Ah, the great out doors. Kind of sad that so few maps ever have truly
amazing out door environments. The last game I can recall that wowed
me with its outdoor environments was... UNREAL! And what do you know,
Deus Ex also had some really sweet environments! I love this engine!
Pop open a new map, Then open up the cube properties diolog box.
Now heres a cool thing about UnrealEd, you can enter Visual Basic style equations
into these boxes. Like this:
(Yes, strangley enough UnrealEd was made entirely in Visual Basic)
Acceptable commands are addition ( + ), subtraction ( - ), multimpication
( * ) and division ( / ). It also allows you to use paratheses.
Now why do we need this you may ask? Simple! When creating any environment
we want to be as nice as we posibly can be to our compiler. and to
do this we need to use binary numbers (I think that's what they are
called). So numbers like 16, 32, and 128 are prefered over numbers
like 11 and 47. These numbers will still work, but can create more
compile errors. Notice how 256 is a multiple of 128? and 32? AND 16?
If you haven't figured it out already 256*15, like I entered above
will be an acceptable number!
Now that you have your little UnrealEd tip of the day we can get
constructing this environment.
Enter some values into those boxes. They probably don't need to be
as large as mine, but it's you map. (Infact mine are rediculusly large,
and I have actualy used smaller numbers in the map I have created)
You also need to remember that in an outdoor environment, such as
a city street, you don't need to worry about any excess space because
the sky box (which will be discussed below tutorial) gives the illision
of an infinite out door environment. Some extra space out side is
always good!

Subtract that brush from the world and texture the ground something
nice, but texture the "walls" and "ceiling" the
same texture that you will never use (pick a nice bright ugly one).
This texture will become our Fake Backdrop. Just like a photographer
has a backdrop he places you in front of that looks real on camera,
Unreal Ed has backdrops. We call these backdrops Sky Boxes.
A sky box is a user created backdrop that is not your usually sixsided
environment bitmap. It is a dynamic camera! It's really cool, but
we will have to get back to that.
First of as some of you may have noticed already, it is a real pain
to light such a large environment. So were going to need some help.
This is where ZoneInfo comes in handy!

Pop that baby into the map somewhere, try not to get it confused
with the DeusExLevelInfo, and open up it's properties.

Under zone light you will need to change the AmbientBrightness, AmbientHue,
and AmbientSaturation properties to get the color and brightness you
want. The key to picking the best values here is to adjust and rebuild
them (watch the dynamic lighting view) until the entire environment
is the level of brigtness of the darkest object you want. Confusing?
I know. Just remember that no object that is in that zone can be darker
than that setting. Only lit birghter by light objects, so for a night
scene keep that brightness value low. And for a day scene you can
raise it just a little bit. I set mine at 15 for a night scene. (I
also use a zone info in many large indoor areas, it makes life easier
and your maps look better)

Next up is some stuff in our environment. I am going to add a little
shop. To do this you need to first use addition brushes
to create the general shape of the stucture. Then you fine tune and
do the inside of it with subtraction brushes. 

Study this image closely. You will notice how I created a simple
square building, then hollowed it and a door way out. (The doors are
not movers, just brushes) That is best way to go about creating an
out door environment. You can keep adding and subtracting as much
as you like.
Now you take over! Make a little city street and fill it up. Create
some buildings and an ally and whatever else you want. This is what
I came up with:

(WARNING! NOTE! ATTENTION! This is a little pile of crap I threw
togething in about 30 seconds, as can be seen by the big blue block
on the right side. It is no indication of talents or artisitic initition.
In fact it makes me sick to look at this crappy little environment
I just made and If given the energy I would go back and scrap this
whole damn map and do it again!) Sorry about the image, my capture
program doesn't always like the skinny lines UnrealEd draws, THEY
In your map you really should close off an open ends to prevent the
player from wandering into a empty little spot where the city just......
Go create a seperate room way off to the side of the map. Don't go
crazy, just make it far enough so that it does not over lap with the
rest of the map in any of the views and will allow for expansion.
(to get the camera there you may need to switch to texture view, and
look for a while)

It doesn't have to be a box, it can be some sort of deformed trapazoid
or an oblate shperoid, or whatever you want. I like to keep it to
a simple six sided brush.
Now the fun part, we need to create a little imaginary world for
our player to see where ever we tell the engine to show the fake back
First we need our camera, a.k.a. our SkyBoxInfo!

Place that near the bottem in the middle and begin lighting (you
can use it's zone light property like we did above as well as normal
lighting) and texturing this room like a sky should look... (I used
sheets for the buildings, remeber it's just a backdrop) also, be careful,
because DeusEx players have a compas, a friend of mine got mad at
me because the sunset was the wrong way :-)
(insert a in game picture of that nice sky box I made here, unless
unrealed desides to crash and oh... SCREW IT ALLl!! UGH!!)
There you go! Now return to those surfaces you textered all the same
bright ugly color and select them. Right click and click surface properties.
Check "FakeBackDrop"
Important to remember is the fact that at any given location the
player will always see as if they were standing with their eyes at
the SkyBoxInfo.
All that's left is to rebuild and run!
Sky boxes have some limits: each map can only have 1 sky box, and
if over complicated, can lag the game down. Other than those and a
few others, you can just run wild! Take for example some of the sky
boxes used in other unreal engine maps. Some Unreal Tournament maps
had shooting stars, and others had flying cars. Others had lightning
effects worked into them that could be triggered on demand. Some really
cool stuff. Crazy shit I have come up with:
The Night Of The Amazon Women