Goto Planet Deus Ex


Deus Ex Machina

Deus Ex Gaming

Deus Ex Online

DX Editing




Archived News:
[ all the news that has ever been deleted from the main page ]


On Tuesday, September 30th, 2003, I posted an update that provoked much anticipation. Nothing happened. It stayed there for almost exactly two years, until Tuesday, September 27th, 2005, when I posted what is currently on the main page.

Here is an archived copy of the home page that lasted nearly two years.


From the Time Before the Great News Depression:

01/25/02: A month has passed since I have updated this site, but that doesn't mean that we all haven't been steadily working on the mod, which we have been. Just for the hell of it, RAM decided to have a little fun and make a new desktop image, which is now in the Previews section. It's available in all common resolutions, so go take a look! Here's a teaser for ya.

JC doesn't look too happy

12/17/01: Surprise! We have a new member to officially welcome to the Klystron Project today! Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to introduce our new lead coder: Furious Monkey! Go to the recently updated Contact section to get more information on him and the rest of the team.

12/07/01: Just to let everyone know, I'm still making revisions on Chapter 2 - I'll post it as soon as I can here.

12/03/01: We have a newly modified weapon today! The heavily modified Mini Crossbow is now the Dart Gun. This new version is much improved over the old crossbow, and even though we thought the weapon was pretty cool in the game - it was still a crossbow in the year 2062. Go check it out!

11/29/01: AAH! It's been twenty days since our last update. What happened?! Well, a large amount of bad cheese happened. However, I did manage to add some anchors to the site recently (what an achievement). HA!

I have more of the story for everyone! Part 1 of Chapter 2 of our story has been posted, titled "Illumination." Go to our Information section to get the link - and READ IT! Not only has an additional chapter been posted, but changes have been made in agreement with some complaints about the original beginning. More of Chapter 2 will be posted soon.

Good to be back to updating (every Monday and Thursday now people).

11/09/01: A few minor things were updated yesterday on the site, but we are still working on Thursday's major update. Ever have one of those days when it feels like you're making Daikatana? John Romero: "What, oh, well, we're going to have to issue another 1 year delay..."

11/05/01: The final major update to the constantly improving Original DX section has been posted.

11/01/01: Updated the Original DX section with much more info about how we will be using the original weapons in our mod, along with many more pictures.
Remember, we still want your feedback in our forums.


10/29/01: We have added a new section to the Features page called Original DX. This section will contain pictures and descriptions on how we will be modifying all of the original items found in Deus Ex™. Also, I have modified some of the site's design with an augmented interface that should allow slower connections to load what they want quicker, as well as adding more organization to the already organized site design.

10/25/01: The Beretta's design history has been added to the Concept Archive. You can see our old version(s) of the Beretta's design there. Also, we finally decided to get some forums going - so check the left bar for the Forums link to discuss many things Klystron.

10/22/01: We have quite an awesome little addition to our wide variety of media today. Now, you can not only view our vehicles with one perspective - in one picture - you may now see a full 360° interactive animation of every vehicle we make. We may soon be doing this with our weapons as well. Go to the Features section and see all the three-hundred and sixty degree goodness!

Also, we have changed the Beretta 9mm into a Beretta Variable MMI. See this beautiful newly updated weapon in the Features section.

10/18/01: We have a new concept weapon to introduce today. We can't tell you anything about it, but you can take what you will from the animation in the Concepts section. Also, the site will definitely be going to an "every second day" update system from now on - as we really have to concentrate on other things for a month or two.

10/17/01: Updated the Information section with more info on the weapons we will be utilizing from the original game, and how our own weapons will function.

10/16/01: We reanimated a few links over there on the left bar today. We're really going to be smashing the keyboard and hammering the mouse over the next month in Unreal ED, so the site may lean towards an every-other day update system.

10/15/01: Today started with a bit of a surprise. I checked my mail as usual, and I received a rather unusual message confirming that this site has won the Gold Award! I am quite happy about this, as I have put much effort into creating a good site that shows everyone the horde of wonderful art that our artists create on a daily basis. The award can now be seen at the bottom of the left bar there. Thanks goes out to for the honor, Gamespy™ for hosting us and always being there for us, for always posting excellent news, and for being exceedingly B-A-D-A-S-S.

