Deus Ex: Invisible War Walkthrough Pt. I
By Chuck "Absynthe" Simciak
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Table of Contents

Tarsus Academy- Upper Seattle - Lower Seattle
Maco Ballistics - Cairo (pt. I)


Tarsus Academy

Did you read your manual? You know that printed stuff that came with your game. If you didn't take the time to read the background stuff near the end. Its only a few pages and helps to explain some of the people you'll meet including yourself. Open the chest and read the datacube to get a map. Grab the binoculars from the shelf above next to the generic trophy. Check the Holocomm Unit for a message.

Primary Goal: Meet Billie

Go ahead and explore your apartment. Check the datacube by the coffee maker. If you find food start collecting it. Its not as effective as a medkit but for little bruises bread can heal you quite nicely. If you find an area that is dark look for a light switch or press F1 to turn on your light biomod.Leave your apartment and witness the senseless carnage that is... vent grate death. To your left is a break area. Read the book for a little background info. Across from the break area is room 452. Try the intercom. Head down the hall north and move the body aside to pick up some ammo. Turn left and chat with the Janitor (press your Use key). Just like Deus Ex, use the Janitor for more information until he starts repeating himself. Use the intercom on room 454 to enter. Talk to Billie.

Primary Goal: Report to Dr. Nassif

Keep talking to Billie until she repeats herself. Grab some food. Leave heading east down the hall. Try the intercom at room 453. Check out the news on the Public Terminal (use it multiple times to get everything. Look away to cut off the announcer.). Talk with the guard at the end of the hall and use the elevator to enter the training area.


Tarsus Recreation

Leave the elevator and approach the window on your left to talk to Dr. Nassif.

Primary Goal: Meet Klara
Primary Goal: Meet Leo

Continue down the hall to the left to find Klara. Chat (Press the use key to hear all of her dialog, do this with EVERYONE you meet.). Exit east to the track and chat with Leo. Tell Leo you're sure you saw a dead body.

Primary Goal: Get Equipment

Run West and down the stairs. Cross the basketball court and turn left to enter the locker room. All the way to the back you'll find four lockers. Open Leo and Alex's lockers for goods. If you like, use your multitool to open Klara's locker for an energy cell and ammo clip or Billie's locker for 100 credits and a spider bomb.

Primary Goal: Exit Facility

Walk back to the basketball court and talk with the guard. Get some pointers. To conserve ammo tell the guard to distract the Seeker. When he starts firing on her, make use of the riot baton finish him off. Collect any ammo you find around the limp bodies. Return back up the stairs. If you need health use the water fountain in the room where you met Klara. Head north to the elevator.

Primary Goal: Go To Biomod Lab

After Billie is finished, take the elevator back up. Before you reach the guard that is still standing, check the sleepy one for a riot prod, ammo, and a flashbang grenade. Chat with the live guard. For the easy out, suggest sneaking past. Move into the apartment on your left. Use the vent to sneak out but before you do clear out the open chest of its combat knife, 100 credits, and ammo clip. By the bed, near the pillow, is an EMP grenade. Before you exit the vent nab the multitool. And once out, grab the other multitool from the kitchen. Listen for footsteps and sneak south to the desk. Use the Holocomm Unit for some tidbits. To your left, pick up the pillow to reveal a multitool. Nearby, open the chest for a medkit and concussion prox mine. As the Seeker walks past the malfunctioning apartment door either shoot him or just walk up behind and whap him with the riot baton a few times. Pick up all bodies you find and move them aside just in case some stray ammo is laying beneath them. Check Billie's apartment for more food. Her chest is still locked but one multitool can open it for an EMP grenade. Head towards your apartment for a big surprise. On you left, in the kitchen, mantle up the wall to find a boltcaster. Go out the gaping hole in the bathroom, and through the door to exit. To reach the door move forward against the platform while pressing your jump key. Alex will mantle up. Remember this, you'll being using this skill throughout the game.


Tarsus Laboratory - The Surreal World

Jog ahead to the Holocomm Unit for some timely info.

Primary Goal: Install Biomods

Read the datacube next to it, spin around, and read the other three datacubes. Grab the multitool on the back corner of the table. Snag all three Biomod Canisters from the cabinet and open the Biomod Screen. Since I'm playing a stealth/hacker I have to make a critical choice. Since Cloak and Hack are in the same slot I can't have both. Instead, I will spend all three upgrades on Vision Enhancement. Not only will this allow you to see through walls, it will also allow you to see ALL OBJECTS that you might want to pickup or interact with. Leave out the door to the south and talk with the nurse. Take a look through the window then read the datacube. Sneaking past the camera is relatively easy. You can hide under it and wait for it to point away from the stairs before moving. You can also use an EMP grenade or multitool on it. Nab the energy cell atop the crate if you can. Keep moving up the stairs until you find the scientists on your right.

Secondary Goal: Protect Scientists

There are many options on how you can handle this. You can use a flashbang grenade/riot prod combo, or detonate the gas canister below (its behind the crates where the camera is) with your pistol. Talk with the two scientists for your reward. Go ahead and use the silencer mod on the pistol. Continue talking then enter the next room and talk to the other scientist. If you fully upgraded your vision you can use it to find a bunch of stuff in this room. A multitool on a shelf, an energy cell near it, a revealing datacube, an ammo clip in a locked cabinet under the table, and most of all your first black market biomod canister. Its in a locked cabinet next to a medkit. I advise taking this. Computing hacking has always worked for me in other games. Oh so many options exist for getting past the energy beams. You can hack the nearby terminal to get past them, detonate the explosive crate to destroy them, use a grenade on them, move the barrel by the vent grate to block one beam off, or just leave the room using the ventilation shaft that's blocked by the barrel. Any way you do it leave using the vent shaft to claim the multitool inside. Once you're out open the door. Outside is a Medbot that can heal you. Spin around and climb the stairs. In the locked cabinet you'll find an energy cell and 100 credits. To the right of the cabinet is a vent shaft. Defeat the spiderbot and you'll have a prime post ion to shoot the guards. Consider using a multitool on the camera to avoid any alarms. Or you can go back down the stars, past the medbot, and open the door. Walk around to get the guard's attention. Lure him back down the hall away from his friend and then use the riot baton. Repeat for the other guard. Heal up using the medbot. Go back to the last lab and snag the multitool in the northeast corner. Climb the stairs and get out. But before you can leave, its time to hear from the Church.

