Minor Updates: July
13, 2001
Just played Deus Ex for my third time. It's been awhile. Corrected some
things in the walkthrough that seemed to have changed with the patch. This
time out I played as a gun heavy killer. To me, this is the hardest approach
in playing Deus Ex. Stealth, though hard to learn, really does make the
game easier. I didn't run out of ammo or get shot up nearly as much when
I was stealthy. :-)
L33t Scrollbars: June
26, 2001
Well, if you have Internet Explorer they look pretty neat. Any other web
browser will simply show the scroll bars normally.
One Year Old: May
26, 2001
The Databank is a year old. I'm very pleased to see how well the Databank
turned out. I started working on it shortly after finishing off my Thief
2 web site even before getting my hands on the demo. Despite many last minute
changes to my site layout, wrist pain, and a game that seemingly defied
attempts to be documented I got it done. Happily, more is yet to come as
IONStorm is working on Deus Ex 2 and Thief III.
Sadly, one year ago today Looking Glass Studios, the makers of Thief, System
Shock, and Terra Nova closed their doors.
100,000 Hits: April
22, 2001
Probably not a big deal for some but I never thought one of my websites
would ever break this milestone. w00t!
We Are Frameless: March
25, 2001
Finally got around to redoing the entire site. It is now frameless and fine
tuned a bit. I've removed the flash stuff, I just don't have the time to
keep it up to date. For those of you still running Netscape 4, yes I know
the ad banner doesn't draw right. No, I'm not fixing it. I'm tired of comprising
my HTML every time Netscape 4 feels like screwing up and forcing me to spend
hours on a design that could have been done in 5 minutes. IE 4, 5, 5.5,
and Netscape 6 will render this site correctly.
Houston, The Planet Has
Launched: February 8, 2001
Though I'm a bit late with this, PlanetDeusEx
has launched. Looks great. When I can find time, I'm thinking of giving
the Databank a facelift. In the meantime, I'm going to try and get my page
counter on the bottom of this page to stop displaying an error message.
The Changes Are Coming: February
5, 2001
I don't have a date yet but a new planet is going to be launched into the
GameSpy solar system. Meanwhile I sit and wait tweaking as needed the parts
that keep the databank going.