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Primary Objectives:
Just head north until you hit a wall. On your left is an ATM. Head east to the newsstand. Listen to the conversation between the kid and the newslady then take time to read what's available. The datacube will supply you with a map of sorts. Run east but turn south after you pass the newsstand. Walk past the lady selling flowers. When you reach the police station head east and a little north to find the entrance to the Luminous Path compound. Talk with Gordon Quick, he's the guy guarding the entrance and perhaps talking with the kid you saw earlier. Primary Objectives:
Return to the newsstand. Follow the kid around if you want to hear the rest of the conversations. At the newsstand turn left and head west. If you want to hear another conversational bit enter the tea and coffee house on your left just before reaching the ATM. Climb up the steps and listen in. Follow the Red Arrow member down the steps to pick up one more piece of conversation. From here head northast and follow the Lucky Money Club signs but do not go downstairs. Turn left and head west into the waterways. When the loading screen disappears move forward then turn right. Turn right again and run east to the end. Turn left and go down. Go outside and onto the ship. In the hold is a crate containing a medkit. The ship's captain will sell you weapon mods. Before you leave head to the back of the ship and smash the cardboard crate. Use the paper lantern to open a secret area containing a maintenance bot, and a locked crate containing chits. Don't forget to smash the small cardboard boxes inside the locked chest, they contain chits as well. Jump into the water and swim west to the next ship. A ladder hangs of the left and right side of the ship, use your light to find it. A hatch can be opened to climb inside. Toxic gas may not be enough to keep you from exploring and finding rockets, a plasma clip, and a napalm canister. Jump back into the water and swim in a southeast direction. Climb up the first dock to enter the fisherman's house. Check the shot below for a better idea of the location. Climb up the steps and talk with the fisherman. Before you leave take a look at the beam the cooking meat is hanging from. Just near edge of the beam is a 50 credit chit. Exit out the southwest corner by climbing the ladder. Hey, we're right back where we started. Head south. When you reach some steps turn left but resume heading south as soon as you can. Just as you reach the Old China Hand bar sign turn right and follow the path down into the water. Jump in and swim north, turn left into the passage. A ways in you'll see a connecting passage under the waterline on your left. Swim into it and down to find two crates containing rebreathers. Swim back to where you jumped into the water and trace your steps back to the entrance of the Old China Hand bar. Enter the bar, you'll probably end up chatting with someone who mistakes you for Paul. Talk to him enough and he will sell you a map to VersaLife for 2000 credits. Don't bother. Talk with the bartender. Head to the southeast corner to go back into the kitchen. Keep going back and around to reach the freezer. Jump atop the crates until you are on the meat rack. Look north to find the vents. Open the middle one and crawl in. Turn left and keep following the passage until you reach water. Before you dive in consider getting some swimming skills, or just be sure you have a rebreather handy. Dive in and swim west until you reach an open area. This is the flooded area of Canal Road. To the right, deep in the rubble is some 30.06 ammo and a weaponmod: laser. To your left are creatures but atop a support beam is a scientist carrying a bioelectric cell and an augmentation upgrade canister. A book nearby provides some interesting reading. From atop the support beam you can destroy the beasts safely. Return to the Old China Hand bar when you're done. Exit the bar heading west, when you reach the rail turn right to go north. Climb the steps, but at the last landing turn left and go up. At the top turn right and cross the wooden bridge. Though I don't usually advocate violence against the innocent the local man on the other side of the bridge is carrying two lockpicks so I'm sure he was planning something illegal anyway. Turn right. When you reach the two guards take a left onto Tonnochi Road. |
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