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Creeping in the Catacombs

Exploration Bonus (50 pts.):    

Find the odd women in the remains of the apartment building where you start the Paris mission.

Progress Bonus (50 pts.):    

Get through the hazardous waste room and out the exit in the northwest corner.

Green Greasel Bonus (200 pts.):    

After killing the greasels, go back to the odd woman and tell her the green greasy greasels go good-bye.

Area Location Bonus (50 pts.):    

Exit the sewer past the area you fought the greasels. It leads to the guarded topside where you can enter the catacombs amongst other things.

Critical Location Bonus (250 pts.):    

Enter the catacombs.

Critical Location Bonus (150 pts.):    

Enter Bunker #1, Silhouette HQ.

Subject Acquisition Bonus (250 pts.):    

Enter the middle area of Bunker #1, where the Silhouette leader, Chad is located. Kinda lame for a bonus considering its just a few steps after getting points for entering the bunker but hey, points are points.

Accomplishment Bonus (150 pts.):    

Open the blast door to access the rest of the catacombs. Its across from Bunker #1.

Advancement Bonus (50 pts.):    

Enter Bunker #3, where MJ12 holds the hostages ....uhm... hostage.

Subject Acquisition Bonus (250 pts.):    

Free the hostages from Bunker #3. Actually, I think I got this for entering the area where the hostages where located.

Chocolate Mousse Bonus (500 pts.):    

Free the hostages AND get them both to Silhouette HQ safely. Talk with Chad, the leader, to get this sweet reward. :-)

Advancement Bonus (50 pts.):    

Open the door and proceed through the previously locked area of the catacombs labeled "secret tunnels" on your map, north of Bunker #3.

Advancement Bonus (50 pts.):    

After entering the "secret tunnels", keep going down the passage just before entering the next map you should get this.

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