...and the good got better:
June 21th, 2000
Looked around to find ways to make the demo play better. Got word of a beta
nVidia driver, version 5.30 lurking around on ReactorCritical.
Boy, did that ever make a difference. I still have a few issues with my
system since its just a Celeron 400, but I think I'll see some major improvements
when I upgrade to a Pentium III. The reason I say this is because the system
I use at work is a little Pentium III 400 with a Viper770 (TNT2 32meg).
Before I applied the beta driver to my 5.22 driver Unreal Tournament delivered
something around 30fps but only with the resolution at 800x600 and with
detail textures off and textures resolution set to medium. After the patch
I can do 1024x768 with detail textures on and all texture resoultions maxed
out. Even 32bit rendering becomes usable with this patch. So that problem
I had with performance I mentioned yesterday, nevermind. Might have
saved some time if I had sat down and read the nice FAQ that has been put
together on my parent site Deus
Ex Incarnate. :-)
...and it was GOOD: June
20th, 2000
Just finished playing the demo. In short, just about every aspect of the
game was either good, great, or spectacular. Music, voice acting, plot,
weapons, level design, textures, character animations, nay everything were
well done. RPGish elements are very well done. I especially liked the attention
to detail regarding plot points. Certain actions that you complete or fail
to complete are noticed and mentioned in later parts of the game. Never
have I felt so ashamed for having my boss chastise me for entering the Ladies
restroom. :-) I particularly enjoyed how so many different elements come
together providing you with a sort of toolkit of options that affects how
you approach certain situations. My prefs for now are the mini-crossbow
using the tranquilizer darts. Also, placing the explosives on the wall for
a proximity charge is particularly satisfying when behind you comes the
patter of feet followed by: *beep* *beep* *beep* *BOOM* Uhhhh....... *kathunk*
Though in most cases there are no bodies left... only pieces. :-)
Unfortunately, there is one problem I had with the demo and its performance.
I've always had issues with any Unreal based game on my system. They just
don't like the nVidia cards very much. Deus Ex is no exception. In fact,
it seems worse than my attempts to run Unreal or UT on my GeForce. Luckily
I have a Voodoo2 on standby for these situations though even it seems to
be a bit overwhelmed. Got word that they, the folks over at ION Storm, have
gotten word of this and some other issues and are looking into it.
...and then there was light: May 29th, 2000
Denton's Databank now has its Flash menu. Click on the link in the
link-o-matic on the left side of the window to load it up.
In the Beginning: May 26th, 2000
Denton's Databank is almost open for business. Sadly, it happens shortly after the demise of Looking Glass Studios.