| Nick |
Number of Lines |
Random Quote |
1 |
+mouse |
   10147 |
"Add an EditPackages=Weapon in DeusEx.ini [Engine.EditorEngine]" |
2 |
carone |
   8476 |
"did you read the post from the topic, dumbocles?" |
3 |
@Jim |
   7922 |
4 |
@damocles |
   5959 |
"I have amover about 32x48x32 and its dark too" |
5 |
@DerianX |
   5867 |
"something about exponents and variables" |
6 |
@Krypt |
  4445 |
"Tool is like my favorite band currently" |
7 |
@|eXodus| |
   4344 |
"Nothing really bad about 2k" |
8 |
@TheRenegadeMaster |
   4331 |
"heh, you used of dxmp and how you press 't' to talk :)" |
9 |
@DXEditing |
   2803 |
"I wonder if there is a guy who is really good at unreal and his name is Ed so his ..." |
10 |
+N_E_O |
 2105 |
"Sorry to interrupt but does any of you has the game Commandos 2?" |
11 |
+eX|Away |
   1938 |
"There are at least 10 or 12 charaters you can have in your part" |
12 |
+Damian |
 1392 |
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" |
13 |
@Stone |
  1357 |
"later guys see ya some other day" |
14 |
Phoenix_ |
   1308 |
"zenzy, gimme feedback!" |
15 |
+Jaster |
   1290 |
"when o/cing a vid card do u have to restart the pc before the settings take place?????" |
16 |
+Hydra_ |
 1266 |
"it was flooding earlier" |
17 |
+KaMiKaZe |
  986 |
"i'm sick, but i feel better today:C~" |
18 |
zenzelezz |
   942 |
"cause with the UT engine's collision thing today, you can stand beside a guy, aim ..." |
19 |
+Weeemann |
  838 |
"ha your MOM is a RUN ON SENTANCE!" |
20 |
+panic |
   834 |
"i was accused of taking down my middle school's novell network" |
21 |
|DeX| |
  634 |
"I'll sit under it you like" |
22 |
NeoCainite |
 581 |
"Is there a AvP mod for DX ?" |
23 |
+PaulDentonClone |
  508 |
"YOU SUCK big floppy donkey dick" |
24 |
+DXAway |
   503 |
"Sun - 1.5h Mon - 3.5h Tue - 5h Wed - 5.5h" |
25 |
@Hanh |
   412 |
"DXMP_NonPayingBidder" |
26 |
@Wazzit |
  390 |
"http://mgonetwork.com/~modhaven/download.php?file=100 <--- 0wn3d!" |
27 |
+CoMpUdOc |
  382 |
"argg bastard editior" |
28 |
ColdPenguin |
  381 |
"hey mouse, ur finnaly not away" |
29 |
+Pimp-J0jo |
  357 |
"does faceless not makes maps for himself and not ion?" |
30 |
+Damian\Mapping |
  351 |
"eek! a mouse with an erection!" |
31 |
+_DeX_ |
 351 |
"you should be able to pick up flies" |
32 |
+JayC |
 334 |
"My copy of VPC is so slow I can't even use UnrealEd" |
33 |
Zurios |
330 |
"yeah i'll work on it" |
34 |
@darkstalker |
  327 |
"heh. already have him. Who knew?!?" |
35 |
+hammerite |
 324 |
"So now i can bug you all for help :)" |
36 |
@eX|School |
298 |
"what was the url again?" |
37 |
@robert |
  294 |
