Augmentations & Augmentation Upgrades
Gotta get 'em all. For info on what augs to consider check out my strategy
guide, its the link on the left side of the window.
- Atop the Statue of Liberty, where the NSF leader is located, you'll
find the Microfibral Muscle/Combat Strength aug.
- Inside Castle Clinton, just up the steps from the Ambrosia, open the
locked room. Inside the safe you'll find Aqualung/Environmental Resistance
- At the back of the Osgood and Sons warehouse is a keypad locked door.
Open it to find the first augmentation upgrade canister.
- Down in the basement of the NSF held warehouse find the computer room.
Its found by heading northeast past the generator and down the ramp,
then west past the security beams to enter the unlocked door on your
left. In the safe is the Speed Enhancement/Run Silent aug.
- At the hidden helipad, climb upstairs west end and enter the second
locked room. Use the button behind to plant to nab an augmentation upgrade
- On board the 747, take the stairs down into the hold. Disable the
stasis field to claim the EMP Shield/Ballistic Protection.
- In UNATCO medical, open the locked closet. You'll find a Speed Enhancement/Run
Silent aug inside.
- In Paul's room at the 'Ton Hotel, check out his hidden stash for an
augmentation upgrade canister.
- In the Nanotech Lab, lower the stasis field and take the Agressive
Defense System/Spy Drone aug.
- Before leaving UNATCO, see Jaime Keyes in medical. Nearby is the Regeneration/Energy
Shield Aug.
- Check in with Sam Carter in UNATCO, he'll grant access to his goods
including an augmentation upgrade canister.
- If you find the sunken remains of Canal road, the one air pocket contain
a dead scientist. On his body is an augmentation upgrade canister.
- On your first mission to VersaLife, enter the lab areas from the secret
elevator. Find the ROM encoding and run to the other end of the U shaped
passage. Inside the sealed radition filled chamber you can grab Spy
Drone/Aggresive Defense System, Targeting/Vision Enhancement, and Radar
Transparency/Cloak augs.
- The next time you visit VersaLife to explore the level 2 labs, enter
the UC to find a bunch of stuff. The glass cases can be opened by either
destroying the UC or using the security terminal near the computer terminal
where you got the virus schematic. The goods available include an augmentation
upgrade canister as well as the Speed Enhancement/Run Silent, Power
Recirculator/Synthetic Heart, and Aqualung/Environmental Resistance
- If you told Jaime Reyes to meet you in Hong Kong, head to Tracer Tong's
infirmary. Talk with him to get a free augmentation upgrade canister.
- In the Base Commander's locked office, open the safe to find the Aqualung/Environmental
Resistance aug.
- On the upper decks of the ship, find the lab inside and open the safe
to nab an augmentation upgrade canister.
- In the lower decks of the ship reach the bilge pump room. Get atop
the balcony in the southwest corner and follow it to the keypad locked
door. Open it up to claim a Cloak/Radar Transparency aug. Alternate
route exists by navigating the maze like vent system.
- In Dowd's Crypt, look by his computer for a plaque bearing his family
name. Open it, then the safe behind it for an augmentation upgrade canister.
- Aftering fighting through so much its only when you reach the hidden
terminal in the basement of the DuClare chateau that you get an augmentation
upgrade canister and Aggressive Defense System/Spy Drone aug. Provided
you disable the stasis field.
- At the end when you meet Morgan Everett, open the stasis fields in
his lab to access an augmentation upgrade canister. Also availabe are
EMP Shield/Ballistic Protection and Vision Enhancement/Targeting augs.
- In the Hazard lab, left as you enter the base through the main entrance,
you'll find a cloak/radar transparency aug surrounded by electrified
- After entering the Comm 01 bunker where the scientist where held in
lockdown, head to the back an blow open the lockes. One contains an
augmentation upgrade canister.
- In the tunnel below Vandenberg is a flooded area. Find the stairwell
and open the keypad locked door at the bottom. On one of the dead bodies
is an augmentation upgrade canister.
- Deep in the subbase, you have to use a lift near two electrified columns
to reach the computer with the schematic Gary Savage needs. Jump into
the water and search the body of the floating MiB for an augmentation
upgrade canister.
- When you leave for the missle silo, talk to Gary Savage by the helicopter
to receive and augmentation upgrade canister.
- Above ground, head to the command 24 bunker in the northeast. Open
the floor hatch and climb down. Open the case to nab an augmentation
upgrade canister.
- Within the barracks of Sector #2, the dead man's bunk has an augmentation
upgrade canister, the greasel's bunk contains a Regeneration/Energy
Shield aug.
- When you first enter Sector #3, you'll find a stairwell to your right.
Take the stairs up to see the mechanic. Nearby, is an augmentation upgrade
canister accessable by keypad or security terminal.
- Upon entering Sector #4, turn left and find the dead scientist between
the two tanks. Search the body for an augmentation upgrade canister.