They or Them? Which is worse?: July 30, 2000
Updates have been made to some of the walkthroughs based on emails I've received. In particular, I would like to point out that Mission #3: Hidden Airfield got the most inrestesting updates in both the walkthrough and skill points sections. Added now to both sections is coverage of Mission #4: Paul's Errand. Lastly, please don't email if you are having problems leaving Liberty Island in Misison #1. Beyond the possibility that you have a warez version of Deus Ex I really have no idea why you can't leave the island. Contact Eidos Tech Support and if you can figure out the problem let me know and I'll post the solution here.
Better than stale bread: July 26, 2000
Updates once more. I've re-arranged the walkthrough and skill sections to reflect the mission order as dictated by the map names. At last, a real mission ordering I can live with. Older news items have been moved to an archive area, look at the bottom of this page for the link. A new walkthrough has been added for the Hidden Airfield, it covers the second visit to battery park and ends in the 747. The skill points section has been updated as well with all the points I could find for this misison. More to come.
Minor changes: July 21, 2000
Now that the mail is coming in I have updated the Hell's
Kitchen walkthrough with a few recommendations. Once again I'm rearranging
the mission structures. Don't worry, I'm sure this is my last. Since the
game doesn't give you a clear breakdown on what it considers a mission I'm
having to make up my own boundaries when creating section titles for the
walkthrough and skill points areas. The Hell's
Kitchen walkthrough is now finished including the last page I just added
covering another visit to UNATCO HQ. My email page has a few additional
tips to consider before emailing me. Namely, don't ask me tech support questions.
Deus Ex works fine on my system so I can't explain why your system crashes
or does whatever it is that prevents you from playing the game. Speaking
of which, I got a lot of email about a problem on Liberty Island. Apparently
many of you had issues with not being to leave Liberty Island. After some
research the only reference I've found to this problem is that it is a bug
in the warez version. Lastly, thank you to everyone who praised my site,
it means a lot to me.
Creamy goodness, and its better than warm yogurt: July 16, 2000
Call it what you will, but I've got some major updates. The walkthrough for Hell's Kitchen is up. My Skill Points sections has also been updated with what I think are every way you can earn skill points in Hell's Kitchen. My email address is up for those wanting to tell me how slow I am getting this stuff done. Geez, Absynthe, I can't imagine why it takes you a week to cover every skill point in Hell's Kitchen, I've beaten the game twice already. Try writing one detailed walkthrough and you'll see. :-) More weapons added to the equipment page. Added a tip to the Tips page about crouching.
I'm hoping the next walkthrough to come up a little quicker since it doesn't seem the whole molepeople/airfield section is going to be as big as the kitchen.
I'm going to pieces: July 7, 2000
Once again I've made some changes to the site. The Bonus section containing what I called bonus skill points has been renamed to Skill Points. Now, instead of covering only those skill points earned outside of the objectives, all skill points earned are listed. I did this to reflect that not all skill point bonuses are secret and I felt it better recorded the point spreads for those who have to know everything. The UNATCO HQ part of the Liberty Island mission has been split off from the Liberty Island walkthrough for easier access. Lastly, the Battery Park walkthrough is now posted.
I come in peace: July 4, 2000
Well its just one huge update for the ol website. My link bar on the left has been expanded. New items include an equipment section covering stats on all the weapons I have found so far. I may also cover augmentations, haven't decided yet. Another new item is the Bonus section. Here is where I cover all skill points earned outside of completing the primary and secondary objectives. Both the Bonus and Walkthrough sections have been updated with the first mission NYC-Liberty Island. My Tips sections now contains actual tips. Finally, my flash menu has been augmented. *whew* More later.