Deus Ex Strat Guide: October 28, 2000
At last, my project is published. Check out the Gamespy Deus Ex Strategy Guide. You'll find a number of things I had planned for the Databank inside as well as a largely re-written walkthrough. Its shorter being more of a guide than a walkthrough, but it does come up with some different approaches for a few areas.
Wow, two weeks already: October 23, 2000
Though you may not have heard from me I have been very busy for the last two weeks with a project for Gamespy. When its up I'll link you in here. In the meantime, I've gone back and caught up with all my unanswered email and re-edited the first two walkthroughs. I think they have improved by being shortened of uneeded information. Expect similar treatments for a few more walkthroughs.
It's offical. Denton's Databank just shot past my other site, Garrett's Notebook for total number of hits. I don't know if this means Deus Ex is more popular or if its shear size and complexity needs more support with the stuff I have here.
A few updates: October 11, 2000
Added some tips I got from a few people. If you are having problems getting the dishes aligned in mission #4, all I can say is try waiting for the dishes to finish rotating before sending the signal. Sometimes the game will not acknowledge the signal was sent if the dishes were not aligned the first time you tried sending it.
Judging by the number of emails I've gotten, I suspect Deus Ex is selling well in France. :-)
Completed: October 4, 2000
Mission #13 walkthrough and skill points has been posted. The Deus Ex walkthrough is complete. But wait, more is yet to come for Denton's Databank. For now, I rest and catch up on various obligations like those little slips of paper that come in the mail. You know, the ones that expect you to put money in an envelope and mail it back. I think there's a conspiracy in this somewhere.
Almost done: October 1, 2000
Walkthrough and skill points for Mission #12 are available. Made some editorial changes to Mission #2 though I'm thinking I may just redo it when I'm finished with the game. In fact, I may redo a number of the earlier missions, haven't decided how much or how many yet.