Primary Goal [Order]: Report to Church

Nick the energy cell next to the Holocomm Unit. Leave.


Upper Seattle - The Coffee Wars

Chat with the guards.

Primary Goal [WTO]: Report to WTO

And after you enter upper Seattle yet another goal:

Secondary Goal: Dr. Nassif: Search Apartment

Head east until you find the New Seattle Citizen. Listen to the Holocomm Unit for some background. Check the datacube near the unit for a map. Chat it up with the citizen then spin around and enter the coffee shop to the northwest. Check the Public Terminal. The plot is thickening. Enter the coffee shop and listen in on the conversation. Talk with the patron and the store manager.

Secondary Goal: Coffee Wars: Destroy Beans

IIf you need ammo take the ammo clip next to the espresso machine behind the manager. Continue on into the other part of the coffee shop. Get the multitool from under the table in the northwest corner. Read some books. Leave. Head west back from where you came and down a short hall, it has the Inclinator sign over it (if you can read it... a bit blurry). Talk with the three thugs there. Promise you'll return after you visit the ATM. Jump into the dumpster behind them for some food and an ammo clip. Walk west and enter the Inclinator. The punks can wait for now.


Are You So Inclined?

Listen to the conversation then chat it up with everyone present. Check atop the stairs (east) for a multitool and proximity EMP grenade.

Primary Goal: Inclinator: Clean Up Spill

Continue on and talk with the guard at the door. Don't enter. Instead. push the wooden platform next to him aside so that you can access the ventilation system. Crawl in and out the other side. Wait for the bot to walk away. Close the vent grate, and mantle atop (make sure you're not crouching). Hop over the railing. Run east into the office. Claim the multitool and 100 credits from the table then its back into another vent shaft. Cross the I-beam. Where it connects with another I-beam turn left and left again. Go all the way back to the office window to find a multitool. Turn around and head east. Crouch when you reach the edge then head north. Turn left and hop over the railing. Use the Security Computer to flush the area. (Or, hop over the rail to open the room with the Repairbot.) Now that everything is safe spin around and open the chest for a gas grenade and two concussion grenades. Near the terminal is a phosphorous flare on the floor. Proceed west down the ladder. A datacube lays behind you if you want to read it. Stroll east then turn south to the stairs. Go down and talk with the maintenance person. Return up the staircase, turn right, and open up the maintenance closet. Say "hi" to the bot and take the ammo clip. Exit north. Don't worry about the security bots, they're friendly now. Proceed south then duck under the wall on your right. On one end is an emp grenade and multitool, on the other a concussion prox mine. Up the stairs look to the north near a stack of boxes for a medkit. Leave the room. Talk to the Inclinator Director for your reward. Leave the inclinator. The punks will ask again for money. Either fight them or pay 50 credits for an easy out. A quick way out is to use a gas grenade. It should take out two of the thugs if you aim for the crates in between. Use the riot baton and everyone will be blissfully asleep. Open the crate to claim the glass destabilizer mod and some ammo. You can also chose not to fight the punks but there are some neat things we need from here for later.


Riding On The Metro

Time to make some new friends. Head east past the Tarsus Academy then make a left up the stairs. Turn right following the sign to the Metro. Talk with the Thugs you find there (not too much) but don't pay them anything. Go north past the bot. Hang a left and open the vent right in front of you. Follow the vent and take down the one guard patrolling while still inside the vent. If you make it noisy the guard from the booth will investigate. Handle him the same way. Crawl out of the vent and enter the area on your right. Open the locker for the softkey, riot prod, and ammo clip. Check the closet across from here for a shelf with an ammo clip, energy cell, food, and a medkit. As your clearing the bodies make sure you get the nervous guy's shotgun. The alternate fire provides a nice smokescreen that when combined with the vision aug creates a great combo. Dispatch the remaining guard outside the booth. Use either the secuirty computer or the button in the booth to disable the security beams. Stroll south up the stairs and ride away to the WTO Air Terminal.


I Wanna Be An Airborne Ranger

Talk to the first guard you see (again, keep using him like everyone else to hear everything he has to say). Walk on to the coffee shop and chat with patrons. Enter the room to the west for more chat. If you hack the ATM make sure NO ONE sees you. (Crouching helps.) Otherwise, the guards will open fire. At the south end of the room look under the chairs for a multitool. Walk east and approach the window on your right for a chat. Talk to the two guards by the elevator door. Walk north to the management office and listen to the conversation with the Civic Manager. Talk to him after the conversation ends.

Secondary Goal: VOX Finances: Investigate

You can raid his office after he leaves. The locker on the left has two ammo clips, the one next to it has a silencer mod, and his safe contains an emp grenade, scramble grenade, and a datacube with his security computer login. Cross over to the other office and talk to Donna Morgan's hologram.

Primary Goal [WTO]: Culture Minister: Investigate

Look under her desk for a multitool. Leave the WTO Terminal. Its time to go clubbin'.


