Major Races
Humans: Land-dwelling anthropomorphic mammalians. Varied in culture and philosophy. Spread across the known worlds. Capable of nearly anything due to perseverance and versatility. Sometimes noble, sometimes treacherous, sometimes comical. Generators of the galaxy's most popular fiction, music, games and other art. Looked upon by the other races as something of an oddity, due to a lack of racial and cultural direction. Generally motivated by greed, lust for power or desire to improve lifestyle. Ush-fall: Aquatic humanoids. Black skinned, with bioluminescent capability. Masters of genetic and medical sciences. Once high-tech land-dwellers, the Ush-fall modified themselves and moved into the ocean of their home world to avoid the ill effects of their sun's (ever-strengthening) radiation. Generally peaceful, except in regard to the Sif, for whom they show nothing but ferocious hatred. The Ush-fall venture onto land wearing life sustaining wet suits. Motivated by scientific discover (life sciences) and achievement. Long life span. Sif: Aquatic, highly psionic eels. Exploiters of weakness and greed. In their long war with the Ush-fall, the waters of their home world were finally infected with a lethal micro-organism. Now the Sif are scattered, living on numerous water-covered worlds. They move about on land within hovering glass spheres that contain water. These transports are outfitted with numerous tech devices and weapons. Female dominant. (Sometimes a sphere will contain a single large female and numerous small male consorts.) Distrustful and expansionist oriented. Short life span. Thrak-mar: Standing just over a meter tall, the Thrak-mar look like hunched and hairless kangaroo rats. They are noted traders and live/work in large family groups. Allies of the Trifka. Usually motivated by the possibility of increasing the wealth and status of their family group. Short life span. Vinge: Air-breathing, starfish-like psionics. The Vinge generally attach themselves to a non-sentient host creature from their home world and use this creature for mobility. The preferred host is a matter of taste and utility, so the Vinge, when collected at one location, appear to be a varied group. In some cases, powerful Vinge have made arrangements for the host services of willing sentients, paying these beings for 5 or so years as a slave. The Vinge make a habit of lobotomizing and selling enemy members of their own race for use as psionic symbiotes. Their religion features them as lords over mammalian animal races. This has strained their relations with Humans and Thrak-mar somewhat, but more specifically it has caused outright conflict with the Trifka. Their religion also teaches hatred of sentient machines. The Vinge are interested in maintaining a position of racial importance within the galactic scheme of things (in accordance with their religion). Noteworthy negotiators. Trifka: Humanoid mammals with brown-and-yellow-striped fur and large, pointed ears, the Trifka love music and history. They treasure individual freedoms. They possess natural echolocation and feed upon insects and fruit. They are enemies of the Vinge, due to philosophical religious differences. Allies to the Thrak-mar. Ban-tal: Once human, the members of this patriotic and militaristic race now undergo a (genetically programmed) process at puberty called "the conversion," through which they gain incredible physical powers (speed, stamina and strength). Their bodies develop raised black rings and stripes and their life spans are somewhat lengthened. Allies of the Hythe. Motivated by exploring the unknown, establishing new Ban-tal colonies and probing into uncharted and dangerous areas. Hythe: Blue-skinned, fanged and clawed. Very quick and dexterous. Prehensile tail. Originally a coastal-dwelling species, skilled at sailing and hunting large marine animals. Now accomplished spacefarers. Allies of the Ban-tal. The average Hythe is fond of exhilarating accomplishments (in an ongoing attempt to increase his or her own personal legend). Ellesh: Hovering gas bags with dangling tentacles and tendrils. They are capable of complex sounds, speech and vocal music due to their multiple air tubes. The Ellesh can deliver powerful neuro-toxins through their tentacles and can emit powerful neuro-toxin gasses as well. Their tech devices--translators, personal shields, computer network relay device, et cetera--hover in an orbit around their bodies. Oriented toward the exploration of natural/pastoral worlds. Long life span. |
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