Tenjee Data Link
---Major Worlds 

Major Worlds     

Along the Chain, there are numerous pirate outposts, mining or farming colonies, repair stations, science outposts and many other piss-ant stops. These are the places that stand out due to population, events or media coverage.     

The terms Monvane and Kith-dre are not the exact measurements used routinely by navigators and navigational computers to plot courses. They are simply the terms used by the average traveler, akin to saying "it's about a 3 hour drive west."      

A world's location is measured in weeks distant from the galactic core, with a designator of either Kith-dre or Monvane. (Kith-dre and Monvane are distant galaxies located outside the Tenjee Campaign galaxy at either end of the Galactic Chain.) Having a standard measurement in days is a really big deal, akin to having a zip code of 000001. Due to the negative effects of exceeding certain laws related to FTL physics (on sentient beings and all known matter), FTL travel has not significantly changed in over a thousand years. The distance in weeks or days between the worlds never changes as the result of newer, faster technologies. Most experts agree that the upper limits of FTL travel have been reached, and that travel will not get any faster for quite some time. Since the upper limits of FTL travel have stayed the same through several galactic-collapse-and-restoration periods, they are probably right.     

Archer's World: A small planet dedicated to raising pharmaceutical plants and food crops. Most of the populace is Thrak-mar, Trifka or Human. Core Proximity: 12 weeks, Kith-dre.     

Tagami Station: An artificial planetoid (roughly the size of a small moon) that was created and is owned exclusively by TagamiCorp. This corporation provides banking, inter-company negotiating, secure communications equipment and business software. After creating the planetoid, TagamiCorp moved many of its highest ranking personnel there. Security is fairly high, though outsiders are allowed to vacation in the less-corporate sectors dedicated to luxury. Core Proximity: 8 weeks, Kith-dre.     

Sarta: This mineral rich world provides much of the Chain's raw metals. It is very hot and is home to mostly blue-collar ruffians who work in the mines. There is a very large demand here for mechs and luxury services. Core Proximity: 7 weeks, Kith-dre.     

Koh-loth: A dead ocean planet with a single rocky island. On this island, the domed city of Koh-loth supports a small population of merchants and artists. There are several art schools and numerous museums of renown. Core Proximity: 6 weeks, Kith-dre.     

Mari: A cold plain-covered planet far removed from its tiny dim sun. Most of the sentients who live here are herders, raising resilient forms of livestock (that are shipped all over the Chain). Additionally, the Vinge have a large temple here. Core Proximity: 4 weeks, Kith-dre.     

Pal-jar: A planet that is roughly half desert and half forest (around its coastlines). The interior is hot and dry--home to a low-tech religious sect of Trifka. The coastlines are dotted with thriving cities. The oceans support several Ush-fall colonies and one undersea Human city called Anya. Core Proximity: 3 weeks, Kith-dre.     

Rexel: This planet was once lush and alive, but is now a battered shadow its former self. Centuries of high-tech war fought by three (now extinct) races of indigenous sentients turned the planet into a waste. Still, there are several cities there and a few mining colonies. The sentients who live on Rexel live a hard life and must put up with constant corruption and pollution. The air is mildly toxic. Certain areas on the planet are highly radioactive or are otherwise unfit for any life. Core Proximity: 1 week, Kith-dre.     

Drinleth Platform: High above the wasted world of Rexel, this platform is home to a number of researchers and technicians who take advantage of the poisoned atmosphere of the planet below. There is usually a pair of military or corporate security ships assigned to this station to protect the inhabitants from pirates or raiders. The sentients here pay little heed to the plight of the people living below. Core Proximity: 1 week, Kith-dre.     

Forbok: A heavily forested and jungled world that is the site of most of the Chain's recreational hunting. The wealthy come here to track and kill a wild variety of creatures. There are also a number of villages scattered across the planet, serving a variety of purposes (from artistic to religious). Core Proximity: 4 days, Kith-dre.     

Aklavos: A highly urbanized world held by a number of rival corporations. Ship repair stations encircle the planet. Several major entertainment companies are located here and a great deal of the Chain's entertainment media is produced here. Also, drug trade is prevalent. Core Proximity: 2 days, Kith-dre.     

Mindara: In orbit around a very dim star and possessing a very thick atmosphere, Mindara is murky and dark. The gravity is very low here, so most of the construction on this world consists of tall, slender towers. The populace is mostly Ban-tal, Hythe and Human. A major weapon manufacturer is headquartered here. Core Proximity: 1 day, Kith-dre.     

Sikrealle: An ancient place, traditional seat of power and commerce within the galaxy through multiple Ages. (After each collapse, someone invariably finds this place and it once again becomes the seat of activity.) All major races (and some virtual unknown due to youth or old age) exist here. Virtually all forms of commerce and trade can be found on Sikrealle as well. The galactic court is here, arbitrating disputes at the highest level and setting policy for the entire galaxy. Sikrealle supports a number of orbital stations, ranging in purpose from starship repair to pleasure. The security presence here is very strong, but it rarely interferes with commerce (especially on the planet); it exists mainly to stop conflict in nearby space. Core Proximity: Zero.     

