Witchboy's Cauldron
Welcome to Witchboy's Cauldron--website of Harvey Smith.

March 10th, 2004
Rules of Play

Eric Zimmerman and Katie Salen have been working on this game design book for a while now, collecting up concepts, examples and vocabulary to help game designers think about the craft of making games.

The book is out and it's great. if it's not the first significant modern game design textbook, it's certainly the best and most complete.

This is a critical read for game designers and for anyone in a leadership position within the video game business; shared vocabulary and basic understand of game design schemas will be increasingly important in the coming years.




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Travel Log - Melbourne

Freeplay 2004

GDC 2004: Emergence

Orthogonal Unit Differentiation

Systemic Level Design

Travel Log - Hong Kong

Sacrifice Review

Features Without Interface

Transcendent Moments

Half-Life review

Worlds Apart

Distinct Functions in Game Units

The Future of Game Design



experience points:




Site Design ©1998 TheZealot -- Logo by Christian Cox
Content ©1998 Harvey Smith (aka Witchboy)