Ladders, Making you climb for your objectives. ®

*Note* This tutorial assumes that you've done the texturing tutorial.

1. First Launch UnrealEd and get to the main screen.

2. Build a simple little box that has a light, a player start and a DeusExlevelinfo in it, except its 512 high and 256 the other two ways.. Rebuild your geomatry

3. Texture it nicely if you want, but its not nessessary. Then, adjust the cube properties so that you have a cube thats 512x1x64.

4.  Then go to textures, open up the CoreTexMetals and go down until you get Ladder_a, THIS IS CRITICAL! Its the texture upon something that makes a ladder act like a ladder in Deus Ex, If you wanted to create your own ladder texture, you would import it and then set its group to ladder. With Ladder_a selected, press Add to world.

5.  Done! Good job, ladders are really easy. Right?

Here's the map I made.


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