Hellshore: A human-dominated world that is 90% water. Absolutely filling the sky, the system's single star is a massive blood-red giant. Clustered near the planet's primary island chain there are a number of human cities, most of which thrive on business from scientific research and luxury industries (the world is popular with affluent lovers and vacationers because of its beaches). The undersea portions of the planet host a number of Ush-fall cities and scientific outposts. In orbit about the planet is Hellshore Station, a space station featuring a small military outpost and a medium sized repair and outfitting station. Core Proximity: 2 days, Monvane.     

Tith: A very small world, home to some of the wealthiest people in the Chain. Very elitist and patriotic--primarily Ush-fall, Ban-tal and Human. A number of corporations have the headquarters located here. Core Proximity: 4 days, Monvane.     

Pattoncourt Station: An artificial research and rescue outpost station. Those at the research portion study spatial phenomenon and host a major scientific college. (The sailcraft race put on for the students each year, in which groups of students attempt to build the fastest sailing vessel powered by interstellar wind alone, attracts a great deal of media attention.) The rescue crew provides assistance to those attacked by pirates or suffering for mechanical/technological failures. Core Proximity: 1 week, Monvane.     

Gojira: An urban moon dedicated to high-tech industry. The electronics and computer "minds" made here are the best. Very cutting edge. The average citizen is in possession of excellent technological luxury. There are a number of famous colleges and work-study program centers here. The people and corporations of Gojira generally avoid the less technologically oriented industries (out of worldwide pride mostly), and are thus dependent upon other industrial worlds and traders for raw materials and less sophisticated work. Core Proximity: 2 weeks, Monvane.     

Thrillville: A legendary asteroid city that is useful as a meeting and refueling place. Thrillville is located halfway between two major trade systems, so it attracts a great number of spacefarers who have been travelling for weeks. Core Proximity: 3 weeks, Monvane.     

Kinja: An industrial world, renown for the production of construction materials and heavy goods, including metals, plastics, engines, drives, power plants, lifters, mechs, vehicles, etc. The atmosphere here is generally bad (worse during certain seasons), requiring the inhabitants who live near the major areas to wear gas masks. Still, great ships are manufactured here and the incoming trade routes (bearing raw materials) generate a great deal of commerce. Core Proximity: 3 weeks, Monvane.     

Non Kesh: A pastoral, peaceful world mostly inhabited by Thrak-mar, Trifka and Ellesh. These races jointly own the planet and tightly control access to it, restricting the size of colonies allowed there. (There are small, isolated colonies dedicated to Humans, Ush-fall, Ban-tal and Hythe.) There are several major universities here, numerous farms and many large forested preserves. Core Proximity: 4 weeks, Monvane.     

Absar: A desert moon, featuring extremely high-powered winds and hostile indigenous life. There are three major cities here, all of which are at least partially underground. Core Proximity: 5 weeks, Monvane.     

Leth: A very large lush moon which supports a planet wide fungus like growth referred to as the Jiaxal'at (or the Great Forest). This growth is as hard as wood in some places, and as soft as mush in others. The growth is mostly green, with many other mottled gray or brown areas. Rivers flow under and through it. It is like a continent-wide coral reef made of fungus. Many different species of odd animals and plants live within the Great Forest and researchers come from everywhere to study there. In addition to the great number of farmers and researchers, the moon supports a low-tech, low-sentience race of pygmies. Core Proximity: 5 weeks, Monvane.     

Wiss: A desert world, the primary (adopted) home of the Vinge. This planet features a number of amazing temples and palaces, but otherwise lacks resources. Therefore it is a popular spot for traders, who constantly usher in goods and materials needed by the planet's occupants. Wiss desert Temple City: Visdal. Shipping dock, religious orders, high temples and towers. Core Proximity: 6 weeks, Monvane.     

Korazza: A small, icy moon with a number of large, salt-water seas. One of the moon's major attractions are the enormous whale-like marine animals, the Kor-whales. There is a Trifka colony here on the glacial landmass and several Ush-fall cities beneath the waters. Core Proximity: 7 weeks, Monvane.     

Dreeva: Covered in lush rain forest, this planet is one of the major home worlds for the Hythe. There is a major ship construction station (owned by the Fey-ar Syndicate) in orbit here (which cooperates with an associated construction yard on the surface below). Dreevans raise and export noteworthy coffee beans and tobacco. City on Dreeva: Delan, coffee farming community, set in a valley surrounded by rain forests and green mountains and located on the other side of the planet from the fey-ar syndicate construction yard. Delan features a small ship docking yard, served by a bar called Wendy’s. Core Proximity: 10 weeks, Monvane.