I'm Hip, I'm Cool

When you get outside the Metro follow the signs to the nightclub. Chat with the Order Seeker but don't hurt her. She's nice. Head west and into Club Vox. Talk to the Door Guard at the window. Ask her about the club before paying the entry fee.

Secondary Goal: Meet Club Vox Owner
Secondary Goal: NG Resonance: Talk to Sim

After you enter, check out the Public Terminal on your left. Stroll southeast to the bar area. Talk with everyone including the Minister of Culture.

Secondary Goal: Culture Minister: Talk To Man

Talk with Lionel. He's probably behind you dancing alone.

Secondary Goal: Culture Minister Notify

Now go back and talk to the Minister of Culture. When he asks, volunteer to be the chamber-boy.

Secondary Goal: Culture Minister: Enter Penthouse

Take the 50 credits from behind the bar then exit. Spin around and jog to the right to climb the stairs up to the second floor. Go straight and right to talk with Jake and the Bartender. Behind the keg you can pick up a multitool. Exit out to the 2nd floor dance floor. Try talking with the dancers. Go back west to the other end of the hall. Talk with the two people overlooking the club, one of them is the club owner.

Secondary Goal: Bounty on Lawyer: Assassination

Go past the pair and listen to Bud Puckett. Now talk to the NG Resonance Real-Time Kiosk. Keep her talking until you get a new goal.

Secondary Goal: NG Resonance: Find Information

Exit the club. Don't worry about the other things you may have noticed, we will return for those later.

Note: If you talk with the Omar at the club and report him to NG you might not be able to complete the bounty missions for either the lawyer or the Omar due to a rare bug. Oh, you don't have an Omar bounty? Keep playing and you'll find out.


We're Off To The Emerald Suites

After you leave the club head north under the purple Galleria sign and on to the Old Seattle Overlook. Use a multitool to disable the camera. Hack the ATM for cash, get the multitool from the benches under the windows, and finally if you took out those Thugs by the Inclinator you would have a glass destabilizer mod. Use the mod enabled weapon to dissolve the glass. Behind it take the energy cell and multitool. Leave the area and hang a right to enter the Emerald Suites. Upon entering, look to your right for a multitool. Checkout the Public Terminal. Talk with the Janitor for the skinny on the place. You could buy softkeys from him, use multitools to enter the apartments, or just make do with the ventilation shafts. If you have a multitool to spare, you can enter the elevator shaft and disable the electrical short by using it on the power box to your left. Climb the ladder to find 100 credits. Enter the stairwell next to the elevator. Climb a flight of stairs and crawl into the vent system. Using the vents you'll be able to enter both apartments on the first floor just watch out for the spiderbot. First room is Dr. Nassif's apartment. Get the emp grenade from the shelf then enter her bedroom. Get both energy cells (one is under the bed), and the biomod canister and scramble grenade from the chest. For my stealth/hacker I went with the silent feet. Read the datacube on the desk. Leave her apartment and re-enter the vents. On your way to the second apartment claim the multitool on your right in front of the spinning fan.

The next apartment belongs to an enterprising resource reallocation specialist. Drop in and use the riot baton. He won't know what hit 'em! Read the datacube on his desk then explore his bedroom. Under his pillow you will find a toxin blade, one of several unique weapons. Clean the man's closet of its multitool and 100 credits. Also check by the bed for a concussion prox mine. Exit the apartment and head north up the stairs. Enter the stairwell to get the multitool from underneath. Leave the stairwell and use the intercom to enter the apartment on your left. Make sure you say "I'm handling the SMG shipment..". (If you didn't talk with the club owner you'll have to either use a multitool to enter or use the nearby stairwell to break in in from the skylights.) Enter and talk with the Lawyer. Make things interesting by telling the Lawyer that Kurczec is dead. Talk him into giving you some money. Talk to him again to get a sweeter deal (Note: Though you can make more money you lose out on a black market aug canister. Assassinate him and report back to the Club Owner if that's what you want.).

Secondary Goal: Bounty on Omar: Kill Trader

If you feel like raiding the secured area in Mr. O'Rourke's bedroom go right ahead, it only takes one multitool. A sniper rifle among other things can be found. Leave the apartment and return to the lobby. Climb the stairs again but go all the way to the top. Enter the penthouse.


They Call Me Mr. Chamber-Boy!

On the shelves in the kitchen is a multitool hidden behind some bags of coffee. Open the door and take out spideybug. If you wait before he turns the corner at the other end of the room you can shoot him dead before he reaches you. Hack the Security Terminal on your left to disable the beams. If you can't hack you'll have to either destroy the beam emitters, block them, or just hop over them. Back in pool table area, behind the bar, read the datacube hidden behind two bottles. Sneak upstairs and wait for the camera to cycle such that you can run underneath it. Run into the bedroom to the south. The vision mod makes it easy to see through the wall which way the camera faces. In the bedroom get 50 credits from the shelves by the bed. Open the closet for binoculars and an energy cell. Hack the computer to disable security. If you can't hack don't worry, the datacube in the bar gave you the keycode. Use the keypad to open the vault. Inside, read the datacube. Pick up the medkit.

Primary Goal: Get WTO Debriefing

Shatter the glass cases to access an EMP converter mod and an energy blade. Leave the Penthouse and Emerald Suites. Before returning to WTO pay another visit to Club Vox.


