Sounds & Music
Face: In my opinion, the music was badly chosen
DerianX: Music was somewhat suitable, but really boring
CoMpUdOc: The music did not match this map at all
Trystero: Sounds were used sparingly...and what I did hear was redundant....
DerianX: I must admit though, at least there actually WERE sounds
Face: The only sound I remember is the annoying one in the middle of the map, by the burnt out equipment.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, thats all I noted myself
DerianX: the water was awfully quiet
Trystero: I know the place Face is talking about. An island of mechanical activity in a sea of silent, decaying toxicity.
Face: How dramatic.
*** Trystero is now known as RobertFrost
*** RobertFrost is now known as Trystero
DerianX: I noticed a lack of echo in the hollow metal tunnels
CoMpUdOc: Yeah
DerianX: which is unusual for hollow metal tunnels
Face: Yes, from my experience in them too I must say the same.
Trystero: Could have used some more "wind" FX in the open air areas....
CoMpUdOc: yep.
DerianX: overall, disapointing
Trystero: But better than most soundless maps.
DerianX: true
CoMpUdOc: for that...4
DerianX: 3
Trystero: 4
Face: 3.5
DerianX: the music fades out of mind almost right away
CoMpUdOc: quite
Layout & Design
DerianX: I will say this, there is good intent
CoMpUdOc: Well, I think it was layed out fairly well
DerianX: good potential
Face: The map that never was.
DerianX: but there was symmetry
Face: The author had some good ideas, but unfortunately, as with all new mappers, inexperience showed.
DerianX: With more players the layout would be more effective
Trystero: It should not have been named Hydro....there is barely ANY WATER!!! It should have been named DXMP_Sludge or DXMP_CardboardStorage....
Face: Or DXMP_UnlockThisDoorForNoReason
DerianX: DXMP_WhereIsTheDoorknob?
Trystero: A little overly harsh...yes...but to illustrate a point.....
Face: overly harsh? who?
CoMpUdOc: what? where?
DerianX: slicer, he didn't even show up. Now THAT's harsh
Face: Slicer is a ...
DerianX: shhh, he might read this ;)
Trystero: Are you kidding? He'll never even LOOK at this.
DerianX: hehe
CoMpUdOc: I think the layout was at least planned... I'll say 5
Trystero: I'll fling a 5 for a good idea that garbled itself in the execution.
DerianX: I think with more players it would be better used
Face: I'll say 5 too
DerianX: if only it weren't symmetrical... 6
Item Placement
CoMpUdOc: erm..
Trystero: There was a tnt crate in the BATHROOM for crying out loud! High Explosives right next to the hand towels...
DerianX: lol
Face: I only remember seeing 2 spawnpoints.
DerianX: not enough ammocrates
Face: There's way too many TNT crates and not enough Ammo Crates (I only saw one Ammo crate)
Face: Only found one lockpick, which was in the truck.
DerianX: I think there are 4 spawn points, but only ONE works in DM though
Face: I saw a few multitools.
CoMpUdOc: Medkits were locked up or put in weird places....same with the lockpicks and multis frankly
CoMpUdOc: ...and those damn exploding barrels
DerianX: There were medbots in cabinets
CoMpUdOc: oi
Trystero: Medbots/Medkits under lock and key=bad. LAMS and LAWS secured away=good.
DerianX: one of the medbots was NOT invincible
CoMpUdOc: Plus, you could kill one of the medbots in said cabinets
DerianX: I got stuck inside it's cabinet too
Trystero: I hate those damn medbots...
CoMpUdOc: At least where were more than one Repair bots
DerianX: turrets were decently placed
DerianX: booze...
CoMpUdOc: way too much booze
Trystero: We need REAL booze
Face: and Zyme
DerianX: NO flamethrowers at all!
CoMpUdOc: Oh yes, I had forgoten.
Trystero: Ohhhh... I had not noticed that.
CoMpUdOc: That sucked.
Face: Was this map made at the time when flamethrowers were causing loads of problems?
CoMpUdOc: I think so...
DerianX: still
CoMpUdOc: There was no planning for a fix
Face: Have a heart.
* CoMpUdOc gives face his heart
* DerianX takes Face's heart
* CoMpUdOc dies
* Face lives with CoMpUdOc's heart.
DerianX: lol
CoMpUdOc: anyhoo..
DerianX: 5
CoMpUdOc: 3.5...medbots under lockdown
Trystero: 7 because I'm criminally insane.
Face: 4
DerianX: Trystero likes TNT crates I guess ;)
CoMpUdOc: A tad too much I wouldsay
CoMpUdOc: SP damage...for the 50th time!
DerianX: Only ONE spawn point works in regular DM
DerianX: OK
CoMpUdOc: sorry
DerianX: hehe
Face: SP Damage, FPS dipped in areas, especially near the fence, flickering light doesn't help.
