The Rule of Many
Wars D20 Campaign
Kelnoir Cross (formely Corlen Mastien), Male Human,
Corulag (Core)
Kelnoir’s father attended the Jedi
academy on Coruscant, following in his own father's footsteps. When the Empire
began to massacre the Jedi and their trainees, the young padawan managed to
escape. He created a new identity and concealed his powers, hiding from the
Imperial purge. On Corulag, he married and had a son with his beautiful wife.
Soon after, she took ill, catching a disease carried by a Zabrak traveler. When
she was near death, Kelnoir’s father called upon the Force to save her but she
was too far gone. These events alerted the Sith.
Knowing that his discovery was imminent, Kelnoir’s father fled, taking his son
out toward the galactic fringe. There he aided those in need with ability to
heal, until he was finally tracked down by a Force adept bounty hunter and
executed. He had always warned his son against using the Force, since the
Empire would use it to track him down. Kelnoir's father gave him a necklace
that that had belonged to his grandfather, telling him it would aid him in a
dire situation. His father taught him the basic philosophy of the Jedi and
Kelnoir has always held true to it. Kelnoir was never given a straight answer
with regard to whether his grandfather was still alive. After being orphaned at
the age of eleven, Kelnoir spent his time jumping from planet to planet, taking
odd jobs on ships and various colonies. He learned to survive by using his wits
and being able to charm people out of their money. After years in survival
mode, he decided to fight the Empire, vowing not to rest until his parents’
death had been avenged. (Kelnoir also still has a strong dislike for the Zabrak
since he associates his mother's death with their species.)
Sif Roon (formely Liet Saberine), Female Human,
Coruscant (Core)
Sif is an ex-Imperial soldier. At an
early age Sif believed the Imperial rhetoric regarding the ineffectiveness of
the Old Republic—its indecisiveness, the bureaucracy, and lack of power; a
strong government is what the galaxy needed to bring order. So she joined the
academies of the Empire fueled by her idealism. Her quick hands and dead-eye
sharp shooting were guaranteeing her rapid progress and selection for elite
training—maybe even the Emperor's crack royal guards. Except her idealism about
the empire was quickly shattered when she beheld the brutality of the regional
governess and Empire overtly racist policies and deeds. Practically, the
Empire's methods were effective, but at a cost unacceptable to Sif. While on an
academy training assignment to a rim world, Sif's troubled conscience reached a
crisis point. In what was a racketeering run masquerading as a routine patrol
of an alien bazaar, Sif killed her officer and her squadrates in a lightning
blaze of blaster fire. The Imperials had turned their extortion on a simple Kel
Dor peddler into a grim and cruel torture session. Sif, of course, left the
Empire at that moment, easily disappearing into the rim worlds. Sif has a
special Royal Guard tattoo on the inside of her left forearm.
Tyrus Arcona (formerly Captain Jak Dazon of the
Imperial Navy), Male Human, Desevor (Rim)
A proud and loyal special-forces
soldier for the Empire, Tyrus excelled at the academy on Corulag and earned a
post on the Empire's most prestigious project, the construction of the Death
Star. During the years of its construction he was honored to take part in the
creation of the ultimate symbol of Imperial authority and he wholly believed
the propaganda that the station would unify the galaxy, bringing an end to
strife. But compartmentalized secrets began to leak and he began to hear
disturbing rumors about the true nature of the project, that he was helping
build a world killer. The idea that the Empire would use such a tool was too
horrible to contemplate and his faith in the mission began to waiver. Then came the fateful night that
changed everything: Tyrus encountered another from his unit in a restricted
area and learned that his comrade was taking part in an effort to smuggle plans
for the station out to waiting Rebels. In a pivotal decision he turned his back
and allowed the treason to take place. In the morning he learned that Lord
Vader himself had discovered the plot and had "questioned" the
suspects. Then a great cleansing began….officers and soldiers who had allowed
such a plot to develop were rounded up and put to grisly deaths. Leaks were
discovered and silenced. Realizing that at any second he could become the focus
of the Dark Lord’s attention, Tyrus commandeered a TIE fighter and fled the
construction site, crash landing on a system far out on the Rim. Leaving the
wreckage and his uniform insignia behind he embarked on a new life.
Tyrus still has family on Desevor,
but contacting them is out of the question. They either believe that he is dead
or that he is a deserter, and in both cases he knows that to see them could
draw Imperial investigators to his family. As long as they know nothing of him,
they are safe.
Prior Player-character History
The characters met during adolescence
when Tyrus and Sif were going to the Imperial Academy on Corulag and Kelnoir’s
father was an instructor at the academy. On Corulag, they spent years as good
friends. Much later, during their troubled times, they gravitated toward one
another, living on the run in the Outer Rim. Kelnoir’s Bothan contacts managed
to get them new identicards, and they paid off the debt for this service by
selling a few Imperial secrets and agreeing to deliver some droids to a factory
on the planet of Kwevron.
Secondary Characters
Black Tom Aboke
The son of an engineer, Black Tom
grew up repairing and building things. In his early years, he worked alongside his
family as they operated a business fixing, maintaining and building technical
systems, including droids and starships. Eventually his father’s business was
ruined by early Imperial oppression; his younger brother was killed in a
crackdown while protesting and his father and mother died years later in a
force labor mining colony. Tom escaped, made a new identity for himself and
moved around on the Fringe, working as a technician and occasionally allying
with groups of ruffians. He settled on Fresia, working with the starship
engineers there. It was on Fresia, working in the shadow of the Empire, that
Tom met the love of his life, N’dal, a Twi’lek consort indentured to a local
bureaucrat. Also, Tom began working around a group of techs who would eventually
create the X-wing. Tom and N’dal were instrumental in aiding Rebel commandos in
their efforts to liberate the X-wing design team. Afterward, however, Tom and
N’dal were split up; she was forced to stay behind to cover for the escaping
engineers and Tom went into hiding, buying an asteroid and establishing a
secret home. The aging tech specialist began working night and day two goals:
freeing N’dal and aiding the Alliance against the Empire. Once he completes
work on his current projects, he hopes to have enough credits and a ship
capable of rescuing his love. (He calls
this ship the Lekku Whisper, in honor of N’dal.) After that, Tom wants to
go underground with N’dal and fully ally the Alliance. He got his nickname
because of his dour attitude; after his family was destroyed, he developed a
cynical, dry sense of humor. Due to his technical prowess and his involvement
with dramatic projects and groups, Black Tom is a legend in the technical
community. This means he is also hunted ceaselessly by the Empire. Tom is
barrel-chested, with salt-and-pepper hair. He usually moves slowly and stiffly.
(Age: 55.)
Note: Black Tom’s home is built into a hollowed out
asteroid. There is no gravity within this long tube of the asteroid’s
interior: a lattice-work of cables and supports holds a Tom’s Firespray-31 in
place. Against the one wall of the space makeshift hangar, there is an empty
dock. (Tom sold the ship he stole on Fresia.) Just behind a force field, Tom’s
small home is tunneled into the rock. He spends his days (often in Zero-G)
working on the Lekku Whisper and completing black market jobs for mercenaries
who visit his asteroid.
Black Tom: Male Human, Soldier 2/Tech Specialist
10; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Defense 18 (10 +9 Class -1 Dex); DR 6; Spd 10m; VP/WP
34/8; Atk (Vibro Dagger) +10/+5 (+9/+4 Class -1 Str +2 Mastercraft), Dmg (Vibro
Dagger) 2d4+1/20 (-1 Str +2 Mastercraft), Atk (Heavy Blaster) +10/+5 (+9/+4
Class -1 Dex +2 Mastercraft), Dmg (Heavy Blaster) 3d8+2/20 (+2 Mastercraft); SQ Research (+10 to research), Tech
Specialty (Starship Weapons Systems, +2); SV Fort +6 (+7 Class -1 Con), Ref +3
(+4 Class -1 Dex), Will +6 (+4 Class +2 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 2; Rep +6 (+3
Class +3 Fame); Str 8; Dex 8; Con 8; Int 14; Wis 14; Cha 12.
Equipment: Padded
Skills: Appraise +7 (5 +2 Int), Astrogate +7
(5 +2 Int), Balance -1 (0 -1 Dex), Bluff +6 (5 +1 Cha), Climb -1 (0 -1 Str),
Computer Use +9 (5 +2 Int +2 Gearhead), Craft (Electronic Devices) +15 (10 +2
Int +3 Skill Emphasis), Mastercraft (Starship Weapons Systems) +15 (10 +2 Int
+3 Skill Emphasis), Demolitions +8 (2 +2 Int +4 Instant Mastery), Diplomacy +1
(0 +1 Cha), Disable Device +8 (2 +2 Int +4 Instant Mastery), Disguise +1 (0 +1
Cha), Escape Artist -1 (0 -1 Dex), Forgery +4 (2 +2 Int), Gamble +3 (1 +2 Wis),
Gather Information +1 (0 +1 Cha), Handle Animal +1 (0 +1 Cha), Hide -1 (0 -1
Dex), Intimidate +5 (4 +1 Cha), Jump -1 (0 -1 Str), Knowledge (Engineering) +14
(10 +2 Int +2 Expert), Listen +2 (0 +2 Wis), Move Silently -1 (0 -1 Dex), Pilot
+4 (5 -1 Dex), Profession (Tech) +14 (10 +2 Wis +2 Expert), Read/Write Basic,
Read/Write Twi’lek, Repair +17 (10 +2 Int +3 Skill Emphasis +2 Gearhead), Ride
-1 (0 -1 Dex), Search +2 (0 +2 Int), Sense Motive +7 (5 +2 Wis), Sleight of
Hand -1 (0 -1 Dex), Speak Basic, Speak (Comprehend Only) Lekku, Spot +2 (0 +2
Wis), Survival +2 (0 +2 Wis), Swim -1 (0 -1 Str), Treat Injury +7 (5 +2 Wis),
Tumble -1 (0 -1 Dex).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Famous,
Gearhead, Skill Emphasis (Electronic Devices), Skill Emphasis (Repair), Skill
Emphasis (Starship Weapons Systems), Starship Operations (Fighter), Starship
Operations (Transport), Weapon Group (Primitive), Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon
Group (Blaster Pistols), Weapon Group (Blaster Rifles), Weapon Group (Vibro),
Weapon Group (Heavy), Zero-G Training.
Dram Belac
Dram is a trusted protector for
Drillish, a Black Sun Lower Vigo. Lean and tan, with sun-bleached hair, Dram
spends a lot of time in the wind and water, racing speeder bikes and sail
craft. He dresses in tight, dark red leather that is very weathered, and his
breath generally smells like spiced coffee. He lives for aesthetics and
thrills, spending a week off per month in some badlands with a tribe-like group
of friends. Dram doesn’t mind the less harmful Black Sun trades—like softer
drugs, gambling and sex—but he is bothered by many of the more intense
activities; usually he simply accepts these black market activities as things
he cannot change and sticks to his job of keeping Drillish alive and forewarned
of enemy assaults. Dram is disturbed by Skeyzahl, but keeps this hidden; Dram
senses the Kubaz’s amorality and occasionally has nightmares about Skeyzahl.
Note: Eventually fell in love with Sif. See campaign logs
for later history.
Dram Belac: Male Human, Scout 6/Scoundrel 2; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Defense 18 (10 +6
Class +2 Dex); DR 0; Spd 10m; VP/WP 45/14; Atk (Knife) +8 (+4 Class +2 Str +2
Mastercraft), Dmg (Knife) 1d4+4/20 (+2 Str +2 Mastercraft), Atk (Blaster) +8
(+4 Class +2 Dex +2 Mastercraft), Dmg (Blaster) 3d6+2/20 (+2 Mastercraft); SQ
Illicit Barter, Lucky (1/Day), Trailblazing, Heart (+1), Uncanny Dodge, Extreme
Effort, Evasion, Skill Mastery (Swim); SV Fort +5 (+3 Class +2 Con), Ref +8 (+6
Class +2 Dex), Will +4 (+3 Class +1 Wis); SZ M; FP 1; DSP 2; Rep +1; Str 14;
Dex 14; Con 14; Int 12; Wis 12; Cha 12.
Equipment: Combat Knife (+2), Blaster Pistol
(+2), Blaster Rifle (+2), Electro-binoculars, All-temperature Cloak, Code
Cylinder (Drillish’s Citadel), Comlink, Credits (500).
Skills: Appraise +2 (1 +1 Int), Astrogate +6
(5 +1 Int), Balance +10 (8 +2 Dex), Bluff +3 (2 +1 Cha), Climb +10 (8 +2 Str),
Computer Use +3 (2 +1 Int), Diplomacy +3 (2 +1 Cha), Disable Device +6 (5 +1
Int), Disguise +3 (2 +1 Cha), Escape Artist +12 (10 +2 Dex), Gather Information
+6 (5 +1 Cha), Handle Animal +6 (5 +1 Cha), Hide +9 (7 +2 Dex), Intimidate +3
(2 +1 Cha), Jump +12 (10 +2 Str), Knowledge (Racing/Wind Sports) +7 (6 +1 Int),
Listen +6 (5 +1 Wis), Move Silently +9 (7 +2 Dex), Pilot +10 (8 +2 Dex),
Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Kel Dor, Repair +3 (2 +1 Int), Ride +10 (8 +2
Dex), Search +3 (2 +1 Int), Sense Motive +5 (4 +1 Wis), Sleight of Hand +7 (5
+2 Dex), Speak Basic, Speak Kel Dor, Spot +6 (5 +1 Wis), Survival +9 (8 +1
Wis), Swim +2/+12 (0 +2 Str +10 Skill Mastery), Treat Injury +7 (6 +1 Wis),
Tumble +10 (8 +2 Dex).
Feats: Heroic Surge (2), Improved
Initiative, Quick Draw, Starship Operations (Fighter), Track, Weapon Group
(Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols), Weapon Group (Blaster Rifles).
Eva Bloodsparrow
A human woman, Eva was originally the
daughter of Tietta, an Imperial consort on Fresia. Eva was intended for the
same work, another commodity to the elite officers of the Empire. Badly abused
in late adolescence by Imperial leaders, she is haunted by great anger. After
her mother’s death, at the hands of a decadent Imperial, she was raised by
another consort, N’dal—a Twi’lek female enslaved by the Empire. Eventually
escaping from her oppressors, Eva inherited her uncle’s ship, the Bloodsparrow, a YT-2400 Corellian
freighter. She began living life on the run, mostly out on the Fringe, earning
credits by undertaking courier missions. She has learned a lot about technical
matters during her time operating the ship, focusing almost entirely on
astrogation and piloting. Eventually the Bloodsparrow was destroyed by the
Empire, burning up in the atmosphere of Eriadu.
X7-7R5 is a modified astromech droid that served to repair
the Bloodsparrow when it was owned by Eva’s uncle. The chipped, blue droid was
dysfunctional when Eva inherited the ship. The droid’s main body is housed in a
tube, more narrow than the average R2-style astromech droid, surrounded by 4
spider-like appendages. Repaired and upgraded by Tyrus, this droid served Eva
on board the Bloodsparrow. As the YT-2400 was going down, X7-7R5 stayed plugged
into the computer, trying to hold the ship together for a few more seconds; the
droid was destroyed in the crash.
