Deus Ex
Here you will find hopefully everything you ever wanted to know about Deus Ex. We've got informative sections that describe the actual game specifics in detail (with pictures!), and sections for people already playing the game who want a little bit more. Can you think of a section we don't have that we should? Then email your suggestion in!
Game Information
General information about the game for those who aren't familiar with it.
You want it, we got it. Whether its officially released stuff from ION like music samples or patches, or lots of goodies released by Deus Ex's very active community... it's all here.
Help, I've gotten Deus Ex and I can't get up! We've played Deus Ex so many times and spent so much time tinkering with it, that at this point we pretty much figure we're experts. So here's where we lend you a hand.
Information specific to the Playstation 2 version of Deus Ex--99.9% of the information found elsewhere in this section still applies.