It was a surprised Earth research vessel
that was orbiting the "lifeless" gas giant Denuva when the first
Denuvian spacecraft clawed its way up through the miles of violent, turbulent
atmosphere. A few years later, fleets of Denuvian spacecraft of various
designs began leaving the planet. When they found out they could leave their
world, they wasted little time doing so. The world of Denuva is not much more
than a tiny iron rock suspended in the center of a crushing, acidic
atmosphere. The core of the gas giant has attempted to stifle the evolution
of life by using titanic gravity to hold it down, cyclonic terrors to buffet
it, and intense radiation to burn it away. But life has endured. The
Denuvians specialize in micro-technology and computer science, and are in the
process of making a name for themselves as fledgling space travelers. Those
within the Chain who take interest in emerging races are watching them
closely. Core Proximity: 2 years, Monvane.
A swamp covered world that is home to a race
of sentient amphibians. Due to a routinely occurring mutation, about 30% of
the members of this species are gifted with dual brains, allowing them to multitask
with ease. Core Proximity: 3.5 years, Monvane.
A small planet, 30% water, 60% land, 10%
ice-cap. The location of a large Sif colony and the home-world of the Fifas.
Mostly low-tech, with two booming industrial cities populated by Fifas and
Sif, powered by Sif technology and (eager) Fifas labor.