Note: Eva has bonuses for buying/selling things and a
bonus for repair while on the Bloodsparrow.
Eva Bloodsparrow: Female Human, Fringer 4/Soldier
3/Starship Ace 5; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Defense 22 (10 +10 Class +2 Dex); DR 4; Spd
10m; VP/WP 78/14; Atk (Dagger) +11/+6 (+9/+4 Class +0 Str +2 Mastercraft), Dmg
(Dagger) 2d4+2/20 (+0 Str +2 Mastercraft), Atk (Heavy Blaster) +13/+8 (+9/+4
Class +2 Dex +2 Mastercraft), Dmg (Blaster) 3d8/20 (+0 bonus); SQ Starship
Evasion, Starship Defense, Familiarity (+2 NO SHIP), Barter (+5), Jury-rig
(+2); SV Fort +12 (+10 Class +2 Con), Ref +10 (+8 Class +2 Dex), Will +5 (+5
Class +0 Wis); SZ M; FP 1; DSP 0; Rep +3; Str 10; Dex 15; Con 14; Int 14; Wis
10; Cha 10.
Equipment: Heavy Blaster Pistol (+2, Stun DC
19), Vibro Dagger (+2), Medpack (+1), All-temperature Cloak, (Unisex)
Mastercraft Padded Flight Suit (+2 DR), Code Cylinder, Breather, Survival Tent,
Canteen, Electro-binoculars, Comlink, Credits (10000).
Skills: Appraise +7 (5 +2 Int), Astrogate +19
(15 +2 Int +2 Spacer), Balance +2 (0 +2 Dex), Bluff +0 (0 +0 Cha), Climb +0 (0
+0 Str), Computer Use +9 (5 +2 Int +2 Gearhead), Diplomacy +0 (0 +0 Cha),
Disable Device +7 (5 +2 Int), Disguise +0 (0 +0 Cha), Escape Artist +2 (0 +2
Dex), Gather Information +5 (5 +0 Cha), Handle Animal +0 (0 +0 Cha), Hide +7 (5
+2 Dex), Intimidate +0 (0 +0 Cha), Jump +0 (0 +0 Str), Knowledge (Empire) +7 (5
+2 Int), Listen +5 (5 +0 Wis), Move Silently +7 (5 +2 Dex), Pilot +19 (15 +2
Dex +2 Spacer), Profession (Spacer) +10 (10 +0 Wis), Read/Write Basic,
Read/Write Twi’lek, Repair +12 (8 +2 Int +2 Gearhead), Ride +2 (0 +2 Dex),
Search +3 (1 +2 Int), Sense Motive +6 (6 +0 Wis), Sleight of Hand +2 (0 +2
Dex), Speak Basic, Speak (Comprehend Only) Lekku, Spot +5 (5 +0 Wis), Survival
+5 (5 +0 Wis), Swim +2 (2 +0 Str), Treat Injury +6 (5 +0 Wis +1 Mastercraft),
Tumble +2 (0 +2 Dex).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Far Shot,
Gearhead, Heroic Surge (3/Day), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Spacer,
Starship Dodge (Transport), Starship Operations (Transport), Weapon Group
(Primitive), Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols), Weapon
Group (Blaster Rifles), Weapon Group (Vibro), Weapon Group (Heavy), Zero-G
Jee Ann Mosa
An advisor to the player-characters,
this human woman is calm and rational. She is from Coruscant, where her parents
were politically active philosophers. She practices meditation and a form of
stretching. She often wears thin robes, a veil and paints her face with spiritual
glyphs. She is a Rebel contact who wishes to remain completely invisible,
working through secondary agents. Jee Ann’s goals involve indirect,
mission-based service to the Alliance, as well as acting as shepherd to any
potential Rebel recruits. Jee Ann is very loyal to Bail Organna.
Jee Ann Mosa: Female human, Noble 4/Soldier
2/Officer 5; Init +0 (+0 Dex); Defense 19 (10 +9 Class +0 Dex); DR 0; Spd 10m;
VP/WP 44/10; Atk (Stun Baton) +12/+7 (+8/+3 Class +0 Str +4 Mastercraft), Dmg
(Stun Baton) 0/Stun DC 19 (+4 Mastercraft), Atk (Blaster Pistol) +10/+5 (+8/+3
Class +0 Dex +2 Mastercraft), Dmg (Blaster Pistol) 3d6+2/20 (+2 Mastercraft);
SQ Favor +4 (+2 Class +2 Influence), Resource Access, Inspire Confidence (+1),
Leadership, Requisition Supplies, Tactics; SV Fort +7 (+7 Class +0 Con), Ref +5
(+5 Class +0 Dex), Will +12 (+7 Class +3 Wis +2 Iron Will); SZ M; FP 2; DSP 0;
Rep +8/+4 (+5 Class +2 Influence/-2 Low Profile); Str 10; Dex 10; Con 10; Int
16; Wis 16; Cha 16.
Equipment: Robes, Shoulder Bag, Cosmetics, Blaster
Pistol (+2), Mastercraft Medpack (+4), Stun Baton (+4).
Skills: Appraise +5 (2 +3 Int), Balance +0 (0
+0 Dex), Bluff +11 (8 +3 Cha), Climb +0 (0 +0 Str), Computer Use +8 (5 +3 Int),
Diplomacy +13 (8 +3 Cha +2 Trustworthy), Disguise +8 (5 +3 Cha), Entertain
(Companion) +5 (2 +3 Cha), Escape Artist +0 (0 +0 Dex), Forgery +8 (5 +3 Int),
Gamble +3 (0 +3 Wis), Gather Information +10 (5 +3 Cha +2 Trustworthy), Handle
Animal +5 (2 +3 Cha), Hide +5 (5 +0 Dex), Intimidate +3 (0 +3 Cha), Jump +0 (0
+0 Str), Knowledge (Empire) +8 (5 +3 Int), Knowledge (Old Republic) +8 (5 +3
Int), Knowledge (Jedi Knights) +7 (4 +3 Int), Listen +8 (5 +3 Wis), Move
Silently +5 (5 +0 Dex), Pilot +2 (2 +0 Dex), Read/Write Basic, Read/Write
Bothan, Read/Write Cerean, Read/Write Ithorian, Read/Write Mon Calamari, Repair
+3 (0 +3 Int), Ride +2 (2 +0 Dex), Search +5 (2 +3 Int), Sense Motive +11 (8 +3
Wis), Sleight of Hand +0 (0 +0 Dex), Speak Basic, Speak Bothan, Speak Cerean,
Speak Chagrian, Speak Ithorian, Speak Mon Calamari, Spot +7 (4 +3 Wis),
Survival +8 (5 +3 Wis), Swim +4 (4 +0 Str), Treat Injury +11 (8 +3 Wis), Tumble
+0 (0 +0 Dex).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Iron Will,
Low Profile, Surgery, Trustworthy, Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols), Weapon Group
(Blaster Rifles), Weapon Group (Heavy), Weapon Group (Primitive), Weapon Group
(Simple), Weapon Group (Vibro).
Originally a slave girl and thief who
was scheduled for execution for killing her master, Lerketh spent her early
years on the ruthless industrial planet of Eriadu. Traveling in the Rim, the
Dark Prophet Kadann noticed her nascent Force talents and saved her from
Imperial execution. Under his tutelage on Coruscant, she grew in power for
several years. After earning her loyalty and nurturing her dark side talents,
Kadann sent her away for training with the Emperor’s elite guard; she carries
the elite guard tattoo on her left wrist. Then, with her martial skills further
honed, Kadann began aggressively mentoring her in the ways of the Force, even
taking away her for a year-long stay at the hidden temple that he maintains.
Now she is capable field operative, serving Kadann. When undertaking a mission,
Lerketh often employs secondary agents. She is sneaky when the opportunity
presents itself, but savage when pressed to fight. Her wretched childhood is an
ongoing influence over her persona. At times, her anger is vast and deep; at
other times, she feels great empathy for those who suffer. To this end, Lerketh
is brutal against her enemies, but often tries to avoid causing innocents to
Originally, when Kadann mentioned the
possibility of the Rule of Two being broken, Lerketh desired to apprentice
under Darth Vader. Later, as she encountered more of the dark side and more of
the Sith tradition, she felt disturbed and began to question her path. (Her final decision hinged upon game events.)
Kelnoir went to Lerketh as she was
about to kill the man who sold her into slavery as a girl. Sif, Tyrus and
Kelnoir managed to persuade her to avoid killing him. Lerketh knew that the
Empire was after her and accepted the alliance offered by Kelnoir. She then
began training under Neera, resurrected by Sif, Tyrus and Kelnoir.
Eventually, she crafted a new sword
(a Force sword), broke the Sith sword and left the shards on Kelnoir’s bed.
Note: Once redeemed, Lerketh will cast aside her Sith
sword and eventually (after some re-training), she will convert her dark side
Weapon Master class levels to standard Jedi Weapon Master class levels. Because
Lerketh has moments of empathy, because she has learned to be strategically
careful about who she offends, and because she is leery about using dark side
powers, she accrues dark side points very slowly.
Lerketh: Female Human, Scoundrel 2/Force
Adept 2/Soldier 2/Jedi Weapon Master 6; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Defense 26/29 (10 +12
Class +4 Dex +2 Force Sword Defense +1 Deflect); DR 4;
Spd 10m; VP/WP 72/12; Atk (Sword) +16/+16/+11 (+10/+5 Class +2 Sword +2 Superior Weapon Focus +4 Weapon Finesse +
Rapid Strike (+1 Attack, -2 to all attacks), Dmg (Sword) 3d8+4/19-20 (+2 Sword
+2 Str); Atk (Holdout Blaster) +16/+11 (+10/+5 Class +2 Blaster +4 Dex), Dmg
(Holdout Blaster) 3d4+2/20 (+2 Blaster); SQ Illicit Barter, Lucky (1/Day), Deflect (Extended
Defense +1), Deflect (Extended Attack -4), Increase Weapon Damage (+2d8), Rapid
Strike (Sword); SV Fort +9 (+8 Class +1 Con), Ref
+12 (+8 Class +4 Dex), Will +6 (+6 Class +0 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 3; Rep +4;
Str 14; Dex 18; Con 12; Int 12; Wis 11; Cha 16.
Equipment: Mastercraft Holdout Blaster (+2),
Force Sword (+2), 2 Frag Grenades, Padded Flight Suit (+2 DR),
Electro-binoculars, All-temperature Cloak (+4), Wristband Military-grade
Comlink, Credits (3500), Restraining Cuffs (2).
Skills: Appraise +1 (0 +1 Int), Astrogate +2
(1 +1 Int), Balance +4 (0 +4 Dex), Bluff +8 (5 +3 Cha), Climb +2 (0 +2 Str),
Computer Use +2 (1 +1 Int), Craft (Force Weapons) +6 (5 +1 Int), Demolitions +2
(1 +1 Int), Diplomacy +4 (1 +3 Cha), Disable Device +2 (1 +1 Int), Disguise +4
(1 +3 Cha), Escape Artist +7 (3 +4 Dex), Forgery +1 (0 +1 Int), Gather
Information +3 (0 +3 Cha), Handle Animal +3 (0 +3 Cha), Hide +7 (3 +4 Dex),
Intimidate +3 (0 +3 Cha), Jump +4 (2 +2 Str), Knowledge (Empire) +3 (2 +1 Int),
Knowledge (Sith) +3 (2 +1 Int), Listen +0 (0 +0 Wis), Move Silently +7 (3 +4
Dex), Pilot +6 (2 +4 Dex), Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Sith, Repair +2 (1 +1
Int), Ride +4 (0 +4 Dex), Search +1 (0 +1 Int), Sense Motive +3 (3 +0 Wis),
Sleight of Hand +4 (0 +4 Dex), Speak Basic, Speak Sith, Spot +2 (2 +0 Wis),
Survival +2 (2 +0 Wis), Swim +2 (0 +2 Str), Treat Injury +5 (5 +0 Wis), Tumble
+6 (2 +4 Dex).
Force Skills: Affect Mind +10 (7 +3 Cha),
Battlemind +9 (8 +1 Con), Empathy +2 (2 +0 Wis), Farseeing +5 (5 +0 Wis), Force
Defense +8 (5 +3 Cha), Force Stealth +8 (5 +3 Cha), Force Strike +7 (6 +1 Int),
Heal Another +2 (2 +0 Wis), Heal Self +7 (4 +3 Cha), Illusion +5 (2 +3 Cha),
Move Object +6 (5 +1 Int), See Force +5 (5 +0 Wis), Telepathy +5 (5 +0 Wis).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light),
Expertise, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Force Sword), Force Sensitive, Force Sword Defense
(+2), Heroic Surge (3), Superior Weapon Focus (Sword +1), Weapon Ease
(Sword/Light), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols),
Weapon Group (Blaster Rifles), Weapon Group (Heavy), Weapon Group (Primitive),
Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Vibro).
Force Feats: Alter, Burst of Speed, Control, Sense.
Taken from her home as a young
Twi’lek girl, N’dal was pressed into slavery and made an Imperial consort while
still in her teens. On the world of Fresia, she became friends with a human
woman named Tietta, who was eventually killed by a drunken Imperial officer.
N’dal stepped in to raise her friend’s daughter, Eva Bloodsparrow. Eventually,
at great risk, N’dal aided the girl in escaping by forging documents giving Eva
citizenship and ownership of her late uncle’s ship, a YT-2400 transport. Just
before her bureaucratic master (Lord Talak) transferred his base of operations
from Fresia to Metallos, N’dal was involved in the effort to smuggle the X-wing
design team off of Fresia; her ability to move around quietly in important
places, combined with her talents for forgery, allowed her to assist the
Rebellion commando team in getting close enough to free the X-wing engineers.
After this, however, she was separated from her lover, Black Tom. (Age: 48.)
N’dal: Female Twi’lek, Scoundrel 2/Noble 2;
Init +2 (+2 Dex); Defense 17 (10 +5 Class +2 Dex); DR 0; Spd 10m; VP/WP 15/10;
SQ Low-light Vision, Inspire Confidence, Favor (+1), Illicit Barter, Lucky
(1/Day); SV Fort +0 (+0 Class +0 Con), Ref +7 (+5 Class +2 Dex), Will +5 (+3
Class +2 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 1; Rep +1; Str 10; Dex 14; Con 10; Int 10; Wis
14; Cha 14.
Equipment: Robes, backpack, credits (800).