As for today's regular news, we have a new item in the Concepts section - a Baseball Bat. You hit people with it. Not much more to say. It's in the Concepts section only because it's too boring rudimentary to go into the Features section right now. However, for a baseball bat, this thing looks great!

10/12/01: No updates today, just wanted to remind everyone that if you like our site, you should vote for it at the bottom of the left bar there, and if you have read our story, you should tell us what you think with the poll. I'll be gone for a few days here, so there will not be any updates until I get back, which will most likely be on Monday.

10/11/01: We have a new poll today! It's over on the left sidebar there, below the buttons. It asks "How do you like our story so far?" You can't answer this question unless you at least take a look at our story. If you have not done so already, go to the Information section and read it if you want, and then you can tell us what you think by answering the poll. We really do appreciate your input, so thanks in advance to all who answer.

10/10/01: Ah-hah! 56k modems still work. We have a new animation of the 2000 Glock 20C up in the Previews section. Go there to see how it shoots. Also, I have added a button on the left bar - it says "Vote for this site!" I would suggest that you do what it says. All you have to do is click on it.

10/09/01: Ack! Huge connection problems! I am now using an old 56k modem due to problems with my DSL provider. This is bad.

10/06/01: Now that the Star Trek marathon has ended, I have updated the Information section with more of our mod's story.

10/05/01: We have an ad banner in rotation now, perhaps you will see it on the top of a Gamespy™ network site. This one is an edited version of our banner in the Previews section.

10/03/01: During the commercial breaks of the Star Trek marathon, I have been able to update the Information section with the first part of an ongoing story I will be writing. Just like in DX, our mod will feature a story that will revolve around whatever choices the player makes, and the choices will be extremely variable. This story is only the basis for those choices, and it will not give any detail into the real, variable story.

10/02/01: Due to circumstances beyond our control, the site may or may not be updated over the next few days - as there is a Star Trek marathon being televised. It is my duty as a trekker to sit on a couch and watch every last episode in the entire marathon. As soon as this marathon ends, the site will promptly updated.

10/01/01: New Weapon! We have a new 2000 Glock 20C pistol in the Features section. There are some special things about this pistol that allow it to do many things that other pistols cannot, such as firing underwater. This model will not be used by Alex Denton, it will be used by the enemy.



Sunday, 9/30/01: Just to let everyone know, we're taking Sundays off from now on, so there will not be any updates on Sundays.

9/29/01: To compliment yesterday's addition of a Box of Matches, we now have a Gas Can in the Concepts section. Now, you can pour on the gas, and LIGHT IT UP!! Fire, Fire, FIRE!!!

9/28/01: Today, we have another new item in the Concepts section, a Box of Matches. "Matches" you ask? Yes that's right, matches - things that one could use to, for example, create light, or, create a camp fire. Hmmmm... all you need now is something to help the flame...

9/27/01: Today, we have a nice little Desert Eagle .5 animation. It quite nicely shows off all of this massive pistol's kickback and general "oomph." It's in our updated Previews section. If I may suggest, play the movie frame by frame the second time through - that way you can see how the thing actually fires!

9/26/01: We have many small updates today. To start off, we have revised the SERP animation in the Previews section. Next, not that anyone will notice this, we have updated the Desert Eagle .5 with many bug-fixes, and we have finished the gun's animation cycles - that will be posted tomorrow. In addition, after finally getting some questions mailed to us, we have answered the people, and put those answers in the Information section. Go there to see what JC Denton (or Helios, depending on how you look at him) will be like, and if there will be multiplayer support in the mod.

9/25/01: Well here it is, the unexpected has just occurred: we have a new team member! His name is Matt Rennie, check him out in the Contact section. Also, all of our member descriptions have been updated, so if you want any new information on who is creating this mod, go here to find it.