Trystero: I was tripping over the plush office furniture getting mowed down by Derian's sawed off when I wasn't foaming at the mouth in convulsions because of the STROBE!
DerianX: lol
CoMpUdOc: lol
Face: lol
DerianX: That's a keeper
* CoMpUdOc steers the ship back to topic
* Face turns on a strobe light in front of Trystero
DerianX: the fps in general was quite good for a big open map
Trystero: FPS was pretty good.
CoMpUdOc: Yeah, same here
Face: Yep FPS on the whole was good, but dipped in places but nothing major.
Trystero: It was frustrating to play in....because of the small imperfections that accumulated into a giant heap of strobe-lit PAIN!
DerianX: The map allows for a number of playstyles.
[17:45] CoMpUdOc: Yep
DerianX: This is one of few maps that you can snipe in
Trystero: More players needed for good sniper action.
DerianX: The variety of indoor and outdoor ares is well blended in my opinion, and the fencing gives a "closed openness"
Face: Although it did seem that some areas were more dominant than others.
CoMpUdOc: that building under the radar dish
DerianX: I've heard that this map ofter turns into "capture the office bathroom"
Face: Indeed.
DerianX: When you gotta go... you gotta go
Trystero: Is that because of the convenient mint dish and TNT crate in the executive washroom?
Face: lol
CoMpUdOc: haaa...TnT and a leak
DerianX: that TNT crate was MUCH nicer than the other 89734
CoMpUdOc: Oh, quite
DerianX: But you can run around outlide without being boxed in by walls, but the fence still protects you from GEPs and snipers.
CoMpUdOc: Yes, that damn fence saved Derian from me one more than one ocation :shakefist:
DerianX: imagine if they were DTRcrates
CoMpUdOc: oh good god, lets not even go there
DerianX: hehe
CoMpUdOc: Playabilty...5 for SP damage
Face: 6
Trystero: 7
DerianX: 5.5
Fun Factor
Face: wait
* CoMpUdOc waits
* Face slaps Trystero around a bit with a large trout
CoMpUdOc: Hrm...
DerianX: In TDM/ATDM with >8 players this map is fun, in DM with <4 players it sux hard
Face: I was running around bored.
DerianX: It is a tad too big and empty though
Face: The main area of gameplay was in the office, which is bad in a map of this size. Really, players should have been encouraged to venture out to other areas instead of sticking to one or two areas at most. 3.5
CoMpUdOc: Yeah
Trystero: The toxic waste dump theme kinda took a little fun out of it for me... Why would we be fighting over barrels of radioactive slime?
DerianX: 3.5
CoMpUdOc: Same here..
CoMpUdOc: 3.5 also
Trystero: 3
CoMpUdOc: haha!
DerianX: heh
Trystero: :)
Final Thoughts
Face: I'm tired.
Trystero: My spasms have nearly stopped. Thank you.
Face: lol
DerianX: Trystero looks funny when he foams at the mouth
Face: Do you need to go to the ER?
DerianX: I do, they have cute nurses
* CoMpUdOc gets anthony edwards to treat Trystero
DerianX: (psst, he's an actor, not a real doctor)
CoMpUdOc: (so?)
DerianX: (well, if your going to have a fake doctor treat him, why don't YOU do it?)
CoMpUdOc: (die)
DerianX: (I plan too)
CoMpUdOc: (!)
DerianX: (years from now)
* Trystero gurgles with joy.
CoMpUdOc: erg..
*** Face is now known as DrFace
* DrFace slaps Trystero around a bit with a large trout
You should be feeling better now.
Trystero: I prefer perch.
*** DrFace is now known as Face
* CoMpUdOc pokes Trystero gently in the belly button ¤poke¤ ¤poke¤
Trystero: Hey now!
DerianX: feel better? ;)
Trystero: Heh...if ONLY YOU KNEW!! :P
DerianX: hehe
Trystero: More to come in the X-rated DXEditing Review Bloopers...Volume 5.
DerianX: lol
DerianX: Final thought - good potential with rookie mistakes
* Face agrees with Derina
CoMpUdOc: I concur with Derian.
Trystero: Indeed Derian.
DerianX: heh, ok then, any other thoughts?
CoMpUdOc: NO!
DerianX: .
Trystero: My mind is......(thud).....
DerianX: ..
Face: When's Hydro 2 coming out?
DerianX: ...
Face: Final thought:
DerianX: - END OF REVIEW -
DerianX: ohhh, sorry face, just outside the cutoff ;)
* Face slaps DerianX around a bit with a large trout
* Face slaps DerianX around a bit with a large trout
* Face slaps DerianX around a bit with a large trout
* Face slaps DerianX around a bit with a large trout
DerianX: ok ok, I'll keep it in
* Trystero passes out.
* Face calls 911
* Trystero wakes up and calls for pizza.
Face: lol
Sounds & Music
Layout & Design
Item Placement
Fun Factor
Final Score: 38.5%