Skills: Appraise +5 (5 +0 Int), Balance +5 (3
+2 Dex), Bluff +7 (5 +2 Cha), Computer Use +2 (2 +0 Int), Diplomacy +4 (2 +2
Cha), Disguise +4 (2 +2 Cha), Entertain (Companion) +10 (5 +2 Cha +3 Skill
Emphasis), Entertain (Dance) +7 (5 +2 Cha), Escape Artist +2 (2 +2 Dex),
Forgery +10 (7 +0 Int +3 Skill Emphasis), Gamble +4 (2 +2 Wis), Gather
Information +4 (2 +2 Cha), Hide +7 (5 +2 Dex), Knowledge (Empire) +2 (2 +0
Int), Listen +4 (2 +2 Wis), Move Silently +7 (5 +2 Dex), Read/Write Basic,
Read/Write Twi’lek, Ride +2 (0 +2 Dex), Search +2 (2 +0 Int), Sense Motive +6
(4 +2 Wis), Sleight of Hand +4 (2 +2 Dex), Speak Basic, Speak Twi’lek, Speak
Lekku, Spot +4 (2 +2 Wis), Swim +2 (2 +0 Str), Treat Injury +4 (2 +2 Wis),
Tumble +7 (5 +2 Dex).
Feats: Skill Emphasis (Companion), Skill
Emphasis (Forgery), Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols).
Neera Hy’zethi
By her very nature, Neera is one who
avoids notice. She was originally the servant of a noble woman on Champala.
After her high Force aptitude was discovered, she was taken away to Coruscant
by the Jedi Council, where she was trained discreetly under Yoda himself. (As her mentor, Yoda gave her the name
Hy’zethi, which means “invisible flower” in Chagri.) Later, as a Jedi,
Neera served quietly, typically undertaking missions involving stealth. While
spying on a powerful Hutt crime lord, she was frozen in carbonite and sold to
the Black Sun Syndicate. In this way, frozen a few years before the Clone Wars,
she inadvertently escaped the Jedi Purge masterminded by Darth Sidious.
Note: Chagrians have no sense of taste. Neera consumes
food pellets for nutrition and does not celebrate food.
Note: In combat, Neera wields dual lightsabers that she
herself crafted. She will often use Enhance Ability to raise her Dex before
Note: The Clouded feat makes Neera harder to see with
Neera Hy’zethi: Female Chagrian, Jedi Shadow 14;
Init +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Defense 23/25 (10 +8 Class +5 Dex +2
Deflect); DR 0; Spd 10m; VP/WP 86/14; Atk (Lightsaber) +16/+11/+16 (+10/+5
Class +5 Dex -2 Two-weapon Fighting +2 Mastercraft +1 Crafted), Dmg
(Lightsabers) 4d8+2/19-20 (+2 Mastercraft), Atk (Holdout Blaster) +15/+10
(+10/+5 Class +5 Dex), Dmg (Holdout Blaster) 3d4/20; SQ Low-light Vision, Radiation
Resistance, Amphibious, Deflect (Defense +2), Deflect (Extend), Deflect (Attack
-3); SV Fort +8 (+6 Class +2 Con), Ref +14 (+9 Class +5 Dex), Will +8 (+6 Class
+2 Wis); SZ M; FP 2; DSP 0; Rep +3; Str 10; Dex 21; Con 14; Int 14; Wis 14; Cha
Equipment: Lightsaber (+2), Lightsaber (+2),
Holdout Blaster, Waterproof Backpack, Robes, All-temperature Cloak (+2),
Skills: Astrogate +3 (1 +2 Int), Balance +5
(0 +5 Dex), Bluff +2 (0 +2 Cha), Computer Use +4 (2 +2 Int), Craft (Lightsaber)
+10 (8 +2 Int), Diplomacy +2 (0 +2 Cha), Disable Device +6 (4 +2 Int), Disguise
+14 (12 +2 Cha), Gather Information +6 (4 +2 Cha), Hide +15 (5 +5 Dex +2
Stealthy +3 Skill Emphasis), Intimidate +2 (0 +2 Cha), Jump +12 (12 +0 Str),
Knowledge Jedi +6 (4 +2 Int), Listen +4 (2 +2 Wis), Move Silently +12 (5 +5 Dex
+2 Stealthy), Pilot +7 (2 +5 Dex), Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Chagri, Ride +5
(0 +5 Dex), Search +4 (2 +2 Int), Sense Motive +4 (2 +2 Wis), Sleight of Hand
+5 (0 +5 Dex), Speak Basic, Speak Chagri, Spot +8 (6 +2 Wis), Survival +4 (2 +2
Wis), Swim +4 (0 +0 Str +4 Species), Treat Injury +3 (1 +2 Wis), Tumble +5 (0
+5 Dex).
Force Skills: Affect Mind +8 (6 +2 Cha), Empathy +4
(2 +2 Wis), Enhance Ability +6 (4 +2 Con), Farseeing +6 (4 +2 Wis), Force
Defense +6 (4 +2 Cha), Force Stealth +14 (10 +2 Cha +2 Clouded), Heal Another
+3 (1 +2 Wis), Heal Self +3 (1 +2 Cha), Illusion +12 (10 +2 Cha), Move Object
+6 (4 +2 Int), See Force +9 (7 +2 Wis), Telepathy +6 (4 +2 Wis).
Feats: Ambidexterity, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (Lightsaber), Force Sensitive, Improved Initiative, Quick Draw,
Skill Emphasis (Hide), Stealthy, Track, Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
(Lightsaber), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols), Weapon Group (Simple).
Force Feats: Alter, Burst of Speed, Clouded,
Clouded Ally, Control, Dissipate Energy, Sense.
This black-furred Wookie left his
home world, Kashyyk, to earn money and see the stars. On Metellos, he killed an
Imperial officer for assaulting and degrading the merchant he was protecting.
Scheduled for execution, Wee-wren was pushed into the Deep Drop, but was
rescued after plummeting for half a kilometer by Tyrus, Eva and Kelnoir.
Note: Wee-wren owes a Wookie life debt to Eva, Tyrus and
Wee-wren: Male Wookie, Scout 12; Init +2 (+2
Dex); Defense 19 (10 +5 Class +2 Dex +2 Defensive Martial Arts); DR 4; Spd 10m
(X5 Run); VP/WP 76/14; Atk (Gloves) +16/+11 (+9/+4 Class +5 Str +2
Mastercraft), Dmg (Gloves) 2d4+9/19-20 (+2 Gloves +5 Str +2 Mastercraft), Atk (Blaster
Rifle) +11/+6 (+9/+4 Class +2 Dex), Dmg (Blaster Rifle) 3d8/19-20; SQ Extreme
Effort (+5, 3/Day), Trailblazing, Heart (+2), Evasion, Uncanny Dodge (Cannot Be
Flanked), Skill Mastery (Listen); SV Fort +9 (+6 Class +2 Con +1 Rugged), Ref
+8 (+6 Class +2 Dex +Evasion), Will +6 (+6 Class +0 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 0;
Rep +2; Str 20; Dex 14; Con 15; Int 10; Wis 10; Cha 10.
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, Combat Gloves (+2),
Medkit, Greydal’s Light Armor (Armor Check 0, DR 4), All-weather Backpack, Glow
Rod, Electro-binoculars, Survival Kit, Credits (100).
Skills: Appraise +2 (2 +0 Int), Balance
+2/+12 (0 +2 Dex +10 Skill Mastery), Climb +12 (5 +5 Str +2 Species), Computer
Use +2 (2 +0 Int), Disable Device +5 (5 +0 Int), Escape Artist +2 (0 +2 Dex),
Hide +12 (10 +2 Dex), Intimidate +5 (5 +0 Cha), Jump +5 (0 +5 Str), Listen
+7/+17 (7 +0 Wis +10 Skill Mastery), Move Silently +12 (10 +2 Dex), Pilot +4 (2
+2 Dex), Profession (Mercenary) +10 (10 +0 Wis), Read/Write Basic, Read/Write
Shyriiwook, Repair +2 (2 +0 Int), Ride +2 (0 +2 Dex), Search +2 (2 +0 Int),
Sleight of Hand +2 (0 +2 Dex), Speak (Comprehend Only) Basic, Speak Shyriiwook,
Spot +9 (9 +0 Wis), Survival +12 (10 +0 Wis +2 Rugged), Swim +7 (2 +5 Str),
Treat Injury +5 (5 +0 Wis), Tumble +2 (0 +2 Dex).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Defensive
Martial Arts, Improved Martial Arts, Martial Arts, Rugged, Run, Track, Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols), Weapon
Group (Blaster Rifles), Weapon Group (Simple).
This Ithorian joined the Rebel
Alliance as soon as he could, believing that opposing the Empire was the right
thing to do. Wuc-ta believes in the open society, where people are free to do
as they please, as long as it hurts no one else. On his homeworld of Ithor, he
trained as a forester and a musician while he was young. He serves Jee Ann Mosa
as a Commander in her covert operations unit, acting as infiltrator, courier
and saboteur. He tries to avoid killing, but his feelings against the evils of
the Empire are strong. Wuc-ta was part of a herd ship lead by Ithorian elders
whose spiritual beliefs included mindfulness, environment harmony, meditation
and minor Force training.
Note: By combining Force skills and traditional skills,
Wuc-ta is very capable as a saboteur and spy. He generally takes his time; the
mad dash is not his style. For instance, he might prep for an encounter by
disguising himself as an aging Ithorian slave, spend a moment enhancing his
abilities with the Force, use empathy to gauge the mood of a potential enemy,
then approach, using a combination of sense motive and bluff to get past. If
this fails, he will use affect mind.
Wuc-ta: Male Ithorian, Scout 6/Force Adept 2/Soldier 2; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Defense 22 (10 +11 Class +1 Dex); DR 0; Spd
10m; VP/WP 60/12; Atk (Ranged) +8/+3 (+7/+2 Class +1 Dex), Dmg (Ranged) XdX/20;
SQ Trailblazing, Heart +1, Uncanny Dodge (+Dex), Extreme Effort (+3, 1/Day),
Evasion; SV Fort +9 (+8 Class +1 Con), Ref +6 (+5 Class +1 Dex), Will +10 (+6
Class +3 Wis +1 Species); SZ M; FP 2; DSP 2; Rep +2; Str 12; Dex 12; Con 12;
Int 12; Wis 16; Cha 14.
Equipment: Woodwind Instrument (Military Grade
Comlink), Tattered Cloak, Bedroll.
Skills: Appraise +1 (0 +1 Int), Astrogate +2
(1 +1 Int), Balance +1 (0 +1 Dex), Bluff +4 (2 +2 Cha), Climb +1 (0 +1 Str),
Computer Use +6 (5 +1 Int), Craft (Woodwind) +6 (5 +1 Int), Demolitions +9 (5
+1 Int +3 Skill Emphasis), Diplomacy +2 (0 +2 Cha), Disable Device +9 (5 +1 Int
+3 Skill Emphasis), Disguise +4 (2 +2 Cha), Entertain (Woodwind) +4 (2 +2 Cha),
Escape Artist +1 (0 +1 Dex), Forgery +9 (5 +1 Int +3 Skill Emphasis), Gamble +3
(0 +3 Wis), Gather Information +7 (5 +2 Cha), Handle Animal +3 (1 +2 Cha), Hide
+6 (5 +1 Dex), Intimidate +2 (0 +2 Cha), Jump +1 (0 +1 Str), Listen +3 (0 +3
Wis), Move Silently +6 (5 +1 Dex), Pilot +2 (1 +1 Dex), Read/Write Basic,
Read/Write Ithorian, Repair +3 (2 +1 Int), Ride +1 (0 +1 Dex), Search +2 (1 +1
Int), Sense Motive +4 (1 +3 Wis), Sleight of Hand +1 (0 +1 Dex), Speak Basic,
Speak Ithorian, Speak Bothan, Spot +3 (0 +3 Wis), Survival +7 (0 +3 Wis +4
Species), Swim +1 (0 +1 Str), Treat Injury +4 (1 +3 Wis), Tumble +1 (0 +1 Dex).
Force Skills: Affect Mind +7 (5 +2 Cha), Empathy +6
(3 +3 Wis), Enhance Ability +6 (5 +1 Con), Force Defense +3 (1 +2 Cha), Force
Stealth +3 (1 +2 Cha), Friendship +3 (1 +2 Cha), Heal Another +15/+25 (12 +3
Wis +10 Skill Mastery), Heal Self +3 (1 +2 Cha).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Far Shot,
Force Sensitive, Point Blank Shot, Skill Emphasis (Demolitions), Skill Emphasis
(Disable Device), Skill Emphasis (Forgery), Track, Weapon Group (Primitive), Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group
(Blaster Pistols), Weapon Group (Blaster Rifles), Weapon Group (Vibro), Weapon
Group (Heavy).
Force Feats: Alter, Control.
Major Characters Killed In Action
During an Imperial roundup of slaves
on Ryloth, Kadann noted a young Twi’lek with a strong Force aura and took the
youth into his care on Coruscant. Elevated far above the status of most
Twi’leks because of his abilities, Argin came to despise those with less
fortune, rather than feel sympathy for them. He sees himself as a Force wielder
first, a Dark Prophet second and a Twi’lek last. Argin spends most of his time
aboard his asteroid-based ship, the Seeker. His work for Kadann usually
involves tampering with the flow of galactic affairs out on the Rim in order to
bring about some sought-after future.
Argin knows Lerketh, but there is
animosity between them. With Kadann as adopted father to both, there feel
jealousy toward one another, a feeling that Kadann has exploited in training
them in the ways of the dark side.
Argin maintains a series of hidden
pools within his ship, used for distance swimming, at which he excels, and
orgies. He is young, sinewy and athletic, generally wearing dramatic black
clothing, including gauntlets, beneath a cloak that resembles clusters of star
against the blackness of space.
KIA: Killed in a fight aboard the Seeker during the Battle
of Yavin. Sif, Kelnoir and Tyrus, assisted by Jeed Snowshadow, battled Argin in
his chambers, preventing him from interfering with the Rebel attack against the
Death Star.
Note: Argin has three personal Sith
hounds with him at all times.
Note: Argin uses a Dark Side Devotee variant that gives her
d6 Hit Dice, instead of d8; and bonus Force Feats instead of those provided by
Force training (control, sense, alter).
Argin, Dark Prophet: Male
Twi’lek, Force Adept 5/Dark Side Devotee 3; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Defense 23 (10 +8
Class +3 Dex +2 Force Weapon Defense); DR 6; Spd 10m; VP/WP 36/10; Atk (Spear)
+10 (+5 Class +3 Str +2 Spear), Dmg (Spear) 2d8+3/20 (+3 Str); SQ Low Light
Vision, Force Weapon (+1d8); SV Fort +6 (+5 Class +0 Con +1 Species), Ref +8
(+5 Class +3 Dex), Will +9 (+7 Class +2 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 8; Rep +2; Str
16; Dex 16; Con 10; Int 10; Wis 14; Cha 20.
Equipment: Starry Sith Cloak (DR +4), Mastercraft Black Garment (DR +2), Dark Side
Talisman (+2 Vs Force), Sith Spear (+2 Mastercraft).
