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Paul's Errand Paul is in big trouble. Move north to the ladder and go down. Climb through the open window to enter Paul's apartment. Find Paul and talk with him. Primary Objective:
Check out his hidden stash again, same code as last time. Not much to get but the augmentation upgrade canister is definitely worth having. Leave Paul's apartment. The other apartment on this floor that you can enter contains a medkit. The elevator shaft near Paul's apartment holds a weaponmod: accuracy and a multitool. Go down to the first floor and listen to the conversation between the Rentons. When it ends talk with Gilbert Renton. If you give Gilbert your pistol you will not get it back. Any mods you put into it will be lost as well. However, if you do give up your pistol don't worry you'll get one back shortly. Alternately, drop everything but a knife and you can give him that without fuss. Hang around for Jojo to walk down from the 2nd floor. Listen to the conversation but if you want to ensure the right winner intercede before Jojo gets mad. Leave the hotel. Outside the hotel turn left then left again and crawl through the hole in the fence. Chat with the bums then continue west past the fire escape to the manhole cover. This is optional but if you want some free stuff open it and climb in to revisit the MJ12 facility. Don't worry about fighting your way in, no one is left to offer any protests. From the manhole face north to find the rear entrance of the Underworld bar. Enter it and chat with the locals. Leave the bar using the main entrance. Outside turn right and head to the subway entrance. Head east from here to the basketball court and turn left down the alley. Both trailers contain some nice things. The first one holds a few items. The other leads to Smuggler. This trip is also optional but again there are some free items to be found. Don't worry about Smuggler's security beams, triggering them won't hurt. Go down the passage and talk with Smuggler who will sell you some nice items ranging from weaponmods to a napalm canister. Head upstairs. The mirror is not smashable this time so you'll have to use explosives, missiles, or multitool the keypad behind his bed. (Or use code "432" on a hunch.) Leave Smuggler and return to the subway entrance. Head west past the barricades into the new area. As you emerge from the tunnel look to your right for clusters of cardboard boxes. Behind them are ammo crates. Move south and talk with the lone guard. On your back left is another collection of garbage hiding an ammo crate. Move past the guard and prepare to enter the NSF HQ.
Keep moving to the northwest to find the side entrance, it will be on your right. Enter Level 1 and grab whatever goods you can find. Near the garage area some rockets lay atop a wooden table. Climb the stairs to Level 2. Enter the unlocked room first to listen to the conversation between the two guards. Back out then pick or blow (anyone found snickering can leave this walkthrough right now. :-)) the locked door open. Move in and head to the back. Read the datacube. Go up to level three. Enter the only room here and move to the northeast corner and push the ventilation switch. Note the nice medbot here, you might need to visit it later. Enter the computer room through the steel door in the opposite corner. Keep turning right until you reach the security terminal. Use the login obtained on level two. Open the door on camera one then head back down to Level 1 and enter the basement through the opened door in the garage area. Is that conspiracy I smell? --> ![]() |
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