Portofolio - Robert A A Hale (schizo_Slayer@yahoo.com) BankLevel.zip Contains an entire demo level for the Deus Ex mod "Redsun 2020" Originally built as a sub-mission for the Main Tokyo Section of the game. It was later decided to remodel the level. This version is due for release as a demo very shortly (End of March 2001) Objective: Quite simple really you require 5000 credits and so You must "Aquire" *Ahem* 500 credits using whatever means nesecerry. Requirments: Full version Of Deus Ex The latest single player patch for Deus Ex. Installation: Unzip the file banklevel.zip to your deusex directory (c:\Deusex by default). It is imperitve that the directory structure is as folows: *\Deusex\Banklevel\ This is so the install script works correctly as it overwrites some files in the game. Use: Once installed just run install.bat and click the training button when Deus Ex Loads.