The Agent Behind The Curtain: November
30th, 2003 |
Hopefully you won't notice, but I've rearranged a ton of stuff. If you find
any broken links email me. I need to move stuff around to prepare the Deus
Ex: Invisible War. You'll know what I'm talking about when the new site
goes up.
Ex: Invisble War: November
23rd, 2003 |
The demo is out and I have a walkthrough
for it. Please read it as I have configuration tips to help remove some
of the nasty issues that have marred what looks like a great game. If you're
wondering, YES a new site design is in the works to celebrate DX:IW. You
can see some of the changes in the walkthrough, I just need to work up the
graphics portion to match it. I'll still keep this site around but strictly
as an archive since I won't be making any more updates to it.
Redux : February 14th, 2003 |
Finally got all my emails caught up. Sorry for the wait.
Cleanup : February
7th, 2003 |
Its been a while but I've finally gotten back to "cleaning" up
this website. Hopefully eveyrone will notice things look a bit nicer and
maybe load a bit quicker. I'm working on getting caught up on my emails
again so if you haven't heard from me since last month don't worry I'm just
Tweaks: October 18 , 2002 |
As the night air begins to chill I find myself indoors more often. Just
finished catching up on several months of tips emailed to me. I'm still
amazed that NEW things about Deus Ex are still being found. Oh, and my email
probs have been solved quite awhile ago thanks to a new host for my personal
web site.
Jumping Jelly Bean: May 28th,
2002 |
Where to start? I've removed some graphics from the ad banner so hopefully
all my formatting problems are solved and the site may load a bit quicker.
Yanked out some HTML stuff that I realized recently may look funny on some
computers. My email account is fixed and running fine though I'm sure you
all knew that when I started answering my email again. Oh, and have a look
at my navigation menu over there on the left. I've added a new Codes section
covering every code, password, and login that I can think of for the game.
I really should have done this along time ago but for some reason I didn't
think it was needed. *oops* :-)
Finally, I'm proud to announce that Denton's Databank has turned two
years old recently. I may be wrong on this but I do believe I was the first
site ever hosted here. Not only was I up and running before Deus Ex came
out but I was around back when PlanetDeusEx
was the meager DeusEx Incarnate, a satellite orbiting the mighty 3DActionPlanet.
Anyway, I'm still here and if you haven't seen the Deus
Ex 2 site hop to it. They got screenshots. Realtime shadow and lighting
is gonna be suh-weet!
Probs?: May 1st, 2002 |
I was checking around and realized I may not be getting my email properly.
I'm changing the email address I have posted to a different account until
this is resolved.
Get yer old news here.