Computer Gaming 

I've always loved games. I remember shoveling sand for the local mortician when I was a kid so that friends and I could use his computer to play the first Ultima. We often sat around and talked about what games we'd make if given the chance. My ideal game back then was called Town, in which you could do anything: wander around, commit crimes, meet strangers, watch traffic, suicide, eat in restaurants or whatever. My tastes are a bit more focused these days.

Witchboy's Cauldron is my computer game design and project psuedo-plan update site

Game Projects

Game design is a wonderful collision between passion and employment. I love getting paid to discuss how quickly trolls should regenerate or how fast a cybernetically augmented velociraptor should be able to run. 

This Witchboy skin is me, sort of.

Deus Ex 2 (Project Director), Deus Ex (Lead Designer), FireTeam (Lead Designer), Technosaur (Project Leader/Designer), CyberMage (Associate Producer/Designer), Ultima VIII (v212 QA Tester/Design Assistant), System Shock (QA Test Team Leader), Super Wing Commander 3DO (QA Tester).


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