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This is it. The coup de tat. The el nacho grande. The final map. Start by looking around. When you enter the northern half watch out for the flying door. Now climb down and look under the stairs on the east end for a datacube. Search the body by the cloning tanks for an augmentation upgrade canister. Enter the passage to the north between the cloning tanks. Give the greys a taste of "higher intelligence", then login to the security terminal to remove the radiation (You may need to reverse the name/password from what you found on the datacube). Move east through the gray room into the realm of Bob Page. Talk to Page then hide before you get ripped by the two turrets north and south of Page. Also, Page will drain you of your bioelectric energy if you stay around him longer than a second. Before you move consider the layout of Bob Page's realm. You are on the third floor of a three floor structure. Each floor is "guarded". Destroying these guards whether they be greasels, greys, or spider bots doesn't help since each floor has a universal constructor ready to crank out more. Each UC can be shutoff by using an override switch, located in a nearby keypad locked room. (However, it is possibly to tranquilize the vermin, since they don't die more are not produced.) Now a choice has to be made. What do you want? Who do you serve? Since this is a game, we can try all three. Lets start with the easiest.
Run past Page heading south. Climb the ladder, then open the grate by the pipes and climb down. Crawl out and read the datacube by the body. Climb back up and run past Page exiting out the north passage. Those with multitools can just skip the above and exit north from the start. To your left are two spider bots. The door north of you has an override that shuts off the UC. You don't have to deal with this if you are sneaky enough. Run east, turn right and open the door at the end of the hall. (Well, that's how it use to work. It seems the patch has changed things. Before you reach the door turn left and take the lift down. Use a HazMat suit or whatever to survive the electricity and access the terminal using the login supplied by Helios. Return back up the lift and enter the router room.) Activate both channels then login to the computer as Helios asks. Leave sector #4 and return to where you first spoke with Helios in the Aquinas hub in Sector #3, near the sector #4 entrance. The End.
Run past Page heading north. Open the grate by the pipes and climb to the bottom. Crawl out and sneak out the door, turn left and head south to the steps. Climb up it then turn left before the entering the radiation room into a small area near a dead body. Look at the shelves for a datacube with the code needed for the coolant area. (Well, that's how it use to work. With the latest patch the code no longer appears to work. If you're out of multitools consider the "sewer" route mentioned below.) Head back down the ramp and run to the northwest corner. If you have multitools sneak off to the northwest and open the hatch to the coolant area directly, skipping the trip upstairs. A UC on the north end generates creatures. Near the exit of the UC is a door leading to an override. Just east of the UC is a security terminal. Hack it to unleash a small security bot. A good approach is to head back to the door you came out of and open the nearby grate. It connects to a room just south of the UC. Also in this room is a hatch leading to a "sewer" route for the coolant area. However, when you surface you'll be in a bad position for self-defense. However you do it, get to the northwest corner and open the door. Inside are some guards both ahead and above. Get to the west end and push the button to flush the system. Return to sector #3 and enter the reactor lab. At the base of each reactor is a fail-safe switch you must press. Get them both then enter the control room. Push all three buttons to activate the ion reactors then start the reaction. The End.
This is a tough one. Start by running north past Page. Climb the ladder at the end and turn west. Run across the catwalk and down the steps. You'll have to guess the code to deactivate the blue-fusion reactor. (Hint: its not 5 - 9.) Behind you two security bots will emerge. Check both bot hatches when the bots are destroyed for bonus items as well as by the stairs and the chest on the landing. Leave heading east and open the grate near the pipes. Climb down and crawl out the other end. Open the door. The animals on this floor are replicated by a UC on the north end. Approach the UC by opening the grate near the door and crawling into the next room. When you open the door you'll be a bit south of the UC and a locked room with a switch to close it off. Once the UC is closed, you can kill everything safely. Just outside this room is the second blue-fusion reactor. As you leave the room heading north its on your left. Run to the southwest and climb the steps. Pause to check for items then continue up into the radioactive area to deactivate blue-fusion reactor number three. Exit out the north door. The final blue-fusion reactor is in the grey's area. They come out of a UC to the west. Again, a door near the UC can prevent the replications from coming after you. This one is worth shutting down since the grays are radioactive making it hard to get past them without taking damage. To the southwest is a security terminal to be hacked unleashing a bot buddy. As you cross the catwalk in the middle heading west to the UC the last reactor is on your left. Head to the west end then look under the railing for two yellow pipes. You can safely drop atop these then the floor without taking damage. Run southeast past the door and back up the ladder. Head back to Bob Page and run past him out the north passage. Turn right and go down the hall. Just before the door for the Aquinas Router is a side exit to the Infusion Control. Push the button. Game over. Thanks to the follow agents for their contributions: Hubert for being kind to the animals.
Well, of all the endings this one is the happiest. You have to enable cheats to see it. Do this by copying the shortcut for launching Deus Ex. Modify the target line from this: C:\Games\DeusEx\System\DeusEx.exe to this: C:\Games\DeusEx\System\DeusEx.exe -hax0r Launch the game. Pull up the menu and click the button to view the credits. Type in danceparty. If you got it right the fourth ending will play. ![]() |
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