This is very simple OOP (Object Oriented Programming). You don't need to fill in the rest of the gun defaultproperties because it extends the WeaponAssaultGun, which will fill those in itself (OOP).
Of course, you can change what type of projectile the assault gun shoots. Just look in DeusEx\DeusEx\Classes for available projectiles.
In order for a certain weapon to shoot a certain projectile, you need this line in the default properties: "bInstantHit=False" This makes sure that the weapon isn't shooting bullets. But you'll need a valid projectile for it to work.
In order to compile this, make a folder of your choice, inside of the Deus Ex root folder (i.e: C:\DeusEx\), then make a folder inside that folder named "Classes". Now place this .uc file in it, open DeusEx.ini, locate the line "[Editor.EditorEngine]" and find "EditPackages=?" (? being anything). Now, below "EditPackages=IpServer" add a line called "EditPackages=Foldername" Foldername being the name of the folder that you put in the Deus Ex root directory.
Begin Copy:
class MyMachineGun extends WeaponAssaultGun;
DefaultProperties {
End copy
See how easy this is? A lot of tutorial writers (no offense to tutorial writers) copy the entire .uc file of the WeaponAssaultGun (or any gun) and edit a few lines. This makes it harder for beginners to learn.
Download =>MyMachineGun.uc<= Download