Skills: Appraise +0 (0 +0 Int), Astrogate +0
(0 +0 Int), Balance +3 (0 +3 Dex), Bluff +7 (2 +5 Cha), Climb +3 (0 +3 Str),
Computer Use +2 (2 +0 Int), Craft +0 (0 +0 Int), Demolitions +0 (0 +0 Int),
Diplomacy +7 (2 +5 Cha), Disable Device +0 (0 +0 Int), Disguise +5 (0 +5 Cha),
Entertain +5 (0 +5 Cha), Escape Artist +3 (0 +3 Dex), Forgery +0 (0 +0 Int),
Gamble +2 (0 +2 Wis), Gather Information +5 (0 +5 Cha), Handle Animal +10 (5 +5
Cha), Hide +3 (0 +3 Dex), Intimidate +7 (2 +5 Cha), Jump +3 (0 +3 Str),
Knowledge (Sith) +5 (5 +0 Int), Listen +2 (0 +2 Wis), Move Silently +3 (0 +3
Dex), Pilot +3 (0 +3 Dex), Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Ryl, Repair +0 (0 +0
Int), Ride +3 (0 +3 Dex), Search +0 (0 +0 Int), Sense Motive +2 (0 +2 Wis),
Sleight of Hand +3 (0 +3 Dex), Speak Basic, Speak Ryl, Speak Lekku (Head Tail),
Spot +2 (0 +2 Wis), Survival +2 (0 +2 Wis), Swim +8 (5 +3 Str), Treat Injury +2
(0 +2 Wis), Tumble +3 (0 +3 Dex).
Force Skills: Affect Mind +12 (4 +5 Cha +3 Skill
Emphasis), Empathy +9 (7 +2 Wis), Farseeing +13 (6 +2 Wis +2 Link +3 Skill
Emphasis), Force Defense +7 (2 +5 Cha), Force Stealth +9 (2 +5 Cha +2 Focus),
Force Strike +10 (8 +0 Int +2 Focus), Heal Self +7 (2 +5 Cha), See Force +8 (6
+2 Wis), Telepathy +10 (6 +2 Wis +2 Link).
Feats: Heroic Surge, Weapon Group (Blaster
Pistols), Weapon Group (Primitive), Weapon Group (Simple).
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Dark Side Skill
Emphasis (Farseeing), Dark Side Skill Emphasis (Affect Mind), Focus, Force
Sensitive, Force Weapon Defense, Force Weapon Readiness, Sense.
Benah Mothose
An Imperial officer, assigned to serve
under Captain Julienne in the Dathomir prison construction, Mothose managed the
evacuation of Dathomir after Julienne’s failure. Due to his role in salvaging
what remained of the prison effort, including the Star Galleon, and his
assistance to Lerketh—a classified Imperial operation—Mothose was promoted to
Lieutenant. He was selected for Faldar Tragen’s ISB strike force. Born to a
highly placed noble family, Mothose is blonde, effete and calculating. He is a
talented pilot and, as a young noble, spent extensive time shooting, riding and
KIA: Creeping around with Jeed after they sprung a trap on
the party; killed in a slaver’s den on Luyarac, by a thermal detonator Tyrus
threw down.
Benah Mothose: Male Human, Noble 4/Soldier 3; Init
+6 (+2 Dex +4 Improved Initiative); Defense 19 (10 +7 Class +2 Dex); DR 4; Spd
10m; VP/WP 32/14; Atk (Saber) +10/+5 (+6/+1 Class +2 Str +2 Mastercraft), Dmg
(Saber) 2d6+4/20 (+2 Str +2 Mastercraft), Atk (Heavy Blaster Pistol) +10/+5
(+6/+1 Class +2 Dex +2 Mastercraft), Dmg (Heavy Blaster Pistol) 3d8+2/20 (+2
Mastercraft); SQ Resource Access, Inspire Confidence, Favor (+2), Coordinate
(+1); SV Fort +6 (+4 Class +2 Con), Ref +5 (+3 Class +2 Dex), Will +6 (+5 Class
+1 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 4; Rep +3; Str 14; Dex 14; Con 14; Int 10; Wis 12; Cha
Equipment: ISB Uniform/Flight Suit (+2), Heavy
Blaster Pistol (+2), Vibroblade Saber (+2), Military Grade Comlink (Thick
Chain), Credits (2400), Stun Grenade (DC 18), Datapad.
Skills: Appraise +0 (0 +0 Int), Astrogate +5
(5 +0 Int), Balance +2 (0 +2 Dex), Bluff +11 (10 +1 Cha), Climb +2 (0 +2 Str),
Computer Use +2 (2 +0 Int), Diplomacy +11 (10 +1 Cha), Disguise +1 (0 +1 Cha),
Escape Artist +2 (0 +2 Dex), Gamble +1 (0 +1 Wis), Gather Information +1 (0 +1
Cha), Handle Animal +3 (2 +1 Cha), Hide +2 (0 +2 Dex), Intimidate +1 (0 +1
Cha), Jump +2 (0 +2 Str), Knowledge (Empire) +5 (5 +0 Int), Listen +1 (0 +1
Wis), Move Silently +2 (0 +2 Dex), Pilot +12 (10 +2 Dex), Read/Write Basic,
Ride +7 (5 +2 Dex), Sense Motive +1 (0 +1 Wis), Sleight of Hand +2 (0 +2 Dex),
Speak Basic, Spot +1 (0 +1 Wis), Survival +1 (0 +1 Wis), Swim +2 (0 +2 Str),
Treat Injury +6 (5 +1 Wis), Tumble +2 (0 +2 Dex).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light),
Blasterslinger (Extra Surprise Round), Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot,
Quick Draw, Starship Operations (Transport), Starship Operations (Fighter),
Weapon Group (Primitive), Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster
Pistols), Weapon Group (Blaster Rifles), Weapon Group (Vibro), Weapon Group
Born and raised by the Nightsisters
on Dathomir, Beya wants nothing more than to dominate and unifying all
Dathomirians under her control; she hates the Clan Mothers more than anything.
To this end, she has made a temporary alliance with the Imperial officers who
are erecting a prison on the planet. She is 18 winters old and rose in power in
part due to her exploration of the Chu’Unthor. (Beya went into the wreck with
her best friend and lover, as part of a daring stunt.) While there, she found a
Force artifact that enhanced her abilities and allowed her to dominate the
Nightsisters despite her age. She used
this Force artifact—a rare Jedi crystal—in conjunction with her dark force
talisman, putting the crystal inside the sheer mite’s desiccated body.
KIA: In a fight with Sif, Kelnoir
and Tyrus, Beya was killed in the tunnels under her great dead tree on
Note: Since Beya is a Dark Side Devotee from a world
without technology, her variant of the prc provides 4 skill points per level,
instead of 6; she gets a bonus feat instead of Weapon Proficiency (Blasters);
her Hit Dice are D6, instead of D8; and she gets bonus Force Feats instead of
those provided by Force training (control, sense, alter).
Beya, Nightsister Warchief: Female Human, Force Adept 5/Dark Side Devotee 2; Init +2 (+2
Dex); Defense 20 (10 +8 Class +2 Dex); DR 0; Spd 10m; VP/WP 42/10; Atk +6 melee
(1d6+1d8/19-20 +2 Str +2 Mace); SQ Force Weapon +1d8; SV Fort +5 (+5 Class +0
Con), Ref +7 (+5 Class +2 Dex), Will +9 (+7 Class +2 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 8;
Rep +6; Str 14; Dex 14; Con 10; Int 10; Wis 14; Cha 14.
Equipment: Rancor Skull Mace (+2; 20 VP Force
Lightning/Day), Blackened Sheer Mite Dark Force Talisman (+4 saves against the
Force, +2 to all Force skill checks, +20 Force
skill bonus vitality/day), Red Robes.
Skills: Balance +2 (0 +2 Dex), Bluff +2 (0 +2
Cha), Climb +2 (0 +2 Str), Diplomacy +2 (0 +2 Cha), Disguise +2 (0 +2 Cha),
Escape Artist +2 (0 +2 Dex), Handle Animal +2 (0 +2 Cha), Hide +2 (0 +2 Dex),
Intimidate +13 (1 +2 Cha +4 Infamy +6 Rep), Jump +2 (0 +2 Str), Listen +2 (0 +2
Wis), Move Silently +2 (0 +2 Dex), Ride +3 (1 +2 Dex), Search +0 (0 +0 Int),
Sense Motive +2 (0 +2 Wis), Speak Language (Basic), Speak Language (Paecian),
Spot +2 (0 +2 Wis), Survival +2 (0 +2 Wis), Swim +2 (0 +2 Str), Tumble +2 (0 +2
Force Skills: Affect Mind +10 (8 +2 Cha), Force
Defense +8 (6 +2 Cha), Force Grip 15 (10 +0 Int +2 Malevolent +3 Skill
Emphasis), Force Lightning +10 (10 +0 Int), Force Stealth, +8 (6 +2 Cha), Heal
Self +6 (4 +2 Cha), Move Object +10 (10 +0 Int), See Force +6 (4 +2 Wis).
Feats: Cleave, Infamy, Power Attack, Skill
Emphasis (Force Grip), Weapon Group (Primitive), Weapon
Group (Simple).
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Force Flight, Force
Sensitive, Malevolent, Sense.
Originally, a crafty lower-class
Zabrak servant in the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, Cart’an’s life changed when
he managed to capture the attention of the Emperor himself. Palpatine began
using the ambitious boy to spy on the young son of a prominent dissident.
Befriending the dissident’s son allowed Cart’an to infiltrate their family home
on Coruscant; eventually Cart’an was able to tell the Emperor everything he
needed to know about the dissident and his allies, resulting in numerous
executions and the ruin of several highly placed political families. As he
grew, Cart’an continued to serve the Emperor, performing odd duties best
accomplished by someone with civilian underworld contacts. His drive knows no
bounds; Cart’an is driven by the need to feel important, to be recognized.
Though he will never reveal it,
Cart’an has been recently made a member of the secretive Emperor’s Hand. (He
suspects there are others.) Cart’an is 25 years old and his usefulness to
Palpatine has continued to grow over the last few years.
Cart’an does not exist within any
holonet archive; his identity has been erased. He anonymously carries the
highest level of security clearance, renewed periodically and allowing him to
come and go virtually anywhere. Publicly, and within the Imperial ranks, this
Zabrak operative has a very low profile, and is generally controlled and quiet;
Cart’an watches for the perfect moment. He lies often and tries to set a tone
for interactions that implies violence is odd to even consider. (When Sif fired at him, Cart’an cried out,
“What are you doing?”)
Dark hair and pale skin; he dresses
in a fashion typical of elite couriers. Cart’an’s equipment is always the
finest available. The ship given to Cart’an by the Emperor is a Sith
Infiltrator, owned decades earlier by Darth Maul. Except when necessary, Palpatine
keeps Cart’an shielded from most of his other agents. (Before Argin’s
destruction, Cart’an visited the Seeker periodically to see Tishooc; he was
infatuated with her. He also traveled with Keval when the Sith Lord was
younger. Keval has a genuine affection for Cart’an.)
Cart’an sees weak people as
disposable tools and powerful people as either temporary allies or threatening
figures best eliminated. His ultimate goal is to control as much of the Empire
as possible. In keeping with one of the Emperor’s long-range contingency plans,
Cart’an has ingratiated himself to most of the Black Sun Syndicate Vigos and
many of the Lower Vigos. He has placed a few key operatives throughout the
organization. Upon Palpatine’s word, Cart’an put into motion a complex plan
that tricked the crew of the Bloodsparrow into making him the new Lord of the
Black Sun.
Note: What Cart’an does not know is that he is merely the
useful byproduct of a failed cloning project; through Ikkath, the Emperor
experimented briefly with cloning Maul, but was unable to awaken the Force
within any of the clones. Having been raised in radically different
circumstances than Maul, Cart’an’s personality is nothing like his
predecessor’s. (Cart’an’s raw ability scores are identical to Maul’s.)
KIA: Cut down by Lerketh while fighting on top of the Sith
infiltrator, hovering next to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Sif kicked his body
off the edge and he was killed in a fall to the roof of the temple.
Cart’an: Male Zabrak, Scoundrel 6/Soldier
3/Infiltrator 3; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Defense 24 (10 +10 Class +4 Dex); DR 4; Spd
10m; VP/WP 70/16; Atk (Vibroblade) +14/+9 (+9/+4 Class +3 Str +2 Mastercraft),
Dmg (Vibroblade) 2d6+2/20 (+3 Str +2 Mastercraft), Atk (Heavy Blaster) +15/+10
(+9/+4 Class +4 Dex +2 Mastercraft), Dmg (Heavy Blaster) 3d8+2/20 (+2
Mastercraft); Atk (Holdout Blaster) +15/+10 (+9/+4 Class +4 Dex +2
Mastercraft), Dmg (Holdout Blaster) 3d4+2/20 (+2 Mastercraft); SQ Illicit
Barter, Lucky (2/day), Precise Attack, Covert Movement (Full Speed Move
Silent), Sneak Attack (+1d6), Skill Mastery (Tumble); SV Fort +11 (+6 Class +3
Con +2 Species), Ref +12 (+8 Class +4 Dex), Will +6 (+2 Class +0 Wis +2
Species), Will (Force) +9 (+2 Class +0 Wis +2 Species +3 Force Resistant); SZ
M; FP 0; DSP 4; Rep +3/+1 (+3 Class -2 Low Profile); Str 17; Dex 19; Con 16;
Int 14; Wis 11; Cha 12.
Equipment: Mastercraft Padded Flight Suit (+2
DR), Military-grade Jump Boots, Blaster Pistol (+2), Mastercraft Holdout
Blaster (+2), Vibroblade (+2), Thermal Detonator, All-temperature Cloak (+4),
Electro-binoculars, Comlink, Energy Pack (4), Code Cylinder (Elite Imperial),
Credit Stick (12,000).
Skills: Appraise +2 (0 +2 Int), Astrogate +4
(2 +2 Int), Balance +8 (4 +4 Dex), Bluff +10 (9 +1 Cha), Climb +3 (0 +3 Str),
Computer Use +7 (5 +2 Int), Demolitions +4 (2 +2 Int), Diplomacy +6 (5 +1 Cha),
Disable Device +7 (5 +2 Int), Disguise +7 (6 +1 Cha), Escape Artist +8 (4 +4
Dex), Forgery +7 (5 +2 Int), Gather Information +6 (5 +1 Cha), Handle Animal +1
(0 +1 Cha), Hide +14 (8 +4 Dex +2 Stealthy), Intimidate +1 (0 +1 Cha), Jump +3
(0 +3 Str), Knowledge (Empire) +4 (2 +2 Int), Knowledge (Sith Lore) +4 (2 +2
Int), Listen +5 (5 +0 Wis), Move Silently +14 (8 +4 Dex +2 Stealthy), Pilot +9
(5 +4 Dex), Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Bothan, Repair +4 (2 +2 Int), Ride +4
(0 +4 Dex), Search +4 (2 +2 Int), Sense Motive +10 (7 +0 Wis +3 Skill
Emphasis), Sleight of Hand +4 (0 +4 Dex), Speak Basic, Speak Bothan, Spot +9 (9
+0 Wis), Survival +6 (2 +0 Wis +4 Cloak), Swim +3 (0 +3 Str), Treat Injury +5
(5 +0 Wis), Tumble +11/+21 (7 +4 Dex +10 Skill Mastery).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Heroic
Surge (3/Day), Low Profile, Quick Draw, Force Resistance (Will +3), Resource
Access, Skill Emphasis (Sense Motive), Starship Operations (Fighter), Stealthy,
Weapon Group (Primitive), Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster
Pistols), Weapon Group (Blaster Rifles), Weapon Group (Vibro), Weapon Group
Corba the Hutt
This crime lord has broken with the
Hutt traditions, instead giving her loyalty to the Black Sun Syndicate. This
vile gangster is a living nexus of underworld activity related to slave trade.