Its The Dance Of The Mad

If you chose to assassinate the lawyer, simply chat with the Club Owner. Enter the VIP area and chat with the Omar Trader. Finally, talk to NG Resonance. If not... Climb upstairs and out to the upper dance floor. Pass the two dancers and stroll over to the Secure Area door. Instead of opening it squeeze into the small balcony space to its left. Jump on the balcony rail then mantle your way atop the wall. Snag the multitool and enter the vent. Grab another multitool. Sneak to the closet. Look around you'll find a crowbar and emp prox mine. One guard patrols outside. Time it right and you can take him down from behind before he can react. To the east, open the vent grate on your left. Take out the spideybug and follow the vent into the Club Owner's office. Inside you can find binoculars, a softkey, an energy cell, and an SMG (under the desk). Read the datacube on the desk. Multitool into the safe behind the desk for 3 100 credit chips, an ammo clip, a concussion grenade, and a very important datacube.

Primary Goal: Vox Finances: Collect Reward

Don't leave just yet. Sneak west up the steps. One guard and and Omar Trader need to be handled. Sadly, you must KILL the Omar Trader to claim credit for the Lawyer's quest. As long your weapon is silenced its easy to make this a quiet takedown. The Omars are not completely human so even emp grenades work on them (renders them unconscious if you use enough). However, before killing the Omar at least talk to him (make sure the guard is subdued). You can purchase a black market biomod and a silencer mod from him.

Secondary Goal: Bounty on Omar: Collect Reward

Go downstairs. Near the base of the stairs is the door to the basement. Now that you have a key for it head on down. The Omar is suddenly friendly to you again. Time to take advantage of it. Enter the next room and take the security beams down by hacking or using an emp grenade. Continue on. Read the datacube on the side of the container.

Secondary Goal: Omar Discount and Reward

Grab the goods from the shelf (two ammo clips, 100 credits, a shotgun, energy cell, glass destabilizer mod, medkit). Behind the large machine you'll find a multitool. Walk back up stairs and chat with NG Resonance. (It appears a bug may prevent this quest from being cleared if you killed the Omar.) Tell her the truth of what you found for some money. Leave the club and return to the Lawyer at the Emerald Suites. Kill him and then go back to the Club for a reward from the Club Owner (evil ain't it?). Now report back to the WTO Air Terminal. Talk with both the Civic Manager and Donna Morgan.

Primary goal: Hire Pilot


What Goes Up Should Come Down

Time to leave Upper Seattle. Leave the WTO Air Terminal and head back down to where you found the 3 punks earlier. Enter the Inclinator. Go downstairs to the big area where you cleaned up the spill. Use the Repairbot if you're low on BioEnergy. On the south end push the button to go down. The locked door behind the maintenance guy leads to a room with an SMG, medkit, ammo clip, and emp converter mod. The ladder next to the maintenance guy leads to a mad spiderbot. You'll also find an emp grenade, medkit, and phosphorous flare down there. Do some dumpster diving for a multitool. Exit the facility.


Lower Seattle - Trickle Down Economics At Work

Listen to the bums. Chat with them for information. Turn east and pop open the sewer great for a little recon. Kill the two Karkians down below (shotgun at close range works well). Claim the goods. A medkit in one corner. In the other corner by the dead body an energy blade, concussion grenade, 100 credits, 50 credits, and a scrambler prox mine. The pistol however is no ordinary pistol, its the Red Greasel Hunter. Go back up and dive the dumpster for an ammo clip and bread. Enter the Greasel Pit to the south. Go ahead and accept the weapon code. Enter. Talk to Sid Black, he's the one who can't remember Cind- er- Sandy's name.

Primary Goal: Pilot Sid: Liberate Jet

Go and chat with the bartender. Check the lockers behind him for a multitool and 50 credits. Turn around. Walk west from the lockers and talk with Leo. Pick up the multitool near the Holo Jukebox. Talk with the Thug and Order Seeker. Leave the room and walk north to the poolroom. Liberate the 50 credits from the pool table and check out the Public Terminal. Walk around back and down the stairs. Take the multitool from the lockers at the bottom. Talk with the Bookie. Scoop up the 3 credit chips (25, 25, and 50). Talk with everyone in the Pit.

Secondary Goal: Greasel Trainer: Kill Gob-zilla

Now talk with the Bookie again and place your bet on Green Dragon. Talk with the trainers then the Bookie for your scrip. Go to the top of the stairs and make a right. Enter the room at the end of the hall and listen to Ava Johnson over the Holocomm.

Secondary Goal: Pilot Ava: Rescue Helicopter

Take the multitool from the shelf on your left and leave the Greasel Pit. Walk east and turn right. Go up the stairs. Talk with the Omar Trader. He will give you a black market biomod canister. I would also suggest purchasing the additional black market biomod canister as well. For me, I finished upgrading my Hack mod to Level 3. Check out the Public Terminal on your left as you leave the Omar Trader. Travel southeast and use the keypad. Enter the Order "church".


If Not Faith Then Firepower?

Chat with all the Seekers. Approach the altar and listen to Her Holiness for a bit. Look under the altar platform for a boltcaster and two phosphorous flares. Enter the office to the southeast as Her Holiness suggested.

Primary Goal: Order Traitor: Find Lamar

Take the ammo clip and check out the chest for scrambler prox mine, noisemaker grenade, 100 credits, and a spiderbomb. Run behind the altar to snag two 100 credit donations. Continue north through the maintenance door. Take out the two spiderbots on east end of the malfunctioning generator. You can also hack a terminal to control a turret or disable the generator by using a multitool on the power panel. Head back to find a medbot. Nearby is an emp grenade, and an ammo clip. Turn around and you can grab a concussion prox mine. Also from this side approach the electric discharge and look left for an energy cell. Crawl under the grate where the spiderbots patrolled. You'll find an ammo clip, multitool, and an increased damage mod. Leave the Church heading north. Turn right to enter Heron's Loft. Crouch behind the ATM to hack it. Guards get upset when you do these things. Check the dumpster for food and a multitool. Approach the guard and have a chat.

