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Head east, crawl through the grate. Follow the path and talk with one of the patrolling guards to get a key to the main gate. Primary Objective:
Secondary Objective:
Between the two guard quarters you can find a sewer grate near a garbage can. Within are a series of security beams, cameras, and some gas grenades set on proximity detonation. Since this isn't much fun, pull out the key ring and open up the main gate. One guard patrols the area in front of the warehouse to the north. Turn right and hug the wall while heading east. Turn north at the corner and keep your body to the wall until you reach the warehouse. Quietly pull the guard off duty then make your way along the front of the warehouse to the door. Open and enter. Look for patrolling guards on your right. Turn left and hug the wall. Crouch when you reach the corner and proceed north to the office. Enter while avoiding the camera in the northwest corner, then stand underneath it to plan your next moves. Search the desk for a datacube and nano key. Open the keypad locked door east of the camera. Inside, search the desk for all three nano keys. The hard to find one is underneath the right side of the desk. Access the security terminal by hacking or using the login from the datacube. Set the security bots to standby, or to attack non-bots thus killing off the guards. If you do this, remember to set it back to standby later, you'll need to cross their paths eventually. Enter the locked room for supplies. The remaining door in the office leads to the bathroom. Inside is a datacube and under the sink a medkit. If you want to fight with the guards in the warehouse this is a good place. The only entry to the office area is the doorway making it a good bottleneck. Hiding in the bathroom can provide you with cover. Leave the warehouse, turn left, and open up all three trailers using your key ring. Head west across the yard. Beware the one guard on your right, he patrols a small catwalk. Further ahead is a steel fence. Sometimes the guard patrolling the other side will spot you and come running so look out for him. Keep going west then turn left and enter the building labeled Base Commander Office. Search the office. Use your key ring to open the locked office door. Don't bother opening the safe, you've probably seen the Aqualung/Environmental Resistance more than enough times by now. From the desk be sure to get the nano key, it opens the other door leading to a small storage room. Between the two doors is a security terminal. Open the door for camera one but leave the door to camera two unlocked but closed for now. Leave the office heading west to the next building. "Open" the door. Inside are some items and a repairbot. (On a side note the keypad that opens the gate you can see through the window requires a 7 digit code. The code happens to be 8675309, just like the phone number from that 80's song.) Head northeast to the Ammunition Storage building. Open the large door and stay to the left to avoid detection by the security bots. Head west into the small control room. Use the security terminal to put the bots on standby. Climb the nearby ladder to find some crates. Go back down and push the buttons on the control panel for ammunition bays one, two and three. Visit each bay. Climb atop the bays and head east jumping atop the metal panels. At the last panel, jump onto the metal catwalk, turn right and find the hatch. (Note: You can rack up a bunch of points by repeatedly opening and closing this hatch while standing near it.) Open it, handle the guard if one is still there, and cross east back into the warehouse to grab more stuff from the crates on your right. Exit the warehouse heading north. Polish off any remaining guards, or alternately break into the toxin shed on the northwest end of the base. Detonate the toxic gas barrels and watch the gas pour out over the entire north end of the base. From the north exit of the warehouse, look right for a single crate stacked high. It contains a napalm canister. You only need one small metal crate and some jumping skills to grab it. Heading west its time to review the three ways by which you can enter the Naval Assembly Building. First up is a small shack on your right for the Sewer Control Valve. In front of it is a grate. Climb in to access the sewers. Head north, disarming the LAM as you go, to enter the lower portion of the building. If a large grate is still down preventing access, you can open it by spinning the valve inside the shack. Further west is a ramp leading up to a door. Check your notes, one of the datacubes you read has the code to enter. At the west end is a crane. Take the lift up to the crane control room. Look around for the 30.06 Ammo and the sniper rifle. Push the button to lower the crane arm. Cross atop it to the roof of the Naval Assembly Building. "Open" the vent cover leading to the A/C system. Crawl in. Thanks to the following agents for their contributions: Krusader for deciding that getting 30 skill points when opening a door just isn't enough. What shall we do with the sober sailor?! --> ![]() |
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