However, unlike some, the Hutt works hard to fight this perception, maintaining
a business front on Corellia. Corba insists that she is only interested in
running her bar and gambling facility. Very few people know that she is a Black
Sun vigo. Many have died in order to keep this silent.
Over the last few years, Corba has spent considerable resources maintaining
this ruse, to great effectiveness.
A lean and athletic Hutt, Corba’s
body is extensively tattooed, including several places where she has a
signature mark of four blue bars (on her arms, tail and neck). All her servants
and enforcers wear the same tattoos.
Several years ago, Corba opted to
produce offspring, metamorphing her body to a female physiology and
hermaphroditically conceiving a child. In the Hutt way, for these years, the crime
lord is referred to as female and adorns herself in a
way mimicking the females of the various Galactic species.
Corba’s Place: This establishment is
located on Corellia, in the capitol city of Coronet. (Traffic into and out of
Coronet is strictly monitored by both the Empire and by CorSec.) Corba's Place
is situated in a very dangerous part of town called Blue Sector, the heart of
the Corellian criminal underworld. According to (false) local legend, Corba
decided to leave behind the criminal trade a few years ago and bought an empty
ruin, turning it into Corba's Place and building up its reputation in only a
few years. Corba's Place is reknown for food, drink, lodging, gambling and
pleasure services.
Note: Corba’s chambers are fitted with a Zero-G environmental
generator. In times of crisis, she can activate this from her repulsor sled and
use her advantage in Zero-G to escape.
KIA: Headshot sniper attack by Tyrus.
(Double critical.)
Corba: Female (currently) Hutt, Scoundrel
8/Crime Lord 6; Init +0 (+0 Dex); Defense 18 (10 +8 Class +0 Dex); DR 2; Spd
6m; VP/WP 112/14; Atk (Stun Gloves) +11/+6 (+9/+4 Class +2 Mastercraft), Dmg
(Stun Gloves) 0/Stun DC 20, Atk (Heavy Blaster Pistol) +11/+6 (+9/+4 Class +2
Mastercraft), Dmg (Heavy Blaster Pistol) 3d8+2/20 (+X +2 Mastercraft); SQ
Low-light Vision, +6 Will Vs Force, Illicit Barter, Lucky (2/Day), Precise
Attack (+1), Contact (x2), Resource Access, Minions, Inspire Fear (-4); SV Fort
+6 (+4 Class +2 Con), Ref +9 (+9 Class +0 Dex), Will +9 (+7 Class +2 Wis); SZ
M; FP 0; DSP 18; Rep +10 (+6 Class +4 Infamy); Str 10; Dex 10; Con 14; Int 14;
Wis 14; Cha 14.
Equipment: Comlink Blue Skull Pendant, Breather
Chain, Hutt Stun Gloves (+2, DC 20), Heavy Blaster Pistol (+2), Repulsor Sled
(Secret Alarm, Force Field: DR 4/50), Cantina, Bodyguards, Defensive Droids,
Vehicles, Significant Criminal Wealth.
Skills: Appraise +12 (10 +2 Int), Balance +10
(10 +0 Dex), Bluff +15 (10 +2 Cha +3 Skill Emphasis), Computer Use +12 (10 +2
Int), Diplomacy +17 (15 +2 Cha), Entertain (Illicit Company) +12 (10 +2 Cha),
Gamble +12 (10 +2 Wis), Gather Information +12 (10 +2 Cha), Intimidate +15 (10
+2 Cha +3 Skill Emphasis), Knowledge (Underworld) +12 (10 +2 Int), Listen +12
(10 +2 Wis), Move Silently +10 (10 +0 Dex), Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Hutt,
Search +12 (10 +2 Int), Sense Motive +17 (15 +2 Wis), Speak Basic, Speak Hutt,
Spot +12 (10 +2 Wis), Swim +12 (10 +0 Str +2 Athletic).
Feats: Athletic, Diplomatic Immunity
(CorSec), Fast Movement (+2m), Infamy, Run, Skill Emphasis (Bluff), Skill
Emphasis (Intimidate), Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols),
Zero-G Training.
Drillish M’ohad
Drillish is a newly appointed Lower
Vigo for the Black Sun Syndicate, following a time of chaos and an
assassination. Loyal to the previous Lower Vigo, Drillish killed the assassin
responsible for the recent turmoil. The fledgling crime lord has no real love
for the Rebellion, but he hates the Empire with a passion because he witnessed
the execution of many Kel Dor during his youth. (These actions were committed
by Imperial Admiral Haster, who was only a major back then.) Wary of the fate
that befell the previous Lower Vigo, Drillish is always accompanied by two
protectors, his protocol droid and several loyal thugs. Drillish views his role
in society as that of provider, giving people the things they want, even at the
expense of their own health or the health of those exploited: “If society did not want these
things…slaves, drugs, blood-sports…society would not pay me for them.”
KIA: Assassinated by Cart’an during the Black Sun coupe.
Note: Drillish’s stun baton was a gift from the Lord of
the Black Sun. It telescopes down from a full-sized walking stick to a short
club one third of a meter in length. The stun baton is gun-metal gray with an
enormous black pearl on one end. The comlink carried by the crime lord also
resembles a large black pearl, hanging around his neck by a thick silver chain.
The protocol droid who is always at Drillish’s side is black and insectoid.
Drillish: Male Kel Dor, Scoundrel 8/Crime Lord
4; Init +0 (+0 Dex); Defense 17 (10 +7 Class +0 Dex); DR 0; Spd 10m; VP/WP
36/10; Atk (Staff) +13/+8 (+8/+3 Class +0 Str +5 Mastercraft), Dmg (Staff) 0/DC
20 (+5 Mastercraft), Atk (Blaster) +12/+7 (+8/+3 Class +0 Dex +4 Mastercraft),
Dmg (Blaster) 3d8+4/20 (+4 Mastercraft); SQ Inspire Fear (-2), Low-light
Vision, Contact (Black Sun Vigo) (+2 Influence), Contact (Black Sun Lower Vigo)
(+2 Influence), Resource Access (+2 Influence), Illicit Barter, Lucky (2/day),
Precise Attack (+1, x1/Round); SV Fort +3 (+3 Class +0 Con), Ref +8 (+8 Class
+0 Dex), Will +12 (+6 Class +4 Wis +2 Iron Will); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 8; Rep +10
(+5 Class +3 Infamy +2 Influence); Str 10; Dex 10; Con 10; Int 14; Wis 18; Cha
Equipment: Heavy Blaster Pistol (+4), Code
Cylinder (Drillish’s Citadel), Military Grade Comlink, Credits (6000),
Breather, Goggles, Stun Baton (+5, DC 20), Robes.
Skills: Appraise +10 (8 +2 Int), Bluff +16 (8
+3 Cha +3 Skill Emphasis +2 Persuasive), Computer Use +4 (2 +2 Int), Diplomacy
+11 (8 +3 Cha), Forgery +13 (8 +2 Int +3 Skill Emphasis), Gamble +12 (8 +4
Wis), Gather Information +11 (8 +3 Cha), Hide +4 (4 +0 Dex), Intimidate +13 (8
+3 Cha +2 Persuasive), Knowledge (Jedi Knights) +9 (4 +2 Int +3 Skill
Emphasis), Knowledge (Underworld) +10 (8 +2 Int), Listen +8 (2 +4 Wis +2
Alertness), Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Kel Dor, Search +2 (0 +2 Int), Sense
Motive +12 (8 +4 Wis), Speak Basic, Speak Chagrian, Speak Kel Dor, Spot +8 (2
+4 Wis +2 Alertness), Survival +6 (2 +4 Wis).
Feats: Alertness, Infamy, Influence, Iron
Will, Persuasive, Skill Emphasis (Bluff), Skill Emphasis (Forgery), Skill
Emphasis (Knowledge (Jedi Knights)), Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group
(Blaster Pistols).
Emperor Palpatine (Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith)
The lynchpin of the Empire, Palpatine
engineered the downfall of the Jedi Knights and the rise of the most lasting,
most widespread totalitarian government in galactic history. He is a Sith lord, full of hate for everything.
The Emperor: Male Human, Noble 4/Dark Side
Devotee/Sith Lord 10; Init +0; Defense 24 (10 +14 Class); DR 2; Spd 10m; VP/WP
124/13; Atk (Lightsaber) +16/+11/+6/+1 (+16/+11/+6/+1 Class), Dmg (Lightsaber)
5d8/19-20; SQ Bonus class skill (Intimidate), Favor +4, Inspire Confidence,
Resource Access, Coordinate +1, Dark Side Talisman +2, Force Weapon +1d8, Sith
Resource Access, Sith Secrets, Exceptional Minions, Sith Master; SV Fort +12,
Ref +11, Will +18; SZ M; FP 9; DSP 32; Rep +17; Str 9; Dex 11; Con 12; Int 18;
Wis 16; Cha 16.
Equipment: Mastercraft Staff (Comlink, Code
Cylinder), Great Lightsaber, Mastercraft Black Robes (DR 2).
Skills: Bluff +13, Computer Use +7, Craft
(Lightsaber) +6, Diplomacy +19, Gather Information +16, Intimidate +15, Jump
+10, Knowledge (Sith, Jedi, Galactic Politics) +15, Read/Write (Multiple
Languages), Sense Motive +11, Speak (Multiple Languages).
Force Skills: Affect Mind +14, Drain Energy +12,
Empathy +17, Farseeing +20, Fear +18, Force Defense +16, Force Grip +16, Force
Lightning +16, Force Stealth +20, Heal Self +14, Move Object +12, See Force
+18, Telepathy +20.
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency
(Lightsaber), Fame, Skill Emphasis (Affect Mind), Skill Emphasis (Diplomacy),
Skill Emphasis (Farseeing), Skill Emphasis (Fear), Skill Emphasis (Force
Lightning), Skill Emphasis (Force Stealth), Skill Emphasis (Telepathy), Link,
Trustworthy, Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, simple).
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Dissipate Energy,
Force Flight, Force Mastery, Force Mind, Malevolent, Sense.
Essar (S-R6)
Originally the prototype for an
illegal tech project conducted by an asteroid-based band of smugglers, Essar
intended as the first in a squad of assassin droids. The droid was given
autonomy by a tech specialist prisoner who needed an ally in order to escape
the smugglers. The prisoner reprogrammed S-R6 for use during the escape
attempt, but was killed in the exodus. Now, due to a quirk in his programming,
this secretive assassin droid is obsessed with weapons, especially those of
exotic or prototype varieties. It will usually offer to purchase such items,
but mostly wants the opportunity to study them. Often, Essar sells them
afterward. One of the tactics Essar employs frequently, taken advantage of his
transference hardware, is to move his awareness into a lesser (and more
discreet) droid shell during operations.
Due to his dealings with the crew of
the Bloodsparrow, Essar was eventually caught by the ISB and mind-wiped; he was
later used as a trap. Eventually, he came to serve Cart’an.
KIA: After moving into Tyrus’s
dark eye droid, Essar was able to bring the Empire down on the Rebel Fleet in
an attack that destroyed 60% of the Rebel ships and claimed thousands of lives.
Once the dark eye droid was caught, Tyrus dismantled it on board the Thranta
Dream, questioned Essar one last time, then wiped his
Note: Essar lists “Wealth” as a feat, because he started
with a small fortune in credits.
Essar (S-R6): Assassin Droid, Soldier 8; Init +6
(+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Defense 18 (10 +6 Class +2 Dex); DR 4; Spd
12m; VP/WP 56/14; Atk (Blaster) +13/+13/+8 (+8/+3 Class +2 Dex +3 Masterwork
+Rapid Shot), Dmg (Blaster) 3d8+3/20 (+3 Masterwork); SQ Droid Immunities,
Low-light Vision, Infrared Vision; SV Fort +8 (+6 Class +2 Con), Ref +4 (+2
Class +2 Dex), Will +2 (+2 Class +0 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 0; Rep +0 (+2 Class
-2 Low Profile); Str 14; Dex 14; Con 14; Int 14; Wis 10; Cha 10.
Equipment: Internal Comlink, Internal Shield (DR
4), Flamethrower, Fire Extinguisher, Translator, Tool Mount, Cutting Torch,
360-degree Vision, Transference Unit, False Restraining Bolt Port, Heavy
Blaster Pistol (+3, +1 Range Increment), Blaster Rifle (+3, +1 Range
Increment), Heavy Ion Blaster (+3,+1 Range Increment), Energy Pack (4), Credits
Skills: Appraise +5 (3 +2 Int), Astrogate +7
(5 +2 Int), Computer Use +7 (5 +2 Int), Craft (Blaster Weapons) +10 (8 +2 Int),
Demolitions +7 (5 +2 Int), Disable Device +5 (3 +2 Int), Forgery +5 (3 +2 Int),
Knowledge (Weapons) +6 (4 +2 Int), Pilot +8 (6 +2 Dex), Read/Write Basic,
Repair +8 (6 +2 Int), Search +3 (1 +2 Int), Speak Basic, Speak Binary, Spot +2
(2 +0 Wis).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Far Shot,
Improved Initiative, Low Profile, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot,
Starship Operations (Fighter), Wealth, Weapon Group (Primitive), Weapon Group
(Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols), Weapon Group (Blaster Rifles), Weapon
Group (Vibro), Weapon Group (Heavy).
Faldar Tragen
An Imperial officer, initially
assigned to the agricultural world of Kwevron, Tragen was lifted up from a
middle class existence by his acceptance into the Imperial Naval Academy. (He
is sensitive to class issues and bristles at any mention of his family’s
position.) Due to his effectiveness using the bounty hunter Greydal Warr
against suspected Rebels and due to his diligence in tracking the Bloodsparrow
after Kwevron, he was promoted to Captain. Tragen is dark-haired, arrogant,
petty and vengeful.
KIA: Geonosis surprise attack sprung in a temple by the
crew of the Bloodsparrow. Thermal detonator, followed by
blaster fire. Last words, “My career…”
Note: Faldar tucks his force pike under one arm, like it
was a riding crop or a lecture pointer.
Faldar Tragen: Male Human, Soldier 2/Officer 6/ISB Special Agent 0; Init +0 (+0 Dex);
Defense 16 (10 +6 Class +0 Dex); DR 4; Spd 10m; VP/WP 42/13; Atk (Force Pike)
+8/+3 (+6/+1 Class +0 Str +2 Mastercraft), Dmg (Force Pike) 2d8+2/20 (+0 Str +2
Mastercraft) or 0/DC 17, Atk (Heavy Blaster) +8/+3 (+6/+1 Class +0 Dex +2
Mastercraft), Dmg (Heavy Blaster) 3d8+2/20 (+2 Mastercraft); SQ Leadership,
Requisition Supplies, Tactics; SV Fort +6 (+6 Class +0 Con), Ref +3 (+3 Class
+0 Dex), Will +6 (+3 Class +0 Wis +2 Iron Will +1 Headstrong); SZ M; FP 0; DSP
6; Rep +4; Str 10; Dex 10; Con 10; Int 16; Wis 10; Cha 16.