Secondary Goal: Destroy Sak

Enter Heron's Loft. Open the first door on your left and chat with the owner of QueeQueg's coffee.

Secondary Goal: Coffee Wars: Hack Zoning Database

While you're inside take a few things (softkey, 25 credits, food, medkit, etc.) Continue down the hall. Apartment 22 houses Gob-zilla but we'll check that out later. For now, climb the elevator shaft to the top. Turn right and enter the office on your left. Talk with Sophia Sak. You could bribe Sophia but that would be easy. Take the energy cell and leave. Across from her office you'll find the guard barracks. Raid the chests. You can find 50 credits, 2 medkits, a concussion grenade, an ammo clip, a refire rate weapon mod and a datacube with the security system login. Walk out. Turn left then left again. Use the Security Computer to disable security. Enter the hallway. Proceed east down the long hallway and open the door. Move forward just enough to trigger the conversation between the two guards. Pull back and close the door. Take down the guard patrolling the hallway with your riot baton. If you take him from behind he should go down before anyone hears (especially if you keep ALL the doors closed). Go past the Security Computer and outside. Turn right and right again. Silently take down the female guard. Pick up her flashbomb. Now move out onto the helipad and take down the other guard. Next, toss a flashbang into Sophia's office (or use the alt-fire on the shotgun or SMG). Take them both. (Alternately, if you have a glass destabilizer, knock out Sophia's office window. Take her down. When her personal guard catches up with you Sophia will be gone and you'll be lined up for a clear shot. Finally, from the edge of the helipad dispatch the remaining guard. if you stick with the boltcaster and riot prod no one has to die. Enter the door to Sak's Hangar (east).


Taking Out The Trash

Four guards patrol the area. You can either take them down stealthy-like from behind the crates or for a bolder approach head north up the ladder. Guards won't chase you up there and if you monitor the guard patrols you can sneak up there with ease. With the guards out you may still have to deal with the hangar turret. The guard that patrols the south platform has a sniper rifle. Or, if you're very sneaky, take down the guard on the north catwalk. From there you can hack a Security Computer to disable everything. At that point any remaining guards are pretty easy. Oh, and don't forgot the two bots patrolling below.

Primary Goal: Pilot Sid: Notify

If you check down below shoot the toxic barrel to clear it out. Look around and you can find a medkit atop a crate. Over where the toxic barrel is are two areas. One, where the barrel is, has an energy cell and multitool. The other has an emp grenade, crowbar, and 100 credits. Climb up when you hear the beeping. Its the Pilot Beacon. Below it is a datacube with some details. Climb the ramp up and enter the weapon storage area (glass destabilizer works well for this). Lots of stuff here, the most interesting being the fragmentary round mod, ammo scavenger mod and the repairbot. Under the weapon storage area you can find a spiderbomb atop a crate. Leave the hangar.


Gob-Zilla, I Choose You!

Climb down the ladder on the side of the helipad. Grab an ammo clip from atop the crates and open the gate. Go back into Heron's Loft. Climb down to the bottom of the shaft and consider a few choices. Crawl under the lift and grab the multitool and flashbang grenade. Open the vent grate and climb up the shaft. Take out Gob-zilla and perhaps its owner. Alternately, go outside and climb up the fire escape. Break the window and take out Gob-zilla from there. You can choose to tranq Gob-zilla but you lose your reward from Eddie. Try it out.

Secondary Goal: Greasel Trainer: Collect Reward

Either way, get into the apartment for a softkey and ammo from atop the crate. Leave the apartment. If you use the exit in the back alley to reach the slums, grab the multitool on your left as you leave. Return to the Greasel Pit. After you get past the weapons check, talk with Sid.

Primary Goal: Pilot Sid: Meet at Jet

Head down to the Greasel Pit. Don't make any bets yet. Talk with Eddie. Now talk with the Bookie. Bet on Snake-Eyes. Talk to everyone after the match is over. Collect your money from the Bookie. (Note: Sometimes the Claw will win. I haven't figured out if this is random or perhaps based on what trainer you stand next to.) Leave the pit and return to the Order Church. Don't enter it. Turn around and you will find the QueeQuegs the Peqod's owner asked you to torch. Check the nearby dumpster for an energy cell. Open the front door and toss a grenade onto the four boxes of coffee. Clear out before the turret goes live.

Secondary Goal: Coffee Wars: Collect Reward

Talk with the Omar if you haven't already. He has a black market biomod available for purchse. You can try raiding the Omar's chest of goodies but he may not like it. Inside you'll find two ammo clips, medkit, and a scrambler prox mine. Probably better to stay on good relations right now. Return to the Inclinator by heading north. Enter the door on your left where Mack and Lo-town Lucy are.


What Goes Down Is Coming Up

A few things have changed. The Templars have taken over. Carefully take out the two guards on the other side of the crate and their friend overlooking the room from a balcony. Take the inclinator up. Sneak over to the west wall. Move forward over the railing and then up the ladder on your left. Be quick and the two Templars won't notice. Continue north. Crouch and jump over the railing and onto the edge of the north wall. Follow it south to the I-beam intersection. Turn right then left and into the vent. At the bottom of the vent, close the grate if its open and move forward to hear the conversation. Pop it open when they are finished and take out the Templars. Close the vent cover between your shots. When done, crawl out and read the datacube on the desk.

Primary Goal: Order Traitor: Report to Church

At this point you know where everything is so its just cleanup. Report to the Church to discuss the Mako situation. Talk with the manager of Pequod's for your reward. At the WTO, go to the Civic Manager's office and use his Security Computer to help the manager of QueeQueg who you will then have to report back to for your reward. At this point you can leave on Sid Black's jet. Or tackle one last challenge. Take on the WTO Air Terminal.