"the lag between my terminals is amazing" |
38 |
Scozzy |
 267 |
"dude, i need some editing help" |
39 |
@eX|BG2 |
231 |
"We will storm the keep and take it for ourselfs" |
40 |
@Bob |
 218 |
"how many mp3s are in the version i gave you?" |
41 |
+Trystero |
211 |
"Oh well....I felt like that anyways." |
42 |
N_E_O|CS |
210 |
"What a nice place to idle in :) ..." |
43 |
+Liquid_Snake |
 210 |
"no, they're not doing an article" |
44 |
Jaster_Meerel |
191 |
"2yr olds dun go to school...FOO" |
45 |
@Faceless |
 191 |
"im'a quote training day" |
46 |
+ShadowCode |
176 |
"I skipped 400 people!" |
47 |
TrigrHappy |
174 |
"but in the bloodpool class how do you make it green?" |
48 |
@CaptainStrawberry |
171 |
"Yeah, Jim you idiot!!!!!" |
49 |
+Ghandaiah |
163 |
"I still have Biv on the team as a mapper..." |
50 |
@carone|away |
 161 |
"Damn it Jim! Stop that!" |
51 |
@Jim|wang |
155 |
"well they have different dels" |
52 |
Mr[SDK] |
153 |
"irc.gamesnet.net redirects to Nitro net or somethin'" |
53 |
Active_AssAssin |
 152 |
"been playing on it for ages" |
54 |
@Hydra|BLV |
151 |
"so shall i leave it as it was?" |
55 |
@Bliah |
147 |
"I need the full version of mirc stats" |
56 |
@AsylumX |
144 |
"but great nonetheless" |
57 |
@Damo|Mapping |
141 |
"I understand it now!" |
58 |
135 |
"I d/l'ed it offf teh server" |
59 |
Solid |
127 |
"So they PLANNED to hit the military wing? or did it just happen to destroy that.." |
60 |
@Derian-X |
126 |
"Is there somewhere I can d/l DX?" |
61 |
+|eXodus|2 |
124 |
"Ugh, damo, do you have Doom 1 or 2?" |
62 |
UberTech |
122 |
"When is DX2 comin out?" |
63 |
MascSnake |
118 |
"clients can't see it" |
64 |
Geordie |
113 |
"I think so, but I can't remember. The demo isn't too hard" |
65 |
105 |
"[16:50] <TheRenegadeMaster> i think the ceiling, and i think Krypt hopes ..." |
66 |
PJ |
104 |
"i got the logs working" |
67 |
Hydra|movies |
100 |
"anyone know howto close a save dialog in UEd?" |
68 |
@DX |
98 |
"I figured you already have Orius" |
69 |
@Despot |
94 |
"Well, I suppose you could say that it does have a nice green background..." |
70 |
@Weeemann_Away |
88 |
"btw... Girls are Stupid and non sence making be they too" |
71 |
+mouse` |
85 |
"Looks a lot like Diablo 2." |
72 |
+Herr_Kazon |
84 |
"man IRC is hard to use" |
73 |
TheDancingRenegade |
82 |
"http://www.dxcbp.8m.com/" |
74 |
PaulDento |
82 |
"Blah damn you siezure causing contrasting green lines" |
75 |
@Jher |
81 |
"i still talk to asylum on icq" |
76 |
tartarusspawn |
80 |
"be back later sleep time body needs rest i think i try to sleep now" |
77 |
KaMi[MaPpInG] |
79 |
"hey, damocles, i've heard you are in a mod?" |
78 |
