New Years Eve: December 31, 2000
By popular demand I've added some info on .... *ahem* .... cheating to the Tips/Etc. section. Enjoy and a Happy New Year to all.
Minor fixes: December 17, 2000
Added a link in Tips/Etc. for the Deus Ex quiz. Fixed a code listed incorrectly in the Hong Kong walkthrough.
More Skill Points Added: November 30, 2000
Thanks to Vaporman for finding a few things I missed in the Vandenberg mission.
Skill Points Found: November 21, 2000
Well, I thought we had found all the skill points but upon doing a recount we found some hanging points. Now that I've done my overdone joke of the year, let me point out that 38 more skill points have been added to Mission #3: Hidden Airfield. I have supplied a pic to go with them. They are a little hard to find.
Databank Complete: November 4, 2000
Under the equipment section I have added a list of where every augmentation and augmentation upgrade can be found in the game. At this time the Databank will go on standby. Though I expect to make minor updates the site is finished in terms of everything I wanted to do. Until Deus Ex 2 or a mission pack pops-up I won't be doing anything major. In the mean time I plan to do more at the Notebook and play around with some new games. Who knows, you might run into me.:-)
Printer Friendly, Dolphin Safe: November 2, 2000
Now that my editorial changes are completed I have created a printer friendly version of my walkthrough. You'll find it at the bottom of my walkthrough page, separated into two 20 page pieces. No pictures, just the facts, mostly.
Multiplayer?: November 1, 2000
Well, that's the rumor floating around. Is IONStorm making a multiplayer patch for DX? I certainly don't know. But it is certain that there is an official Deus Ex patch in the works. In the meantime, I've gone back and performed some editing on all my walkthroughs.