Flying High, Flying Proud, Flying FREE

Use the Metro to reach the WTO Air Terminal. Go all the way back to the office area. Enter the elevator protected by the two guards. Get off and approach the door to the restricted area.

Secondary Goal: Pilot Ava: Disable Missile Batteries

Approach the crate to the southwest. Carefully go around its right side to trigger the conversation then pull back to the entry room. Be careful of the patrolling bot. Close the door when you need safety. When the guard has his back turned riot baton him to sleep. Carry his body to the entry room. Now, go out and wait for the female guard on the left to return. Take her down. Climb up the stairs you saw when you first opened the hangar door. Drop an emp grenade on the patrolling bot. Now walk south and enter the Control Tower (If you don't have hack get the code from a datacube down below. Use the ladder on the southeast end of the landing pad. Wait for the guard to pass then jump her. Head west. Just before you break the green beams look left at the metal machine. Near it is the datacube. Now get back up the ladder.). From the window of the tower, take out the remaining bot. The nearby chest contains an increased damage mod. Open the vent to the south and crawl down. Grab the multitool on your left before enter the storage room. Hack the terminal to disable the missile battery (or blow it up, its right outside). Before you leave the room grab the softkey on the floor next to the barrel. Proceed north across the landing pad to the other room. Dodge the camera and then enter the storage room to hack the Security Computer. Disable everything (or blow it up).

Secondary Goal: Pilot Ava: Activate Beacon

Check out the medkit and datacube behind the barrels. Exit the room. Head east and enter the 2nd (last) door on your right. The one that goes under the landing pad. Go down the hall, turn right twice and use a multitool to open the door. Inside you'll find a repair bot, a concussion grenade, a medkit and a chest with black market biomod and a spiderbomb. Run back to the Control Tower and use the Pilot Beacon. Three guards will appear you can handle the one near you and the one atop the landing pad safely from the tower. Go to Ava's chopper and leave.


Quality Arms Since the Morloc Uprising of 2012

Primary Goal: Enter Main Complex

If you left with Sid you're practically within jumping distance of the best exit. But, not much challenge in that so lets assume you left with Ava. Check the dumpsters for a concussion grenade and food with a medkit. Beside a dumpster you can find a multitool. Walk east through the door then carefully open the next. Quietly take down the patrolling guard. Close the door and wait for his friend. Open the door and take him down as well. Close the door again for cover. There are a total of three guards to handle as well as one bot. Do whatever you can then pull pack.

Head northwest to the stack of crates. Toss them aside and open the vent. Take out both spidey bots and enter. On your right get the multitool from atop the box with the pipes coming out the top. Continue north. When you pass the grate with the light behind it look up and on your right for a multitool. Head north to the end where you will find a crowbar and energy cell. Leave the vent and talk with Groundskeeper. Don't bother paying him, the front door isn't the best way to get in. Check the shelves for two ammo clips, medkit, and an increased range mod. Leave the cage and go down the hall to the vent. Careful you don't alert the guard on the other side of the door if he's still there. Crawl in to claim a multitool. There's no way to open the other end of the vent so either blow it with a grenade, or open the door you passed and take your chances. Either way head east across the courtyard. Stay on the north end (by the main doors) to avoid the camera. Enter Cargo Bay 02. Time it and you can easily handle this last guard from behind without him knowing.

Run to the north end and turn around to go down the stairs. Here is the 2nd entrance to Mako and an ATM to hack. The 3rd entrance is slightly better so keep moving. Go back upstairs, a chest nearby contains a medkit and an emp grande. Use a multitool to bypass the keypad and go up the ladder. In the room above snag the multitool, ammo clip, and concussion grenade. Alternately, you can pick up a box and jump on it to climb the platform above where the guard was patrolling. Tricky, but possible. Leave the room. For a bonus turn around and jump atop the railing. Jump atop the roof and scoop up the two ammo clips, sniper rife, and food. Exit through the door to the north to reach the roof. Now around this point is where we catch up with all those who choose to leave Seattle with Sid. Head west and climb the ladder. Turn left and fall of the end of the roof. Head west again and sneak past the camera. If you can get under it go ahead and disable it. Exit through the vent to the north.



Mako Interior - Its Fiesta Week In The Cafeteria

Primary Goal: [Order] Mag Rail: Assassinate Scientist
Primary Goal: [WTO] Mag Rail: Upload Spec

Check out the goods on the table. Make sure you read the datacube for the BioLab Keycode. Now carefully open the door. On your left is a camera. One guard patrols a circle that eventually passes in front of the door you've opened. If you can hack, dash to the right. Make a left. Then slide right into the niche and hack the Security Computer to shut off both cameras. Then, take down the guard when he passes. Otherwise, sneak left and disable the camera. Now wait in the office and take the guard out when he passes. From the Security Computer, sneak under the railing to land down below. Open the door on your left for a few things (phospherous flare, gas grenade, riot prod) and access to a Power Box. This Power Box controls the lights in this section of Mako. If anything, its neat to disable it just to see the lighting change. Leave and enter the door that leads to the service tunnels. Go the bottom of the stairs. The shelves on your right have a few things (ammo clip, medkit, multitool, energy cell) and a datacube with the keycode for he Mako Weapons Lab. Pull aside the grate and crawl underneath. Snag the multitool and continue until you reach the end. Nail the one guard when he passes.

