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By Trax2000
Date Created: 5/23/2002

In this tutorial I will attempt to explain in length and with as few typos as possible exactly how one sets up elevators. This will cover a complex multi-level elevator. If you want one that goes from floor 1 to floor 2 use a door and turn it sideways. I will assume that you have completed my other mover tutorial and are fairly comfortable with the editor. If you haven’t or if you aren’t read on at your own risk. You may or may not be successful.

First off construct the actual elevator car. Build it in midair like the start of all movers. To do this I recommend Building A cube that measures 216x216x216 and is HOLLOW. Add it to the world, build a box of the same size but make it solid, line it up over the edge of one side of the hollow box, intersect it and subtract brush from world. This is very difficult to explain and I really wish they would allow us to post screenshots but since we cant Ill go into more depth. You have your hollow box. You are trying to cut off one side so that you cant enter it. To do this you overlap another brush and line it up then intersect it so you have a brush shaped like one of the sides and in fact placed directly over the side of the elevator so that when u subtract it you elevator can be entered.

Texture the elevator however you want it to appear in the end. With the buttons textured with the appropriate number (u just did that in properties) and the elevator itself set up, make a brush larger than the elevator, surround the elevator with it, and intersect it. Now move the new brush to where you want the elevator to be when its on the ground.

With the brush in position, go to classes, go to brush, go to mover. Now listen carefully because I found out I was not clear enough when I gave these directions before. Click on elevator in classes so that it is highlighted. it must be highlighted in blue. Once it is highlighted in blue click the add mover button. [b]If you do not do that exactly your elevator will not work![/b]

Now as always drag the original orange brush out of the way. Right click the elevator mover and click kketframe1. Drag it to the position you want it to be when it is on the SECOND floor. Click keyframe2 and drag it to its position on the THIRD floor. Continue as needed. Right click your elevator. Go to events, and name your elevator something under tag. Call it "Elevator" call it anything. It just has to be unique.

Now add a sequence trigger for each floor. Sequence triggers are located in the triggers tab under classes (Do I really need to say that?). I recommend putting the sequence triggers just outside the elevator shaft one next to each floor you want the elevator to stop on. They don’t have to be it just makes things easier for you later. Right click on each sequence trigger (here after referred to as "ST"). Go to this events tab. Under tag name each sequence trigger something unique. I recommend naming them ST1 ST2 ST3 etc for the corresponding floor but if you have multiple elevators you’ll have to include some other stuff as well. Also in events tab under "Event" enter the tag name of the elevator u assigned.

Now also in the ST's properties there is a sequence trigger tab. Go to it. It says "seqnum" This is a sequence number. It’s the keyframe for the floor. For the first floor enter seqnum as 0. For the second floor enter seqnum as 1 etc. This tells the trigger what keyframe to send the mover to (what floor the elevator goes to)

Ahh, but how do we trigger the sequence triggers? Good question. With buttons. Go to decorations and right there you will find "button1" add enough of these IN the car itself. Line it up so it is partially buried but has only a little bit buried just inside the wall of the elevator. Right click and go to properties for each button. In the advanced tab set moveable to true stasis to true and travel to true, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!! If you do not set travel, stasis, and moveable to true in the advanced tab under properties the elevator will move and the buttons will stay floating on the ground floor. Then In the tab "button1" in properties go to button type and set one for each floor. *Note this really does limit you to 0nly 9 floors, but that doesn’t matter since u can only have 8 due to the limiting keyframe properties of the elevator itself.

Ok so you’ve got your buttons in you elevator and you’ve got them textured. Don’t worry, they look blank in the editor but when u play the level they will show whatever u displayed. Right where u textured them btw you can tell them to be lit or not. Now, right click each numbered button and go to events. enter the event for button as "ST1" or whatever u named the sequence trigger for floor 1. Continue to do this directing each numbered button to the sequence trigger of the corresponding floor.

If you’ve done all of this you should be set, but wait! What if you end up on the second floor and the elevator isn’t there, or any floor for that matter. Add a button at the entrance to the shaft at each floor. Leave the button blank. Right click it and direct it to the sequence trigger for the floor it is on. When I say direct it I mean enter the name of the ST under Event in the events tab. For example the button to bring the elevator to the first floor would have ST1 under event, that’s if you’ve named things what I’ve named them.

As a finishing touch you may want to add doors to each elevator. I’m not going to go into the method to making simple doors in this tutorial but for suggestions make 2, each half the size of the doorway. Have them slide open. Just drag the keyframe1 to the side without rotating it. this looks very realistic. Then set it to "trigger open timed". Go to Classes, triggers...Now, you want a simple trigger, u may say there is no simple trigger.

YOU ARE WRONG! click on where it says "trigger" this is not just a heading but a category itself. Click it instead of its minus sign. The word trigger should b highlighted in blue. When it is hold "A" and click in any of the 4 views to enter a simple trigger. Right click it go to properties, trigger. Change its type to "Player Proximity". Hold ctrl and Place the trigger in the middle of the door itself. Right in it, so that it can be triggered by a player on either side. Set the event under trigger to the name of the two doors. Oh, for the two doors; Name them THE SAME THING under events->tag. That way they open at the same time. Now with a trigger set to player prox and tied into the doors for each floor you are finally ready. Add your lights and your player start and your set.

***Note*** its useful to have a vent or something above the top of the elevator at each floor so that if you walk into the open shaft and survive you can open it and crawl out rather than sit there forever.

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