Equipment: ISB Uniform/Flight Suit (+2), Heavy
Blaster Pistol (+2), Force Pike (+2, DC 17), Datapad, All-temperature Cloak.
Skills: Appraise +3 (0 +3 Int), Astrogate +5
(2 +3 Int), Bluff +14 (11 +3 Cha), Computer Use +5 (2 +3 Int), Demolitions +4
(1 +3 Int), Diplomacy +14 (11 +3 Cha), Disable Device +4 (1 +3 Int), Disguise
+3 (0 +3 Cha), Forgery +3 (0 +3 Int), Gather Information +4 (1 +3 Cha), Handle
Animal +3 (0 +3 Cha), Intimidate +9 (4 +3 Cha +2 Headstrong), Knowledge
(Empire) +8 (5 +3 Int), Profession (Bureaucrat) +11 (11 +0 Wis), Read/Write
Basic, Repair +3 (0 +3 Int), Search +16 (11 +3 Int +2 Sharp Eyed), Sense Motive
+13 (11 +0 Wis +2 Sharp Eyed), Speak Basic, Spot +11 (11 +0 Wis), Survival +5
(5 +0 Wis), Swim +5 (5 +0 Str), Treat Injury +5 (5 +0 Wis).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Far Shot,
Headstrong, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, Stamina, Toughness (+3 Wound Points),
Weapon Group (Primitive), Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster
Pistols), Weapon Group (Blaster Rifles), Weapon Group (Vibro), Weapon Group
Greydal Warr
This bounty hunter is an Imperial
favorite, used in hunting and killing Wookie insurgents and rim world outlaws.
Greydal is known for his cruelty toward his own kind and for his outright
disdain for taboos. He keeps his fur shaved away and his skin tattooed with old
Sith designs that he first saw when tracking a Wookie
Rebel into an old temple. Greydal is a fierce breaker of all Wookie traditions
and laws, such as using his claws to kill opponents. One of his favorite
tactics is to rake an opponent’s eyes, blinding him temporarily with blood.
KIA: Greydal was subdued by Sif, Tyrus and Kelnoir,
fighting in the forests of Dathomir. Later, the Wookie was judged and executed
by Kell, of the Great Canyon Clan. His body was staked out over Kell’s temple.
Note: Greydal gets the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Claws)
as a free racial bonus feat due to his deviant Wookie nature, but also suffers
from a -4 wisdom penalty, instead of the standard -2 wisdom penalty for
wookies, and is not proficient with a bowcaster.
Greydal Warr, Wookie Bounty Hunter: Male Wookie, Scout 3/Soldier 3; Init +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved
Initiative); Defense 20 (10 +7 Class +3 Dex); DR (4); Spd 8m (10m -2m armor);
VP/WP 50/16; Atk +12 vibroblade (+5 Class +4 Str, +3 vibroblade) (2d6+7/20), or
+9 claws (+5 Class +4 Str) (1d4+4/20), or +10 blaster pistol (+5 Class +3 Dex
+2 archaic blaster) (3d6+2/20); SQ Extraordinary
Recuperation, Trailblazing, Heart (+1); SV Fort +8 (+5 Class +3 Con), Ref
+6 (+3 Class +3 Dex), Will +2 (+3 Class -1 Wis); SZ M; FP 2; DSP 2; Rep +4 (+1
Class +3 Infamy); Str 19 (+4); Dex 16 (+3); Con 16 (+3); Int 12 (+1); Wis 8
(-2); Cha 8 (-1).
Equipment: Archaic Blaster (+2), Mastercraft
Vibroblade (+3), 2 Stun Grenades, Light Armor (Armor Check 0, DR 4),
Restraining Cuffs, All-Temperature Cloak, Electrobinoculars, Code Cylinder,
Comlink, Datapad, Liquid Cable.
Skills: Appraise +3 (2 +1 Int), Astrogate +6
(5 +1 Int), Balance +3 (0 +3 Dex), Bluff +3 (0 -1 Cha +4 Rep), Climb +10 (4 +4
Str +2 Wookie), Computer Use +6 (5 +1 Int), Demolitions +5 (4 +1 Int),
Diplomacy +3 (0 -1 Cha +4 Rep), Disguise -1 (0 -1 Cha), Entertain -1 (0 -1
Cha), Escape Artist +3 (0 +3 Dex), Forgery +1 (0 +1 Int), Gamble -1 (0 -1 Wis),
Gather Information +3 (0 -1 Cha +4 Rep), Hide +5 (2 +3 Dex), Intimidate +11 (4
-1 Cha +4 Wookie +4 Rep), Jump +8 (4 +4 Str), Knowledge (Underworld) +4 (3 +1
Int), Listen -1 (0 -1 Wis), Move Silently +3 (0 +3 Dex), Pilot +8 (5 +3 Dex),
Profession (Mercenary) +1 (2 -1 Wis), Read/Write Shyriiwook, Read/Write Basic,
Ride +3 (0 +3 Dex), Search +3 (2 +1 Int), Sense Motive -1 (0 -1 Wis), Speak
Shyriiwook, Speak (understand only) Basic, Spot +3 (4 -1 Wis), Survival +4 (5
-1 Wis), Swim +6 (2 +4 Str), Treat Injury +3 (4 -1 Wis), Tumble +3 (0 +3 Dex).
Feats: Claw Blinding, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (Claws), Improved Initiative, Infamy, Martial Arts, (Wookie) Rage, Starship Operations
(Transport), Track, Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols), Weapon Group (Blaster
Rifles), Weapon Group (Heavy Weapons), Weapon Group (Vibro), Weapon Group
Enslaved in his youth by the Empire,
as they tried to crush the life out of the Mon Calamari home world, Ikkath has
natural talent for both technical crafting and for Force sensitivity. Developed
by the Emperor and Kadann, Ikkath supplies dark side operatives with special
gear. The Mon Calamari also works on exotic cybernetic limbs and unusual
medical procedures. (In accordance with one of Kadann’s visions, Ikkath
performed surgery on Jeed Snowshadow, working briefly for the Black Sun.)
Ikkath lives within the Sith Keep, on the lowest level, which is perpetually
flooded with salt water. He also oversees the Kamino cloning level close at
hand. Ikkath’s one joy is the creation of new items; he guards his work area
Note: Ikkath will try to split the Force (paying an exaggerated
cost) and use drain energy on multiple objects, like Sif’s blasters or
Kelnoir’s lightsaber.
KIA: Killed by the party in his watery lab, within the Sith
Ikkath: Male Mon Calamari, Dark Side Devotee
2/Tech Specialist 8; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Defense 20 (10 +8 Class +2 Dex); DR 4; Spd 10m; VP/WP 55/10; Atk (Vibroblade)
+10/+5 (+7/+2 Class +0 Str +2 Mastercraft +1 Crafted), Dmg (Vibroblade) 2d6+2/20
(+0 Str +3 Mastercraft), Atk (Heavy Blaster) +12/+7 (+7/+2 Class +2 Dex +3
Mastercraft), Dmg (Heavy Blaster) 3d8+3/20 (+3 Mastercraft); SQ Amphibious,
Low-light Vision, Mon Calamari Will (+1 Wet, -1 Arid); SV Fort +5 (+5 Class +0 Con), Ref +7 (+5 Class +2 Dex), Will
+9 (+7 Class +2 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 5; Rep +3; Str 10;
Dex 14; Con 10; Int 18; Wis 14; Cha 10.
Equipment: Vibroblade (+2), Heavy Blaster (+3),
Dark Side Talisman (Smokey Orb, +2 Force saves), Light Aquatic Armor (DR 4, +4 Swim, Comlink), Mastercraft
(Waterproof) Backpack, Code Cylinder, Datacard (Vibroblade Crafting).
Skills: Astrogate +5 (1 +4 Int), Computer Use
+8 (4 +4 Int), Craft (Mastercraft Electronic Devices) +12 (4 +4
Int +4
Instant Mastery), Craft (Mastercraft Vibroblade) +20 (8
+4 Int +4 Species +4 Instant Mastery), Demolitions +4 (0 +4 Int), Disable
Device +4 (0 +4 Int), Forgery +4 (0 +4 Int), Hide +2 (0 +2 Dex), Intimidate +4
(4 +0 Cha), Knowledge (Biology) +12 (8 +4 Int), Knowledge (Tech) +16 (0 +4 Int
+2 Technical
Wizard +8 Research +2 Expert), Listen +2 (0 +2 Wis), Move
Silently +2 (0 +2 Dex), Pilot +2 (0 +2 Dex), Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Mon
Calamarian, Repair +18 (12 +4 Int +2 Technical Wizard), Search +4 (0 +4 Int), Sense Motive +4 (2 +2 Wis), Speak Basic, Speak
Mon Calamarian, Spot +2 (0 +2 Wis), Swim +8 (0 +0
Str +4 Species +4 Armor), Treat Injury +14 (12 +2 Wis).
Force Skills: Affect Mind +8 (8 +0 Cha), Drain
Energy +15 (12 +0 Con +3 Skill Emphasis), Empathy +2 (0 +2 Wis), Force
Defense +0 (0 +0 Cha), Force Grip +12 (8 +4 Int), Force Lightning +12 (8 +4
Int), Force Strike +12 (8 +4 Int), Heal Another +10 (8 +2 Wis), Move Object +10
(6 +4 Int).
Feats: Cybernetic Surgery, Force Sensitive, Surgery, Skill
Emphasis (Craft Vibroblade), Technical Wizard, Weapon
Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols), Weapon Group (Vibro).
Force Feats: Alter.
Jeed Snowshadow
Jeed Snowshadow is a bounty hunter
who was gravely injured fighting Imperials for the Black Sun Syndicate on an
outlying world. Due to his talents, the Lord of the Black Sun resolved to
preserve him using exotic and questionable means. Though his (blue-inked) head,
torso and right hand are still flesh and blood, Jeed’s legs, his left arm and
most of his skeletal structure are actually a unique droid, under his control.
The surgery that saved his life was overseen by Ikkath, a dark side devotee who
works as an exotic tech specialist for Kadann and the Dark Prophets. Jeed
currently works freelance for various Vigos, but is occasionally given
assignments directly by the Lord of the Black Sun.
Though he talks to the green metallic
droid fused with his body, Jeed is quiet whenever possible, using the trick of
never revealing more than needed. Sometimes he tries to play the part of the
carefree, carousing smuggler.
KIA: Killed by Tyrus in a slaver’s den on Luyarac, after
betraying the party to the ISB. Post consciousness, Tyrus also shot YL-7R to
pieces, preventing Jeed’s return.
Note: In combat, Jeed will apply his +1 target bonus to
Sif. If he attacks the party when they are denied their Dex bonuses, Jeed gets
sneak attack damage.
YL-7R contains some ancient exotic crystals and is infused
anomalous energies. If Jeed is ever knocked unconscious or killed, the droid
can continue to function, taking his to a safe place and treating his injuries.
YL-7R also has translations capabilities and adds to
Jeed’s skills.
Note: It’s possible the players will overhear Jeed
speaking to “Wile Sevnar” and misunderstand the communications.
Jeed Snowshadow (YL-7R): Male
Human/Droid, Scout 2/Soldier 3/Bounty Hunter 2; Init +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved
Initiative); Defense 21 (10 +8 Class +3 Dex); DR 6; Spd 10m; VP/WP 58/16; Atk
(Stun Baton) +9/+4 (+6/+1 Class +0 Str +3 Mastercraft), Dmg (Stun Baton) 0/DC
18 (+3 Mastercraft), Atk (Heavy Blaster) +11/+6 (+6/+1 Class +3 Dex +2
Mastercraft), Dmg (Heavy Blaster) 3d8+2/20 (+2 Mastercraft); SQ Exotic Body
Tattoo (Blue Skin), Droid Abilities, Trailblazing, Target Bonus +1, Sneak
Attack +1d6, Susceptible to Ion Attacks; SV Fort +10 (+7 Class +3 Con), Ref +8
(+5 Class +3 Dex), Will +5 (+5 Class +0 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 5; Rep +6; Str
10; Dex 16; Con 16; Int 10; Wis 10; Cha 12.
Equipment: Heavy Blaster (+2), Padded Battle
Armor (DR +2), Restraints (8), Liquid Cable, Stun Baton (+3, DC 18), Medpack
(+2), Stun Grenade (+3, DC 18), Credits (2000).
Skills: Astrogate +6 (0 +0 Int +6 YL-7R),
Balance +3 (0 +3 Dex), Bluff +11 (10 +1 Cha), Computer Use +6 (0 +0 Int +6
YL-7R), Demolitions +2 (2 +0 Int), Disable Device +6 (0 +0 Int +6 YL-7R), Escape
Artist +3 (0 +3 Dex), Gather Information +5 (4 +1 Cha), Hide +8 (5 +3 Dex),
Intimidate +7 (2 +1 Cha +4 YL-7R), Knowledge Underworld +5 (5 +0 Int), Listen
+4 (0 +0 Wis +4 YL-7R), Move Silently +8 (5 +3 Dex), Pilot +12 (5 +3 Dex +4
YL-7R), Read/Write Basic, Repair +6 (0 +0 Int +6 YL-7R), Ride +3 (0 +3 Dex),
Sense Motive +5 (5+0 Wis), Sleight of Hand +3 (0 +3 Dex), Speak Basic, Speak
Bothan, Speak Kel Dorian, Spot +4 (4 +0 Wis), Survival +6 (6 +0 Wis), Treat
Injury +5 (5 +0 Wis), Tumble +3 (0 +3 Dex).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Contact
(Black Sun), Droid Integration, Heroic Surge (2), Improved Initiative, Infamy,
Quick Draw, Starship Operations (Transport), Track, Weapon Group (Primitive),
Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols), Weapon Group (Blaster
Rifles), Weapon Group (Vibro), Weapon Group (Heavy).
Once a Jedi Knight, Kadann fell from
the path of his Order just before the Emperor’s purge, seeking to balance his
knowledge of the Force with the dark side. He is now the Emperor’s Supreme Dark
KIA: Struck down by the party and Lerketh, in his chambers
within the Sith Keep. (Note: I forgot to use Dissipate Energy.)
Name: Male Human, Jedi Consular 8/Dark
Side Devotee 5; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Defense 20 (10 +11 Class -1 Dex); DR 6; Spd
6m; VP/WP 75/10; Atk (Lightsaber) +9/+4, Dmg (Lightsaber) 3d8-1/19-20, Atk
(Blaster) +11/+6, Dmg (Blaster) 3d4+3/20; SV Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +16; SZ M;
FP 4; DSP 11; Rep +7; Str 9; Dex 8; Con 10; Int 16; Wis 18; Cha 14.
Equipment: Starry Sith Cloak (DR +6), Lightsaber, Holdout Blaster (+3), Dark Side
Talisman (+2 Vs Force).