Continue down the passage. The door on your left can be opened for an energy cell and ammo clip. On to the next door for a combat knife and crowbar. Climb up the ladder. Before you clear the shelves of the sniper rifle, concussion grenade, and ammo clip there is the little matter of the patrolling bot outside. Wait for it to head away from you. Follow it. Eiither shoot the explosive crate sitting atop the cart when the bot passes it or dart to the right and hack the Security Computer to disable it. If you go for the explosive approach expect a guard to show up. With the bot down check north for an elevator to the biolabs. We don't need it now but don't forget where you saw this. Head south. On your left are two openings. Let the guard pass the 2nd one heading north and take him down. Give the receptionist in the lobby the night off. Be quiet and sneak under her desk to do this, otherwise she could trip the alarm and then you have a turret to deal with. Or, sneak around her desk and hack the terminal on the other end. When its over, take the multitool from the desk. Leave the lobby and take the multitool from the bottom of the cart on which the explosive crate is (or was) sitting. Head south up the stairs and make a right. Go to the end and (if you can be quiet) sneak up on the scientist and guard to hear their conversation. Pull back.

The guard is the only one you have to worry about. If you have a weapon modded with glass destabilizer use it on the window and then take down the guard. Hop inside his station and clear the shelves of all their goodliness (medkit, smg, ammo clip, flashbomb, energy cell, refire rate mod). Leave the guard station and open the secured door to the south. Go down the hall and through the next door. Talk with the scientist (Don't worry about the one guard and bot, they won't hurt you... yet.) If you want the cool weapon don't kill the scientist (and if he isn't there I dunno why, the weapon will be available... sometimes. And sometimes you're just gonna have to reload from an earlier game save.). Grab the mag rail. (If you just have to kill the guy be prepared to fight the guard and bot. Don't worry, you'll get another chance at a Mag Rail a bit later.)

Primary Goal: Dr. Nassif: Search Biolab

Near the Mag Rail is a multitool and on the table you'll find two ammo clips. Leave the lab and approach the ladder. Either handle the two guards below or sneak across the pipe to the vent. Crawl in and deal with the spideybot. Exit out the other end. If the guards are looking for you wait until they give up. Head to the north end and use the elevator to reach the biolabs.


Mako Bio Labs - If It Glows, Let It Go

Walk up and talk to the ladies. Consider knocking them out. If they alert the director you won't get to talk to him (not required but interesting.) Two guards to handle. One patrols back and forth over the catwalk overlooking the lab. The other is inside a guard station. You could handle these guards many ways so I won't elaborate here. Once the guards are finished look around downstairs for a multitool. Read the datacube. If you feel brave, head north and chat with Specimen: X07. Go upstairs and destabilize the window on the guard booth. Check the shelves for items (medkit, ammo clip, and spiderbomb). Also on the shelf is a datacube with a keycode. Enter the Director's office, its the only door left on the 2nd floor. One guard to handle but try talking with the director first. Take the guard out. Open up the cabinet for a biomod canister. Get the multitool by the holocomm unit. Read the book by the window, its interesting. Now enter Dr. Nassif's office (for once the vent wasn't the best way to go). By her desk grab the medkit and the energy cell from the floor. Read her email.

Primary Goal: Leave for Cairo

Use the medbot to heal up. Leave the biolab via the elevator. You'll find one new guard patrolling the area where the bot was. Take him out or if you have to use the ladder in the storage closet across from the elevator to take a long route around. Get back to the conference room where you started and exit out the vent (its in the ceiling). Though four new guards have been added they won't check the roof. Run east and mantle over the wall to reach the rooftop. Leave.


Cairo - Now With 20% More Carcinogens

If you arrived by helicopter like I did, feel free to chat with it. To the northeast a multitool sits atop the railing. In the northwest corner are some boxes. If you can jump atop them and then to the opening you'll find a sniper rifle and binoculars. But the fun doesn't end there. Keep going down the steps and disable the security beams. Enter the room.

Primary Goal: [Order] Report to Billie.

In the room you'll find bread and a combat knife. An emp converter mod is on a bench and two ammo clips and a spiderbomb lie in a basket on the floor. Return to the helipad. Go west then up the ladder. the locked locker contains a medkit and stun prod. Sitting atop the locker is an energy cell. Read the datacube on the railing. Climb down both ladders to the bottom.

Primary Goal: [WTO] Nassif Greenhouse: Destroy

Walk straight ahead. Talk to everyone. Snag a medkit from behind the coffee counter. Talk to the Manager.

Secondary Goal: Coffee Wars: Bribe NG's Manager

Hopefully you'll also find the Sheriff to talk to. He has a map. If not, you'll meet him on route to the greenhouse. Walk northeast. When you find the doors to the arcology go ahead and open them up. Enter and chat with the guard. Don't bother bribing the guard but you might consider taking a few things. The locker has two concussion grenades and her desk has an ammo clip. Leave and hang a right. When you reach the two desperate locals go ahead and pay them off. A nearby passage allows you pass behind them though it doesn't seem useful. Chat some more and then enter Nassif's Greenhouse.


All We Are Saying, Is Give Peas a Chance

Primary Goal: Nassif Greenhouse: Destroy

Duck under the camera. When it pans left, run out and duck behind the crates on your right. Hack the terminal to disable security. Enter the Warehouse to the east. Disable the Aero Security Bot (if you have the Mag Rail and Vision aug you can shoot it through the wall using the alt-fire). Inside the warehouse you'll find two concussion grenades by an explosive crate and a spiderbomb atop a stack of crates. Climb the ladder and check the message on the Holocomm Unit.

Primary Goal: [WTO] Dr. Nassif: Investigate Uncle

Check the shelves for a multitool, phosphorous flare, and an energy cell. Hack the Security Computer to disable a few things. Out the west opening, to your right, you should see a grate. If you can hop in there it will put you under a flight of stairs. Behind the crate is an smg with two ammo clips. Return back up the ladder and climb the stairs. Open the door and enter the room directly across the hall. Check the chest, table, and shelves for stuff. A datacube lays near a cot (containing the Hydroponics Computer Login) and a medkit is behind the shelves.

