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Paul's Errand (pt. 2) In the first room turn left and open the door. The room beyond has a storage closet on your left and a security terminal on your right. Login to the terminal using the same ID as the last one. Turn off all cameras and open all doors. Head west down the passage to the next room. Open the door to the north then grab one of the TNT crates in the upper left corner and use it to knock out the security beams in the next room. Grab the other crate to knock out the next set such that you have a clear path to the next door. Check out the shots below for TNT crate placement and shooting positions. Beyond the next door is the toxic gas room. Run through and take the door on your left. At the end of the passage is a locked display case, read the datacube atop it. Primary Objective:
Return to the toxic gas room for a TNT crate. Use it to open the cabinet and several other doors in the room. Clean out the display case and the other one in the next room. Return to the toxic gas room and use one of the TNT crates to blast open the locked door near the "leak proof" barrels. Be careful detonating this one, any TNT crates in the room or in the path of the explosion will detonate. When the gas dissipates enter the previously locked room. Return to the room that contained the display case and move into the next one then up the stairs to get back outside. Go back into the NSF HQ and climb the stairs all the way to the top. Enter the rooftop satellite shack, close the door behind you. Login to the computer using the ID obtained from the datacube in the basement and rotate all three dishes. Wait for the dishes to finish rotating. Open the Communications Room door. In the CommsRoom login to the computer and send the distress signal. If you plan on trying to stay with UNATCO by not sending the signal, sorry. Though Paul will be upset the game will not continue properly until you do. Primary Objective:
Leaving NSF HQ is a bit complicated since all your friends now have orders to shoot to kill. There are many ways of leaving the building some of them include: brute force, cunning stealth, or the chicken route which is to grab one of the small metal crates on the roof and use it as a stepping block in falling off the side. If you survive the fall this is by far the easiest way out. Surving the fall is easier if you take time to stack crates under the place you expect to land. Or, with the Speed augmentation falling damage is reduced. Return to Paul's place and talk with him. Things are getting nasty. Should you die at any time don't worry you'll just be carried over to the next mission. However, if you want to scrape up some more skill points and credits keep reading. Leave Paul and climb out his bedroom window. Go down the fire escape past the bums and through the crack in the fence. The street is patrolled by UNATCO now and two heavy security bots patrol near the subway entrance. What to do? If you've been collecting thermoptic camo here is where it makes a difference even if you are unskilled in its use. Activate it then run towards to the subway. You may alert the guards but they won't shoot. An alternate approach is to go up to the roof of the 'Ton Hotel and snipe everyone from above. Another approach would be to drop off the fire escape and then open the manhole to the MJ12 facility. Exit out the other manhole and you will be in front of the subway station. Use the code Paul gave you to enter the subway station. Enter the subway. It's possible to save Paul if you are prepared for a major fire fight. However, if you don't feel like fighting, just let yourself get "killed" in the apartment and Paul is still alive when you awaken. If you fight the guards, or just hide in the closet while Paul does it for you, exit out the front of the hotel. Using Paul's bedroom window will cause him to be dead. Awaiting you in the Battery Park station is Agent Navarre. She will be pleased to see you and will attempt to demonstrate her marksmanship. Either kill her or sneak past and climb the stairs to leave the station. Before you reach the top max out your bioelectric energy and heal up because your inventory is going to disappear shortly. When you reach the top say "hi" to Gunther. I would strongly suggest you surrender at this point. Even if you somehow managed to stay alive, Gunther is indestructible and the entire area is blocked in. Escape is impossible. ( I've played this map with cheats and it is specifically designed to make you surrender or "die". Getting past the barracades doesn't accomplish anything.) Thanks to the follow agents for their contributions: Gibber for understanding trigger beams, "Tarald - The Lord of Smeg" for spairing the rod and giving the dagger, Pobblebonk for speedy information, Shadow[PsEG], Steve, and Fishstix for alternate routes, and Peter for explaing how Paul can live or die. ![]() |
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