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Primary Objectives:
Didn't we just leave here? Not much to do but head east to the shanty town. Check all the buildings for goodies. Talk with the man in the middle of shanty town to purchase ammo then find the man and women standing around the burning barrel inside one of the shacks. Speak with the man, Curly, to get the access code. Secondary Objectives:
If you didn't get the password he wants back in Hell's Kitchen you have your choice of either lockpicking the locked chest in one of the nearby shacks, paying Harry Filben for it down below in the subway station, or using some multitool(s) to bypass the keypad. Code in hand go to the subway station and enter the phone booth on your left. Press in the code and its off to Brooklyn Bridge Station. After you climb out of the manhole proceed to the northwest end of the station. Enter the men's room and talk with Lenny. Hand him a zyme vial to get the LAM. If you don't have one talk with Rook to purchase one, he's located in the southeast corner of the station. From the men's room, turn right and head due east. When you see the mole person talk with him to learn of the water problem. Secondary Objectives:
You already have a LAM though if you wanted to play out the Rooks mini-quest head upstairs and talk to El Ray. Move north and use a LAM to clear debris behind the door then head on in. You need to get past or around the steam coming from the pipe. To get around the steam walk up the nearby pipe to drop into the bigger one. Lockpick the grate at the end to open it. Alternately, you could try jumping atop the first pipe then hopping atop the second. Its tricky but doable. Turn left and find the valves. Spin both then return to Charlie Fann to talk with him. Don't leave the station just yet, head south past him then turn left and go upstairs. Look for goods, there a few items to be found in booths and behind boxes. Find the nearest stairs and go down. Proceed to the northwest corner of the station and enter the women's restroom. Look under the sink for the keypad and enter the code. Enter the last stall to exit. Climb down the ladder and head north. One NSF patrols here, take him down quietly so he nor his friends trigger the alarm. Move northwest to find two more guards. If you crouch and walk north while hugging the east wall you can overhear their conversation. Deal with them and continue north. On your left one more guard patrols between here and the bathrooms towards the back. Now proceed south along the tunnel you'll encounter two guards on your left followed by two more on your right. When the area is secure look everywhere for crates, goodies, and talk with everyone you can find. Some of the molepeople probably fled when the shooting started, they tend to roost in a dark area near a cave-in on the north end of the tunnel. Others will hide in the restrooms towards the northwest. Alternate approach: Instead of engaging in a fire fight with all the NSFs sneak past them and find the NSF commander. When he surrenders all the NSF in the area will stand down. Keep reading for details. When you speak with Kevin Bradly he'll fill you in on the history of the place and mention a secret room where the NSF commander hides. Head to the south end of the tunnel and take the last ramp on your right. Turn left then right. Smash the cardboard boxes if they are still there then look down to find the brick. If you're still having problems finding the right room check the picture below. Don't enter the hidden room guns blazing. Talk with the NSF commander, grab the nano key then run down to the north end of the tunnel. Find the restrooms. Check the women's restroom then enter the men's room using your key ring. To reach the helibase you will have to pass several obstacles, all of which offer several solutions. Your first choice is either navigating a steam filled area or bypassing security beams. Next you'll have to deal with a camera on your right and one NSF guard. Grab the nano key from the guard's body to open the door to the next room. If you thought the swimming upgrade was useless, we'll here is an area you can put it to use. To your left is a vent cover. It can be opened to bypass the security beams and dive into the water and swim down the passage. If you don't have the skills, or like me, you don't feel fulfilled until something is blown up back up into the doorframe, take aim, and shoot the TNT crate sitting on the edge of the catwalk. Push the button on the left side of the catwalk to extend it but be quick in crossing or you'll have to swim. Enter hallway way past the door but be careful turning the corner. Be quick and you can disarm the EMP grenade for later use. Proceed to the next area guarded by two bots. The manhole you pass is the exit for those who swam. |
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