TartaruusSpawn |
76 |
"info link works hip hip horay" |
79 |
@damoclez |
75 |
"I think its in the header files :(" |
80 |
Pheobius |
72 |
"i tried but it doesn't snap back" |
81 |
Dark[NSF] |
72 |
"HitLocation = Owner.Location + X*5000.0;" |
82 |
Da-Terminator |
72 |
"yea my friend has that system config" |
83 |
+J2 |
71 |
--- |
84 |
Damian\writing |
71 |
"carone.... du riechst so gut..." |
85 |
Krypt|CS |
70 |
"and that map looks way better than just about everything in our design candidates ..." |
86 |
TheRenegadeMonkey |
67 |
"[ deusIRC ] Your age: [ 16yrs 46wks 6days 16hrs 44mins 35secs ]" |
87 |
Weeenude |
63 |
"im not supposed to be on the computer because im grounded for staying out to ..." |
88 |
@DXbrb |
62 |
"taking out the trash" |
89 |
+N_E_O|RA2 |
60 |
"I was a carrier rush guy in starcraft" |
90 |
+D-T |
59 |
"lo" |
91 |
Carini |
59 |
"k.. if you're on in a min or two I'll let you know what happens" |
92 |
TRM`Assignment |
58 |
"glad we've settled this, foo" |
93 |
@Jim|chang |
58 |
"don't remember the name exactly" |
94 |
@Jerreh |
58 |
"new projectle: that globey thingy" |
95 |
LordOverman |
57 |
"Sounds like a reasonable guess..." |
96 |
Hydra|DXMP |
56 |
"i see... phoenix about to join!" |
97 |
Pimp_Jojo |
54 |
98 |
panic` |
53 |
"any new developments?" |
99 |
carone|golf |
53 |
"yep" |
100 |
TRM`Bored2Death |
52 |
"anyone else?!" |
J2|HighAndGotSomeAss (52) |
Hydra_|FOOD (50) |
bbyybb (49) |
carone|mco (48) |
DJPaul (47) |
@Krypt|BG2 (46) |
TRM`ACtuallyItDidnt (45) |
@PeterM (45) |
Jaster_MaxPayneing (45) |
@TRM`DXMP0rz (44) |
CoMp|1337Breakfast (44) |
@jer (43) |
CoMp|1337Mapp0rz (43) |
carone|food (43) |
N_E_O|Vampire (41) |
Geordie|Slacking (41) |
DeeJayPee (41) |
Pimp-Joj0 (40) |
Neonite (39) |
caronude (39) |
TRM`Back2Work0rz (38) |
Sweeethew (38) |
Hydra|Nevada (37) |
TRM`Test0rz (36) |
TRM`DoingStuff (36) |
carone_food (36) |
Big_-_Daddy84 (36) |
+TRM`Breakfast0rz (35) |
@TheRenegadeM0nkey (35) |
KaMi[BuSy] (35) |
Hanh` (35) |
DICK_n_VAGINA (35) |
PJ|bed (34) |
@Jered (34) |
+EternalSpark (34) |
DamianX (34) |
carone|toca2 (34) |
Na`Imad (32) |
@Weeemann_AKA_chochoSAM (31) |
TehRenegadeMasteh (31) |
TRM`RightHere (30) |
Damian\editing (30) |
|DeXsBoT| (29) |
carone`stuff (29) |
voodoo1man (28) |
Xo-HeAtHeR-oX (27) |
@Sleeemann (27) |
En`Ots (27) |
PhantomMonkey (26) |
@fuggin_genious (26) |
@Deus (26) |
@carone|bbl (26) |
aZn_pRyDE (26) |
zenze|na (25) |
MonsieurDenton (25) |
Hotfoot (25) |
AtillaTheHahn (25) |
TRM`Golf0rz (24) |
muis (24) |
jody (24) |
+Hanh|afk (24) |
DMEditing (24) |
^^GaMsE^^ (24) |
@TRM`Ann0yed (23) |
Gerbil|dead|squashed (23) |
+SpyderB (22) |
