A new mod has been created, it's a firework launcher, look at the readme for more details. Thanks to Deus Diablo for the idea. :)
Here are a couple of screen shots of the FWL in action.

A new mod has been added to the locations page.
The Sparkler:
The sparkler is a nice addition to a party, light up the room with this hand held firework, don't get too close to someone though as you may cause them some damage.
The sparkler is a completely new weapon, it has a completely new model, animation and sounds. While PartyZone weapons don't usually cause damage, this one does but only 1 hit point, so it will take a long time to kill someone.
Currantly no maps use this mod. So get mappin'.

A map called ClubAK2 has been added to the locations page.
A new mod called Stereo as been added too, if a party location uses this, it allows players to change the music just by clicking on it, read the readme.txt for more details.
Update:- I decided to make a new club called Club Grind, have a look in the locations section to download it.
I have added a few more maps to the locations section, hopefully more will be on the way.
Today, I have revived PartyZone and I have also redesigned the site as I thought it needed a new look.
For the latest and greatest PartyZone maps, click on locations in the menu bar.
I have also redesigned the slot machine, it looks a lot better now but works the same way as it did before. More models and maps may be added at a later date so visit often.