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Aliance Tutorial
By Jered
Date Created: 5/23/2002

Getting the enemy to attack you is not an easy thing. As you may have already noticed, any pawn you put into play is neutral. For a real level your going to need some bad guys. Lets start out by opening up ExEd. Build your basic square level (or more detailed if you wish) making sure to add a ‘PlayerStart’ (NavigationPoint -> PlayerStart) and your ‘DeusExLevelInfo’ (Info -> DeusExLevelInfo). Now that you have that, lets put a terrorist in the level. Insert a ‘Terrorist’ (Pawn -> ScriptedPawn -> HumanMilitary -> Terrorist). If you can rotate it so he will not be facing the ‘PlayerStart’. Now, double click him to open his properties. There should be a tree called ‘Alliances’. Open that. There should be 2 things. ‘Alliance’ and ‘InitialAlliences’. For the Alliance put ‘NSF’ because that is who he is allied with. Now expand the ‘InitialAlliences’ tree all the way. There should be 7 sets of ‘AllianceLevel’, ‘AllianceName, ‘ and ‘bPermanent’. Set the ’AllianceLevel’ to ‘-1’. The ‘AllianceName’ needs to be set to ‘Player’. ‘bPermanent’ needs to equal ‘True’. This will make the ‘Terrorist’ hostile towards the player. Here is what it all means.

AllianceLevel - There are 3 things for this. -1 , 1 , and 0. -1 means that it will be hostile towards the AllianceName. 0 means it will be neutral. 1 means that it will be friendly.

AllianceName - The name assigned to the alliance. It is a good idea to have a different alliance for every group of pawns. 1 for the NSF, one for the NSFbots, one for UNATCO, and so on. The player is always in the alliance of ‘Player’. You can’t change this. You have to have this.

bPermanent - Weather or not the NPC will always be hostile to the alliance. I’ve always set it to ’True’.

Alliance - What alliance the NPC is in. A NPC cannot be hostile towards its allies.

"Give us the Tools, and we will build worlds" ~ Jered

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