@Smathew_Gone (22) |
jlsangel (22) |
Hydra|FOOD (22) |
DIE (22) |
wtf (21) |
TRM`w000t (21) |
@TRM```Max`Payn0rz (21) |
@Jim|wong (21) |
eX2|Away (21) |
damo|kinda_Away (21) |
Chez (21) |
TRM|WasEatingDinner (20) |
TRM`FellowIdler (20) |
Monicion (20) |
Himikodan (20) |
Teh`RENaGADE`Monkeh (19) |
CoMp|Thief2 (19) |
[KoBe_BrYaNt] (19) |
Krypt|flog (18) |
FriedRice (18) |
^N_E_O^ (18) |
TRM`FallsAsleep0rz (17) |
Sudo`Xe (17) |
RenZo[Gone] (17) |
Piimp-Jojo (17) |
kola-k (17) |
CoMp|1337map0rz (17) |
[v]akaveli (17) |
[ (17) |
Weeeway (16) |
TRM`GettingChanged4Ca... (16) |
NEO|SDKtutorial (16) |
MIRCEA__ (16) |
DXEditingNude (16) |
+DTR (16) |
@DerianudeX (16) |
|DeXeRoId| (15) |
TRM|NotIdling (15) |
TRM`Said---- (15) |
TRM`Dancing (15) |
Mister_Man (15) |
MIB (15) |
I`Need`A`New`Nick (15) |
Hydra|PIZZA (15) |
carmocles (15) |
w00t (14) |
@TRM`Sleep0rz (14) |
TehRenegadeMonkey (14) |
rob (14) |
PJ|sleep (14) |
m0use (14) |
damian\shower (14) |
CoMp|1337map0rzing (14) |
@BirthdayBoy (14) |
TRM`antifoo (13) |
j`shutting-up (13) |
Hydra0 (13) |
Geordie|hacking_madly_a... (13) |
DieDieDieDieMuslimScumbags (13) |
DerianX|toca3 (13) |
@brb (13) |
[KaMiKaZe] (13) |
@Weeeschool (12) |
TRM|WastingTime (12) |
TRM`Singing (12) |
TRM`Back0rz (12) |
@TRM`Back (12) |
NeoCainite|EatingSomeFr... (12) |
N_E_O|DXMP (12) |
damo|idle (12) |
carone|stuff (12) |
carone|lunch (12) |
[SWAT]Scozzy (12) |
Weeemann_Skool (11) |
TRM`Anitfoo (11) |
PJ||sleep0rz (11) |
PJ|awaymightnotbeback (11) |
N_E_O|commandos2 (11) |
dapngwnman\dx (11) |
Carone_Is_A_Scrooge (11) |
AOL_DOODZ (11) |
`TRM` (11) |
Zantie (10) |
@Weeemann_Cooking (10) |
@Weeemann_Church (10) |
TRM`Lunch (10) |
TRM`FatBloater (10) |
TRM`DoingStuffYes (10) |
Solid|Sleep (10) |
Sel`Comad (10) |
SeeDos (10) |
muis` (10) |
Krypt|lunch (10) |
Krypt|afk (10) |
jer`dancing`with`dusts|... (10) |
J2|CS (10) |
B_B_B (10) |
TRM|YOU (9) |
TRM`AwayF00 (9) |
@Rim-Shot (9) |
Ren0rz (9) |
Jaztor (9) |
Hydra|2-0 (9) |
+CoMp|Porting (9) |
BremXJones (9) |
who-dat_1 (8) |
@Waz`Sleep (8) |
TRM`w00t (8) |
TRM`MaxPayne (8) |
TRM`BurningCDs (8) |
superb77 (8) |
Starrfall (8) |
PJ|out|dinner (8) |
NTvision (8) |
N_E_O|CSRA2andComma... (8) |
N_E_O|C2 (8) |
Jim|wing (8) |
Jasztor (8) |
J0003 (8) |
Hotfootery (8) |
DeusEx\Maps\ (8) |
Damianr (8) |
Damian\afk (8) |
crimson (8) |
CoMp|1337Lunch (8) |
CoMpUd0c (8) |
Cathal (8) |
@carone_away (8) |
|Hon_Bot| (7) |
wcayers (7) |
@TRM`out (7) |
TRM`Night0rz (7) |
Mouse_Bin_Laden (7) |
Kami (7) |
jonsoh (7) |
erme (7) |
DXEdNewbie (7) |
drumstyx98 (7) |
Desert_Man (7) |
Darthy (7) |
damo|Testing (7) |
Damian\baltimore (7) |
columbian_drug_lord (7) |