Skills: Bluff +8 (6 +2 Cha), Computer Use +7
(4 +3 Int), Craft (Lightsaber) +7 (4 +3 Int), Diplomacy +17 (15 +2 Cha), Gather
Information +10 (8 +2 Cha), Hide +3 (4 -1 Dex), Intimidate +4 (2 +2 Cha),
Knowledge (Force Lore) +12 (9 +3 Int), Listen +10 (6 +4 Wis), Read/Write Basic,
Read/Write Sith, Sense Motive +14 (10 +4 Wis), Speak Basic, Speak Sith, Spot
+10 (6 +4 Wis), Treat Injury +9 (5 +4 Wis).
Force Skills: Affect Mind +8 (6 +2 Cha), Empathy
+10 (6 +4 Wis), Farseeing +18 (14 +4 Wis), Fear +16 (12 +4 Wis), Force Defense
+6 (4 +2 Cha), Force Grip +14 (11 +3 Int), Force Stealth +10 (8 +2 Cha), Heal
Another +7 (3 +4 Wis), Heal Self +5 (3 +2 Cha), Move Object +8 (5 +3 Int), See
Force +12 (8 +4 Wis), Telepathy +11 (7 +4 Wis).
Feats: Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Lightsaber), Force Sensitive, Iron
Will, Skill
Emphasis (Fear), Skill Emphasis (Force Grip), Weapon
Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols).
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Dissipate Energy,
Force Mastery, Force Mind, Knight Mind, Hatred, Sense.
The favored of the Emperor, Keval was
trained for his role from childhood forward. He was one of twelve children
chosen years ago, trained from an early age in the ways of the dark side and in
the ways of combat. Eventually, of the twelve, only Keval remained; the others
suffered death from their intense training or from one another. Keval has lived
a life that has been at times privileged beyond imagination and at times brutal
beyond tolerance. He is a prince and has been encouraged to indulge his every
pleasure or anger. Though he has lived at the keep, he has traveled to a place
Kadann calls the Temple, to Coruscant
to go before the Emperor, and to many worlds on the
Rim and within the Core. Often, when at the Sith Keep or the place the Temple,
he has been instructed by Kadann and his dark prophets. Ikkath taught him some
of his crafting skills and Keval’s armor was made by Ikkath, who sees the young
lord as the ultimate “model” for his work. When traveling, Keval has trained
under Cart’an, for whom he has great admiration. The young Sith Lord hates
Lerketh, who once struck him across the face; she is the only person to have
done so and survived. Keval sees himself as the Emperor’s successor. He has
been in the presence of Vader on a few occasions and Keval hates the Emperor’s
old apprentice. When the Emperor deemed him ready, he sent for Keval, naming
Darth Vader “the Lord of the Rim Worlds” and allowing him to seek his own
apprentice. The Emperor wants Keval at his side on Coruscant. Before leaving
the Sith Keep, Kadann held a ceremony naming Keval a Sith Lord. Ikkath,
Cart’an, Kadann, Lerketh and several of the dark prophets were in attendance.
From that point forward, he assumes the title and name, Darth Keval. Keval was given four female slaves as a boy. One died
at his hands years ago, for displeasing him. He promised the rest of that—when
he became a lord—he would take us to Coruscant. Keval stoked this dream within
his concubines, reminding them of the splendors of Coruscant. His true plan was
to kill them before leaving the keep. One of them, Mol’goosh, guessed his
intentions and escaped, slipping into a shipment from Ikkath. Keval is in tune
with the Sith Spirit Cohdal, through Sith Sorcery channeling. The dark prince
has known other Sith Spirits, but once he encountered the Sith Holocron, he
began to channel Cohdal exclusively. Keval is known infamously as an
up-and-coming Imperial Lord. He is a dramatic figure, clad entirely in blood
red; he wears a flowing red cloak, with a long pointed hood. He has
aristocratic features and blonde hair. His eyes, however, have turned entirely
black, due to the effects of the dark side. Wherever he goes, whispers follow: “He is the favored of the Emperor.”
Note: Next level, Keval gets Sith Prowess, which grants him
choices from feats like Lightsaber Defense, Knight Defense, Master
Defense. As soon as possible, he will take Force Mastery.
KIA: Struck down in Kadann’s chambers within the Sith Keep.
Moments later, his body was stolen by Cart’an, placed in a bacti-bag and taken
to the Temple.
Post Mortem Note: Cart’an took Keval’s body from the Sith
Keep to Kadann’s Temple. The Emperor hoped that Keval’s dark side essence could
be merged with Lerketh. The crew of the Bloodsparrow got to Lerketh first, and
essentially saved her. Later, they attacked and destroyed Kadann’s Temple,
taking a ship loaded with Keval’s body. (After the failed plan to use Lerketh,
Palpatine wanted the body moved to Coruscant, where he planned on merging Keval
with one of the new Sith disciples.)
Keval: Male Human, Soldier 3/Force Adept
2/Sith Acolyte 5/Sith Lord 2; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Defense 25/27 (10 +13 Class +2
Dex +2 Lightsaber Defense); DR 6; Spd 10m; VP/WP 96/14; Atk (Lightsaber) +12/+7
(+9/+4 Class +2 Str +1 Crafted), Dmg (Lightsaber) 4d8+2/19-20 (+2 Str), Atk
(Thrown Lightsaber) +12/+7 (+9/+4 Class +2 Dex +1 Crafted), Dmg (Thrown
Lightsaber) 4d8+2/19-20 (+2 Str); SQ Resource Access; SV Fort +14 (+12 Class +2
Con), Ref +10 (+8 Class +2 Dex), Will +13 (+11 Class +2 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP
14; Rep +14; Str 14; Dex 14; Con 14; Int 18; Wis 14; Cha 14.
Equipment: Lightsaber (Crafted), Lightsaber
(Crafted) (Hidden in boot), Dark
Armor (DR 6, +2 Vs See Force).
Skills: Appraise +4 (0 +4 Int), Astrogate +6
(2 +4 Int), Balance +2 (0 +2 Dex), Bluff +7 (5 +2 Cha), Climb +2 (0 +2 Str),
Computer Use +6 (2 +4 Int), Craft (Lightsaber) +10 (6 +4 Int), Diplomacy +7 (5
+2 Cha), Disguise +2 (0 +2 Cha), Escape Artist +2 (0 +2 Dex), Gather
Information +2 (0 +2 Cha), Hide +2 (0 +2 Dex), Intimidate +10 (8 +2 Cha), Jump
+14 (12 +2 Str), Knowledge (Empire) +6 (2 +4 Int), Knowledge (Sith Lore) +12 (8
+4 Int), Listen +2 (0 +2 Wis), Move Silently +2 (0 +2 Dex), Pilot +4 (2 +2
Dex), Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Sith, Ride +2 (0 +2 Dex), Search +4 (0 +4
Int), Sense Motive +7 (5 +2 Wis), Sleight of Hand +2 (0 +2 Dex), Speak Basic,
Speak Sith, Spot +7 (5 +2 Wis), Survival +2 (0 +2 Wis), Swim +2 (0 +2 Str),
Treat Injury +2 (0 +2 Wis), Tumble +2 (0 +2 Dex).
Force Skills: Affect Mind +7 (5 +2 Cha), Battlemind
+10 (8 +2 Con), Drain Energy +4 (2 +2 Con), Empathy +4 (2 +2 Wis), Enhance
Senses +4 (2 +2 Wis), Farseeing +4 (2 +2 Wis), Force Defense +8 (6 +2 Cha),
Force Lightning +12 (8 +4 Int), Force Stealth +8 (6 +2 Cha), Heal Self +12 (10
+2 Cha), Move Object +12 (8 +4 Int), See Force +12 (8 +2 Wis +2 See Force),
Telepathy +4 (2 +2 Wis).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Lightsaber), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Thrown Lightsaber),
Force Sensitive, Greater Infamy, Heroic Surge (3), Infamy, Influence, Quickdraw, Weapon
Group (Primitive), Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols),
Weapon Group (Blaster Rifles), Weapon Group (Vibro), Weapon Group (Heavy).
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Burst of Speed, Force
Speed, Lightsaber Defense (+2), Sense, Sith Sorcery.
Early in her life, Mi’ehla was
handmaiden to Kell, Clan Mother of the Great Canyon Clan on Dathomir. (She
learned to speak Basic, as a child’s game, from Kell.) Even as a girl, Mi’ehla
began tampering with the forbidden rites of the Force, which the Witches of
Dathomir call shadow sorcery. Eventually, Mi’ehla was found out, and was forced
to flee into the forest. She joined the Nightsisters and soon became friends
with Beya, who had been born to the dark order. Mi’ehla ultimately became the
closest ally to the Nightsister Warchief Beya. They went through adolescence as
friends, lovers, competitors and students of the dark side. When Beya began her
early and brutal rise to power, Mi’ehla assisted her, often providing the
diplomacy and guile that Beya lacked. One of the pivotal events that aided
Mi’ehla and Beya in securing control over the Nightsisters was a daring
exploration of the Chu’Unthor, a place that most of the Nightsisters feared.
They swam into the wreck through an underwater opening, then got into trouble
and were almost killed by the dark side bog wyrm lairing there. Before leaving,
Beya managed to find a Force crystal of enormous power. She used this Jedi
artifact in the creation of her dark side talisman. Mi’ehla found a midnight
blue lightsaber, a weapon that made her unique among her tribe for the short
year that Beya was Warchief.
When Lerketh came to Dathomir, Mi’ehla
was immediately intrigued. The two women spent several nights together in
Beya’s inner chambers, sharing secrets related to the Force. On the last night
that Lerketh was with the Nightsisters, Mi’ehla spent hours talking to the
Imperial force adept and Cohdal, learning spare details about the galactic
civilization, the Empire and the Sith; this series of conversations would aid
her greatly in the time ahead. The following morning, after Lerketh’s
departure, the Bloodsparrow attacked, killing Beya and destroying the heart of
the Nightsister culture. In the days that followed, the Witches began to purge
the remaining Nightsisters; the Witches took in any men or children not already
corrupted by the dark side. Mi’ehla hid alone in the empty remains of the
Imperial prison during this time, meditating on Cohdal, using her Sith Sorcery
to channel the ancient spirit itself, not merely the holocron imprint. (Note: Here, as she levels, Mi’ehla gains two
levels in the Sith Acolyte prestige class; she is the first dark sider to
channel Cohdal. Previously, Mi’ehla had seen other Nightsisters use Sith
Sorcery to channel the spirits of her long-dead dark side ancestors.)
Shortly thereafter—with some of his new strike force assembled—Captain Faldar
Tragen landed at the prison, looking for clues as to the Rebels next
destination. Mi’ehla and Tragen connected; she had no home and he offered her
the chance to get revenge for her grief. Once off world, Mi’ehla adapted to
galactic trade and travel quickly, though she is very quiet in situations where
she is unsure of the local etiquette and she is uncomfortable with technology.
(By the time Mi’ehla needs a new lightsaber power cell,
she will have access to Imperial technicians and resources.)
Mi’ehla was present when the Tyrus and
Sif traded the Sith holocron for Eva Bloodsparrow, so
she recognizes them on sight (but not Kelnoir). Her goal is to apprehend them
and torture them for their actions against her.
KIA: Geonosian gladiatorial arena...almost took Sif out. Fighting with acklays versus the party.
Note: Mi’ehla uses a variant of the Sith Acolyte prestige
class. Instead of gaining a preferred weapon at level 01 and the Control feat
at level 03, she gets a bonus Force feat at level 03.
Tactical Notes: In combat, the Force Mastery feat often
gives Mi’ehla Force-based free actions. She uses Heroic Surge for additional
actions. Channeling Cohdal periodically gives Mi’ehla access to a startling
range of data. If possible, she will summon a storm before the battle. Ikkath
sent her the Black Metal Rod Pendant, which adds +4 to the Wisdom scores of all
Force sensitive characters within 10 meters. (It also drains 8 vitality points
per hour; Mi’ehla leaves it off at night.)
Mi’ehla: Female Human, Force Adept 2/Dark
Force Witch 4/Sith Acolyte 2; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Defense 24 (10 +10 Class +2 Dex
+2 Lightsaber Defense); DR 0; Spd 10m; VP/WP 52/14; Atk (Lightsaber) +7 (+5
Class +2 Weapon Finesse), Dmg (Lightsaber) 2d8+3/19-20; SQ Inspire Fear (-1),
Spiderwalk, Summon Storm; SV Fort +8 (+8 Class +0 Con), Ref +8 (+6 Class +2
Dex), Will +15 (+10 Class +3 Wis +2 Pendant); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 10; Rep +2; Str
10; Dex 14; Con 14; Int 14; Wis 16; Cha 16.
Equipment: Midnight Blue Lightsaber, Robes,
All-temperature Cloak, Black Metal Rod Pendant (+4 Wisdom, 10m).
Skills: Appraise +2 (0 +2 Int), Balance +2 (0
+2 Dex), Bluff +3 (0 +3 Cha), Climb +0 (0 +0 Str), Diplomacy +3 (0 +3 Cha),
Disguise +3 (0 +3 Cha), Escape Artist +2 (0 +2 Dex), Gamble +5 (0 +3 Wis +2
Pendant), Gather Information +3 (0 +3 Cha), Handle Animal +3 (0 +3 Cha), Hide
+10 (8 +2 Dex), Intimidate +X (4 +3 Cha), Jump +0 (0 +0 Str), Knowledge
(Nightsisters) +6 (4 +2 Int), Knowledge (Sith Lore) +8 (6 +2 Int), Listen +9 (4
+3 Wis +2 Pendant), Move Silently +10 (8 +2 Dex), Pilot +2 (0 +2 Dex), Repair
+2 (0 +2 Int), Ride +2 (0 +2 Dex), Search +2 (0 +2 Int), Sense Motive +5 (0 +3
Wis +2 Pendant), Sleight of Hand +2 (0 +2 Dex), Speak Basic, Speak Pacean, Spot
+5 (0 +3 Wis +2 Pendant), Survival +10 (5 +3 Wis +2 Pendant), Swim +5 (5 +0
Str), Treat Injury +5 (0 +3 Wis +2 Pendant), Tumble +2 (0 +2 Dex).
Force Skills: Affect Mind +7 (4 +3 Cha), Battlemind
+6 (4 +2 Con), Farseeing +9 (4 +3 Wis +2 Pendant), Fear +9 (4 +3 Wis +2
Pendant), Force Defense +7 (4 +3 Cha), Force Lightning +6 (4 +2 Int), Force
Stealth +7 (4 +3 Cha), Friendship +5 (2 +3 Cha), Heal Self +7 (4 +3 Cha),
Illusion +7 (4 +3 Cha), Move Object +6 (4 +2 Int), See Force +9 (4 +3 Wis +2
Pendant), Telepathy +9 (4 +3 Wis +2 Pendant).
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency
(Lightsaber), Force Sensitive, Heroic Surge (2), Weapon Finesse (Lightsaber),
Weapon Group (Primitive), Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Force Mastery,
Lightsaber Defense, Sense, Sith Sorcery.
