ATM Machines

Hey, who wouldn't want one of these puppies in their map? I mean, you can hack in, steal money..... and they add a sense of realism to the world you are creating. Enough chit-chat. Your not looking at this to see me rant on.....are you?

*Note* This tutorial assumes you've done the Ultimate Beginner's Guide and the Item Placement tutorials or you have done editing before

1. First Launch UnrealEd and get to the main screen. If you did the Your First Map Tutorial then open up that map to save you some time and skip to step 3.

2. Build a simple little box that has a light, a player start and a DeusExlevelinfo in it. Rebuild your geomatry

3.  Now, on that nifty little sidebar to the right, go to DeusEx Decoration, Electronic Devices and click on ATM.

4.  With ATM selected as shown above, zoom closer to your box (both mouse buttons together and move your mouse), press and hold A and click inside your box.

5.  "But but..... my ATM isn't against the wall!" I hear you cry. Fear not. Click on it with control placed and drag it to the wall to your left. (note to your LEFT!)

6.   Now, double click on the ATM machine or press F4. Either way you get the properties screen as shown below.

7.  Now setting up your ATM Acct. Number and Pin are pretty straight forward, enter the Acct Number under account number, balance under balance and PIN under PIN. Now, you just have to get a datacube and place it in your map with the Acct number and the PIN. Unless you want the player to HAVE to hack. You can also introduce the number with a conversation.

8.  Thats It! Your done.


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