Boba_Fett (7) |
antifoo (7) |
Yl`gnal (6) |
Weeemann_BeddyBYE (6) |
TRM|Pretending2PlayBG2 (6) |
TRM`VeryAnn0yed (6) |
TRM`Oi`5 (6) |
TheRenegadeMaster` (6) |
TheRenegadeeMsatr (6) |
steewish (6) |
Ren (6) |
rat (6) |
NeoCainite|food (6) |
N_E_O|GN (6) |
lestit (6) |
@langly (6) |
K-1 (6) |
JP900O (6) |
JP9000 (6) |
@jason_whong (6) |
Guest4647 (6) |
dr_evil (6) |
damo|idling (6) |
Damian\sleep (6) |
CoMp|Mapping (6) |
alEXander_The_Great (6) |
@UpsideHead (5) |
@TriggerHappy (5) |
NEVER (5) |
N^E^O|CS (5) |
Mr[MaPpInG] (5) |
Miss_Conceited_ (5) |
Lna023 (5) |
Krypt|dinner (5) |
+keyboard (5) |
JPOOO (5) |
+hammerite|away (5) |
Gay (5) |
DTR|food (5) |
Desert_Man2 (5) |
damo|reading (5) |
D_rianX (5) |
CoMp|Runescape (5) |
carone`f00d (5) |
carone-food (5) |
Buddha (5) |
Ann0yingF4g0t (5) |
_______________________ (5) |
^Stinger^ (5) |
@Winquman (4) |
@Weeenude_Ejubimation (4) |
@Wazzy (4) |
Waz`Learning (4) |
TRM|insertnickhere (4) |
TRM`Weeee (4) |
TRM`Breakfast (4) |
TRM`````````````````... (4) |
TRM_________________... (4) |
TRM________ (4) |
Sym (4) |
@Smathnude (4) |
+ougvhip (4) |
NeoCanite (4) |
N_E_O|RedFaction (4) |
N_E_O|Fo0d (4) |
Mr[UT] (4) |
Molhadinha18 (4) |
@lang0r (4) |
irbaboon (4) |
IDIOT (4) |
Hydra|Testin (4) |
FoShIzZLMyNiZzL (4) |
Exie (4) |
Erroneus_Nickname (4) |
+DTR|MaxPayne (4) |
dapngwnman (4) |
CoMp|Sleepiz (4) |
cahrone (4) |
An0nIm0 (4) |
|\|_3_{o} (3) |
zenze (3) |
@Weeebed (3) |
TRM|SomeoneTalk (3) |
TRM`Away0rz (3) |
TRM`````` (3) |
The_Hammerite (3) |
TedBundy (3) |
Register (3) |
Not (3) |
N_E_O|Unreal (3) |
mouse|zZz (3) |
mouse[aZn_pRyDE... (3) |
metronomus (3) |
LS|dxmp (3) |
Little_Letter_s (3) |
Krypt|grub (3) |
KaMi[CFDemo] (3) |
jh945 (3) |
jer`dancing`with`dustsu|... (3) |
Jaster_DXMP (3) |
Icorch (3) |
I_mean_yes (3) |
Hydra_|Away (3) |
HighJ2 (3) |
Ghand|Sleep (3) |
Ghand|Mappage (3) |
Gerbil|dead (3) |
flmj2 (3) |
eX|CS (3) |
E_VOLmuffin (3) |
DXMeetingPlace (3) |
DTR|working (3) |
DTR|drinking (3) |
DS[Away] (3) |
Derian (3) |
Damian\sleepz0rz (3) |
cotherman5 (3) |
CoMp|Wolf (3) |
ARenegadeMaster (3) |
Alec (3) |
``` (3) |
|||||||||||||||||||||||... (2) |
|| (2) |
|_|_\ (2) |
xiko_malo (2) |
WeeeShower (2) |
Weeemom (2) |
Weeemann_Edumacation (2) |
Vivek (2) |
Ussama_Mouse_Laden (2) |
TRM`somewhere (2) |
TRM`NotHereAtAll (2) |
TRM`MaxPayn0rz (2) |
TRM`FeelDapayn0r (2) |
TRM`Dinn0rz (2) |
TheRenegayMaster (2) |
TheRenegaeddeeeeeMaster (2) |
The`Rene`Gay`d`Master (2) |
Sudo (2) |
StrawberryKiller (2) |
Solid[Cookin] (2) |
SMOOTH6861 (2) |
@Sleeeeeeemann (2) |
s (2) |
PJaweigh (2) |
O_N_E (2) |
N_E_O|brb (2) |
Mouse_Bin_Ladden (2) |
Mouse[ENRAGED] (2) |
