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Importing Textures
By Bliah
Date Created: 5/6/2002

{#exec is used to import all textures, sounds, and models into the game.)

First let's look at some original .uc samples and I'll explain how it works.


class WeaponShuriken extends DeusExWeapon;

These two lines are loading the belt texture and inventory texture for the shuriken. Icon being the belt texture and Large Icon being the inventory texture.

"DeusExUI" is the folder containing the .uc that will import the texture. "Icons" is the group name given to this texture, you can make this whatever you want.

The last part is the name for the texture you want to load. You can name your texture anything you want as well, just keep the name the same in all references to it.

Now lets look at at the lines inside of DeusExUI/AllUI.uc that loads these textures.

#exec TEXTURE IMPORT FILE=Textures\Icons\LargeIconShuriken.pcx NAME=LargeIconShuriken GROUP=Icons

File= is where you put the sub folders that store your texture and the name of your texture under your main mod folder.

In this case it is looking in DeusEx\Textures\Icons for the file LargeIconShuriken.pcx

Name= refers to the name you gave your WeaponShuriken.uc they called it LargeIconShuriken. Group= Is where you put the group name you gave your WeaponShuriken.uc they listed it under Icons.

Again you can name your group names and Texture names anything you want.

That's all there is to it.

Subclass your new weapon/item/character

Give a group and texture name, then create a .uc file to load the textures and use the #exec command to do it.

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