By Jered Date Created: 5/23/2002
This will be a tutorial on how to make those neat InfoLink transmissions. First off open up a new ConEdit File. Select 'mission16' as usual. For the first conversation all it 'DL_test' and set the owner to 'JCDenton'. Now go uncheck everything under the 'invoke' tab. Now under the 'options' tab, two things need to be checked, 'Display Conversation only once' and 'Datalink Conversation'. This creates a conversation that will only be shown once via the InfoLink. You may notice that some boxes gray out. This is good. ConEdit doesn't let you make a choice to mess it up here. Now hit 'OK'. Add a 'Speech' event. The actor speaking needs to be 'AlexJacobson', (make sure you spell it right) the haX0r from Deus Ex. He'll be speaking too 'JCDenton'. Just give him some basic text like:
'Just running some tests JC.'
Then add an 'End' event. Our completed conversation should look like this:
Speech AlexJacobson
Just running some tests JC.
Pretty simple. Now we need to save it. Save it as 'Mission16_Infolink.con' in your MyMap (from earlier Tutorial) directory. Now you need to add a line to your 'DeusExConversations.uc' in your 'DeusEx -> MyMap -> Classes' Folder. If you have been following my tutorials, it should look like this:
class DeusExConversations expands Object
// Import conversations
// shared conversations
// Intro/Endgame
// AI Barks
We want it to look like this:
class DeusExConversations expands Object
// Import conversations
// shared conversations
// Intro/Endgame
// AI Barks
That extra line tells it to convert he file '' into a .u as well. Now go and delete the 'Mymap.u' from the system directory in DeusEx. You need to delete it or 'UCC make' won't recompile it. Now go run UCC make through dos. If you got no error messages, open up ExEd. Create your basic room with your 'PlayerStart' and 'DeusExLevelInfo'. What we need to do now is add a 'Datalink Trigger'. (Actors -> Triggers -> Trigger -> DatalinkTrigger) Position it so that JC will be able to touch it. But don't put it right where he starts out. Open up its properties. Open the tree 'Datalink Trigger' There are 3 fields here:
Datalink tag
They do the following
bCheckFalse - Tells weather or not it needs to check a flag before playing
CheckFlag - Tells it which flag to check if above is true
Datalink tag - The name of the conversation
Leave the top to alone but change the 'Datalink tag' to 'DL_Test'. Now load it up and run over the spot. You should get a message from Alex. That's it for Datalinks now.
Notes: Datalink = InfoLink. You MUST delete the previous .u before UCC will let you create a new one! The 'DL_...' in the filename only helps tell the ConEditer that its a Datalink.
"Give us the Tools, and we will build worlds" ~ Jered