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Objectives Tutorial
By Jered
Date Created: 5/23/2002

First off, objectives MUST BE CREATED IN CONEDIT! If you don't have a fair understanding of ConEdit (read other two tutorials) I suggest you try this tutorial later. What we are going to do here is create a map with conversation in which you have an objective of A. Getting a Gun and B. Giving it to Paul. This is very similar to the advanced conversation tutorial but a bit more challenging with a lot of new stuff added. Open up ConEdit. Create to conversations (Conversation -> Add Conversation) setting the invoke to only 'Player frobs NPC' and having no other flags checked on the 'Options' tab. The first one should be called 'Paul' and be owned by 'PaulDenton' the second should be named 'Cop' and be owned by 'Cop'. Lets start out with Paul's conversation. Add a 'check flag' event for the flag 'TalkedToCop' (this involves creating a flag). Make the 'flag check' if true jump to 'GotGun'. Add the speech between the two characters, as normal. Then do a new event called 'Add\Complete Goal'. When you open it up, There are 2 dot buttons, one check box and a text field as well as a 'goal name' The first field which is 'Goal Name' set it to 'GetGun1'. The next is a button (dot) which has 'Add Goal' next to it. Since we are adding a goal, we want this button checked. The next is the field which is the goal ext. Lets add 'Go get a gun from the police officer.' for the Goal text. The next thing is a checkbox. This shows weather or not it is a primary objective. If it is not checked, it is a secondary objective. Here's the difference:

Primary: Never leaves the objective screen until complete
Secondary: Sometimes optional (a lot of these in NY.) But will auto disappear at the end of each mission.

This is going to be a primary goal so check the box. Hit Update. A box should appear in the back that says:


Goal Name: GetGun1

Goal Text: Go get a gun from the police officer.

(Primary Goal)

Add an 'end' event after this. Now, when we come back to Paul with the gun, he needs to say something. Remember that flag we set in the beginning? If he has (True) 'TalkedToCop' then jump to label 'GotGun'. Lets create some speech. Create some dialogue between 'JCDenton' and 'PaulDenton' but the first speech action should have the label 'GotGun' Now since we want to give the gun to Paul, we need to set up a transfer. Create such a event and the 'Object to transfer:' will be a 'WeaponPistol' Stack Count: '1'. Transfer to: 'PaulDenton'. Transfer from: 'JCDenton'. On fail jump to 'Whoops'. This will transfer a basic pistol from JC to Paul. Now we must we must complete a goal given to us by the Cop. Add a 'Add/Complete goal' event. We want to give it the 'Goal Name' of 'GiveGun'. Ignore the next things until you get to a button (dot) that reads 'complete' hit that and 'Update'. This tells it to set the goal 'GiveGun' to complete. Add an 'End' Event. Now we need to add an event for the label 'whoops' in case Paul Can't carry the 'WeaponPistol'. Add some speech with the 'event label' of 'whoops' and after that add an 'end'. That's it for Paul... it should look something like this:

Check Flags Jump to GotGun

TalkedToCop = True


Speech JCDenton



Speech PaulDenton

Go get a gun from the cop and come back.



Goal Name: GetGun1

Goal Text: GO get a weapon from the police officer.

(Primary Goal)




GotGun Speech JCDenton

I got my gun.


Speech PaulDenton

Good. Lets have it.


Transfer Object PaulDenton Transfer WeaponPistol to...



Goal Name: GiveGun





Whoops Speech PaulDenton

Give it to me later.




Now lets start on the 'Cop'. First off we need to check for the flag 'TalkedToCop' to see if we've talked to him and gotten his weapon. Set it to jump to GoAway. Then we need to create some dialogue till the 'Cop' transfers his 'WeaponPistol' to 'JCDenton'. Set the 'If fail Jump to' 'NotNow'. Remember to make an event to 'set flag' 'TalkedToCop' to true. Now add a event 'Add/complete goal' and type in the 'Goal Name' as 'GetGun1' and set it to 'completed'. Then add a event 'Add/complete goal' and type in the 'Goal Name' as 'GiveGun' this is the goal to give the gun. Make sure to add some text and set it as a primary goal. Then add a 'end'. Now create some speech and give it the 'event label' of 'GoAway' Then add an 'end' Add some text (speech) for event "NotNow' then end it. It looks like:

Check Flags Jump to GoAway

TalkedToCop = True


Speech JCDenton



Speech Cop

I have a gun for you.


Transfer Object JCDenton Transfer WeaponPistol to...


Set Flags

TalkedToCop = True


Speech Cop

Now go give it to your brother.



Goal Name: GetGun1




GoalName: GiveGun

GoalText: Give the gun you got from the cop to your brother Paul




GoAway Speech Cop





NotNow Speech JCDenton

I'll come back later.



Now compile it and check it out remembering to talk to Paul first. Cool, eh? Remember that Goals can only be -set- via ConEdit. They can be checked of using the 'GoalTrigger' (Actors -> Trigger -> GoalTrigger) in ExEd.

"Give us the Tools, and we will build worlds" ~ Jered

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