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At the big fan, throw some LAMs down to destroy the spiderbots. This will also destroy the fan eliminating a potential hazard. Climb down the ladder and enter the grate behind it. Move through the vent to the big grate at the end overlooking the ship. Turn left and crawl through the opening. Go down the ladder, then press the button and take the lift up to the crane control room. Push the button to move the beam into position. Take the lift down, climb back up the ladder, and open the large grate. Walk out and jump onto the beam held by the crane. Crawl across and drop onto the ship by the hatch. Another approach from water level is to simply swim north to the other side of the ship and climb one of the two ladders or grab the crane hook and crawl up. Yet another method is to lower the boarding ramp using the code which can be found in several areas by the main entrance to the dock. You'll have some guards to worry about but there are only three and they are spaced out far enough you could sneak past them. Primary Objective:
Now that you are on the ship you could consider exploring the deck. If you can climb atop the edge of the ship and walk to the bow (east) you can find some goodies up there. Snipers will want to climb atop one of the two cranes for the best view. Return to the stern (west) of the ship and enter the living quarters by either of two hatches. If you entered on the south side send the sailor to Davy Jone's Locker then turn to the right and enter the first door. The crew quarters don't offer much but there are a few things to take. Leave the crew area and head west across the hall. The west side has two rooms, one is a kitchen the other is a lab. In the lab, grab the ambrosia vial and open the safe, it contains an augmentation upgrade canister. Find the stairs in-between the doors leading to the crew quarters and climb up. One more sailor to deal with. Turn right and enter sickbay. Search the desk for a nano key and datacube. Crawl through the vent heading south into the electronics lab. Clean it out. Read all the datacubes, they are important. Note that the one that looks like a linux log file also contains the root login and password, very useful for the lower decks. Use the vent to leave but turn left midway and crawl out. Head southwest to the next vent and crawl in. When you reach the ladder climb up. Head to the north end and retire both of the guards below you. Drop in and read all the datacubes. Grab the nano key and leave using one of the doors to the south. Turn right and use the code obtained to enter the captain's quarters. Look under his bed for a datacube and check the nightstand for a nano key. Search his desk to find the mother of all credit chits. Read his mail, then exit. On the east wall is a security terminal, hack it if you can. Turn around and go downstairs. Turn right twice, then left to reach the armory. If you hacked the security terminal it could be opened but you should also have a code from one of the datacubes read earlier. Enter and collect the goods. Work your way back down to the deck we started on, find the stairs between the lab and kitchen and go down. Unlock the hatch with your key ring and proceed below decks. ![]() |
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