9/24/01: Due to the fact that no one has asked us any questions for a long time, we don't have any ideas for a poll. Frell that. We really wanted a poll too, but what needs an opinion? Anyone have ANY ideas? This is the last time we ask you, we implore you - ask us some questions! Expect the unexpected tomorrow.

9/23/01: We're making many changes here at the K Project - all of them good. Expect the unexpected in a few days.

9/22/01: We have improved textures for the SERP finished and applied. Go to the Features section, and scroll down to the bottom of the page to see them. In addition, we have posted the complete history of the SERP in our Concept Archive. Go here to see how much we have improved this secret weapon over time.

9/21/01: "...and behind door number 3, we have a BRAND NEW CAR!!" *clapping sounds* It's in the Features section. Well, go see it already!

9/20/01: I suppose I should clarify this for you. We want questions! If it wouldn't be too much of a bother, would anyone mind asking us some good questions? First, we need a good poll question - that is, an open-ended question relating to our mod that can be answered with opinions, such as "What kind of music should be in the mod?" or "How hard do you want the mod to be?" In addition to poll questions, we need to fill up the Information section with lots of Answers to Questions. Therefore, if you have any questions at all about our mod not already answered on the site then send them here. E-mail me already. Just do it.

9/19/01: Check back on Thursday or Friday for something new. Until then, we're really just trying to catch up with the sound for our mod - considering we don't have any yet. In a few days (maybe as soon as tomorrow) I will be posting a poll on something. Have any ideas on what the question should be? E-mail me.

9/18/01: We have another NEW WEAPON today! A Double-edged Sword from the one and only Everett Industries. Click here to go to the Features section and see it! NOW!!

9/17/01: Well, after visiting the folks for the weekend, we're back with nothing but coconut monkeys to show for it - check back tomorrow (I'm serious, you better do it, or I'll cause a temporal disturbance).

9/15/01: We will be gone for the weekend, so we will not be updating until we get back on Monday. However, before we leave, we give you a Fat Weasel Pale Ale Bottle and a stupid looking transformer on the Concepts page, as well as a small banner advertisement on the Previews page! That's right, three new insignificant things to show you! Now go look at them, and marvel at their greatness!

9/14/01: Updated several small noticeable things in the site. Now that we are confident that this site has no more problems or errors, we will be logging what we are doing apart from updating the site. Tomorrow, expect another new weapon. After that, expect not much new other than progress updates, and every few days, a brand-spanking new item as usual.

9/13/01: Updated the Information section to describe that this mod will be available for the Mac. Also added our computers' specifications to the Contact section.

9/12/01: NEW WEAPON! We have added a Beretta 9mm to the Features section. It's silver, it's shiny, it's, well, it's a Beretta - not much more to say. IT'S REALLY COOL!! Go check it out RIGHT NOW.

9/11/01: Frames have been completely removed from this site's interface. Check out the improved Klystron Project desktop - now with the resolution of your choice!

9/10/01: Updated the Desert Eagle .5 to an enhanced pressure-sensitive trigger version, and improved its description. Updated the Concept Archive to reflect a better development process of the SERP.

9/9/01: Completely changed the image thumbnail system in this site. Replaced the Deus Ex symbol with a Klystron Project symbol on the top of the sidebar.

9/8/01: Today we are going to demonstrate our "great awakening", after being asleep for so long, by introducing two new models and a new desktop! The desktop may be found in our Previews section. Our first model, a Japanese Katana, may be found in our Features section. Our second new model, a "Fat Weasel" billboard, may be found in our Concepts section. Also, the "Sniper's Choice" shotgun has been relocated to the Features section now that it is a completed weapon. Every few days, come back and we will have something new for you to see from now on.

9/7/01: Yes, that's right, you are reading this correctly. After almost three months without a single minuscule lazy-ass update, we are now going to update our site regularly. I know what you're thinking, "they're never going to update their site again, their mod is the worst pile of crap I have ever seen - and what the hell's up with their color scheme anyway?" Well, you should be ashamed of yourself for being so negative. Actually, I should be ashamed of myself for never updating the site. Sorry guys.