Protector of Lower Vigo Drillish of
the Black Sun Syndicate, Skeyzahl has always made his way through subterfuge
and exploitation. The amoral Kubaz has warm feelings for no one outside a few
of his own species, but is allied in a detached way to Drillish and those in
the Lower Vigo’s direct employ (including Dram Belac). As part of Skeyzahl’s
payment, Drillish occasionally looks the other way as his protector captures
and consumes sentient insectoids. Skeyzahl hopes to eventually set up an exclusively
Kubaz crime operation on a Rim World or space station somewhere, allowing him
to live in a place of comfort, wielding enough power to satisfy his own needs
and quirks. Skeyzahl often performs assassinations for Drillish; the protector
prefers to stay hidden when he can, stalking his prey until he can attempt to
assassinate from afar. He also uses a wrist rocket system, armed with toxic gas
KIA: Killed by Gugon in a desert night fight on Geonosis.
Note: Greenish-black skin, prehensile trunk. Strange smell. Eats only insects, even
sentient ones. Wears protective goggles.
Note: In sniping situations, Skeyzahl will attempt to sneak
attack a character first, using the aiming tactic. (Aiming is a rule from the
Hero’s Guide. As a full round action, the sniper can make a ranged touch attack
to “aim” and deny the target its Dex bonus.) Second, he will fire 3 shots at
the same target. When possible, he will fire a rocket at someone in the party,
trying to decrease their Dex and knock them out. If anyone has been hit by a
rocket, Skeyzahl will hide again, waiting for the rocket gas to take effect. If
he can subdue the party, he will use his restraints and blindfold bags, then call Tragen.
Skeyzahl: Male Kubaz, Soldier 4/Sharpshooter 5;
Init +4 (+4 Dex); Defense 20 (10 +6 Class +4 Dex); DR 2; Spd 10m; VP/WP 34/10;
Atk (Vibro Dagger) +9/+4 (+7/+2 Class +0 Str +2 Mastercraft), Dmg (Vibro
Dagger) 2d4+2/20 (+2 Mastercraft), Atk (Blaster Rifle) +12/+7/+12 (+7/+2 Class
+4 Dex +1 Preferred Weapon -2 Rapid Shot +2 Mastercraft), Dmg (Rifle)
3d8+2/19-20 (+2 Mastercraft); Atk (Rocket) +9 (+5 Class +4 Dex), Dmg (Rocket)
2d6/DC 18 (Fort) (+1d6 Dex/Unconsciousness); SQ Light Sensitivity, Preferred
Weapon (+1, Blaster Rifle), Preferred Weapon (+1, Wrist Rocket), Ranged Sneak
Attack (+1d6), Improved Range (X2), Follow Target; SV Fort +5 (+5 Class +0
Con), Ref +8 (+4 Class +4 Dex), Will +5 (+5 Class +0 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 10;
Rep +2; Str 10; Dex 18; Con 10; Int 10; Wis 10; Cha 10.
Equipment: Protective Goggles, All-temperature
Cloak (Black) (+2), Blaster Rifle (+2), Targeting Scope (Rating 10,
Blindsight), Vibro Dagger (+2), Blaster Pistol, Stun Grenade (DC 20), Comlink,
Code Cylinder (Drillish’s Citadel), Restraints (6), Black Blindfold Bags (6),
Credits (2500), Kelvarek MM-9 Wrist Rocket System, Acudrop Stun Gas Rockets
Skills: Astrogate +2 (2 +0 Int), Balance +4 (0
+4 Dex), Climb +0 (0 +0 Str), Computer Use +2 (2 +0 Int), Disable Device +2 (2
+0 Int), Escape Artist +4 (0 +4 Dex), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Wrist), Hide
+10 (6 +4 Dex), Listen +9 (9 +0 Wis), Move Silently +10 (6 +4 Dex), Pilot +6 (2
+4 Dex), Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Kubazi, Ride +4 (0 +4 Dex), Sleight of
Hand +4 (0 +4 Dex), Speak Basic, Speak Kubazi, Spot +5 (5 +0 Wis), Survival +5
(5 +0 Wis), Treat Injury +5 (5 +0 Wis), Tumble +4 (0 +4 Dex).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Far Shot
(Range Bonus), Point Blank Shot (+1 Close Range Attacks), Precise Shot, Rapid
Shot, Starship Operations (Fighter), Track, Weapon Group (Primitive), Weapon
Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols), Weapon Group (Blaster Rifles),
Weapon Group (Vibro), Weapon Group (Heavy).
Born on Coruscant, T’lal was a thief
and spy for most of his early life. After completing a small, but key job for
the Black Sun Syndicate, this Bothan moved to Kwevron, a farming world, in
order to make his life easier. In what felt like a smaller pond, T’lal
prospered, often selling safe passage to those hunted by the Empire. (T’lal
sold out anyone who refused to pay to the local Imperials, collecting a
bounty.) Ultimately, Imperial officer Faldar Dragen offered T’lal employment
with his ISB strike force. This role offered the Bothan rich sums of money,
granted him access to costly Imperial technology and his unprecedented protection
from the Empire. (When Tragen is not around, T’lal often conducts business on
the side.) T’lal is motivated by very little other than profit, luxury and
underworld prestige. He hopes to establish himself as a crime lord after his
work with Tragen is complete.
KIA: Geonosis surprise attack sprung
in a temple by the crew of the Bloodsparrow. Thermal
detonator, followed by blaster fire.
Note: T’lal is recording many critical conversations with
Tragen in hopes of collecting something he can later use to blackmail the
Imperial officer.
T’lal: Male Bothan, Scoundrel 8; Init +2 (+2
Dex); Defense 17 (10 +5 Class +2 Dex); DR 0; Spd 10m; VP/WP 42/14; Atk (Stun
Baton) +6/+1 (+6/+1 Class +0 Str), Dmg (Stun Baton) 0/DC 18, Atk (Blaster)
+9/+4/+9 (+6/+1 Class +2 Dex +1 Precise Attack), Dmg (Blaster) 3d6/20; SQ
Illicit Barter, Lucky (2/Day), Precise Attack (+1); SV Fort +4 (+2 Class +2
Con), Ref +8 (+6 Class +2 Dex), Will +3 (+2 Class +1 Wis); SZ M; FP 0; DSP 8;
Rep +2; Str 10; Dex 14; Con 14; Int 12; Wis 12; Cha 14.
Equipment: Blaster Pistol, Heavy Ion Blaster
(+2), Datapad, All-temperature Cloak, Comlink, Stun Baton (DC 18), Recorder,
Credits (2000).
Skills: Appraise +6 (5 +1 Int), Balance +2 (0
+2 Dex), Bluff +7 (5 +2 Cha), Computer Use +11 (10 +1 Int), Diplomacy +4 (2 +2
Cha), Disable Device +11 (10 +1 Int), Disguise +7 (5 +2 Cha), Escape Artist +7
(5 +2 Dex), Forgery +11 (10 +1 Int), Gamble +6 (5 +1 Wis), Gather Information
+10 (6 +2 Cha +2 Species), Handle Animal +4 (2 +2 Cha), Hide +14 (10 +2 Dex +2
Stealthy), Intimidate +2 (0 +2 Cha), Knowledge (Underworld) +6 (5 +1 Int),
Listen +6 (5 +1 Wis +2 Alertness), Move Silently +12 (8 +2 Dex +2 Stealthy),
Pilot +2 (0 +2 Dex), Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Bothese, Ride +2 (0 +2 Dex),
Search +4 (0 +1 Int +3 Skill Emphasis), Sense Motive +4 (0 +1 Wis +3 Skill
Emphasis), Sleight of Hand +8 (0 +2 Dex +3 +3 Skill Emphasis), Speak Basic,
Speak Bothese, Speak Ithorian, Speak Rodian, Speak Twi’lek, Spot +5 (0 +1 Wis
+2 Species +2 Alertness), Survival +1 (0 +1 Wis), Swim +0 (0 +0 Str), Treat
Injury +1 (0 +1 Wis), Tumble +2 (0 +2 Dex).
Feats: Alertness, Rapid Shot, Skill Emphasis
(Sleight of Hand), Skill Emphasis (Sense Motive), Skill Emphasis (Search),
Stealthy, Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols).
Zanya Tishooc
Head of the Elite Guard on the Seeker,
Captain Tishooc believes in the Empire with her entire being. She was
originally the daughter of a petty bureaucrat on the planet of Roon. Once her
father became an Imperial officer, Tishooc’s life changed dramatic. Suddenly,
she had the best of everything: the finest schools, a place on the Imperial
fencing youth team, aristocratic parties, handsome young suitors and off-world
holidays. She intended to follow in her father’s footsteps. However, the anger
within her drove her toward a more militaristic end. She eventually applied for
Elite Guard training and, possessing the right combination of loyalty, combat
prowess and discipline, she rose in the ranks quickly. Before transfer to the
Seeker, Tishooc served within the Imperial Palace at Coruscant. During this
time, she developed a deep love for Cart’an.
KIA: Locked inside the Elite Guard crew quarters where she
had been sleeping, Tishooc was killed when Argin’s ship, the Seeker, self
destructed during the Battle of Yavin. Her lover, Cart’an, tried briefly to
free her but was thwarted by Sif and Jeed Snowshadow; Cart’an was forced to
flee, “Zanya, I’m sorry. Goodbye.”
Zanya Tishooc, Elite Guard Commander: Female Human, Soldier 4/Elite Trooper 2; Init +8 (+4 Dex, +4
Improved Initiative); Defense 20 (10 +6 Class +4 Dex); DR 6; Spd 10m; VP/WP
35/12; Atk (Force Pike) +11/+6 (+6/+1 Class +2 Str +1 Weapon Focus +2
Mastercraft), Dmg (Force Pike) 2d8+4/20 (+2 Str +2 Mastercraft), Atk (Heavy
Blaster) +13/+8 (+6/+1 Class +4 Dex +1 Weapon Focus +2 Mastercraft), Dmg (Heavy
Blaster) 3d8+2/20 (+2 Mastercraft); SV Fort +8 (+7 Class +1 Con), Ref +7 (+3
Class +4 Dex), Will +3 (+3 Class +0 Wis); SZ M; FP 2; DSP 3; Rep +2; Str 14;
Dex 18; Con 12; Int 10; Wis 10; Cha 14.
Equipment: Force Pike (+2), Heavy Blaster (+2),
Padded Battle Armor (+2), Code Cylinder.
Skills: Appraise +0 (0 +0 Int), Astrogate +0
(0 +0 Int), Balance +7 (3 +4 Dex), Bluff +2 (0 +2 Cha), Climb +2 (0 +2 Str), Computer
Use +2 (2 +0 Int), Craft +0 (0 +0 Int), Demolitions +0 (0 +0 Int), Diplomacy +4
(2 +2 Cha), Disable Device +5 (5 +0 Int), Disguise +2 (0 +2 Cha), Entertain +2
(0 +2 Cha), Escape Artist +4 (0 +4 Dex), Forgery +0 (0 +0 Int), Gamble +0 (0 +0
Wis), Gather Information +2 (0 +2 Cha), Handle Animal +2 (0 +2 Cha), Hide +4 (0
+4 Dex), Intimidate +7 (5 +2 Cha), Jump +2 (0 +2 Str), Knowledge Empire +5 (5
+0 Int), Listen +0 (0 +0 Wis), Move Silently +4 (0 +4 Dex), Pilot +4 (0 +4
Dex), Read/Write Basic, Repair +0 (0 +0 Int), Ride +4 (0 +4 Dex), Search +5 (5
+0 Int), Sense Motive +5 (5 +0 Wis), Sleight of Hand +4 (0 +4 Dex), Speak
Basic, Speak Twi’lek, Spot +5 (5 +0 Wis), Survival +5 (5 +0 Wis), Swim +4 (2 +2
Str), Treat Injury +5 (5 +0 Wis), Tumble +9 (5 +4 Dex).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor
Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Dodge, Improved Initiative,
Mobility, Point Blank Shot (Heavy Blaster) Quick Draw, Spring Attack, Weapon
Focus (Heavy Blaster), Weapon Focus (Force Pike), Weapon Group (Primitive),
Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols), Weapon Group (Blaster
Rifles), Weapon Group (Vibro), Weapon Group (Heavy).
NPC Stat Block
Name: Gender Species, Class X/Class X/Class
X; Init +X (+X Dex, +X Improved Initiative); Defense X (10 +X Class +X Dex); DR
X; Spd 10m; VP/WP X/X; Atk (Melee) +X/+X (+X Class +X Str), Dmg (Melee) XdX/20
(+X Str), Atk (Ranged) +X/+X (+X Class +X Dex), Dmg (Ranged) XdX/20 (+X
Mastercraft); SQ Special Qualities;
SV Fort +X (+X Class +X Con), Ref +X (+X Class +X Dex), Will +X (+X Class +X
Wis); SZ M; FP X; DSP X; Rep +X; Str X; Dex X; Con X; Int X; Wis X; Cha X.
Equipment: Item, item, item.
Skills: Appraise +X (X +X Int), Astrogate +X
(X +X Int), Balance +X (X +X Dex), Bluff +X (X +X Cha), Climb +X (X +X Str),
Computer Use +X (X +X Int), Craft +X (X +X Int), Demolitions +X (X +X Int),
Diplomacy +X (X +X Cha), Disable Device +X (X +X Int), Disguise +X (X +X Cha),
Entertain +X (X +X Cha), Escape Artist +X (X +X Dex), Forgery +X (X +X Int),
Gamble +X (X +X Wis), Gather Information +X (X +X Cha), Handle Animal +X (X +X
Cha), Hide +X (X +X Dex), Intimidate +X (X +X Cha), Jump +X (X +X Str),
Knowledge +X (X +X Int), Listen +X (X +X Wis), Move Silently +X (X +X Dex),
Pilot +X (X +X Dex), Profession +X (X +X Wis), Read/Write Language, Repair +X
(X +X Int), Ride +X (X +X Dex), Search +X (X +X Int), Sense Motive +X (X +X
Wis), Sleight of Hand +X (X +X Dex), Speak Language, Spot +X (X +X Wis),
Survival +X (X +X Wis), Swim +X (X +X Str), Treat Injury +X (X +X Wis), Tumble
+X (X +X Dex).
Force Skills: Affect Mind +X (X +X Cha), Battlemind
+X (X +X Con), Drain Energy +X (X +X Con), Empathy +X (X +X Wis), Enhance
Ability +X (X +X Con), Enhance Senses +X (X +X Wis), Farseeing +X (X +X Wis),
Fear +X (X +X Wis), Force Defense +X (X +X Cha), Force Grip +X (X +X Int),
Force Lightning +X (X +X Int), Force Stealth +X (X +X Cha), Force Strike +X (X
+X Int), Friendship +X (X +X Cha), Heal Another +X (X +X Wis), Heal Self +X (X
+X Cha), Illusion +X (X +X Cha), Move Object +X (X +X Int), See Force +X (X +X
Wis), Telepathy +X (X +X Wis).
Feats: Feat, Feat, Feat.
Force Feats: Feat, Feat, Feat.