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The northwest corner of the dock has a shack and a shabby looking guy at the entrance. This is your contact. Talk with him and the women inside. Try a dive off the south end of the dock. You'll need to crouch under the guard railling. Down below is sunken barge with goodies. Either lockpick the hatch or throw some explosives on it. Inside are some great items. Head south up the ramp then turn left. Look for a stack of metal boxes on the right and an opening straight ahead. Sneak down find a way past the electrical beams. Its worth it. Return to the South Docks then backtrace your steps to the main entrance for the statue. Hug the north wall as you approach the doors to avoid detection by the cameras. Use the security terminal to disable all cameras and unlock the doors. You can choose to reprogram the turrets provided you don't mind the mess. Open the doors and study the layout of the torch room. One guard patrols this floor and another handles the balcony above and to your left. Deal with both guards. From the entrance on your left is a doorway covered by security beams. In front of it is a table with goods and a datacube. Beyond the beams Agent Gunther is being held. Instead of crossing the beams move past the entrance to the northeast corner of the room. Turn the headlight on and look for a metal grate. Open it and crawl in until you reach an open area. Crouch into the next duct. At the end is a room with a datacube containing a bank account number and pin. Return to the torch room. There are probably more ways to rescue Gunther than I can think of, presented here is but one way. Place the gas grenade acquired earlier on the north end of the desk near the datacube. See the screenshot below for details. Now for the fun part. Either shoot a guard or trigger an alarm then pull back behind a pillar or the desk. As the guards pile out they set off the grenade stopping them in their tracks. Take them down using your pistol or the mini-crossbow. With all guards disposed enter the secured area, ignore the alarms. No one is doing to hear them. When you enter the next room move immediately to the right to avoid damage from the turret. Login to the nearby security terminal to shut down the camera, and unlock the door leading to Gunther. Talk with Gunther. The choice you make in the conversation affects how friendly Gunther will be to you later on. If you do give him your pistol don't worry, there are more to be found and later something better will be given to you. Head back to the torch room and over to the ATM machine in the southeast corner. Use the ATM account you learned earlier to withdraw 200 credits from the machine. Turn around and head east up the stairs. If you want more ammo sacking the guards outside could help provided you don't use more than you pickup. Otherwise, keep going up the stairs. If you carefully approach the two guards you'll have the opportunity to overhear their conversation. These guards can be disposed or skipped altogether but definitely take time to explore the other three exits out of the statue. Each one has a gas grenade set in proximity mode. Scoop them up like you did in training before heading up the next staircase. You'll receive a skill bonus just as you reach the last two remaining guards. Continue going up. When you reach the terrorist commander talk with him. Killing him is probably a bad idea. Grab the glowing blue canister before you leave, those nano augmentations can be handy. You might also want to use your riot prod on the nearby guard. Certainly not ethical but you can pickup his assault rifle. ![]() |
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