5/17/01: The Smike's Log: Frell. Frelling-frell dudes. I can't say much for myself now, I am very disappointed with the last two weeks of my life. As I have been hearing from some other teams recently, I too have been away from creation because of "real life" problems. Since 5/2/01, I have been going through some rather disturbing instances. I was expelled from some extracurricular classes at my school because the powers that be were concerned about the material on this site. They were afraid of something like Columbine - mostly because of my description of the Desert Eagle .5 in the Features section. Anyway, I'm back now. I am behind on my work, but I'm going to put in double-shifts, burn the midnight oil, and work 'till the cows come home to catch up. Of course, I don't think the cows will enjoy getting two shifts installed in their backs while getting boiling oil poured on them - but I'll do what it takes.



4/30/01: I'm sorry that there has not been any updates for a while, as I said ten days ago, I'm rebuilding the site and designing missions. As of today, I'm about two thirds done with the new site, which will feature lots of Flash. As for the missions, I have two almost done.

4/23/01: A new golden Desert Eagle .5 has appeared in the concepts section. It has nothing to do with Mr. Bond - I promise.

4/20/01: Major site revisioning started today, as well as designing Level 2.

4/19/01: Tomorrow, be prepared for much less news on this page. Everything from March will be moved to the News Archive.

4/18/01: Well, the poll has ended, after only one day. We have decided to go with the red SERP. It was a close race at a final 30 red to 25 gray, but red maintained the lead all through the poll, and we liked red better anyway. Therefore, I have updated the features section accordingly, as well as posting some new information, answering more questions.

4/17/01: There is a new poll up in the Features section. Go there and tell us if you like the gray or red version of the SERP.

Monday: 4/16/01: We are now a part of a great Deus Ex union. In celebration, view our Klystron Project PicMix, displayed by our new host! Also, check out our new hover car, driven by most middle class people (without the gray death) in about 50 years.

4/?/01: Sorry about the news mixup. I was moving around after the 13th, but everything's back to normal now.

4/12/01: The counter was reset today, as we wish an accurate count of how many people will go to this site now that it is part of the Gamespy Network. Finally, we have Level 1, Part 2 completed.

4/11/01: New preview animations of the SERP are here. New Information section ready to explain more of the mod!

4/10/01: New "concept story" of the "SERP", depicting its progress. The new gun has now moved into the Features section.

Monday: 4/09/01: Level 1, Part 1 completed! This is a big step towards getting the mod done by its scheduled date.

4/08/01: Expect to see my skull and a Deus Ex symbol in the "Picture of the Day" section at very soon.

4/07/01: The Smike has now completed Deus Ex four consecutive times. Now, The Smike has seen everything.

4/06/01: Updated concept pictures of our Sonic Rifle! New concept archive page - see how we advanced...

4/04/01: We have been mentioned at! Much thanks goes out to them today ("Tlho'SoH, Jiquv!" in Klingon).

4/03/01: This page has now been mentioned to the supreme rulers over at Now, we wait for their feedback.

Monday: 4/02/01: New concept snapshots of a fountain added. Level 1 final design started.



3/31/01: New preview of the Sniper's Shotgun animation!

3/30/01: Sketches section put into concepts page, sketches added.

3/29/01: Features page refitted; Desert Eagle .5 moved into final integration stage.

3/28/01: Three new concept pictures are up for our extremely cool sniping-shotgun! Concepts page refitted.

3/27/01: Finally completed schematics for levels 1 and 2.

Monday: 3/26/01: Connection reestablished. Continuing to update.

3/22/01: Water added; Sound work started. One more concept up.

3/21/01: Joined the modder's guild at DeusXED, organic mapping implemented.

Monday: 3/20/01: Doors, fog, and alliances added. Counter added, starting at four hits.

3/18/01: Updated the Desert Eagle .5.

3/17/01: Completed new test maps, ate a GEP.

3/16/01: New concepts of the Desert Eagle .5 are here.

Wednesday: 3/15/01: This "news" section begins reporting daily on the progress of the mod and this site.


See the bottom of our Home page for legal information.