Exit and turn right. Follow the hall and out the door. You should now be overlooking the courtyard. If you feel comfortable jumping, hop over the railing, jump to the beams on your right. Turn left and walk up to the beam. Mantle the beam and then the next. Get atop the wall. Enter the vent due south. In the wrecked room you'll find an ammo clip, ammo scavenger mod, and a Hellfire Boltcaster. Near the basket is a multitool. Get back to the balcony and run north down the hall. Dodge the camera and disable it. Sneak out to the Security Computer and disable everything. Even the Greenhouse Program. If you allied the turret it will chew up the two bots below you. Return back to the warehouse but don't leave just yet. On the east end is a door to the Hydroponics Air Filtration. Use one of the nearby explosive crates to open the door. Grab the multitool near the pump then blow it up using another explosive crate. (This was your alternate approach for destroying the greenhouse.) Open the grate where the pump was and climb down. The first opening on your right is a forgotten room. In the chest is a biomod canister and concussion prox mine. The next opening takes you back to the greenhouse. Near the vent is a multitool. Another multitool is directly beneath the platform with the Security Computer. Drop down and walk west. The assorted cabinets contain a medkit, and two energy cells. One grenade will open all of them. To your right is a door leading to two spider bots. The only thing down there is a multitool hidden about half way down the hall behind the Piezochem machine. Whatever you do your job is done. Leave the greenhouse.

As you leave the Order will express its displeasure with you. Make sure you have a weapon ready. After the Order is realigned, follow your path back past the Arcology. As you walk past the coffee stand make a right down the alley. Inside the locker you'll find a phosphorous flare, nosiemaker grenade, and 100 credits. Continue walking north to enter North Medina.


North Medina - Smoky But In That Charming Way

Hang a right and climb the stairs. At the end look left for a multitool. Look right for Leo. Have a chat.

Primary Goal: Templar Raid: Spy on Templars

Walk past him and chat with the Omar Trader. He/She/It will give you an Arcology pass. You could also purchase two black market biomod canisters or three prox mines from "it" as well.

Primary Goal: Cure for Plague: Uncover Conspiracy
Secondary Goal: Power Armor Spec: Enter Hangar 24

Look down and to the right of him for a datacube it has the keycode to Bay 24. Leave and go back down the stairs. Hang a right and walk past the man selling"soda" by the barrel. Keep going until you reach the Public Terminal. Check it out. Stroll west into the Medina apartments. Spin to the right atop the stairs to find "The Harvester". Chat.

Secondary Goal: Harvest Biomods: Kill Security Chief

Walk up to the couple and listen to the tragic tale of love, money, and bad poetry. Resume up the next flight of stairs. Make a left and another. Keep going until you find Nassif's apartment. Enter and have a talk.

Secondary Goal: Missing Students: Check on Eeva

Walk past Maskini but grab the two ammo clips from the shelves behind him. Enter the bedroom. Open the chest at the foot of the bed. Take the medkit and read the datacube.

Primary Goal: Dr. Nassif: Investigate Tarsus

On your way out the door spin around and take the energy cell from the shelf if you need it. Return to the stairs but go up another flight. Push the barrels out of the way (when the spiderbot is not close) and open the vent. Close the grate behind you. Disable the spiderbot. If you get any opposition hide in the vent and take out the two Templars. If they don't appear enter their apartment through the vent and deal with them there. As you leave the bathroom read the datacube on the table on your left for the Headmaster's Secret Room code. On the balcony is an informative datacube. In the locked chest are some goods (medkit, ammo clip, energy cell). Finally, in the main room is an email on the Holocomm Unit. Leave out the vent and go back to Leo. Talk with him.Go back down and past the apartments and Public Terminal. Around the corner you'll find a group of worshippers. Behind Her Holiness is an energy cell. You could also raid the Order Donation Chest of the medkit and 100 credits but don't let the guard catch you. Talk with everyone here. Finally, if you look in the southwest corner you'll see a wooden loading slat. Push it aside to reveal a vent shaft. If you follow it will take you into the room where the Harvester is. I'd suggest letting this go until after he rewards you. Run south and enter the Order Mosque on your left.


Order Mosque - Only 20 Days Since Last Miracle

Have your weapons deactivated and enter. Walk right. On your right are two 25 credits atop a table. At the end of the hall are two medkits in a basket. Turn right again and go down the stairs. Follow the hall and enter the cafeteria on your left. Listen to the people. Talk. Walk north to the other part of the cafeteria. North again is a bathroom with a medbot. And finally at the north end is the overworked doctor. Talk to him and then the Mom and Daughter.

Secondary Goal: Mina Ameer: Hack Enrollment

Look behind Mina for a medkit. Exit east to the hall. Make a right and you can find two ammo clips behind some barrels on your right and a hallway on your left that eventually leads you under the stairs to a multitool. Or just turn left and climb the stairs. Atop the stairs look left for a basket with an energy cell. Look right and atop a rafter beam for a multitool. Turn left and enter the mosque proper. Talk with Luminon and Billie after they finish talking. If you helped the order back at Mako, Billie will give you a incresed range mod. Follow Luminon to the north end of the Mosque and up to this office. Under his desk is a multitool and in his cabinet you'll find many things (energy cell, glass destabilizer mod, 100 credits, another energy cell). Go back down stairs and follow the hall north. When you see a desk on your left look under it for 100 credits. Behind a bench in the next room is an ammo clip. Leave east. Its time to visit the Arcology.