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Escape (pt. 2) Run past Detention to the Robot Maintenance area. As you pass the hissing pipe look behind it for a lockpick and crowbar. When you enter the maintenance bay sneak left and up the stairs. Climb two-thirds of the way up to the second landing and wait. When the sniper walks past heading left to right crouch to avoid notice then go after him and haul his body back to your hiding area. Creep up a bit and look at the hallway on the west side. Wait for the guard to appear. As part of his patrol he will reach the edge of the hall, pause, then turn around to head back. When he turns run across and nail him quiet. Continue down the hall and up the stairs to remove the two guards in the office areas. Again, when you pass the hissing pipe look behind it for a lockpick. Search the third floor office areas for goodiesr. You'll also find a security terminal that with the PSherman login will allow you to reprogram one of the security bots to fight for you. Return to the ground floor and handle the last guard or alternately let the security bot do it for you. Check atop and around all the crates in the main room for items. Also to be found somewhere on the ground floor is a mechanic who is willing to sell you some stuff for credits. Don't bother with the login he offers, we don't need it. On the ground floor, head south to the Armory. Military bots are big, scary, and in this case stupid. They cannot hear you, and will only fire if they see you. As a bot passes simply run behind it unnoticed until you reach an Armory door. An alternate route starts by entering the Armory area and then turning west and following a bot. As you turn south look in the darkness on your right for a ladder. Climb it and you'll find a panel that can be picked. Inside is a valve that shuts of the poisonous gas emitted from the pipe nearby. Crawl across the pipe to the catwalk, turn right, and follow it to the vent which will bring you in to the second floor of the Armory and a better position for handling the one guard inside. When you get inside the Armory head upstairs and login to the security terminal. Use it to turn off the camera and both military bots. Clear out everything you want. If you have problems picking up an item its because some items represent a multiple quantity. What appears to be one lockpick could be twenty. To workaround this, simply drop whatever item you have problems with until you can pick up what you want. Climb atop the small metal crate to grab items from the tops of the shelves. If you want the plasma rifle on the second floor you'll have to hack the computer terminal on the first floor to get the code or just bypass the stasis field with a multitool. Leave the Armory and proceed to the Command Center. Use the code to open the exit on the west side. Subdue the guard and escape. When you reach the next room you'll notice a change in the uniforms worn by the guards. Open the door and realize that you have just left the area in Level 4 of UNATCO HQ. Talk with everyone as you would in previous visits to HQ. Check the floorboards in Computer Ops. When you talk with Manderley watch your back when you leave the office. Alternately, kill him outright before talking and you'll be treated to a different piece of conversation than if you let him live. Neat. If you haven't killed Agent Navarre yet get into Maderley's and Gunther's computers. Both contain parts of the kill phrase you can use to kill Navarre. If Paul lived he supplied a login though if you read enough datacubes back on mission #1 you would have the two logins needed. Get to level 1. Just run past the last guard by the retina scanner. He won't reach you before you enter the next area. One more guard then its topside. Check the SATCOM bunker for a few things then hop aboard the helicopter for Hong Kong. ![]() |
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