Prestige Class: Infernal Nemesis -- “I will storm the gates of horn and ivory.”


The infernal nemesis is a mortal being, harmed in some way by the forces of Hell and driven by a desire for vengeance. Unlike most of the forces aligned against the Hells, the infernal nemesis need not be good in nature. Hit Dice: d6

Requirements: To qualify to become an infernal nemesis, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.

Alignment: Any non-lawful.

Base Attack Bonus: +3

Spellcasting: Ability to cast 2nd level arcane or divine spells.

Skills: Intimidate 4 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks, Knowledge [Infernals] 4 ranks, Speak Language [Infernal]

Feat: Spell Penetration

Special: Must have suffered at the hands of the Baatezu. Must have slain at least one devil.


Class Skills: The infernal nemesis’ class skills are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge [Arcana] (Int), Knowledge [Infernals] (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), Sense Motive (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int). Skill Points at each level: 4 + Int modifier.


Class Features: All of the following are class features of the infernal nemesis prestige class.


Weapons and Armor Proficiency: An infernal nemesis gets no additional proficiency in any weapon or armor.


Spells Per Level: At the levels shown below, the character gains new spells per day as if she had gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation feats, hit points beyond those she receives from the prestige class, and so on), except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming an infernal nemesis, she must decide to which class she adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.














Hellbane Form (1/day), Infernal Disdain (-2)

+1 level of existing class






Inner Fire







Tools of War

+1 level of existing class






Lands of the Enemy







Tools of War

+1 level of existing class






Hellbane Form (2/day), Infernal Disdain (-4)







Tools of War

+1 level of existing class













Timeless Body

+1 level of existing class






Imago, Infernal Disdain (-6)







Shielded Soul, Infernal Disdain (-4)

+1 level of existing class






Ally of Chaos, Hellbane Companion







Guide to the Hells, Infernal Disdain (-2)

+1 level of existing class






A Chance In Hell







Greater Hellbane, Infernal Disdain (-0)

+1 level of existing class


Hellbane Form (Su): The character can assume Hellbane form (from the Hellbane template). This functions as if the character had used polymorph self at caster level. (Conversely, after Imago at 10th level, the infernal nemesis can assume her original base form as if the character had used polymorph self at caster level.)


Infernal Disdain: The character has a fierce hatred for the forces of Hell. The following skill checks suffer a penalty when used against infernals: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Info and Perform. This penalty increases as shown on the infernal nemesis level progression chart. (Note: Infernal disdain represents the character's difficulty in controlling herself in situations evoking her severe hatred of infernals. Thus the penalty only applies if the character is aware that she is interacting with (or being observed by) an infernal.) At epic levels, the character gains greater control over this hatred.


Inner Fire (Ex): The infernal nemesis adds her charisma modifier, if positive, to her saving throws.


Tools of War: To make her more effective against her infernal foes, the infernal nemesis gains a bonus item creation feat at the prestige class levels shown on the level progression chart. Additionally, the infernal nemesis adds +2 to her caster level with regard to item creation feats only.


Lands of the Enemy (Ex): The character gains a limited form of planar survival, restricted to the Lower Planes. (Note: The Lower Planes include the Nine Hells, the Abyss, Hades, Pandemonium, Carceri, Acheron and Gehenna.) She becomes attuned to the nature of the Lower Planes she visits and personally immune to their natural planar effects. Any effect that would be negated by the spell avoid planar effects is negated by the planar survival ability as well.


Timeless Body: The infernal nemesis no longer suffers ability penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. (Any penalties she may have already suffered remain in place.) Bonuses still accrue and she still dies when her time is up.


Hellstrike (Su): Infernals slain by the character, by melee or magic, are forever destroyed, regardless of whether they are slain on their home plane. Only devils of equal or lesser Hit Dice are affected. For instance, an infernal nemesis with 15 character levels (9th level infernal nemesis, 6th level sorcerer) could only inflict Hellstrike on a devil of 15 Hit Dice or fewer.


Imago: Permanent transformation to Hellbane form. The infernal nemesis gains the Hellbane template.


Shielded Soul (Su): The Infernal Nemesis cannot be possessed and is not subject to soul entrapping effects or magic such as the spell Magic Jar.


Ally of Chaos (Su): All melee attacks count as chaotic for purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Additionally, the character develops Damage Reduction 5 (Lawful).


Hellbane Companion: The character’s familiar or animal companion gains the hellbane template. If the infernal nemesis does not currently possess a familiar or animal companion, any familiar or animal companion she gains in the future, from this point further, gains the hellbane template in addition to all normal characteristics. (If the character doesn’t already posses the ability to summon a familiar or animal companion, the infernal nemesis gains this ability as a sorcerer of her infernal nemesis class level.)


Guide to the Lands (Ex): The player-character’s planar survival is extended to his traveling companions. For every 4 character levels, the Infernal Nemesis can extend this power to one ally within a mile.


A Chance In Hell (Su): Devils attempting to resist spells cast by the infernal nemesis make their saving throws at -4.


Greater Hellbane: The natural armor bonus to AC provided by the hellbane template increases from +2 to +4. Additionally, once per week, the infernal nemesis can cast Cloak of Chaos as a spell-like ability, at her caster level.




Hellbane" is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or more and non-lawful alignment (referred to hereafter as the "base creature"). The creature’s type changes to "outsider." It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.


Flight: A Hellbane has dappled, red-feathered wings. The creature can fly at twice the base creature’s normal speed (good maneuverability).


AC: Hellbanes get a +2 natural armor bonus to AC.


Special Qualities: A Hellbane has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus low-light vision and darkvision.  A Hellbane has reflective red metallic eyes.


See in Darkness (Su): A Hellbane can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.


Magic Circle Against Law (Sp): A Hellbane can cast Magic Circle Against Law one time per day for every 5 character levels. This spell-like ability functions at caster level if the Hellbane is a spellcaster, or at character level otherwise.

Coppery Death (Su):
If a hellbane is ever reduced to zero hit points or below, it is transformed into a solid copper statue. If the attack reduces the hellbane to less than –10, the character dies, as normal, before turning to copper. This otherwise functions exactly like petrification, except that the character is metallic copper, instead of stone.

Saves: Same as the base creature.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +2, Dex +2, Con +2 and Cha +4.

Skills: A Hellbane has 4 skill points, plus its Intelligence modifier, per level. Treat skills from the base creature’s list as class skills and other skills as cross-class. If the creature has a class, it gains skills for class levels normally.

Feats: Hellbanes have one feat for every four levels or the base creature’s total of feats, whichever is greater.


Climate/Terrain: Same as either the base creature
Organization: Same as the base creature
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1
Alignment: Any non-lawful

Treasure: Same as the base creature
Advancement: Same as the base creature