MickeyD123 (2) |
Malcolm (2) |
Krypot (2) |
Kapit (2) |
JP90O0 (2) |
Jherax (2) |
JayCAFK (2) |
Jaster_AFK (2) |
I_LUV_KYLE_ (2) |
HungryCat (2) |
hotmail (2) |
@hammerite|asleep (2) |
Guest7694 (2) |
Guest7202 (2) |
Guest59297 (2) |
Guest5351 (2) |
Guest396 (2) |
GayBrian (2) |
+eX|Dunk_passed (2) |
ExAway (2) |
eXavier (2) |
Enorac (2) |
E222 (2) |
@DXNudeEditing (2) |
deusbot (2) |
deus-ex`org (2) |
deus-ex (2) |
DerianSex (2) |
DarthBane (2) |
@carone`asleep (2) |
Butt (2) |
Brian05151156 (2) |
AX|Poop (2) |
`` (2) |
`8D-8 (2) |
` (2) |
___ (2) |
[Muis] (2) |
|OC|Q (1) |
| (1) |
zinko (1) |
Xantie (1) |
@Weeemannn (1) |
Weeemann_BRGB (1) |
Weeemann_BRB (1) |
Usak (1) |
UnrealEd (1) |
TRM|MRT (1) |
TRM`ZexyB0deh (1) |
TRM`Tired0rz (1) |
TRM`TacOps (1) |
TRM`Shower (1) |
TRM`Homework0rz (1) |
TRM`Dinner0rz (1) |
TRM`Dinner (1) |
TRM`Dinne0rz (1) |
TRM`Coding0rz (1) |
TRM`Bored (1) |
TRM``Somewhere (1) |
TheRenegadeMon`key (1) |
TheRappingFool (1) |
TheDrunkCheerLeader (1) |
Th3R3n364d3M4573r (1) |
Supahfly (1) |
Static (1) |
Spamm0rz (1) |
sdg (1) |
Sam-R-I (1) |
sadffdsa (1) |
Sabra_Star (1) |
roberta (1) |
robert_ (1) |
Raingear420 (1) |
Prairie-Guy (1) |
pluton (1) |
PJ|sl3poring (1) |
PJ|shopping (1) |
PJ|idle (1) |
PJ|awaycoznuffintodo (1) |
Pheobius2 (1) |
PhatBoy (1) |
PeRmAfRoSt (1) |
@penus (1) |
panic[being_tortured... (1) |
pachuco (1) |
P`MXD (1) |
op (1) |
NinjaeX (1) |
nebr58 (1) |
N_E_O|snack (1) |
Mr[test0ring] (1) |
moouse (1) |
mezzup (1) |
KP9000 (1) |
KLK42 (1) |
Keviin (1) |
KaMi[AwAy] (1) |
JP900000 (1) |
JP00O (1) |
JP (1) |
JimP2 (1) |
Jher|AFK (1) |
Jaster_Applyingheatsinks (1) |
j-testing-at-work (1) |
InsertNickHere (1) |
@iliketrout (1) |
Hzea (1) |
Hydra|FOO (1) |
Hydra_Scriptz (1) |
hebsben (1) |
Harry (1) |
+Hanh|sleep (1) |
+Guest9367 (1) |
Guest82652 (1) |
Guest6976 (1) |
Guest6172 (1) |
Guest5723 (1) |
Guest4696 (1) |
Guest2880 (1) |
grnfrog (1) |
getawaymusic (1) |
FLAMES-24 (1) |
faxboy (1) |
DX|ThanksgivingDinner (1) |
DTR|work (1) |
DTR|WifeInTheRoom (1) |
DTR|tv (1) |
DTR|interview (1) |
DTR|HoN (1) |
DTR|errands (1) |
donthelp (1) |
dinosaur956 (1) |
Dex`sGod (1) |
DesertEagleinyofoomouth (1) |
Derian_ (1) |
damo|witchityGrub (1) |
damo|shagging_carone (1) |
Da_Terminator (1) |
D3r|4|\|X (1) |
CoMp|1337somthing (1) |
CoMpUd (1) |
CoMJp|bbl (1) |
ColdPenguin2 (1) |
@carone`sleep (1) |
carone`food (1) |
carone`brb (1) |
carole|breakfast (1) |
CaptainErdbeeren (1) |
C\ (1) |
C (1) |
Bim (1) |
AX|Store (1) |
@Aweeey (1) |
AS0rryF4g0t (1) |
akume (1) |
`````` (1) |
_________ (1) |
_______ (1) |
_8D-8_ (1) |
_----------- (1) |
[uk]PJ[safe] (1) |
[UK]Pheobius (1) |